Tuesday, August 11, 2020


The entire issue has been all but forgotten.  I mean, I won't forget about it, I just don't think it's worth ruining relationships over.  Apparently everyone else agreed. It rattled Taylor tho, she was crying and not happy about what had happened.  I think she seriously thought I was going to take my bat and ball and leave.  It would have to be a very major thing happening that's a deal breaker either for them or for me to have me moving out of here.  I have, however, given serious consideration to where I would go in case that happens.  Just considering, not actually planning. But I would probably stay in this area and continue working at my current job.  Unless I could find a job somewhere else that i would want to go that is comparable in pay.  That would be difficult to find right now with COVID-19 going on and the downturn in business everywhere.  

I mean, I ideally I'd like to live now wherever I'd like to retire and get that situation up and going.  Preferably the mountains.  Of which there is very little of in these parts.  But, I'm still going to go to the tax lien auctions and hope to get something decent - that is really something that I would like, get a property and pay for it all at once.  Owe nothing on it so I don't have to worry about payments, something I'm sort of loaded down with at the moment in paying back debt off and a car payment and all the work I have had done on my teeth.  Then, after the 180 day hold on the property before it actually becomes yours - the owner can still come back and pay everything owed on it plus a percentage to the person that bought it at auction - you can use the property as the down payment to have a house built on it.  A 5 bedroom hours with 4 bathrooms, guest suite, a couple of fireplaces would be nice lol.  A huge pantry and other amenities.  

But I digress. I'd rather build a mobile home/RV park and start a lucrative line of permanent income coming in.  Getting the property to do that is step one.  So, I've been stuck on step one for a long time.  All I can say is I'm actively saving for it.  About 10% of my monthly income is going directly into a savings account for that purpose.  Even more going into 401k - which is up higher than any amount I have ever had them at.  A full recovery from the crash that the doomsday sayers were saying would wipe out everyone's wealth, that sort of happened, but I didn't touch anything, left it all where it was at and now it's booming again. 

What happens in November remains to be seen.  Oh, where would I like to go if I had to move? Kentucky, Colorado, Arizona - the mountains not the city - and other places where there are mountains. Texas is nice, tho, because there is no state income tax.  Of course, when they turn the state red, that will disappear.  Taxation knows no boundaries to liberal progressive democrats who love to steal from your paychecks and hand it over to someone else.  I actually believe in "safety nets" they like to now call them, but only to a limited degree.  Invalids, seniors that are broke and would suffer unimaginably, disabled who legitimately cannot work, things of that nature we should take care of. The rest of it, however, is well beyond any Constitutional scope and nowhere in the Constitution is there any provision for single payer healthcare insurance or "green new deals" that would end up with a massive power feed to the federal government, far beyond anything we've ever seen in this nation.  

Anyway, I have no idea what I'm going to do today, I really haven't thought about it. The temps are ridiculous with the humidity making going out doors a bit undesirable. But, the boat is running pretty good I'd really like to take it to Caddo lake and go for a joy ride lol.  Everyone is at work, there shouldn't be too many boaters out there, that's usually a weekend thing when there is huge numbers of boats on the lakes and - rather dangerous situation as far as I'm concerned being a novice boater.  But, I won't get any experience with the thing sitting on the side of the house.  

It would, however, also be a good day to go over and visit the ladies at their new house.  Kim keeps me updated on what's going on over there with the inheritance.  The brother that controls it seems to have come around and will try to help her, finally agreeing to get a lawyer and make heads or tails of the will and what can and cannot be done.  I suspect the lawyer will say  you can basically do whatever you please as executor of estate, but you are "supposed" to follow the intent of the person that has passed.  If you don't, you can be sued by the other people named in the will.  That's pretty much what I would expect to hear back from a lawyer.  Handing it over to some management company is a very bad idea, IMO and I said as much to Kim, asking why her brother can't simply handle it?  Not like he has to spend his entire days managing the estate, make the decisions and get it rolling and that is really the extent of what he would have to do.  But, it's really up to her to push for getting whatever she can out of it, I'm just trying to motivate her.  She could buy a house anywhere she pleases.  She doesn't want to and it just baffles me as to why.  She's as old as I am, I would love to have the security of knowing I'm living in a place that is paid for an nothing owing but monthly utility bills. 

Okay, well enough of all of that.  I'm hoping to get a run that will get me out of here and keep me out at least until Friday. I don't really want to be here when grandma, grandpa, the current house guest and a visitor from Maine are in here all at once. It's already 5 of us - their family and I  living here and now adding 4 more people?  I'd love to visit and chat with the friend of Taylor's - who was texting her the other day and asked how the "old guy" is, lmao.  So she took a picture of me sitting there with my arms crossed and a look on my face lol.  She said back coool.  Okay then. But it's too many people, I don't know where they are all going to sleep and that's not my problem. I do let them stay in my room when I'm gone a s a courtesy to James and Taylor.  I've never had any issues with it but then again I don't leave any cash or valuables laying around either.  

Oh, and my new birth certificate has already shipped! I'm absolutely amazed. The last time I tried to do this, it took over 3 months for them to ship it.  We're in the middle of this pandemic and somehow they already have it on its' way here in just a few weeks time? If I had known this when I was going through literally everything looking for my lost version of one, I would have just ordered a new one then and there.  I cannot renew my commercial driver's license without a birth certificate. The only other thing they accept is a marriage license, lol, no thanks.  Lots of credentials expire in February, I need all of them to continue work.

Oh, work lol.  Because so many other of our divisions have slowed so far down due to decreased demand directly attributable to COVID-19, they are bringing more drivers into our division.  Probably why I've been sitting for 2 full days.  One of which is a chronic complainer, I dislike the man very much.  He was the one that voluntarily took a position to help us new drivers when we came into the system 2-1/2 years ago.  The company had promised to pay him for his time but after spending some time with a driver, they refused to pay him, or so the story goes. I doubt that's the real story but it's all I have to go on.  Anyway, he refused to give any more help unless he got paid, got pissed at the manager at the time and switched to a different division.  Nothing but negativity, all the time, the man has a mouth that won't stop and I don't want to be anywhere near him. His buddy - another driver who never left - was sticking up for him at the office when we were discussing it the other day.  

But I didn't back down. The man never had to volunteer to do that and if a new driver needed help now? I would just help them for free.  No need to pay me for a few minutes time here and there on the phone, I know what it's like getting dumped into this job without any experience and no one to help you, save one dude that explained over the phone how to unload the truck.  It was nothing near as helpful as if I was there with someone unloading the truck and watching what's going on. It took a while to figure out the nuances and frankly get over the fear of dealing with this kind of chemical. I really wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went through, such as the first time, unloading LNG and having it spray out of one of the release valve tubes, raining on my head which thankfully was covered with a hard hat and I was clothing in winter clothing, saving me from extreme freezer burns.  

So I'll be happy not to even come in contact with that dude.  Anyway, I guess I'll have to live with longer periods in between runs once again.  The paychecks have been nice while keeping busy.  And I get into the groove of being on the road alot when - I'm on the road alot. Sitting at home? I tend to get into a funk where I don't want to go back out.  Just some mental thing.

Oh, I bought a small "tailgator" generator for the boat.  Harbor Freight just opened up in our town and they had one on great sale. It's only 900 watts but it's enough.  It's very small and also uses 2 stroke fuel, that's handy since the boat also runs on 2 stroke. And some other small items for the boat to get the canopy back in shape - I don't want to fish on a hot boat with no shade, no thanks.  

And  with that, off to the races. What races? I dunno, just a thing to say lol.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...