Thursday, August 19, 2021

 Truck being done, they sent me down to Brownsville on a two day run so I could get back up here in time - today - to be able to get to closing - tomorrow.  My dispatcher has taken care of me in that regards and hasn't even complained or anything about it, I just apologize every time I tell her it's been canceled and she is good with it.  Or if she isn't, she at least acts like she is lol.

It came as no shock to me today that my realtor contacted me late this morning and said the closing for tomorrow has been canceled once again.  The paperwork had all been approved but had been sent off to a title company in the county where the property is - by law it has be to be done that way - and that title company said that the "gift deed" was improper and that the heir - the daughter and lone heir to her parents fortunes - had to sign off on a different paper.

I wasn't exactly happy about this prospect, obviously, this is the third cancelation now.  It not only keeps my company in limbo, it also means I lose runs I might otherwise get that might be good runs. Or any run for that matter. So it was surprising, after I contacted my dispatcher yet again, telling her about the deed problem and that it would have to be resolved and of course apologizing yet again, that she sent me a run for tomorrow shortly after that. 

Well, I don't want you to miss out on any more work this week! .... referring to the 2 days I had off in between using another driver's truck and waiting for my truck to get finished being fixed. I was happy that she thought that way and even tho it's an Oklahoma run, I said thank you, I need the work. And I do, that wasn't a lie or embellishment of the truth and actually was happy to get anything at all after thinking I would be sitting home another day this week.  3 days off doesn't make for good paychecks, let me tell you.  

I got back too late to go home.  About an hour ago, pulled into the yard, parked, unhooked, hooked up to different trailer for tomorrow and then did my paperwork. It was almost 8:30, I would get home at 9:00, have no time to visit or do much of anything but go to bed to get up early to be back here early.  I just thought that would be a waste of time and sleep.  I can go to bed later sitting in this truck and get up later and get more sleep.  I don't do this that often, but I just didn't see much benefit to driving round trip 64 miles and wasting that much time.  Everyone would have gone to bed and tho I could have seen my dogs, they have seen plenty of me this week.  Plus a nice hike over at the property the other day.  

A bit warm for that, I'll welcome cooler temps when we can go for longer walks and their tongues won't look like they're about to fall out of their mouths.  I'm telling you, Great Danes have giant tongues!  

I have no idea, whatsoever, if/when the closing is going to take place now. Not tomorrow and definitely not this weekend. The daughter will have to sign the new forms in the presence of a notary public and then send them back to the title company.  She doesn't live here, I presume she also lives in Atlanta, tho I don't know that for sure. Whatever the case, I didn't even try to give my dispatcher another date for this.  I literally have no clue.  

I did tell my realtor that I was going to start looking at property listings on the internet again.  Why? Because this deal is starting to smell like the failed Finklea deal.  It's only one heir, tho, my realtor informed me more than once, it really shouldn't be that big of a deal to get this done.  No, I replied, it shouldn't and don't take my words wrong, I still want this property. It's the most acreage available at the price per acre, in the location it is in near the Interstate and just outside of the city yet definitely the woodsy feel to it, plus all the utilities right there including internet and cable, I want that property.  I'm just saying I"m going to see if anything new has popped up regardless. 

She agreed a good idea, and after looking, I found nothing new that was worthy of my attention.  Giant properties are out of my price range.  There were several of those, 127 acres, 200 acres, etc. Just not in the cards. I'd love 100 plus acres, don't get me wrong, I could do a lot more with that much land that just building an RV park.  There were also numerous, small properties listed at outrageous prices that had popped up.  My property I'm selling? It's under contract.  The title company has it, the buyer is having the survey done, so I hope it doesn't fall through for if it does, I'll be on the line for that survey cost.  I'm not sure about this sheriff's deed, if there are faults I have no way to cure them.  

So, here we are again in the same situation as we were with Finklea.  But, don't give up until they say it's impossible. Finklea has not come back on the market.  That's been many months ago, as I said then, anytime you get heirs involved with disputes over who gets what, that stuff can be tied up in the courts for a long, long time. So, perhaps this is different in that it's just one heir and I assume that is the person selling the property?  My realtor isn't too keen on details and I would have to call the title company to find out more.  I won't, I'll just wait until next week and see what anyone has to say about finishing this deal.  

I had asked Taylor about James helping out with the development of this property - he's pretty much an all around handy man and can figure new things out.  I'd pay him, of course.  She said she had talked to him and he didn't feel right about getting paid considering what I do around the house.  I hadn't really thought about that, the living situation is a completely separate thing in my mind. This is a business proposition and I cannot possibly think of asking people to work for free?  That wouldn't set right with me. It wouldn't bother me to get a deferment on paying all of it at once if he would be good with that. In other words, put some of the wages off until the property is up and running and then pay him back.  But, I dunno if I'd even feel comfortable with that - tho it would take some financial strain off of this situation.  

TBH, I wouldn't mind getting the tent camp sites set up for fall camping.  They don't need water, electricity or anything else.  Just build a driveway back there, clear the pads, put in picnic tables and a fire ring and walaah. You have a money generator without much money spent.  Maybe a couple thousand dollars what with clearing a driveway and the pads and buying the tables and rings.  Heck, I could have James build the fire rings. 

How much money is there in tent camping, you ask? I dunno, I don't know what the demand is for it.  Of course it would mean having to get more liability insurance, getting a business permit/tax number, setting up the LLC, etc right off the bat as well.  Even so, I'm thinking about it.  

Anyways, I have spent a lot of time at the property looking it over and making plans for it to simply go away and have nothing.  It's not really a palatable thought to think that this deal may fall through the cracks. So, I will remain hopeful and trust the Lord and pray that if this is the right thing to do, in God's will that is, it will be done regardless of what it "looks" like at the moment. 

Well, it was a long drive today - I pushed it hard because I needed to get back in time to get off the clock so I could get started again in the morning on time.  In other words, I drove 8 hours straight, only stopping to use the restroom  and once to stop and grab something to eat. At the fueling station I both fueled up and took the 30 minute break, at a salad and left after the mandatory 30 minutes was up.

That makes for a long day, yes, but it also gets the run over with faster.  

Anyway, saying that to say it's time to go to bed.  And being left in limbo until next week, lol.  And since that's the case, I hope my dispatcher sends me a run for Sunday as well.  Surely, if this person signs the new documents, this thing can be closed next week?  


 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...