Monday, February 6, 2023

 T-Mobile. I was told the other day I do not qualify for not in their 5g area. Now I'm told I am. Unbelievable amount of personal information they want to set up an account.  Might as well be getting a home loan.  Seriously, the electric company giving me thousands and thousands of dollars worth of equipment didn't ask for this much information.  I did it tho, because if it works, its $50 per month for unlimited data with the capability to connect up to 60+ devices at once.   I have to try something other than this Verizon.  I'll be close to $300 for the first month.  That isn't unheard of in the RV industry, but I've only got 6 people living there.  What happens when I have 14?  Untenable.  This is a no contract situation with T-Mobile, the same as Verizon.  

I'm really hoping it works.  I just can't be dumping all this kind of money out for a free service.  I could even see getting 2 accounts for a better experience.  I'll be doing a speed test whenever the thing shows up. You just plug the thing in and it does the rest. Seriously, you don't have to do anything else.  It was the same with the Verizon unit.

I'm actually thinking of getting the trailer and going over to Longview tomorrow instead of going to Lowe's. This would give me the opportunity to get the water heater, the heater enclosure, breaker box, breakers, line, outlets, fittings for the sewer and water lines and whatever else I need all in one fell swoop.  

I take that back. I will go to Lowe's to get the wood to finish the sign - I have the generator still loaded on the trailer. I'm not going to want to take that off until I get that sign finished.  After the sign is done, then I can take off for Longview. I am imagining several hours in that store to get everything.  I've priced out water heaters all over the place, they aren't cheap.  I don't think those inline instant heaters are cheap either.  I'd consider going with one if it were.  I've also determined that I am going to install a shower. 

No, not buying that tomorrow, I don't want to get distracted with that. But, I want to T off the water heater right off the bat with inline valves so I don't have to cut line and shut off - well wait, I'm glad I just thought of a water cutoff.  I'm going to put one to the whole shed and then 3 more: 1 for the water heater, 1 for the washer and 1 for the intended shower.  

This shower is not going to be anything fancy. Buy a premade thing that doesn't need anything but to hook up water lines and a drain. I know nothing about hooking up a shower drain pipe to 4 inch sewer line. Must be adapters.  Obviously would need some sort of P trap as well.  And if there is going to be a shower, there is going to be a toilet. I have nowhere to go over there besides stepping into the woods. That's more for myself than anyone else.  But I suspect I could attract tent campers if there were a shower to be had and also some of the overnight rv'ers.  

I also wouldn't mind putting some of whatever is the cheapest flooring in. Probably not a good look to be having bare, plywood flooring.  Oh, and I know how to install toilets- onto existing setups, but the setup itself? Lol, no. I'll have to do a lot of research before I try setting up a shower stall with a drain setup and a toilet.  That will come later, I just know I want it in there. If I'm spending the money on a water heater, might as well. A utility sink wouldn't be such a bad idea, either.  

It hopefully won't be terribly long before I'll need to rent the mini-ex. But I'm going to have to dig down by hand to the access point where the pipes and power lines go to that last lot.  I will need to see what I need to hook up to everything.  Again, I don't want an open trench for too long.

Whatever the case, I'm writing and rewriting this stuff to get it all in my head everything I will need.  If there's one thing I didn't much care for, it's the contractor's installation of the water line without any shutoff valves anywhere besides at the street itself.  Any future setups will have a water line shut off valve at every site.  They don't cost that much money.  It's a bit ridiculous to think you will have to shut off the water to the entire park because of a problem with a single water outlet.  If I have to cut any of those lines, a water valve will be installed.  In fact, I will just be buying some extra fittings - including a valve - for any problems.  If something breaks, I want to be able to fix it quickly.  

Well, as I said, just filling my head with the information I currently need. There is a lot of stuff there.  Just a lot of minutia.  Some larger items, yes, but a lot of smaller stuff.  Time to go to bed, actually. 

 Long day.

I figure the next few weeks are going to have some long days.  

I was bound and determined to get that sign up. Loaded up everything and then some, including the generator. I took more than I needed in tools - once I  get up there, get the trailer situated next to where the sign is going  up and get started, I am not going to want to have to put everything away and go back to the shed for one thing.  I was so focused on tools and things that I forgot the most important thing: The Sign!!! 

Lmao.  I didn't get far, lol.  Imagine a 4X4 sign, attempting to put that thing up by yourself.  Include in that equation a very windy day.  I almost gave up, the wind was really blowing pretty good and it was making an already difficult job that much harder.  But I didn't give up. I got the thing mounted and screwed in and realized I needed 4 more brackets. It was actually good it was blowing so hard today, it showed that the 4 brackets I had installed? Aren't enough.  The wind pressure will eventually crack the sign and there will be over $300 down the drain.  Those aluminum signs are not cheap and it is supposed to be "permanent".  

So, meet Taylor for lunch and then over to Lowe's.  Got all of that stuff, back to the sign, installed the brackets plus more screws that I didn't have for the earlier-installed brackets and got it all tightened up. But, the wind was still blowing and I was concerned about it bowing in the middle.  I was looking at the sign next to mine.  They had pretty much the exact same setup, except, they had put in 2X2's along the sign edges to help stabilize it. Yup, I'll be going to Lowe's yet once again tomorrow to get the wood for that.  

I bought paint today as well to paint the boards and I was going to paint them, but that wind? I could just imagine paint blowing into my face, so I put that off. Maybe tomorrow will be better? I hope so.  

Still, the sign is up and I think it looks good. I want to get the same type of solar lighting that the people with the other sign have.  This is all about people being able to find the place. Enough had stated that I need a larger sign - but I had already determined that long ago, I just had that small thing in there as a temporary stop gap - at least people could see something to indicate that yes, this is the correct road to turn onto.  

That project is almost done. At most a couple more hours and I won't have to think about that anymore.  

The  next project, of course, is the shed and washer/dryer setup. The underground wire showed up today.  So, while I am at Lowe's tomorrow, I'll also be getting as much of the electrical stuff as I know what to get.  Mostly, I want that outside breaker box installed before I do the trenching.  I just want to be able to dig the trench, lay the pipe and the wire and get that all hooked up quickly. I don't want eternal open trenches and as it stands? I'll have to get caution tape.  I'm not taking any chances with people not paying attention to where they are going, that trench will be going right by the doggy park.  

I think I'm going to have to put in more boards on the inside wall to attach the breaker box to - it really just depends on how big the box is.  As you may be able to tell, there are going to be numerous trips to Lowe's - I just am not in the mood to buy stuff, find out it's wrong, take it bac, etc ad-infinitum.  It's probably 7 miles each way from the park to Lowe's.  I'd go to Home Depot, far prefer them, but they are more than 30 miles each way.  

This is somewhat new territory.  I have never installed underground electrical cable nor have I installed much sewer pipe.  Rest assured, I'll figure it out and get it done.  I don't know how long it will take - but probably longer than what I expect. If I say a week, it's probably going to be more like 2 weeks. The machines are being shipped in the next few days, it will be a good week before they arrive.  My electrical setup will include wiring for 2 of each machine.  Yes, I'm only getting one of each.  

New Amex card showed up today.  I'm going to use it tomorrow for purchase of the stuff at Lowe's - and then turn around and pay it off after 15 days.  No balances will be carried over to the next month on this card. I'll show Dunn & Bradstreet this business isn't near as likely of going under as they estimate it is!  I wish I could change the mortgage to my business as well.  

Fish tank, onto other trivial tidbits of - information lmao.  I've been trying for a while to get it clear in that thing.  It was clear for a long, long time and then suddenly on day, it got all cloudy and has been that way for months. I've tried everything.  Well, everything excepting to change the water several times while cleaning out the gravel.  I'm on the second half tank drain and refill in the last 7 days.  I will do it again in a few days and hope this will begin to clear it up.  I thought at first it was algae.  I also tried some treatment the clears cloudy water. Nope.  This must be it, just dirty water.  

That's it, for today anyway.  Busy day and will endeavor to fill tomorrow up as well.

 My first Hipcamp guests also already left a very cool review. I mean, it's really a very good review.  Hipcamp really pushes the idea of leaving reviews both from the guest to the place they stayed AND the owner of the place they stayed at for the guests. Everyone gets reviewed on Hipcamp!  I did go out of my way to try and make them feel special and comfortable.  I hope that translates into more of them coming my way.  

I went to bed early last night - I was out of it, having not slept worth a crying baby's empty stomach's screams in the middle of the night. But as usual,I woke up in the middle of the night and was awake for a few hours. Sleep did come back to me, tho and I ended up sleeping something like 9 hours.  I need it, I have plenty on my slate and I am fixing to go over there and get the ball rolling.It helps that today's weather is going to be fantastic and the temperature will get up to 70 degrees! 

Unfortunately we're in for more rain on Wednesday, but at least the forecast isn't showing anything like last week with 5 days in a row of it.  

Rain day - if it actually happens - will be spent doing paperwork here at the home office.  I haven't even started on the ledger yet - in that regard it's a good thing there isn't a terrible lot to have to input.  Tenants that are permanent and the overnighters that have come and of course the accounts payable.  Once I get that up to date I will keep it that way from that point out.  

Quickbooks is doing a good job of taking the photos of the receipts and actually interpreting what the receipts say and inputting the info, even the date that the transaction was made. That saves me a lot of work.  

Ooops, the Hipcamp review says "minutes from I-40". I'll have to contact him and hope he can change that, it's I-20 lol.  

Wow this is even better than I thought!  Quickbooks sets up your tax rate and automatically adds it to any incoming sales receipts!  It seems to have done it right, too, it bypassed city sales taxes (I don't have to pay them since I'm not in city limits, thanks, I'm not a tax cheat) and just set it up for the Texas Comptroller. Texas doesn't impose any taxes on me, either, unless I start selling stuff. Yes, the cord of wood I brought in I'm letting people use for free.  I don't want to deal with that right now and it's hardly being used. 

Now, I don't see what the comptroller is taking, if I understand this correctly, it ends up getting paid to the feds.  I could be understanding this wrong and it may be adding tax I don't have to pay.  I'll need to get more info about that.  

Anyway, the day is beginning to age and I am motivated to get stuff done today.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...