Saturday, August 22, 2020

 I actually am going to do some driving today after.....4 days of not driving besides the rental vehicle.  

2 loads, should take around 9 hours max to get done.  I would have this run to a science if they had kept me up here doing it by now, but I feel like when I get to the paper mill I'm going to be struggling to remember the correct sequence. I have most of it written down.  Really it just means it will take longer than it should for me to stand there and reacquaint myself with it.

Yesterday's 3 hour excursion to Church street was interesting, I probably would have tried to find something else to do today if I were sitting around yet again.

The new story is Wednesday or Thursday we are coming back.  I was content with Monday, they really need to actually make use of us for me to want to continue to stay up here.  Allegedly the only real time they need us is the weekends. The weekend is here and yes I have 2 runs today and won't be surprised if there's 2 tomorrow.  It's still a light day compared to what I normally do. The first day of any normal trip for me is usually in the 13 hour range and more often than not winding my 14 hour clock down to a few minutes before stopping.  

This is day 9, regardless and I found out last night that our manager hadn't turned in any work for us to get paid with next week. That was rather disconcerting since I didn't get paid this week.  I dunno what the issue is but he really should have had us filling out whatever we needed to fill out yesterday and get it sent in.  I mean, I literally had nothing to do yesterday, it's not like I didn't have the time for it...

I'm being told that we have to fill out a TDS for each day regardless of whether we did anything or not.  Okay, so why wait until the last minute to inform us of this little gem of knowledge?  

I broke the diet yesterday It's really hard up here to try and find foods that fit in with Keto and I just gave up on it.  Very limited offerings and eating the same foods over and over, I just decided to go ahead and have a giant pizza at a local "wood fired pizza" place.  Delicious.  Plenty left over to eat on the road today.  I'm not completely ditching the diet - but it doesn't work unless you keep it under 20 carbs per day.  

Still, to completely ditch it makes it extremely difficult to get back into it, so at least some meals are going to be keto friendly as much as I can figure it out. I have no stove top or oven to cook with, that's pretty much the issue, I make a lot of my own food for the road, but it was impossible to bring anything this trip since we were flying.  There are decidedly few restaurants around here. It's weird.  And all of them you have to cal in advance to make an appointment, lol.  

I was talking to some locals yesterday, even with the foul winter elements up here they love living up here. Interesting.  They aren't in love with the heavy taxation and that would be a major decision maker for me if for some reason I were to ever want to move over to this area.  New Mexico, Arizona, Colorao - states with the Rockies running through them have far more appeal. Still have winter snow but I don't think it's anything like what goes on up here.  

The thought of retiring abroad has much less appeal, but is certainly nothing I would dismiss if the country turns into a socialist nightmare and taxation goes through the roof, along with ridiculous power grabs to dictate to the people how we are going to live.  I do wonder how much of that stuff America would put up with before a rebellion/uprising?  I was asking about 45 ACP's in several pawn and gun shops where I live an they have - none.  Much of their gun inventories are all but sold out, save some hunting rifles and smaller caliper pistols.  

Oh and the county voted to keep the Confederate statue. I don't remember if I wrote that in here yet or not.  It will be quite interesting to see what happens next, as some of these people opposed to that statue are hell bent on seeing it come down.  Will they try to tear the thing down? What other authority can they appeal to?  Maybe start a petition, the voting was within the county board, not citizens at large in the county.  They'd have to try to tear that thing down in the middle of the night if that were their intended course of action and even then - it's across the street from the county jail and courthouse.  Local police are always driving through there.  

My life wouldn't be shattered if the thing were torn down, but I have to wonder if the people intent on getting rid of that statue are willing to take the risk of armed citizens showing up and dealing with these people on their own? Not that the county sheriff is against the statue, he sent out deputies to stand by and watch when they were "protesting" here - which amounted to much of nothing since a bunch of armed citizens also showed up to keep the peace. I don't know about the police, they seem to be much more in the liberal aisle of their thinking and I have to wonder if they would even try to stop it if these people from outside the area were to come tear it down?

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...