Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Well here we go.

First off, my tractor is at the Peterbilt shop. That's why I haven't been working.  I had no idea they had taken it to a shop, it must still be under warranty.  Would have been nice to know that so I could at least think "gee, I'm not working but I understand now why".  

So my manager calls me a few minutes ago, actually,  letting me know about the tractor and said I'm not going to have you sitting around any longer.  Cool, what are we doing?  I have equipment moves I need you to make across country.  From Amarillo, TX to the northeast.  Back and forth, you're going to be out a few weeks.  Yesss.  I don't care about that, it's alot of driving but that's my job.  I'm getting a rental car today, driving up to Amarillo, leaving in the morning and then getting a rental car at the destination - I have no idea where these trucks are going - get a rental car there and drive back to Amarillo and doing that for at least 2 weeks.  I'll take 3 since the work is available.

They wanted me to do over a month's worth, but my manager said no, he's a "local driver' and I can't have him staying out that long, he's not used to that.  Well, okay, I don't like it, but it means making some serious money and that's what matters to me.  Plus half the driving is going to be in rental cars, I can boogey at the speed limit - well I usually push speed limits at least 5mph - and get the return trips done much faster.  ALL of our trucks are set at either 68mph for OTR or 65 for local.  

Anyway, that will be constant driving.  I won't run out of the 70 hours since the drive back will give me a reset every time - however many times "every" time is.  It's what I guessed tho,  They need trucks up in the eastern seaboard to run LNG for the winter months.  This is a huge waste of money to the company, but they make bank off of the product hauled.  Now, what condition these trucks are in is unknown.  I'll be taking paper towels, spray cleaner and aerosol spray with me to "counter" whatever nasty conditions may be inside of those trucks.  That's gotta be a 3 day drive to the northeast from Amarillo. 

Yes, I figured it out, it will be $4,520 for 10 to 11 days work, maybe 12 if there are delays between trucks. My manager just contacted me saying I would be moving two of them.  He figures that's 2 weeks work - well not quite and I will ask for a 3rd trip if I can get it.  Take the work while I can get it.  As it stands, I just asked for 40 hours of vacation time added to next week's work - I've been off 5 days now.  

Ah yes, tomorrow's paycheck will suck. Next week's will be fully vacation hours. After that will be the small mountain of cash accumulated by all of this projected driving.  I will actually have made more this year for annual earnings than last year. Maybe not by all that much, but it should be close to 90k.  

Well, I have stuff to do now, lol.  I don't have my toiletries bag since it's in the truck and the truck is in a shop over 60 miles from here, so just gonna have to take from the bathroom and go with that.  

Anyway, now it's getting late in the day and I need to get moving.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...