Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 6 stops. 

That's what it took to get this day over with, for I went to CVS and got the prescriptions. Unfortunately, it's the anti-biotics that have the potential side effects, the stuff for prostate isn't near as bad.  I just took an antibiotic and won't be taking the prostate stuff until I see if/what these antibiotics do to me.  In all of the antibiotics I have taken in my life, only one - of which I don't remember the name of - had a really bad side effect to the point I stopped taking it after the first dose.  My nostrils felt like they were on fire and breathing was difficult.

I have weird reactions to common medicines that don't affect other people the same way.  So I take this stuff sort of fearing what might happen....No way am I taking two medications I have never taken before at the same time.  I do want to take the prostate thing to see if my urine flow gets better, but it can wait a minute - or many hours.  They probably would have given me penicillin if I weren't allergic to it. 

I also went to T Mobile where it took an hour and a half? I think to port my Iphone 13 and then I got a new phone because it was so cheap for the secondary phone.  $75 and I have a brand new phone comparable to the 13.  Now all I have to do is get on Verizon site and cancel my service altogether.  Although, I suspect I'll have to call them for that.  That removes $192 per month off of my bills. 

The final shed payment is going through today, I think. I only owe them $9!  The financial picture will look a bit better after these 2 things are gone and not sucking my finances dry along with credit card junk.  The internet in Phoenix? No clue, he was saying he needs the start up money. I will give it to him off the next month's rent if necessary, after that I will dump $220 range per month for internet.  Oh, I still have the credit card junk, sorry if I was making it look like I was dumping that, I can only wish.  No, I still have those payments and since they all jacked up their interest rates, the payments went up with it.  

There isn't any savings in getting a consolidation loan to lump it altogether, not at 29 and above % interest rates.  I was thinking of doing the Sofi loan until I saw the reviews - lots and lots of them saying the same thing about wanting endless paperwork and then at the end, many of them saying they were denied the loan anyway.  Why bother?  


45 minutes since I took that pill.  I dunno how long it takes to start working, I'd like to hope that it's already doing so. If that's the case, I do have some slight - strange - feelings right now but nothing serious.  This particular antibiotic fixes unrinary tract infections, prostate infections, cures various STD's and is basically just the type of antibiotic I wanted. I do not have STD's, that is 100% guaranteed.  But the feeling that I have some sort of infection? YES.  Like it's somewhere down there or in there, behind there, around there, but it's there. And it's very uncomfortable and could be the reason I have this pain on the side of my abdomen.  

I didn't know what, exactly, that doctor had prescribed so it's a bit comforting to find out one of the prescriptions was specifically for the indications of what I had described to her.  There was no inspection of the areas - not that I wanted one exactly, but isn't that their job? -  apparently just taking my word for it and that's fine as long as the treatment is directed and focused on fixing it.  

Ok, well I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day.  Im glad the park host is still over there, if anything comes up, he can and will deal with it.  I want to get that coach moved so she can come over there and start working on it - but - that's just going to have to wait until tomorrow. I don't want to be driving anything until I am confident there are no serious side effects to this stuff, cause' honey, there is a long list of them. Death, heart attacks, organ failure, strokes are, fortunately, not on that list, but still. Dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, etc.  

Ugh, of course someone wants to move in when I'm doing something that requires me to do - nothing but wait.  It's been an hour now tho and nothing serious yet.  A man just called me wanting to come over - right now! - of course, that's the way half of this stuff works.  Call, move in, done. So I called Allen to be on the lookout for this dude and he said he'd go over and spruce the lot up nicely.  Fine by me.  

I care how I feel, but I am also in business and as long as the park host is there, I'm going to keep him busy.  Not too busy, then I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of him, it's $450 free lot rent he's getting, he's probably already done 1/3rd of the work I'd minimum require him to do for any given month. I don't want him doing it too fast, the grass will need mowed again in a couple of weeks and he's been working on the riding mower, trying to get that going plus he has mowed all the lots in between the trailers.

So much for my previous theory that he just goes to work when I show up ... that was true but now he's working again and I'm good with it if it just sort of goes back and forth but I do, indeed, get my minimum requirement of work done every month.  Just spoke a little hastily, based on previous man who was definitely lazy, definitely not doing anything but mowing the doggy park once a week.  I just get tired of moochers. I didn't mooch to save the money to build that park, that is guaranteed.  I suppose just from a biblical stance I should expect to help some people out.  To whatever degree I feel like that help should be given. But so far, it's been take advantage of the situation to the point they are doing next to nothing and too bad, so sad.  Screw all of that.  The man that doesn't work, doesn't eat. I believe that's in the book of Proverbs.  I've worked, and worked, and worked. 

 Applying that standard to myself, I'd like to think my work ethic that has kept me active for 50 plus year working my butt off should be winding down. I dunno and I'm not planning on stopping working, but I would like to cut back a little?  

Okay, Verizon is canceled and will take effect on the 12th of this month. Why then, I have no clue.  I'm sure I'll get a final bill, it's whatever.  It's over $400 gone with the shed done as well. Good riddance to both.  Now to figure out the internet service at the house and dump even more money going down the drain.  I figure I might try the T-Mobile Gateway again now that I have phones with them to verify I am actually with their service.  A bit ridiculous you can't deal with their screwup because they can't send a "verification code" to a T-mobile phone. What about the email address on file? Lots of companies verify doing it that way.  

I'm back and forth here, was reading more about this antibiotic and several sites have this: Stay out of the sunlight, especially between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  I can drive a truck and stay out of direct sunlight.  I just want to know I'm not going to have some of these side effects and some on that list probably take a while to show up if at all. 

And that's it. Lot 16 - one of the alternative lots - is rented.  They are moving in today.  I asked lots of questions, I don't know what else I can do about it.  Oh yes, have Allen discuss the rules with them. I am not going over there today and I am not working tomorrow either, apparently. My manager didn't contact me and I don't care at this point, I'll take a paycheck from the business and be done with it if I have to.  There is plenty of money in there, just deposited 2 grand, plus have taken in several payments including today.  Even having to pay the electric bill, there will still be lots of cash in there, at least lots of cash from my perspective.  

There is only 1 lot left available right now, the giant lot 1 and I don't know if I'm going to rent that one out.  I have an overnighter coming in in 5 days and another a bit after that and that's all.  I know in another month or so, maybe 2?  I should see snow birds traveling through looking for a place to stay over night. My area is not a snow bird destination as much as I'd love it to be. 


Many hours later. I started feeling funny for a couple of hours and then? Pretty normal now.  Thankfully.  

 Wednesday  semi-early

I mean, I went to bed at 9:30 last night, 6:30 am hits and it's just time to get up.  

Since the appointment for the nurse practitioner isn't until Tuesday of next week, I ended up going to urgent care.  They asked a bunch of questions, took my vitals, my blood pressure not bad. Not great, could be better but not in the "you are about to have a heart attack and go to the emergency room right now!" bad.  In fact, nowhere near that.  

They took 2 x-rays of my abdomen/groin area, took a urine sample and came back a little later and said that my bladder isn't draining out fully and I need to go see a urologist, replete with a name and a referral - that they never sent.  There is no family history of prostate problems, everyone I have encountered that has that issue also has a family history of it. I'm not saying that isn't the problem, they didn't really know and said I needed that specialist. Well let's get this train moving, I am not going to just sit around hoping that it just goes away, I want the entire situation checked out and determined what is going on and what, if anything, can be done about it. 

They also sent some prescriptions to a CVS and I haven't gone and gotten them. I didn't get the notice that they were ready until evening and I just said screw it, I'll get whatever it is tomorrow.  Although I have had good results from this urgent care in the past, I feel like they weren't listening to my symptoms.  Admittedly they aren't really the people to go to for serious issues, if this is indeed serious, but at least get me rolling in the right direction? I supposed they did that with a referral - that they never sent.  I'll go get whatever meds they have prescribed, check them out first and take whatever it is.  

I don't take medications without seeing what the potential side effects are.  You know because you have likely seen it on TV ads.  Where they are advertising some pill for a minor issue but the side effects can be heart attacks, strokes, death, kidney failure, etc?  And I also check any antibiotics, I've had docs attempting to give me penicillin in the past, even tho I directly told them I am allergic to it and checked the box on the sheet about any allergies? Yes, penicillin and any derivatives thereof.  

I'm getting on the urologists docket for starting whatever process as soon as possible.  

I am likely to go to the park today and pick up where I left off 2 days ago.  I was rather - deflated - that I didn't get any answers from the urgent care yesterday.  Who knows what's wrong and who knows how many doctor visits it will take to find out and who knows if it's something serious or not?  None of that was answered yesterday beyond the vague "your bladder isn't completely emptying out when you go pee".  How does that affect my abdomen? On the right side? The far right side? I don't know, maybe it does or maybe there are 2 issues going on.  Oh, so I didn't go over to the park but I did check in with Allen - who is leaving either this weekend or Monday to start his new job.

I'll give him credit that he just mowed the lawns between the trailers and since it's not currently raining and there is no rain in the forecast, I figure it won't grow back too quickly.

Oh, my canopy did arrive yesterday.  So, that's a job that needs done, I want to get the trolling motor hooked up somewhere on the bow first before I decide where to put those marine batteries. It will be in one of the front storage compartments for sure, just which one I haven't determined yet.  My goal in getting 24 volt was that there are 2 batteries to draw off of instead of 1 in case the 2 stroke, 150 hp engine decides it won't be starting for me.  This is going to be a project and will probably take some time, but fishing is good year round here so whenever it's done, we can go even if it's out of summer.  

I check interest rates frequently. I don't know why, the feds haven't reduced the base rate so you know the loan companies aren't lowering their rates, I just do it out of habit I guess. Maybe more out of desire: I'd love to increase the numbers of sites and I can't do that with a good chunk of change.  Or not?  If I could get the lots carved out and ready to install everything in the ground, just have to do the installation of the utilities and have some gravel brought out, I could get the next septic system on credit, get the lots carved out and completed quickly and get the revenue in to cover the payments (and then some, of course) on the septic system.  I'm a little leery of spending my cash right now in this kind of toxic economic/hyper-inflation environment and the possibility of another financial meltdown.  

Yes, I have fairly well decided that whatever I do, it makes no sense not to get at least another 15 sites in there.  Double the current income and then think about tiny homes or whatever for the front of the property.  There is a lot of room up there, it's just that leveling it out for each pad would mean putting up retention walls. That's more money - a lot more money so the front will remain untouched except to clear it out again until I get to that point, if ever.  I will probably shrink the distance between sites as well. 35 feet instead of 40.  But, probably make 4 or so sites larger both in length and width.  I dunno, it's just in the thinking department right now.


Turns out they sent the referral to the doc's office via fax yesterday and I can either wait for them to call me or I can call them to speed up the process. We'll be speeding up the process, thank you.  I see no benefit in waiting. 


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...