Monday, June 12, 2023

 Saturday - installed the new AC unit.  Not sure how it's doing, I just got the thing in, installed the app on my phone, got the thing insulated around it, tested the app and walaah.  New, much larger AC and hopefully that will take care of the problem.  I can change the temperature on my Iphone from anywhere.  It was shortly after I got the thing installed and it started pouring rain and even some hail came down.  

Sunday - nothing day. I usually do a nothing day for Sundays. Well, we went to church but beyond that, it was go home and laze around most of the day. I did spent some time looking for a trailer and I did put some offers out.  I think some of my offers were ridiculously low, but if they don't like them, they don't even have to respond. I just think a lot of this stuff is way overpriced. Whether it is or isn't, I need a half decent unit that doesn't need a lot of work and my budget isn't real high.  I don't want to spend all of that money I am getting just on one trailer.  

I have one person that said maybe, another one that says "pending until Monday morning" - that one I really wanted and offered full price as soon as I saw it.  $1,500 for a trailer that is in very good condition. But, I didn't beat the first person to offer full price so I just sent them another message - since this is Monday morning - saying I could be over there quickly with cash in hand.  I mean, the pics showed the entire interior and exterior, it's in excellent condition for the money at $1,500.  There are other units I could have at the price I offered but then I found out how far away they are..

200 plus miles to get a camper? And if they've been sitting a while, they may have dry rotted tires that will pop going down the Interstate.  And trying to get a temporary tag to  move it.  I don't even know how that works in Texas, I suppose I should look it up lmao.  

I also put an ad up on a workamping site for someone to come live at the extra spot behind the shed - it has 30 amp hookup, access to wife, sewer hookup and will install a water spigot closer if I can get anyone to come.  It's free lot rent and utilities in exchange for someone to come work for 15 hours per week. That's not that much compared to most of the other places wanting much more work. I'm just needing someone to help me out and this seems like the perfect solution if I can find someone.  Help me with the grass work, keep the shed clean, etc.  I dunno if it will result in anyone coming, but it can't hurt to try.  

It's usually older people that want to do it so I guess I can write off them helping me with that crazy machine but they could water the grass seed once I get it planted.  Not that I'm younger, lmao.  If I could just get a little help in would be amazing...doing it myself all the time, not fun.

Not holding my breath on that one but I am going to be posting in all the workamping sites I can find.  

Today? Well, it's supposed to rain. Kids are out of school but the parents are both home.  I'm going to go over and see if I can get some more tilling done or maybe just start raking up area I have already tilled. It may still be wet tho from rain yesterday.  It needs to be dry to rake it smooth.  I really wish I had a small tractor, I could use it for so many things.  Out of budget.  Lots of things out of budget.  I'm focusing this next money on a trailer, not on equipment.  

Anyway, not much else besides the news cycle continuously pumping out quite strange stuff.  The Trump indictment, the lack of a Biden indictment for the same thing (top secret documents), the lack of interest in the media about the Biden revelations that have come from the FBI, the continuous news about this trans movement, California is always in the news, always.  Newsom threatening some sort of charges against DeSantis for "illegally" moving aliens.  Lmao.  I'll be that goes far.  It is not longer a downward trend of morals and ethics, it is just a straight down plummet.  

I thought it amazing they wanted to get rid of gas stoves and now they want to get rid of gas heating systems. Insisting on all electric vehicles by 2030 with a power grid that can barely handle the strain on the system as it stands right now. Finding out that the elements needed to make these electric cars and specifically the batteries uses more than it takes to build a gas burning car.  A projected warming decline of a thousandth of a percent by forcing all of this on us....

I just hope a Republican wins next election and gets rid of all of this nonsense. Of course, another democrat down the road will just put it all back in place.  I still stand in awe of the push to get rid of all coal fired plants.  And these democrat run states rejecting nuclear powered stations to replace them.  Nuclear has it's risks, but it's "clean" energy and pumps out far more power than any other method of power generation.  

Enough of that. Time to get ready to leave.


Fortnite - My View Of Things

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