Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Home for my birthday.
Also going to be the day Trump is acquitted for the impeachment.
I have much of nothing planned for today, because that's what I want to do: nothing.
Passing the mid 50's mark isn't really anything I want to celebrate lol. 

I'll probably go to Applebee's down the street and have a couple draft beers, a steak lunch and that will be about it.  90% chance of rain today as well, which kind of has a "stay at home" or even a "stay in bed" type of feel to it.

I made Keto friendly Salisbury steak last night, but I should have read through the instructions. I didn't get to the end until I was at the end of following the instructions. It said " doesn't make much gravy but it's ohhh so good!".  Ummm, you know, gravy is the best part of Salisbury steak.  So I improvised and made probably quadruple the amount of gravy, just adding some beef broth, more heavy whipping cream and a few spices. Turned out very nicely and almost all of it - 3 pounds worth - was eaten last night.  I'm always happy when the effort put out is worth the time and energy spent. 

And here comes the rain and thunder!  What a brilliant day to just stay indoors!  But I think my trip to Applebee's is going to change to a trip to Chili's - a bit further down the road - for Keto free birthday treat.  I put up a post on my Facebook wall to see if anyone would say stay on Keto! or Cheat!  Lol. 


And cheat it was.  A burger and fries - at Chili's.  Very lovely time even if alone, I'm pretty good at starting up conversations with strangers when I'm in the mood.  And then, Taylor inviting me to dinner for my birthday with the family this evening.  Not too late, I hope, because I just got a Happy Birthday! from my manager followed by - now let me ruin it for ya! lmao.

And it's one of the worst runs we get.  La Porte again - near Houston.  And first load, gag.  But I"ll take it, that money will go on this pay period paycheck, which currently has a brownsville with detention pay run, but more needed to make it a full paycheck.  It's a day trip, at least, I have never had this run go more than a single day.  So hopefully that guarantees me a run this weekend - and yes - probably on Sunday! lmao

Oh, and Donald John Trump, the President of the United States of America, has been acquitted just minutes ago of both the Abuse of Power article and the Obstruction of Congress charges.  We knew this was coming, what's next?

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...