Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas Eve!

I'll tell ya what.  I was sweating it on a trailer showing up from Mexico on a holiday weekend, especially Christmas. Yes, folks, Mexicans celebrate Christmas, too, and they want to be home with their families for the occasion much as anyone else that loves this particular holiday. But, there's money to be made. I mean, I am going to get 15 hours of detention pay for it, so not the end of the world and frankly, I wouldn't care if they weren't going to show up for days.  Except on Christmas. perhaps a few other special days too, but particularly Christmas.

Oh, BTW, it's 1 AM. I'm "never" up this late.  Oh, yes I am after I quit the 12 year job. That job after it was brutal in terms of late night runs that had me up til the wee hours of the morning or had me getting out of bed at midnite, 2am, etc.  I'm so glad I didn't stick with that place.  Screw that junk. 

I had my choice, not given by the company, they don't care how I do it.  But I could have driven straight through today and get this over with, or stopped somewhere, take the 10 hour break and get back Saturday around - noonish I'm guessing.  I figured I would decide once it got late (for me) and dark - which is not my favorite driving time. If it's dark, I don't want to be driving.  But the closer I got to home, the more awake I became, at least tonight.  So, I drove on through, got to the yard, dropped the trailer and this time, drove the tractor home.  I don't need my car, I have my Jeep here and it work perfectly fine. It's not summer and hot - the AC doesn't work on it, I will get that fixed eventually, in fact, I will likely use the Jeep as a trade in on a pickup at some point, or, give it away to someone that needs reliable transportation. It still needs some work, but after I fix all of that, I may offer it to my son.  He may or may not want the thing, I dunno, but I will likely offer it to him first. 

I drove the tractor home because I am going to vacuum the thing out. And save the money on fuel going to and from the yard.  They company doesn't care, I asked.  It's a nice looking rig, too : )  Not some eyesore like the last company haha. 

Well, I got home at midnight and had already determined I would likely be staying up to 2 am, that's the way it's going to roll for me.  I don't just go straight to bed, almost never, unless I am exhausted. The unfortunate problem I'm having right now is that I'm wide awake.

Anyway, this morning, getting up and seeing no trailer for us sitting there, I found a dude that had come in to check pressures on the tankers.  It's a transition yard from Mexico to the US.  Much of the stuff has to be checked at regular intervals.  I was glad to catch him while he was there, cause' he wasn't there long.  Hi there, do you know if any Ethylene trailers are coming up today? Why yes, he said.  What time do you think it will arrive here? Umm, about noon to 1.  Okay, thanks!

So what did I do? Went to Denny's to drink some coffee and eat a light breakfast.  After that, I went to an ATT store to get a charging cord. Admittedly, I had replacing my phone on my mind, the thing has been screwed up ever since I took it in to have the screen replaced the first time and I was getting tired of it.  So, upon entering an empty store - everyone was at the mall I later found out - I asked for a charging cord. I stood there after looking at that cord. SOOO sick of the issues with this phone.  And totally regretting that I didn't buy the insurance.

Unnm yeah, I was there, I had time, I just did it. Got an Iphone 8, replaced the Iphone 6 and wow, this phone is very nice!  Love it.  No huge operation changes, took a little to figure out a few things, but it works! And I am paying the monthly insurance fee.  I learned my lesson on the last phone, pay the insurance. If you got to an ATT store with a messed up phone, the first thing they are going to do is look up in their system as to whether there is insurance on it, because if there is, you don't have to wait to send the phone into the repair facility, they'll just hand you over a new phone. 

Then, after we got through with the first phone, I was informed that ATT was having a 2 for one deal.  Buy the second phone "almost free".  Well, it's just pay the monthly payment on it for 3 months and then ATT pays it off after that, on a monthly basis.  So I opted to go for it for giving it to Mark and Lynnette.  I bought them an I phone 4S a while back,  which they are still in love with. Apparently the junk phone they had before - government paid for - was a piece of shit. 

Long story short: got a new phone, had to drive over to the local mall to get the 2cd phone, which was a total mess. The entire parking lot was brimming full - Christmas shopping. I got in and out of there in a hurry. When I got back from all of that, the drivers from Mexico had arrived and had just unhooked.  Got there perfect timing.

Ohhh! And when I arrived last night, this beautiful doggy greeted me after getting into the yard. I mean, let me pet her and yes- it was scraggly looking so I gave her some of my chicken dinner.  In fact, I gave her half of it.  And the biscuit.  She scarfed all that stuff up.  It was dark - so I didn't see her teats hanging down. I bid her a good night after petting her a while and got back into the truck to get on the internet.  A few hours later, I got out to do some business, haha.  Well, she showed up out of the blue, with two pups trailing her.  Yup, that;'s when I looked much closed to see her obvious state of post-natal condition lol.

The little puppies came right up to me, scratching on my jeans and wanting attention - or food - I didn't know which so I gave them attention since I had given all the food to mama. 

Anyway, I now have the hiccups and I'm getting seriously tired 

I will get rid of the hiccups and go to sleep. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...