Thursday, December 7, 2023


I'm at the plant at the scales, getting weighed in.  Sitting on the scales, I got weighed but I couldn't move, there was a logging truck in front of me.  The whole place was backed up with logging trucks and there wasn't anywhere for the driver in front of me to go until some trucks pulled up on the roadway ahead.  

So I'm sitting there wondering how long this is going to take when I look over and see a silver trailer passing by.  I couldn't see the truck - more logging trucks blocking the view.  But the trailer was silver and I wondered what product was being brought into this plant that wasn't required to be weighed first.

I sat there something like 10 minutes before that logging truck finally moved forward, then I had to try and flip a U turn to get out of there, meaning going over another set of scales to do so.  I finally get out of there, onto the main highway and drive down to the other end of the plant.  Pull into gate 1, pull up to the offload shack, get out, go to the bathroom before anything, hook up the airline, go find someone to sign off. 

Sign off and unlock the valve. It was in the closed position, you obviously can't unload into a closed system, lol.  I get done with all of that and lo and behold, this driver pulls up behind me.  He was disgusted, apparently and also didn't bother to get of the truck to chit chat. His intent was obvious, he came in there like that to be me to the rack and get unloaded first - even tho his offload time was for 2:00 pm.  

I had just started unloading so yea, it's gonna be a minute.  A lot of minutes lmao.  Ok, well the dude that signed off on my paperwork and had come out and unlocked the valve came out again after I was unloading.  "I have a question for you if you don't mind". He's a real nice guy, humble, but has his position, he's over that entire portion of the plant.  "When were you supposed to be here to unload?".  I have the 10:00 am slot.  He shakes his head, yea I thought so...which is when yea, I was wondering what this guy was doing here.  

He went over there and had some words with the driver lol.  They don't want 2 drivers showing up at the same time.  I get done, pull back out to the highway, didn't bother to do anything about that other driver, don't really care - well I would have if he had shown up before me, then I would have contacted the manager.  It's a huge no-no in the trucking industry to do something like that, try to jump ahead of another driver. It has been that way for decades. 

Anyway, back to the road to get to the scale - there are 2 lanes of logging trucks backed up almost to the highway.  To put it into perspective, it's probably 1,000 feet to the scales - there are 3 of them, 2 incoming and 1 outbound scale - from the highway.  I sat in the outer lane for several minutes, thinking, I'm not coming in, I'm trying to leave, why should I have to wait in this line?  I've already waiting in an inbound line, thank you. 

So, I passed all of those trucks, went around the incoming scales and then did a u-turn to go into the outbound scales.  I didn't know what the scale house master was going to say, but I was facing a 45-60 minute wait.  I got up on the scale, got out, opened the window, explained how far out the line is. He said, well, I'd rather you come around to this scale for both incoming and outgoing anyway.  You don't need to be waiting.  

He never said this to me before so how was I supposed to know?  This is why I hate having to start a new job. You literally start at the bottom and you have to learn your way back up to any semblance of knowing what you are doing.  It would save me a lot of time to simply bypass all that logging truck nonsense, flip the u-ey, come around to the outbound side and scale in and out there.  

That was my day. That and driving on the same roadway with a large number of idiots behind steering wheels, doing stupid stuff in traffic.  


Much later.  A man that called 2 months ago showed up today, lol.  "I'm 30 minutes out, do you still have a lot available".  Why yes, yes I do!  He moved in without me there, which happens a lot.  So for the moment, that leaves 1 lot available and I am just keeping one pull through lot open for overnighters for now.  I get lots of last minute calls for that one.  None today, but it happens frequently enough that it will pay for itself as long as that continues. 

Work never called or texted today and they didn't send a load to the tablet. So, unexpectedly for me, I am not working tomorrow.  Change that: I'm not working for the trucking company tomorrow.  I will go and fill some more potholes tomorrow and mow the rest of the lawns.  Go get a sign that was made months ago that I have just not had the opportunity to pick up.  See if I can find some cameras - there is far too much complaining about people not cleaning up after their dogs in the doggy park, I'm going to put cameras up, trained on it and find out who is doing it and approach them directly.  I don't want to spend the money on this but there are good people that are getting frustrated with the situation and I don't want to lose them over some person not cleaning up after their dog.

I believe it's still the tent lady's dog doing it, I'm going to have to catch it in the act - or more like the humans not cleaning up after it in the act to confront them - or whoever it may be. I will evict people that refuse to clean up the poop their dog is dropping. I don't care who it is or the loss of money, it is insufferable.  

That's about it.  There is some backlash going against universities that refuse to condemn this anti-semitism that is rising up within the confines of their establishments with big time donors pulling out and taking back donations.  This is good, in my view.  If there were ever an oppressed people, Jews would be at or certainly near the top of the list.  I don't and never have understood the anti-Jewish sentiment and it is not a stance I would want to take in light of God's Word.  Then you have the amateur hour with the wanna be GOP "hopefuls" that want the GOP nomination. It's a joke. We see this every time. They start acting like school children taunting each other and calling each other names. Ridiculous.  We are adults, we don't want to see this childishness.

Another day.
Paycheck wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be - I had 20 days off, the last paycheck was the really bad one, this one improved, the next one should be fairly decent.  Like, 3 days before Christmas type of thing.

They didn't leave a bad review - yet.  I have found good reviews on other sites that I didn't even know people were using.  So that's good I guess.  It was a bit off tho.  They said no bathrooms or showers or laundry.  Maybe they didn't know? They took pics, one of them has me on the riding mower. They, btw, being the weird people that are pretty much unhappy with life in general.

Now that these people are gone, I started up a new Facebook ad with the boost.  It targets people. You know, like when you start talking to someone about something and then it shows up online? lmao, something like that anyway. 

No bites from that yet but it has directed traffic to my facebook site.  

As for today, it's just a trip to Gurdon and back.  
Maybe write more later, but now? I have to get ready to leave.


 I'm coming into a small town called Jefferson which is in Texas off of Highway 59.  I'm going the speed limit - you really don't want to speed through these small towns in Texas or Arkansas.  There are frequently anything from local police to Constables, Sheriffs and State Troopers out there looking for people speeding through these towns.  

This dude in a semi comes flying up beside me, cuts in front of me and continues on well over the speed limit of 45mph going through town. Going over the railroad tracks, a steep incline and then a steep hill on the other side, he was hauling.  He was forced to slow down somewhat for a school zone, but he was still going well over the speed limit.  He was cutting in and out of traffic, cutting various cars and trucks off.  He gets out of the speed zone and speeds up, only to hit another speed zone for the high school, 35 mph.  

I don't know how he could have missed those huge signs with big, yellow lights flashing, but he did. That or he didn't care since it's heading out of town.  One thing he definitely didn't see was the Constable sitting out there.  He passes by the Constable going at least 60 in a 35 zone and the Constable, of course, takes off after him.  

The Constable gets behind him, lights flashing, lit up like a Christmas tree, the driver of the truck wasn't pulling over. The Constable pulls out into the passing lane, the driver still doesn't stop.  This went on for 2 miles before the Constable finally passed him, got in front of him and forced him off the highway.  By the time I got up there, he was already out of his vehicle, standing in front of the truck, hands on his hips, standing there with this look on his face that made me cringe.  

Like, I am very glad it isn't me that did that.  I don't know what happened with that driver, but I suspect it wasn't a happy ending for him.  

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful. Only one slight mishap at the plant.  There was a crew of people that showed up after I started offloading the truck. I didn't know what they were doing, but they stood there staring at me.  Lol, ok?   One of them finally came up to me and said something about needing to add a new air line to the existing two and were waiting for me to get done, how long did I think I still had left to go?

About 20 minutes.  I need that air, btw, I can't unload this trailer without it. They weren't being pushy, at all.  Well, the thing finally got done and I did the cleanout of the trailer and then attached the air/water line to the hose itself.  They want us to push water through it to clean it out.  I pumped a lot of water through that thing, I like to keep it clean so it doesn't get clogged up and then pumped air through it to clear the line out of the water.  While the air was still pumping into the line, I closed the main valve on the plant side and then went and shut the air off, telling them I was done.

I think it was them that got me, even tho they were really nice, it kind of pressured me to get done with everything and out of their way.  Because I popped that line off of the trailer and it popped off all right, it was pressurized and spewed water out of it.  I forgot to bleed the air pressure off out of a little valve they have on it to do just that. 

I was fortunate that it was almost all water, only a very scant amount of resin.  But, I went and reported it anyway, tho I did clean up the little bit of resin that was on the ground with one of the rags that they supply (they have a 55 gallon drum full of them ).  I said, well, I spilled some water and there were a few drops of resin in it.  He said no problem. I said well, if you want to come out and take a look...No, lol, you can go.  It really was just a very small amount of resin, but I didn't want someone to go telling him that I had had a spill and didn't report it.

That's a good way to get banned out of those kinds of facilities.  One of those lessons you probably will never forget: bleed the air out of the line! lol. It actually wouldn't have been a disaster if it was a bunch of resin, just take a hose and wash it off.  I was just glad it wasn't that.   That and the idiots were out in full force, driving down the highways and causing trouble everywhere they go.  

Back to the park.  I took a package that FedEx just dumped off at the shed, lol.  I saw him doing it on the camera, he just threw it on the ground and left. It clearly says "Lot 4" on it.  This is why I'm getting a big box, they can dump packages into the box and people can come look for their stuff.  When I got over there, the weird people that are leaving were out front of their motorcoach.  But as soon as they saw me? They scurried back into the coach as if I was a monster out to get them, lmao.  

I hate to think this is going to happen, but I give it at least 50-50 odds they are going to leave a negative review and yes, I will respond to it.  If they have a problem with the park, they didn't tell me about it.  People that go and blab all over the internet without first at least giving management a chance to try and correct the situation are low-lifes in my view.  I never do that. I always give a company a chance to make things right before I go leaving negative reviews.  

Our local gossip group is actually a group to "lift local business up", specifically, local restaurants. But people go on there and trash restaurants all the time.  They almost never give management a chance and when they do, they say "I tried to contact the manager but they weren't available", so instead of waiting to hear back from there, give it at least a day, lol, they just start trashing the business.

Anyway, they're leaving tomorrow, or so they say.  I haven't heard back from this other guy that says he is interested in moving in.

As I travel through small towns in the region, I look up the names of RV parks that I am passing by on the internet to see how much they are charging.  It's all pretty much the same.  They're charging $400 which includes everything.  The difference between them and me is they are charging much more for nightly and weekly rates. 

I've thought about raising nightly rates.  Maybe another $5. I'm getting a pretty steady run of people coming into the pull through spot I've kept available for it.  People that stayed last night booked another night.  Guess they liked it, but if they want to stay yet another day, they're going to have to move to the back in lot cause' tomorrow night, the pull through has been booked by someone else.  These people like the walking trails. They have a rambunctious dog that has more energy than Obi, the thing is crazy.  

He asked yesterday if there's anywhere where he could run the dog free? Yup, just head up the driveway, you'll see a sign, follow the arrow and then you'll see another sign.  That's the trail head, you are on your own once you get back in there.  

Almost 4:00 pm and they just finally sent me a run for tomorrow lol. They keep sending me the early run, which is quite fine by me.  I can be home by 1:00 pm tomorrow.  I won't go home, tho, I need to start mowing grass. I say start, I don't do it all in one day.  I'll get half the lots done one day and the other half done the next or whenever I get to it.  I also need to continue on with filling potholes.  The park is looking much better now with grass.  

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...