Saturday, April 10, 2021

 BTW, the offense Facebook said I committed to get suspended for 3 days?  A dude got into a group I'm in, started saying anti-black stuff - completely and totally racist, I came back at him. Facebook obviously just read my comment and didn't take the post itself into context.  Facebook sucks, that's what I can say.  It's nothing like it used to be, it's just a political tool now.  

Anyway.  Last night I got to Brownsville and no empty trailers.  And, there was a driver still there from the previous day.  So I was confident I was getting detention pay and get to sleep in after a miserable night's sleep the previous night - that story is in the last post.  

Well I slept okay, but the phone rang at 8:00 am.  I wasn't even thinking about getting up.  But it was the driver that left last night - they had come in late with a trailer and he decided to leave with it.  His air compressor quit working.  You know, the thing that supplies compressed air to the entire air system to do everything from fill the air bags on the cab, lift up your driver's seat, fill the air bags on the suspensions and - of course - braking.  

Bro, can you come take this trailer back? After explaining the whole situation.  I said yes instantly, thinking about getting home to day. But after getting off the phone, regretting that decision.  Tired, but I got up and got out of there.  He was only 30 miles up the road at a truck stop.  I grabbed that trailer and hoofed it back up to Longview. GPS alerted me to a traffic jam just north of Houston and gave me a route around it - glad I took it because the traffic in that miles long area would have held me up an hour, I'm guessing, if not more.  

Well, back at the yard and the only trailer to go back down to Brownsville tomorrow? The one I brought in.  They'll likely be asking someone else to drive all night long to get another one there, that run is up and cranking again.  2 or 3 loads a day going down there.  I'ts not our fault they can't get trailers back to us in time to get them back up to the yard to get loaded again the next day. they must have half a dozen of our trailers sitting at their plant.  They wanted us to commit even more trailers to that run, the company said no. 

Get your s*** together. It doesn't bother me, we get detention pay.  I made an extra $340 going to bed last night because of that.  They're our best customer - but - these trailers are $400,000 a piece.  New ones anyway.  They can convert old LNG trailers and cost a lot less, but this particular customer wants all new trailers so the product can sit there as long as they need it to and not start heating up - creating vapor - creating pressure. 

Whatever. I'm off to Oklahoma tomorrow.  Not an early load so I can deal with it.  Realtor started texting me - I haven't talked to her in days, there is nothing to report.  She sent some small properties that I could pay for with cash.  I think too small, tho.  4 acres - just don't know if I could accomplish what I need to with that.  I thanked her for sending them and then informed her of the situation - waiting on a decision from the banker.  

Cranky. Everyone is cranky here. No one is sleeping well for various reasons. 2 nights ago here, birds were the issue for me.  I dunno, I'm going to bed soon and hope for a decent sleep. I don't have to leave until after 10:00 am.  

Mother finally got her birth certificate.  She was ecstatic - she has never had a birth certificate - her entire life.  She had a "notification of birth" which is not, I found out, a birth certificate.  

My son said he wants to come out here to visit.  I kind of think he wants to come out here to stay - if temporarily.  I don't have a place for him, but we could work something out.  They've had friends living over here before for weeks at a time.  I dunno what his plans are and I dunno how's he's really doing, the divorce and end of marriage is taking a toll on him from what I am gathering.  Seemed like they were doing so well.  It is what it is and he'll learn from it and move on.  But, he's certainly welcome out here whenever.  He knows I"m not home half the time.  

I'm sure there's more but I'm weary.  Long drive, tired and ready to go to sleep. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...