Thursday, October 15, 2020

Lol.  Oklahoma trip was normal.  Go up, drop trailer, hook to empty, come back.  Since it was an earlier load time, I was able to make it back to the casino truck stop - 552 miles by the time I get there and then only about 125 miles left for the next day, which is today.  No, I didn't go into the casino. It's just a good place to stop for there are always parking spaces available, unlike the Love's 20 miles down the road which is always full at that time of day.  

Manager is out on vacation, so get to yard, do my paperwork and immediately leave.  Get home. I don't hear the dogs, they usually start fussing when they hear my SUV pull up.  But I didn't think anything about it.  Dumped my bag in front of my room door, went and put my food away in the refrigerator.  Got into a conversation with James. Went to take my bag into my room, opened the door and.....dogs. James forgot about them. 1:00 pm lol.  They were probably in there for - 18 hours lol.  

I can blame my dogs for not whining and making noise. 


Wednesday.  In Brownsville.  Normal trip - well wait.  The Interstate construction going on for the entire length of this run in various places is getting ridiculous.  I got hung up in 3 different lane shut downs for construction and lost 45 minutes of drive time.  These people running this show either don't understand that we still have to be able to get the miles or they just don't care, their Interstate takes priority over people actually needing to use the road as intended.  There is another way down here but it's much longer and if anything goes wrong at all, you don't make it.  However, I'm forced to conclude that sooner or later, we're all going to have to take an alternate route or end up being stuck overnight somewhere other than here, in Brownsville. 

Whatever the case, I got down here, stopped at the Love's and saw fully 3 of our trucks sitting there.  Ohh?  Am I sitting here 2 days again?  I wouldn't mind, actually, since they are running me like crazy, might as well just get the money for sitting around waiting.  But I drove past one of the trucks, it was hooked to a trailer which turns out was an empty.  And then got here and there was an empty in the yard.  So I am guessing sometime tomorrow they'll be bringing up 2 trailers - they usually do - and I'll be heading back.  But at least I get overnight detention pay so not bad.  I'm making a lot of money - yes - but I'd happily take some home time.  

Really wish I could discuss what's going on with my son, it's worrying me.  Major life event, they call it.  Not a pleasant one, either.  I guess I'll have to leave it at that.  

I'm also concerned about my dogs. I can't have them being left in my bedroom for 20 plus hours.  I still can't believe that twice now that's happened they didn't piss somewhere.  If they did, I don't smell it and neither does anyone else that checked it out.  Big dogs - they don't succumb to that as easily  But still, it kind of spells out that they aren't necessarily being thought about much while I'm gone, and that's quite a lot. With Rene -she took excellent care of them regardless of other issues.  Maria did too.  

It would be hard to imagine having to let go of my doggies and finding them new homes. But this stuff is concerning and if it happens again, I"m going to have to rethink having dogs at all.  My lifestyle - well my work - is dependent on other people helping me.  No one is obliged to help me in that department and taking them to a kennel every time would neither be good for the dogs or my checking account.  Perhaps I could find someone to pet sit.  I don't really think they would like that, having some stranger dealing with my dogs. Just things that go through my mind.  

Amy Coney Barrett. Far outclasses these democrat senators that are trying to get a gotcha moment.  She is far superior in her intelligence then any of them.  I'm not saying those senators are all stupid - well I think a couple of them are rather low in that arena or just being extremely calloused  in their disdain for anything Republican and especially if Trump's name is attached to it, which this situation definitely has that aspect - but they are playing the political hackery to the point that they are embarrassing themselves and I don't think they realize it.  

Ugh, there's more but it's getting late. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...