Monday, September 9, 2024

 Monday - afternoon

Ridiculous nonsense, getting very tired of it.  I'm referring to other drivers encroaching on loading/unloading times.  3rd day in a row, 2 different drivers. This dude today showed up at my appointment time.  I was there earlier than that, but there is no way he should have been there at that time. I dunno, I guess I can just do whatever I want, that's what these people do.  I figure the next time I get a late load and I find out that the driver trainer isn't the first load, I'm just going to show up early regardless.  These people can do it, so can I.  I'll force this issue one way or another.  

The SBA loan center specialist did, indeed, reply to my email. He's still doing it, said he needed to know how many sites I have and how many I want to install.  I sent him all the info he asked for and then he said he'd get started on it.  That is, of course, going to mean I will end up having to do a lot of work.  If I can get a big enough loan to cover everything I want to do, I'll go through the hellish nightmare it is to go through the entire process.  I've never done and SBA loan attempt, it appears to be far more information they want than anything I've gone through previously.

I did, indeed, go for the walk today.  According to "experts", you should walk a minimum of 150 minutes per week.  This is something I can work up to.  I walked 3 days last week and now starting over.  This isn't casual walking, it's a very brisk pace that I keep up for the entire walk.  I'm looking for my energy back, if it's available to get.  Trucking doesn't do much exercise, excepting at the delivery plant I'm walking all ove the place.  The RV park does offer some exercise when mowing,, but I haven't been doing that lately.  

Canceled Cox internet at the house.  I knew they would try to keep me, I just told them their prices are completely outrageous, you heaped on me the last few years, I finally found an alternative and good bye.  The do the retention junk, but I cut her off. I do NOT want your services at all, just turn it off, please and thank you.  But, we see that you are paying $227 per month...she just wasn't getting it, but then again, that's her job, keep trying to make offers.  I didn't want to hear their offers.  I don't want to negotiate, please shut off the service. She eventually did and that was the end of that and an exorbitant monthly fee.  

I'm still thinking of getting rid of satellite at this place, or, maybe just drop a bunch of programming so I can keep the few channels that I do watch.  I've dumped $550 worth of payments in the last month and looking for anything else I can drop.  Satellite is fair game, but I will look to see what their cheapest tier costs and if it has the channels I want.  I'm also going to see if I can find cheaper car insurance - but not until after I get back from the trip. I'll have 2 vehicles to insure.  

The boat.  Well, apparently they got motivated after the discussion with the other guest.  They being the "park host" kids, of which at this point I don't consider that I have a park host.  They don't do anything besides mowing grass occasionally.  Allen's adult kids are lazy, unmotivated and stay in bed until at least 10:00 am every day.  Allen's wife hasn't been around - she left again and is gone, she's the one that actually gets stuff done.  Allen never came back like he said he would and I am just going to tell him there is no longer a park host, thanks for what y'all did, please take the sign down, you are welcome to stay but you'll have to pay lot rent.  

Anyway, the top was off of the motor again this afternoon - it was on it this morning.  I don't really care if they don't want to do the work on it, if not, just say so. I'm not going to get upset about it, I"ll just find someone else.  Which I already did anyway.  

Back to SBA loan, I want 30 more spaces, a pool, hot tub and a covered canopy area for get togethers.  Nothing fancy, just need it.  On a separate venture that will have nothing to do with the RV park, I am going to start doing research on opening up a miniature golf park.  I have plenty of room at the front of the property to build one out.  This is not a high dollar type of operation but it can make decent money.  I'd actually like to do goofy golf, where you have weird contraptions set up that look like giant clown heads, light towers, whatever and attract families.  Our town has much of nothing to do in it and the only gaming venue is leaving town. 

He did not have the right idea and I am sure his demise in the town was the way he structured his building and lack of any appealing things in the building. It was drab and tho it did appeal to a certain sector of gamers, it certainly did not have an appeal to families on budgets that want something to do with their kids that doesn't cost a fortune.  I want to search out the costs of building one out and then start looking into financing for it.  Basically the whole front of the property beyond the RV park could be devoted to it with 9 holes, parking, a small building selling tickets and snacks.  At the right entry prices, I am positive I could get enough people coming in there to make it profitable and worthwhile and I am just outside of city limits.  I have had all kinds of thoughts on things I could do that wouldn't cost a lot, the easiest would be truck parking but I have yet to find any property for lease that is right near an Interstate exit.  

I do not want to buy property for truck parking and I do not want a long term lease.  It's 'let's try this at a reasonable price versus everywhere else charging up to $25 for a truck to park overnight and see what happens' type of thing.  Parking only, nothing else but maybe port a jons on the lot and dumpsters for endless trash.  Recruit some food trucks to go in  there whenever they want to, there are a lot of those around here.  

Walking is apparently already having a positive effect. I don't feel as sluggish as I have been, my sleep still isn't good but allegedly walking can help with that as well.  We'll see, I am doing it for the core purpose of lowering my cholesterol and I am sure that is a long term project, so whatever other benefits I get from it, great!  I will be wanting to get cholesterol checked again in 6 months.  I've been eating much better than anything I've been doing up until now.  Being very picky on the foods I eat and learning about low cholesterol foods.  It turns out, my old diet at a younger age was good for cholesterol, ,I only at that way because I was both poor and I didn't want a high fat/salt-sodium diet.  

Oh, btw, I saw a big doe out in the woods today!  I walked up on it, I must have been downwind of it, it didn't see me until I was almost up on it.  It took off like a jet plane, leaping over downed trees and shrubs and moving very quickly.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...