Sunday, June 7, 2020

So, I was given notice today of a person in the house that is working at a plant where people have now been diagnosed with Covid-19. That's so awesome!  That's ok, I've had a cough which started out with sore throat for over a week and a half now.  Never had a fever tho.  I'm not even in the least bit phased by the news that people James works with has it.  It isn't surprising, it's not a shock to my system and certainly won't come as shocking news that we may all end up with it.

I've lost 8 pounds since going back on thee diet. Blew it tonight.  We went to Applebee's, I had the whiskey burger.  And fries.

And will be right back on the diet again tomorrow.  A little hiccup here and there isn't all that bad.  It gets tiring eating everything low carb all the time.

I went over to the other house today and finally burned the giant pile of branches off. I dumped almost a whole gallon of diesel fuel all over it, might as well have some fun with it.  Woohoo! Flames 15 feet high, heat pushing everyone back 20 feet from the fire.  I got the hose and doused the flames a bit, I didn't want them calling the fire department.


That was 2 days ago.
A trip to Brownsville in the interim, got home tonight, company came over and pool time. I didn't get in, tho, lol, small pool too many people.  Brownsville was no detention pay, yet again.  This time? The driver that left 3 hours before me got there after I went to sleep in the truck in the yard in Brownsville.

Another driver called me - about another issue - but then informed me he is doing that on purpose so he can get the layover pay.  The other issue? We have a text group going, but more than half the drivers won't participate.  The point of the group? When you go to the plant to load, you give a report if you are loading on time - or if you are being delayed. That way, the next driver can know whether to go to the plant on time or wait to get on the 14 hour clock.

I will be having a discussion about this idea of drivers hiding wherever to get the second load to Brownsville to arrive before them. That's cost me minimum $350 and not the first time it's happened since this new manager showed up.  Not his fault, he's still learning.  But it's costing me and I'm neither happy about it nor will I just take it.  It's around 15k a year of my annual earnings, I'm not just giving it up because some other greedy drivers won't take it when they don't get it. I don't have a problem if there's an empty down there waiting, I hook up to it and leave the next morning.

Meanwhile, the situation at the other house has deteriorated.  The lady that moved in again - she moved to Dallas but the wanted to move back her name is Dee - has a serious attitude problem and has been starting shit with both the other ladies. Maria has been trying to keep her cool.  But it's obviously not going to work out. And after a long texting session with the other  lady - Kim - stated that maria wants to move with her to Arizona.  Kim has to move there as a stipulation to get her share of her recently passed dad's inheritance.  Maria wants to go with her.

Maria, however, hasn't told me any of this.  I mean, I can tell you if that happened? I would be happy to get that house situation ended and over with.  I'll give my friends some money to watch my dogs while I'm gone.  But she needs to tell me - I'm moving to Arizona.  There is a 6 month lease coming up.  Oh, the house is no longer going to be occupied by the family member of the owner.  And frankly, why wait? I'm going to suggest they move there before we have to sign another 6 month lease. I'd really like to absolve myself of this situation and this is an answer to prayer, frankly.

Kim asked if I wanted to go with them? LMAO, no thanks. Lived there 40 years.  I'd move to the mountains - maybe - but nowhere near the Phoenix area.  Kim doesn't want to live in Phoenix either, I'm sure my rendition of living there didn't help her with that.  I suggested numerous small towns going in all directions outside of Phoenix, all the way up to Rim Country.  I LOVE the rim country.

But that isn't even in the cards at the moment, not even a goal, frankly  Living alone in the mountains has it's appeal and at the same time - not so desirable.

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...