Saturday, December 14, 2024

 Saturday - evening

Not a long day per se, but a stressful one, definitely. You see, anytime you are driving a semi, fully loaded near 80k pounds on a highway with medium to heavy rain coming down, you are going to experience problems with other motorists.  Just another day in the life-of, no need to go into all of that nonsense.  The driver that was stuck in Africa is obviously back.

He texted me this morning, what time are you going to arrive?  Around 8:30.  Well, he beat me up there, not that I was racing him and he never even said when he was going to get there, got to the delivery shack and then informed me he would wait.  Yes, yes please do, I'm only 15 minutes out.

I do not want to wait for that dude to offload when he's almost 6 hours too early.  I'm not sure what brought about the change of behavior.   The manager? Although I haven't said anything in a while about these errant drivers for he doesn't want to hear about it (he won't tell you that but he gets the point across "subtly"). My getting in their faces after they do it more than once? Someone else saying something? I was glad he didn't do it, that's what I can say.

What wasn't fun was the fact it rained the entire time I was up there.  I have a large umbrella and yes that helps immensely, but you still get wet.  Still, I was home by 12:30 pm, that's a darn good day for going up to Gurdon.

I noticed that my manager had dumped another load in my tablet.  I assumed that I would be working Monday. I don't want to work Monday, but then again, when do I ever want to do any trucking? Never.  I just take it when it's dumped on me but if there are days off, I certainly won't say anything about it unless it gets excessive.  Well, sure enough, I have another 2 days off!  

I can't say that I will complain about that considering the grueling schedule I've been working.  It gets a little bit ridiculous.  I am happy to have Sunday and Monday off, but, I will need to work the next week or longer after that. I suspect with the driver back I will not get as much work and then, I'll have to say something. Uhh, you just had me working all the time and now you don't?  I'll wait and see tho, my manager does treat me as well as he can.  

Enough of that. When I got into my bedroom, the oldest came in with me. He always comes in with me, like a magnet to steel.  He wanted me to play my Switch so I did, for several hours actually.  Nintendo Switch, I should  clarify and playing Fortnight.  I'm not very good at that game, brand new to it and pretty much everyone I run up against is ..not.. brand new to it.  You can play with friends in that game and you can talk to them. I haven't upgraded to that "talk" part, I figure it's a lot of kids on there and I really don't want to listen to all of that nonsense. 

However, the oldest boy watches endless videos on YouTube about the game and all of those people are adults, so apparently there is a quite the following of "mature" audiences playing that game as well. I haven't really played video games in many years. I've dabbled in it but I get bored with it quickly. This game, however, is quite intriguing, at least for me. 

I wore the battery down to almost zero on the game and the boy left for a birthday party, so I got off of that thing and got on here.  It's actually dinner time tho I have no gumption to start cooking, I doubt anyone else does either. Leftovers, I don't feel like going out to eat and I certainly don't feel like spending that kind of money on it.  Especially when considering it's the whole family minus one boy.  

So what am I going to do with the next 2 days? Tomorrow is Sunday and I can tell ya, I ain't doing nothing but going to church tomorrow and probably my Applebee's ritual.  I'm doing well in the "don't eat out department" besides the Applebee's thing, but that really isn't terribly expensive.  It's 2 kid meals which are reduced price and I don't order the most expensive thing on the menu, but if I did, it still wouldn't be terrible.  We went to a local TexMex place last night to take the kids to a Santa they had in the restaurant.  Nope, didn't order a thing.  Of course, that was easy: I don't like their food at all.

Their breading, which they put on almost everything, tastes like hell to me, it isn't appealing at all.  I hadn't been there since the owner offed himself and that was at least 3 years ago.  I really, really, do not like the taste of their breading, it has a flavor that is akin to eating toxins.  IMO of course.  Other people love that place.  

Monday? I am going to force myself to get over there and do the driveway again. It's rained so much that the soil on the driveway is much more pliable, I can get that thing leveled out much easier.  That is, if they are able to get the box blade attached. It has pins that don't fit on the tractor that are stuck in there.  I have been doing the bare minimum over there what with all the trucking work, I try to get the park host to do the things that are absolutely necessary.  

Pushups. I've mostly been doing well with it I have only done 20 so far.  It was not fun. I don't know what's up.  I mean, there is no rest period between days for it, it's day after day and I'm at day 9 now.  Very sore.  I'm going to try my best to get up to 100 today, in fact, I'll do another 20 right now...I think...

Yeah that was rough. Burning with pain.  I mean, I'm at fail at 16 or 17, just pushing through to get to 20.  I did do some research on this stuff.  There are many sites dedicated to 100 push ups per day. Many of them want you to do X amount, then rest for 60 seconds, then more, then 60 seconds, etc.  

No thank you.  My goal is simply DO 100 per day.  If it takes me 3 hours, so beit, I don't really care.  I have been out of the working out zone for many, many years now.  The whole point is to get a start back into that lifestyle and not attempt to get back to what I used to do right off the bat.  I can't lift the weight I used to, I'm not even close to it.  I don't care, either, that I can't do that.  I am not working a job where I am lifting hundreds of pounds worth of fittings like I used to.  It's a whole different realm to just try and motivate yourself to do stuff like this without the factor of working making you do it.

So there it is.  The day - not over but close enough.  I still have 60 pushups to do anyway, I am really going to try and do it regardless of how hard it is.  It's that part where you just have to push through.  Because at some point, it will have to be more than 100 per day.  Now? The goal is to be able to do more reps per set.  I did 30 the first set yesterday. That was great! Not today tho, lol.  

I think the rain is over for the day.  We got a lot of rain, I put down that grass seed and we have decent chance of rain the next 4 days.  I'm certain the seed I put down will grow. Might be a week or longer before we see anything, but it will happen.

That is enough.  If I decide to go into other subjects later on, so beit. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...