Friday, September 3, 2021

 3 hours.

I checked my texts, email, phone messages.  

Nothing about a delay.

And with only 3 hours until the appointed time, I would like to hope we are good to go.  

I wasn't able to get to sleep until after 2:00 am, just couldn't do it.  Good thing I wasn't working today, that would have been very unpleasant.  Instead, I got up 20 minutes ago - it's after 10:00 am, took my sweet time taking a shower and shaving and thinking about what I am going to do first.  

Nothing.  I'm going to take a breather after all of this land shopping, deals gone wrong, bad properties, properties in bad locations, properties under water, properties that don't have water available.  Properties in city limits (NO thanks, maybe some day after I get money and can sit down and negotiate with these city people), restrictions up the ying yang.  

Why not fly right into this project? Oh don't worry, I didn't say I was taking a months long break. I just need a little cooling off time to collect my thoughts and get this thing rolling in the right direction.  As far as that goes, my query to a local contractor was returned this morning, it was a representative of the company saying he had forwarded it on to the owner. 

This is the construction company that apparently rents heavy earth moving equipment, has it's own fleet of end dump trucks (these are tractor trailer rigs that have a trailer that lifts way up into the sky after being filled with raw materials.  The material dumps out of the back end of the truck, it's basically a giant dump truck).  And access to various different types of gravel.  Local is key, I would like to keep it close, less travel costs for the trucks means savings in my pocket - but the price per ton has to be good as well. 

They also install septic systems.  I'll be very interested in talking with this individual since he has 3 separate things on my list that I need. Perhaps we can strike a deal, some percentage off for getting the gravel, renting the equipment and installing the septic all through that company?  

The point is that I am going to get serious - more than I have been anyway, it was tough to get overly involved in getting bids and information about getting things done without actually having that title in my name first.  Now I can start talking to people and seeing what's available out there in a real sense, not just generalizations.  

And frankly, I would have gone straight to work clearing land - I would have just gone to the place in Longview and rented the skid steer for a week - if this closing would have happened sooner. 

It didn't happen sooner for a reason. I don't know what that reason is, but it is what it is.  

Honestly I don't have the full funding to do this whole project.  Not even 20 spaces worth.  The costs will go far beyond anything I currently have in that 401k account and the money left over in my savings and checking accounts.  This is where I have to trust the Lord  and pray for His provision.  I can see needing 100k more than I currently have.  I might be able to get by with 50 to 75k more doing as much o this stuff myself as possible, but still, that's a formidable hurdle to jump over.

Yet, I didn't get into this to fail.  It might be slow going, it might take quite  a while before finished product is up and ready to roll, but I am prepared for that.  

I am going to look into a HELOC on my house. That would give me the best interest rate of anything available out there. I have looked before, but now it's going to be - gee, I'm being held up by this, let's start making a lot of phone calls and doing a lot of internet searching ......if I could drag 75k out of that I am confident I could do 20 spots to begin with.  Doesn't sound like much, but do the math.  Fill up 20 spots, $35 to $45 per night, 30 nights per month.....

Anyway, just get this over with, get it behind me and then look into the future.  Actually the step I will take today once that is over with is to pay off a personal loan.  I just don't want to pay it off before this thing closes.  Everything has always hinged on closing - as it rightly should be.  

And, of course, drive back over to the property - it isn't far from where I live - another nice feature, that I don't have a 20 or even 30 mile drive to go do work or check something on it, such as other properties were.  Or properties 11 miles away but out in the middle of Nothing, Nowhere.  Not ideal for an RV park where you are trying to appeal to people wanting to stop for the night and see your sign on the Interstate.  You've seen those signs, RV Campground. Pay to play, yes but likely worth it.  And listing it in all of the online registries - which aren't a few.  There are so many of them.  I will need the help of a web designer to have my own website and also have online registration software that will automatically take payments and assign a space to any would be campers. This is how it's done, I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel, I'm just trying to give a somewhat unique experience.

Turns out the experience will be roughly the same as something you'd find in a State Park with RV parking spaces.  But a bit more expensive.  

Interesting, just received an email from the manager at the lending organization.  They won't be there, apparently don't need to be, their end of the deal has already been couriered to the Title company. The title company is taking all of my owed monies in one check that I am giving them and distributing it accordingly.  I am assuming the lender wire transfers them the rest of the money and that's all they really need to do. I only expect to see both real estate agents there and of course the title company representative. I assume one of them must be a notary public as well. I also assume this isn't going to take long. Sign on the dotted line, here is your copy, have a nice life Mr. B., good luck in your endeavor!

Okay, I did say I was going to take a break, but.....since I have 2 hours to burn....I'm going to start looking up HELOC loans for my area.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...