Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday 7/31/2011

The call from the doctor yesterday indicated both blood and urine cultures are normal. I didn't check that until this morning.
However, my eye was blood red this morning and has been in some level of discomfort for about a week now. It was looking particularly bad today and more discomfort, obviously, it isn't getting better on it's own.

Yup, a trip back to the doc, 3rd trip in less than 2 weeks. The doc put some orange junk in my eye and checked it for tears. No tears, it's just plain infected. Antibiotic drops and I am out of there.

I am done with the Levaquin and hope that I never have to take that stuff again. My last dose was yesterday afternoon, the dosage is once every 24 hours, it is now 3 hours past the final 24 hours and I am feeling a bit better.

Caleb is back, of course, getting a bit settled back into things but I think this week or next he leaves for CA and there for a week and then back after that.

I never did get a confirmation about my intended vacation from my manager. He isn't very good about that, though. I have found that such things are sort of left up in the air until the week before the vacation. Well, if I had airplane tickets or some other thing planned that had money dumped on the table in advance, that wouldn't work out too well.

I'm not really into writing today, so, I think I'll call this one quits.



 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...