Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday - night

I pushed the issue with the truck, the mud flap destroyed, but I did it through the DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report).  I black-listed the mud flap - I figured if I get pulled over, I'm going to at least have it showing that the company knows all about it.  It was yesterday before corporate said no, he can't drive that truck, it must be fixed.  That was when I started hearing from people.

It came to a head yesterday.  Stop at Love's I guess? was my direction from the lead mechanic.  I knew they wouldn't do it.  This after the road crew mechanics that had shown up to fix the truck on the side of the road also refused.  Do you know anyone in your town that can do it?  I think so. I told him the name of the place.  He dismissed it, for unknown reasons. This particular outfit is widely respected in this region. They have several shops in various towns and they have a huge one in my town, replete with numerous wreckers. Their bread and butter is towing trucks or doing the removal missions of crashed trucks on highways.  But they have great mechanics and a repair shop as well.

I didn't reply. This company isn't paying me enough money to continually be having to deal with this junk.  I just let it go until this morning, when he texted me again: are you going to take it to the place we discussed yesterday? Yes, I replied, I'm leaving right now (I actually was leaving).  I took it over there, about 5 miles away, told them my story, the mechanics came out, looked and said "we'll give it a helluva try!".  

That's my kind of attitude.  I told them I don't need factory new, I just need it functional.  They figured it out, straightened out some metal, drilled holes, install the mud flap, put in a new light and tightened down the fender nuts and good to go.  

I drove up to Gurdon, offloaded the product and yes, went home. There was no point in going to the yard, but the time I would have gotten there, it would only be maybe a half an hour before the mechanics went home. I told this to my manager and he agreed.  Can you load tomorrow instead and then bring the truck and trailer to the yard on Thursday after delivering? Yes.  Let me say here that I do not want to go up there.  It's fixed enough. But the AC in the truck isn't working and it's starting to get warm enough out that while sitting and idling, it's getting warm inside of the truck.  

I informed them I wouldn't be driving another summer going through what I did last summer and they didn't try to argue with me.  I put up with enough hell from this place and I've lowered it on my priority list considerably. My Park comes before this ridiculous job.  I spent my retirement on it, I am going to make it work.  The job is supplemental income.  

A new couple moved in today.  A black couple, I should say. It's only significant because I've never had any black people in there.  Don't confuse these statements with racism.  I have no issue with any race, I rather like mixed company. I don't do DEI and all that nonsense, but there is a place for immersing yourself in different cultures and learning about different ways of thinking and living life.  

I had to ask a long term guest to please help show them where i want the trailer.  They wouldn't have found it or it would have been difficult at best to explain it over the phone, this guy knows where I was talking about and loves sticking his nose in other people's business.   

So yes, tomorrow is early rise for Nacogdoches washout/Lufkin load.  

Oh, btw, I don't really think I am addicted to Fortnite/gaming.  I put the game down and walk away from it frequently.  I did play for a couple of hours with the nephew tonight until we finally won a Victory Royal!.  We were at the end of the game - meaning there were 5 people left and 2 of them were us.  It shows you how many players are left in the game with a constant update.  

We had gotten stuck in the storm - the storm slowly kills you, it moves in intervals and if it overcomes you, you have limited time to get out of it. It slowly takes away your health until you are dead.  Well, the newest update has this bullet thing that you ride on, I was able to escape it, my nephew was not. We were talking to each other on the mics/headphones albeit we were sitting right next to each other, lol.  He said don't worry about me! Go try and win!  I couldn't have saved him anyway, I was almost dead when I got out of the storm.  The plus side is my shield health was at 100%. The storm only takes away physical health, not shield health.  

So, when you get into a fight with someone, if they shoot you, it first takes away shield health.  Anyway, if I had had med kits - they bring you back to 100% health - and 3 of them - I could have gone back and saved him, but I had none.  Had just used the last one while I was escaping the storm so I wouldn't die before getting out of it. Well, there were 2 other people left.  One of them started shooting at me immediately, but I had my Legendary Twinfire shotgun out already. I shot him dead easily. Then I started running, looking for a med kit.  

I found one and was taking it when I saw footprints.  The game gives you clues on when someone is near you or approaching you.  I"ve learned - those footprints mean someone is very near, do something!  In other words,  don't just keep taking the med kit, drop the rest of it and prepare for battle!  A shot rung out and I ran, turned, put up a build quickly.  

A build is either a metal, brick or wood wall that you can put up to stop incoming fire from hitting you. The most common are wood builds.  I ran backward and got far enough to put another build behind it. I am no great Fortnite player, I do what I can to survive.  I knew they were coming, but I think they expected me to cower and just get blown away. Not so fast, Harry.  As soon as the second build was up, I pulled out my legendary shotgun and then immediately went after that person.  You are far better off on the offensive in this game then defending yourself.  I ran around the first build I put up, the person was crouching there, took a show at me but I fired off a single round out of the shotgun I won!            

If you are a person my age, you would be very surprised how masterful an 8 year old can be at this game and easily outgun adults who have different mindsets. You see, in  a  battle like that, you wouldn't in real life just run up on people without a care in the world and just hope you would win. In this game, players just run up on each other and shoot at each other point blank range. I have watched the pro's tho, they don't always  do that. They depend alot on builds.

Enough of that. A rather complex game, at least to me, which is what makes it engaging for me.  

I must be approaching day 90 of this pushup challenge. I have 25 more to do tonight and I'm done, and yes they'll get done. I have not done it the way they wanted it done and I don't care. I'm happy to just be doing them. 25 at a time. 

I really would like another worker to help out with the park.  It just doesn't seem possible to find a decent person to do it. 

It's almost 10 pm and 5:20 am is looming, time to finish my pushups and go to bed.                 

Tuesday - night I pushed the issue with the truck, the mud flap destroyed, but I did it through the DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report)....