Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So - I spent an hour or more this morning loading up the truck and then a trip up into the mountains. Woo-hooooooo!

Got my camera freshly charged for just such occasion as might pop up to warrant taking some pic - and more to the point - hopefully pics of Autumn in full swing.

I'm also here - here at work that is - even earlier than I normally come in so I can spend a few quality minutes reading the trashy world news, drinking free coffee and basically waking up. No, I am not on the company clock when I'm doing this, which is pretty much a daily event. I intend on signing in early, though, cause' a truck is showing up early and then I have a pretty good drive ahead of me and want to get a good jump on the day.

Ummmm - now I'm reading an email to me from the boss saying something different - well not different. We are delivering to a project for ADOT - Arizona Department of Transportation - and though it probably doesn't say it on the ticket, they are specifying we use American made fittings. Yes, we have such fittings, mixed in with a pile of fittings also made in China.

Yup, they say China right on them just as the American made versions - actually don't say made in America, it's just a particular brand that is only made (allegedly but really it's not true anyway) in America.

The other blog is apparently down - I always wait in wonder on the smaller blog hosts to see if I will actually have a blog after the day is over or if everything is lost. One would hope a hosting site would back up their material - but - we have found out that hard way - that certainly isn't always true, now is it?

So that's it, really. Just excited about a nice road trip. I don't usually get to do the mountain trips, I really don't know why our branch is doing this one - perhaps a mistake. But, the main branch is very busy today from what I heard so even if it was a mistake, they wouldn't have been able to do it anyway.

C'yall later - ava' great day!

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...