Monday, July 24, 2023

 This dude calls me today.  After I said hello, he said as if he just remembered, "Oh, is the park off of 43?". Yes, on a side street a mile back.  

He goes into the long bit***** session about how the road to my park is "bumpy", he drove through, there was a "handful" of trailers in there, yada yada yada.  The temptation to tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine was strong. Why did he even bother to call?  "Well how much are you charging?" after all of that, as if he didn't know.  I replied the price and he muttered something. I said, well, that's the going rate around here.  

The road to my park is not "bumpy" The county gives it priority for no known reason, tho I suspect because "old money" lives there and they have a lot of say in what goes on.  It's well taken care of, sometimes their repairs could stand a little better job, but it isn't a bad road.  I did correct him on the "handful" of trailers. "It's only a 14 spot park and there are 10 trailers in here right now".  The guy just says oh, ok, bye.  Yeah, you could have saved yourself the phone call.  

I figured he wanted a lower price, I am not going to go lower excepting the first month $100 off, which I did offer him.  These people want to go out and spend the kind of money it costs to build a park? They can charge whatever they want.  My daily rates are cheaper than everyone, my weekly rates the same, my monthly rates are at the bottom of everyone else's rates save a couple of trailer trash joints.  It's whatever to me, I'm not going to just basically give the lot away, making low profit because some dude is too cheap to pay the going rate around here.  He can go live at the trailer trash places, that's his choice.  

The way that he was talking? I don't need people like that anyway. They will find ways  to moan, groan and complain about everything even if  you give them a reduced rate.  

Anyway, it's the end of Sunday. We went to church this morning, it was good tho I don't agree with some of the pastor's teachings.  No-one is forcing me to go, but I really thing he isn't taking the Word into context on a few rather important topics.  For example, he doesn't believe you should tell people about repentance when you are talking to people about Christ. 

He used the woman at the well as an example of where he never said anything about repentance.  All well and fine, but there is another example where the Pharisees brought a woman that had been caught in adultery and asked Jesus what he would do.  Skipping everything, he told the woman: "And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go [k]and sin no more.”

Go and sin no more.  Sounds to me like he's telling her to stop committing adultery?  I could be wrong, don't claim to be a Bible scholar, but I was brought up in the Christian faith with much different teachings.  Who is right? Who is wrong? If we sin, yet we have eternal life by just believing, then does it matter if we sin? Clearly it does, if nothing else, for the direction and purpose that God has for our lives.  I apply this stuff more to me than I look outward applying it to anyone else.  I used to be the opposite, but the scripture about taking "the log out of your own eye so you can see the speck in your brother's eye" began to take a bit more hold of me as I grew older and realized that I am certainly not a perfect specimen with no sin. 

Now, in my view, you can't change the Gospel.  If you start saying something other than Christ came, died, rose again, shed his blood to cleanse away our sin or that we have to do "works" for salvation, you have lost me.  So I kind of just sat there and listened to him this morning and just inwardly thought, I really don't agree with some of this, but nothing to start some sort of altercation over.

Whatever the case, I did much of nothing today.  Yes, I went over to the park, pulled off the outside camera and put it on the charger, that's all I did over there.  It's ridiculous to have cameras that have to be recharged, I didn't know that when I bought them Or rented them? I need to call TMobile and get this worked out.  I may return them and just buy cameras.  Not that I can afford that right now, but these cameras have issues. First, the battery instead of just plugging it in.  

Second, it takes a while to get the cameras showing anything on the app. Third, these cameras are $20 a piece per month and then I find out to have any of the options you need, you also have to pay the company that manufactured the cameras - Arlo in this case - $10 for basic service. More if you want everything.  The Nest cameras we have are over $300 a piece, but then it's $5 per month for everything.  I can't imagine not having cameras over there.  So, for these cameras I now have, it's $60 per month for the camera rental and the option of having anything on them, such as recordings of "events", which is when people or vehicles come into it's view and records. That is the whole purpose of having them, look at the events if something is awry and figure out what happened. Our Nest cameras have 24 hour recording, these only show the events.  

The weeds growing all over the septic system are all but dead now. I am just waiting until they are completely dead, roots and all, before pulling them.  And then, pay more attention to it from now on.  Keep that area clear of weeds and anything for that matter so there is access to it.  The septic system is a the far end of the park and near the west side property line.  Just haven't been paying attention to it.  I have been preoccupied with getting the shed down and this grass situation, plus fixing other things, cutting down weeds, getting machinery fixed and now I need to go shovel more dirt and fill in the potholes I filled in a few weeks ago.

It rained shortly after I filled them up. Mud, just plopped out when people drove over it.  If it had had a chance to dry, it would have lasted.  They didn't empty completely out, tho and the dried out dirt is staying. They just need filled up to level again.  It doesn't appear like it's going to rain any time soon, unfortunately.  Helpful for the project, seriously not helpful for the grass I would like to plant.  

Whatever, like I said in another post, I am not stressing over grass. Even this dude today didn't say anything about grass.  He was basically just trying to get me to succumb to his whining and bring down the price.  

I have noticed that several RV parks in my area have taken down their rates and you either have to fill out a form for a "quote" or you have to call them.  The 2 big parks have their rates listed. I read another one that said "we have the best rates in the area".  $395 per month for long term - I charge $400 30 amp and $425 50 amp.  But his daily and weekly rates don't beat mine, in fact, one that has their prices listed does.  One of them that doesn't have their rates listed proclaims they have the best park in the area, well maintained, yada yada yada, then you look at the pics, it's just a giant gravel parking lot.  It also has a reputation for theft/crime.  

Whatever.  I am not coming down on my rates but I may change the verbiage on my website.  I have the best rates for exceptional parks in the area, I am the closest park to everything (which is definitely true) and whatever else I can think of.  

Yup, I'm going to rethink the wording on there and get with it. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...