Friday, August 28, 2020

 Home Sweet Home

After the ordeal trying to actually get here, I'm very happy to actually be back, even if the kids were up at 6:00 am making all KINDS of noise, which I eventually got up and told them to quiet down in no uncertain terms : )

Oh, my luggage is - somewhere 😂😂😂

I spent a long time yesterday on hold and attempting to find out where, exactly my luggage is.  One person told me it was in Longview, another told me it was still in Dallas.  Now, if I had known my luggage was in Dallas 2 nights ago - and yes I asked and yes the man at the counter told me it was on the plane and flying to Longview- I would have grabbed it and taken it with me.  

American Airlines doesn't exactly have good customer service.  If you want to file a complaint with them, they don't have a phone number for that. You have to email them, lmao.  I'm sure those emails are read as soon as they come in!  I spent time with a woman from India - clearly know that accent for you cannot understand half of what they are saying and Direct TV used outsourcing to India for at least 10 years, probably a lot longer.  I hung up on here and called again, waiting for 25 minutes to nothing but we're sorry, someone will be with you shortly.

Long story short, I finally called and demanded a supervisor on the reservation line since they were the only ones answering the phone.  The man demanded to know my name,  I repeatedly told him no, I'll tell the supervisor that.  After at least 5 minutes of this bs, he put me on hold and walaah, a supervisor came on, couldn't  understand why other agents on the reservation line wouldn't deal with it for they can find where your luggage is and take care of it no problem.....!.....: ).......oh really?

The lady said the luggage is in Longview and will be arriving tonight (this was yesterday).  Oh, forgot the man at the longview terminal who didn't care where my luggage was and dismissed my requests and disappeared into his office.  I told the lady fine, you will send my luggage to me, I am not driving clear back here for it after all the bs your company has put me through.  It's 30 plus miles, please ensure you get it here tomorrow.  She told me 8:00 up to 6 hours for it to arrive. Fine! Just get it here, thanks.  

I'd say I won't fly American again, but that would be false.  The only other flights out of this immediate area is out of Shreveport and I am not sure I would want to leave my vehicle unattended over there for extended period of time, not to mention I see much higher airfare coming out of there consistently.  Regardless, the only regional airline out of Longview is contracted to American,  at least if you want to fly an entire trip out of DFW on one ticket. I guess there are other airlines, but if there are you aren't going to get any deals.  

if i were to ever take a trip overseas, I'd just drive to Houston, Dallas Love Field or DFW and park my vehicle there if American didn't have the best deal - which I doubt they would.  They charge for luggage, I spent $70 each way for 2 checked bags.  I'll be getting that money back eventually.  I need to get all of my receipts together and my manager just said dump them on his desk lol.  

Anyway, Taylor went to work and came home. After inquiry, she has an almost 100 degree fever. Of course, the first think you think: COVID-19.  Yea, we'll see.  

Oh, and I was already shorted on my paycheck, lol.  I knew it would be a battle to get all of my pay for this trip for their entire pay system is convoluted and it's not cohesive. One division is separate from another and for whatever reason,  they don't share information easily.  So, I was shorted $190 which I will, of course, be discussing with payroll post haste via email about.  

Other than that, just another day in paradise.  Very little storm damage here, the hurricane remnants took a right turn and really spared us the worst of the storm, thankfully.  A bunch of branches on the ground from the big tree out front, but small ones.  I saw dozens and dozens of power line crews traveling east on I-20 yesterday while we were driving back from Dallas - undoubtedly going to Louisiana to help restore power. 800,000 people without electricity was the last estimate I saw. That's a lot of outed power and it's why I have a generator. It did go out briefly here, but less than 2 hours.  `

James set up the generator before he and Taylor came to get me yesterday.  I mean, the freezers will be fine for quite a while without power, I wasn't really concerned about it but hey, better safe than sorry.

Get a haircut, go  to the grocery store and get some things I ran out of, hope my luggage shows up and get some other stuff done.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...