And with that, I am done for the day. I need a day off of all of this stuff. Working or property - it gets a bit much. After doing all of my chores around town, came home, started enjoying a keto crust pizza from a local pizzeria and started up on laundry. That will take all day long as it is.
The SBA director wrote back and said he had a person that could help, he's got an email in for him, he will let me know when he replies. I went over to the property to see if the water guy is out there yet - nothing. I dunno, lol, this guy is a real character. I'm not going to give it much longer before I switch to another contractor.
There is nothing else, per se. The dogs are - smelly and need baths. The SUV just got new steps installed on it. It didn't have any when I bought it, which I thought strange. James put the new set on and pulled off a broken mount from underneath it and said the whole thing was damaged. That answers that story: It came with them but someone drove into something and tore that side off. So they just took both sides off instead of replacing it. Weird. It's 10 years old but it's still in great condition, hence I figured to keep it for a while longer while I'm trying to sort out loans and such.
My credit score took an 80 point hit when my credit card payment for the bobcat went through and then the beginning of the month hit. Yes, it's a larger sum of money, but they didn't even give me until the payment was due to hit my credit score with that nonsense. I dumped the cash to pay that stuff off but I have no idea how long it will be before my score goes back up...a bit ridiculous to say the least.
The small property sale is almost complete. The buyer has to pay to have the deed filed, pay the amount owed to me and we will have this thing done with. I'll make around a grand off of it. Another property will go up for sale after this one is complete. One of them I really want rid of - there are large trees on it that need to come down. I'd just as soon pass that headache off to someone else.
I guess I was wrong about the city council's intentions. I was at Chili's yesterday when this local guy that everyone knows showed up, we hadn't seen each other in a while so we spent quite a bit of time talking. He claims that the only vacant lots the city is wanting to address with even a class C misdemeanor if necessary are those with junky old houses on them that are uninhabitable, not purely vacant lots. Id have to listen to that meeting again, it sure sounded like they were talking about all lots that have no one living on them. I can see wanting to get rid of old houses that are falling apart. They are an eyesore and they are dangerous.
Many of those come up for sale at all of the auctions, which is why you have to do your homework. You don't want a lot with a house that has to be torn down on it, that will cost you thousands of dollars and good luck getting your money back out of it. But I gotta tell you, if that IS true, I will buy several more of those at the year end sale where they start the bidding off at $30. I am selling mine at thousands of dollars -even tens of thousands of dollars - less than comparable lots in the city. I spend an hour or two buying them and then the agent takes care of the rest? That's pretty easy money.
I think that covers everything for now. I'm going to turn on Dish and watch reruns of old western shows and relax, lol.