Saturday, June 1, 2024

 Saturday = afternoon

Took one hour and forty five minutes to unload, which is quite a long time.  First time unloading this trailer.  The thermometer on it is obviously broken, the glas shield is missing and it said the product was almost 90 degrees, lol.  In reality, it was so cold, there was condensation to the point it was dripping onto the ground on the outlet tube underneat the trailer.  It's where you hook up a line to unload it.

Like, about as cold as an ice cold cup of water.  So, I figured that was why it took so long, the other loads I've gotten recently have not been that cold.  They put the glue through a cooling process and sometimes they leave it in the cooling phase too long.  The glue thickens and it just doesn't flow as well.  

Getting back to the park, the family had moved the trailer to behind the laundry room/shed (I had given them permission to) and were getting the rest of their stuff off of the pad.  The original people who wanted to move in changed their minds when I told them they couldn't have 3 vehicles and a big trailer parked in front of it, you'd have to have 2 of those sitting over behind the shed.  No worries, another couple called and said they wanted it a day later.  They are coming in today.  So I just have one lot I want to rent right now after they are in, the other one I am keeping for ovenighters.  


We had fun at the grand opening, however, we did not get to go around to the different events.  We were all hungry - I hadn't eaten all day on purpose  - so we went inside the brewery and ordered food.  Yes, and a beer.  We sat there chatting for quite a while.  I started looking at weather for tomorrow - working again of course - when i saw that there was a storm moving in.  Not tomorrow, like right now.  We sat there and said, yup, it's going to rain. We left, by the time we got into the pickup, it started raining.

It rained for a couple of hours after we left there, those poor people having to tear down their canopies and putting all their stuff away in that kind of weather....

It dawned on me today when I got back to the park that the tent people left.  This because I take the truck clear to the back of the driveway to make a turnaround and I can see the tent spot from there.  Tent gone, they're gone.  I can't say that I will miss them and I can't say I will do this again.  Abused twice in a row, I only intended tent camping to be for people coming to camp overnight, not spend weeks/months there.  

Those people were a PITA and I think they were the ones stealing toilet paper. I'll soon know, it's all gone again besides a couple of rolls. We're talking a 24 pack that normally lasts at least 6 weeks? A couple of rolls left in there after a few weeks.  Yes, I have cameras in the laundry room, obviously not in the bathroom itself and people are always taking large bags in there to take showers with. No way to identify who is doing it. It will likely come down to me carrying toilet paper in the rear of my SUV and restocking it at my leisure.  In case you didn't know, the price of toilet paper, like everything else, has gone well up.  I'm not in business to give away everything for free.  

So, Democrats want to pass a bill that strips Donald Trump of Secret Service protection if he ends up in prison.  It doesn't take a brain surgeon or a giant leap to come to the immediate conclusion that democrats want Donald Trump assassinated in a federal prison.  There are a lot of people that hate him and I'm sure that includes some prisoners.  We all know what happens to certain people that go to jail and end up - dead - murdered by another inmate or inmates.  That's what I have concluded and I don't give 2 shits what anyone else thinks about it. If you want a man that was a President of the US to end up in prison without extensive security protection of the SS, you want him dead.  

If you really want to see this nation go berserk, send him to prison.  Add to that, send him to prison without the SS watching his back.  Top that with him being killed. You are concocting a recipe for an uprising, a civil war, whatever might happen, it will certainly send this nation into upheaval the likes we haven't seen since the Civil War.  I think the left should rethink this situation, because there is quite a bit of speculation that Merchan is going to sentence him to prison. It is only speculation, of course, but the man has shown his bias against Trump in a variety of ways that I could outline, but am not going to bother with here. 

I firmly believe that at some point in some higher court, could have to go to SCOTUS, that this entire kangaroo court fiasco is going to be overturned. But there can be a lot happen between now and then.  

Anyway, it's almost bedtime and yes, Sunday is coming and unfortunately, I have to work again.  3 Sundays in a row I will have missed church.  

And not looking forward to Monday where I will have to offload in Gurdon, then drive to Nacogdoches, washout trailer and then over to Lufkin to load. I normally only either load or unload on any given day, not have to do both. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...