Thursday, September 26, 2024

 Thursday - not particularly early

I got a call yesterday from the manager: sorry, but they cancelled your load.  I should be in Nacogdoches right now, getting the trailer cleaned out.  I don't go back to work until Saturday.  There's  nothing I can do about it, wanted to work, shrugs shoulders.  

I spent a lot of hours on that tractor yesterday and got a lot of weeds cleared out.  That front is starting to look much better.  I need to get the chainsaw out there and cut up some trees that were piled up along the fence line.  I don't even remember them being there, they must have dumped them there when they cut down the forest.  

That can wait, I want to get as much weeds cut down before I stop using the thing, I have no idea when that kid is going to take it out of there and there is still more on the front I want done, not a lot. There is a huge burn pile that I want to burn down the foliage even if there is a tree I'd like to spare, it's elevated on that pile several feet off the ground, it just won't work.  I can plant another, I guess, they grow quickly and would make great shade trees.

I have 5 open spots now and I am not getting much interest.  I have been running a lot of ads locally - the free kind - on marketplace.  The "other guy" has endless ads running, I'm just putting up a lot of them to make my presence known.  I've been running the Facebook ads in sell groups in the entire region, not just around here.  Probably a good 70 mile radius, I have joined groups all over the place.  If someone is thinking of moving over here, they are going to know that I'm in business and have availability. I have a couple of 4 day stays coming in today.

The welder left yesterday is how I ended up with a 5th open spot.  He was allegedly leaving Saturday, it really doesn't matter when he was going to leave, I wasn't getting any more money out of it. I don't think I'll see any of the welders again, they were drawing down in this area as it stands and the company that was hiring the use of the company isn't paying their bills.  I just need 3 people to come in there in the next week and get the place looking full again.  If not? Nothing I can do but keep running ads and hope that I get some of the available supply of people needing lots. 


I'd like to try one covered lot on existing lots and see what happens. It would necessarily need to be a higher cost since the investment needs to pay for itself.  

I am admittedly sitting in my bedroom, watching a movie and doing much of nothing.  I'm leaving here soon enough, however, to get more tractor work done.  I'm going to call the local seed store and see how much rye grass seed is going for.  I don't need it right now, there is no rain forecast any time soon and I'm not putting out seed until that times comes. Otherwise, birds eat the seed and it's a total waste of money.  But I do want an inviting green scape going out there. Right now, it's trees, dirt from working on it and still some weeds.  

I suspect, like everything else, the price of seed has gone way up. If it's too high, I may just see if the natural growing grass starts up again.  The thing is, I don't want weeds having a chance to start growing again. Get a nice, thick carpet of grass and it chokes them out. 

Anyway, my mind is wandering all over the place, not really focusing on this blog entry, so I'm ending this one.


Fortnite - My View Of Things

 I will first say here that I am new to the game having only had played it about 9 weeks now.  Compared to most other players I have been en...