Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 To say that I slept poorly last night would be an understatement.  It's a hellish feeling trying to get out of bed after a night like that, even if I do not actually have to get out of bed for any pressing reasons.  I do have pressing reasons but not enough to overcome feeling like this. 

I watch with amusement as Elon Musk tears up the woke world in his alleged attempts to herald free speech on the Twitter platform.  The White House is now saying they are "keeping an eye on Twitter", as if anyone in the federal government making such a statement is somehow a good thing.  

The left can no longer control the platform, the narrative or attempt to manipulate outcomes of elections through Twitter without having the "opposition", ie: Republicans and Conservatives, coming back and giving their full version of what is actually going on without being censored by what amounts to Communist management at Twitter dictating the narrative. 

The White House is allegedly concerned about Twitter becoming a "vector for misinformation".  Twitter is a social media outlet, not a government platform.  Twitter is a landscape - or should be anyway - of anyone and everyone giving their opinions and ideas whether they are correct or wayyyyyy off.  Twitter instead became the right hand of progressive/left politicians, media pundits, commentators, the ABC media outlets - etc ad-infinitum - and I definitely believe they had a hand in the outcome of the 2020 election in suppressing the Hunter Biden story.

Remember, there were polls were taken after the election that indicated that enough of a percentage of voters didn't know about the Hunter story and if they had, they would have voted differently and who knows who would have been elected?  The government has no business interfering with free speech.  There are few exceptions - but threatening with physical harm would be one of them. But people saying aliens landed on planet Earth and went to the voting polls? Who cares what anyone else thinks?

I just stand in awe of such a gullible voting public that doesn't inform itself to vote based on facts that are created through doing actual research on any given item on a ballot, whether voting for a politician, a referendum or some action that the governments at whatever level want to take that need voter approval. 

People don't even know who are what they are voting for, they just know that someone on a TV ad told them that they shouldn't vote for the other side because of "dire consequences". Such as Pelosi and her ilk constantly saying that Republicans want to gut Social Security and Medicare.  Find a single Republican running for the House that has said that in this current election cycle.  I'll wait. If there IS one, I haven't heard about it and I do try to keep up with this stuff.  They make these outrageous claims, using fear tactics to try and drive voters to vote for them over their opponent.  

Not because of facts, but simply out of sheer emotional response.  It isn't shocking that the PACs spend so much money on advertising.  They know that most people don't spend 2 seconds looking into any of the initiatives or politicians on the ballot. If they can get their message out over the airwaves and social media, they win the election.

It is astounding and appalling at the same time.  

Well that woke me up.  Musk is all over the news and has been for weeks now.  It's amazing how a few, leftist voices can dictate the narrative for the entire nation.  The left doesn't really believe in free speech, that is the takeaway for me from all of this nonsense.

So now that I'm awake and at least partially motivated, what am I doing today?  I'm going to the property, of course. If it's not too wet and if it's not raining, I am going to work on putting the rest of those fence posts in.  That really needs to get done and over with and behind me.  

Which reminds me, I need a dog waste station.  Actually, I just want a plastic bag dispenser - those kind you use to pick up the dog dung and then chuck it in a trash can.  I don't need a $300 setup, that's ridiculous. It's just a metal stand with a dispenser and a small garbage can built onto it.  I saw a dispenser only on a stand that is $52 and that's what I'm getting.  Put a plastic trash can out there and done.  

I guess that's my goal today, get a lot of that done if the ground isn't so wet that my boots sink into it with every step.  Just another reason I need that grass to grow out there, to eliminate that problem.  

Well enough of this, off to the races.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...