Sunday, September 5, 2021

 Well if that don't beat all.

I'm contacted yesterday by this "person" in Ohio about coming back to work.  She called "many, many times" I'm informed by my manager. No, the smart phone doesn't lie. She called ONE single time, left NO message and I have no idea who was calling me.

I get so many spam calls, several of them a day at least, I don't answer the phone anymore to numbers I don't recognize.  Or if I do, I don't say anything and I like the kids giggle and laugh because they know it's a person trying to sell something and they know I don't want ot talk to them, they think it's funny and that's all the spammer hears on the phone, lol.  BTW, that little trick is working wonders!  I am having fewer and fewer spam calls after I started doing that lol.

Anyway, I can't go back to work today.  My manager never informed me of that. I contacted him yesterday and he did not reply after he initially contacted me and I got back to him.  I got up this morning, texted him again, still no reply. Took a shower and shaved, texted yet again and finally got a reply.  Told me it wouldn't be until Wednesday that at the earliest that I can come back to work, that I can't show any symptoms for 48 hours, yada yada yada.  

I do not have Covid, I replied, according to the test I got.  In fact, I replied 4 separate times to him after that and he hasn't replied once.  This is not unusual for him to not respond, they have him way overloaded with drivers, some of which contact him every day and he's burnt out on it.  Never-the-less, I rarely contact him, he initiated this contact in the first place, I don't fill his text messaging  up with useless banter and I don't really even want to talk to him unless I have to, because I know how he is.  He simply won't reply.

48 hours.  No symptoms. You know how long a head and chest cold lasts? I have had them last for literally months.  To sit here and think I should be completely, 100% healthy to go back to work only means to me that I best start looking for a new job, because I'm not going to be in that 100% condition for a while to come and I only have 25 hours of comp time left.  This job gets less and less appealing every time something happens that shouldn't be a big deal but this company - makes it into one. 

Meanwhile, if I'm really not going back to work until "Wednesday at the earliest", I'm renting equipment tomorrow.  I'd rent it today but they're all closed on Sundays. This ain't the big city, everything but restaurants and supermarkets shuts down in this region on Sundays. Probably the way it should be, really, but I could get so much work done today.  

I really don't even know if I can rent equipment, they told me on the phone I could but who knows what that equates to in real life, going there, showing up and not even remembering how to operate the thing to get it on the trailer, lol.  They might not like that part.  Tho, it will only take me a minute to look at the controls and figure out how to move the thing and run it up on there.  We'll see, I'm definitely going to try anyway.

So, Sunday and Labor Day off after all. I'll be heading to the property again this morning. I just want to get a feel for  what I might be able to get done if I can get the machinery.  I'm pretty sure I can get the whole front of it cleared off in a day or less. Then what? Well I've definitely decided that back in lots will go on the west side and I've also definitely - well in the range of - decided to go 55 to 60 degree angles instead of 45.  I don't need 45 and 55 will look better.  

In fact, I'm going to take the dogs so they can get a quick run in and see if I can measure off the first pad. No, I won't need to do that, I forgot, I'm going well beyond the easement of the telephone poles/lines to leave room for a small building at first and then something much larger in the future. I think I figured an extra 50 feet.  That will eat up 2 days at least trying to clear all of that out of there.  Then I can think about measuring out pads.  

So, let's hope I can get that skid steer tomorrow without any weird stuff from the renter.  I'm sure they must have insurance you can buy additionally, I'll be getting that.  I don't need to buy them a new skid steer. There really is nothing that should happen, it's just small trees excepting at the front of the property there are several larger trees - I won't be tackling them with the skid steer. Those I will probably cut down with a chain saw and then get a stump grinder to get rid of the tree stumps.  

I need to find someplace that sells that pink ribbon stuff. Maybe Harbor Freight has it.  Just want to mark off 50 feet from the power line easement edge.  I'm kind of a perfectionist in that sense, it needs to be done right from the start. You can't make a decision about these lots and how it's going to be set up and then change your mind - if you want the trees.  If you don't care about trees, then mow them all down and be down with it.  

People opt to go to state parks instead of RV parks because these parks have no or very few trees.  They all have this idea that they should all look the same - ie: same layout - and that is the only way to do it.  yet you read endless posts on Facebook and all over the internet really of people that won't even consider going to RV parks because they are just parking lots.  My design may not be unique, but the amount of trees all crammed in there may very well be a bit different.  

I guess I can spend today looking at state park layouts as well.  They have more money tho.  They make these huge spots with all kinds of room and charge less for them.  It's kind of hard to compete with state parks, but the upside is they fill up and people can't get into them. Only if there is a registration system and they can book it online months or even a year in advance can they guarantee themselves a spot at a state park.  There are a few of them around here with RV spots.  Again, I can't compete with the government and deep pockets, yet most of them do not offer 50 amp hook ups or sewer drains. 

And frankly, I'm still wondering if I will even be able to get a big enough system for septic in there without spending a fortune on it.  I've done much more reading about it now - it doesn't look promising.  It's highly likely that I will only be able to offer a dump station - which is far better than nothing.  That's just where you pull up with the RV, connect your hose and let it rip.  

Whatever the case, having 2 more full days off plus today means I really should take advantage of the time off.  I will feel much better if I get something done over there.  I might be able to get James to go over and work while I'm working, I dunno what his schedule is, but he has full blown Covid right now and his work ain't having it.  I don't know when he's going back to work, tbh.  

Anyway, I want to get over there before it gets too hot.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...