Monday, July 29, 2024

 Let's take another look at tomorrow.

I'm going to bed here, it's 9:45 pm, and I'm double checking the tablet. I do that often for they change things often.  The manager has taken over dispatching drivers and fired the lady - I didn't think she was horrible, not great, not bad, in the middle I guess, as far as dispatchers go - that was dispatching our runs for usually a week in advance. A nice person if nothing else. 

He, the manager, doesn't do that. He might get 3 runs out at most, which is 6 days, but I have yet to see him go beyond that.  This was my fault this time.  I must have missed the part where I finished this current run today and then had tomorrow off.  I looked 3 times at the tablet before I took it out to Taylor, who was on the porch with James smoking, can you read that?  She gets this look on her face.  The 31st! You have 2 days off! No, just tomorrow but I wanted to confirm that I wasn't having lying eyes.

I know, or I think I know anyway, what the manager is doing. He is having me off tomorrow, work through Saturday and then Sunday off.  That isn't confirmed since I only have the next run to look at, but I suspect that's what he's doing based on previous weeks after he took over.  

I have a whole world of possibilities tomorrow.  That doesn't necessarily mean I'll do anything with it, I just have it available, lol.  I mean, I could retire and do much of nothing, which isn't good for you and you need to stay active in some way, shape or form if you want to live a longer life.  I've seen it far too many times. Retire, die.  Retire, die.  Retire, find something to do? Keep active? Don't die.  It may sound gruesome, but I have witnessed it with my own eyes beyond just reading about it.  Many times over, actually.  Why is my mother still alive? I believe because she goes for walks at least 3 times  a day. 

At her age? That's doing pretty good.  The dog keeps her alive, basically.  Some purpose to live for, something right there, with her.  Take the dog for a walk, she tells herself (I'm guessing of course, but I know for a fact she goes walking several times a day).  She's always intensely loved her dogs and takes care of them meticulously.  I grew up with parents that loved dogs and hence, it carried over to me.  There aren't many dogs that I have disliked, I could name those few dogs tho. The one that tried to kill the 7 year old here (not our dog, next door neighbor's).  The one I adopted that the owner didn't bother to tell me had serious behavioral issues including the desire to kill other dogs.  

I have determined to get the boat going and get it on the lake.  So, I will probably start working towards that end tomorrow. It needs a trolling motor, a couple of batteries, drain the fuel tank and put fresh fuel in it, registration.  Other things I can't think of right now, it's been sitting for quite a while.  Yes, I think the bilge pump wasn't working, they aren't expensive.  You kind of want that feature, if the thing starts taking on water, that's what is your hope that the water will be pumped back out.  I spent a lot of money on that thing, I'd like to use it while it's still hot outside.  

Batteries and trolling motor will cost some.  I spent a thousand dollars just installing a new steering system in the thing and putting a new battery in it some 3 years ago? I'll say this, now that I'm that invested in the damn thing, if I have to have the motor rebuilt, that's going to happen as well. Maybe not right now or if I can find a used motor, but it will happen.  

Some person showed up at the park today and wanted to know about moving in.  There are no lots available right now.  Not only that, but the person wants one of the "premium" lots.  The park host has one of them, the other? The people that said they were going to leave after being confronted about their dogs running loose and driving and parking on the grass. The thing is, after that confrontation, they stopped driving on the grass and they don't let their dogs loose.  If they've been living in a trailer in RV parks for any length of time, they would already know that almost every park has the same types of rules.  So are they leaving, is what I was confronted with?

Well how the hell would I know? If people clean up their act, my intervention is over with, they can stay as long as they like.  They are not sociable and I don't invoke myself on people that don't care for unwanted visits. Pay your rent, follow the rules I'm good.  You don't have to talk to anyone in the park if you don't want to, I'm all for freedom and the freedom to have your space.  Which is partially what I said to Allen: I have no idea. After they were confronted, they have been parking on the gravel and their dogs aren't running loose unless there is info about the dogs I don't have.

No, they have complied.  Ok, well I don't go bothering people that don't want to be bothered.  He doesn't quite understand that, but the thing is, he does listen to my wishes about how I want things dealt with and he goes by that, whatever that is.      I'm running a business, I'm not trying to drive people out of there. If I have to, I definitely will, but these people?  Not now. I'm trying to figure out how to ask them if they are staying without it sounding...wrong.  Then again, the man was informed other spots were coming available.  I dunno, if he doesn't want that, that's his choice, I lose enough sleep over nothingness, I'm not losing sleep over people that don't like what I have to offer. It's definitely not a resort park.  It's a quiet little community, the prices are good, the atmosphere is mostly great, but it isn't for everyone.  

Well it's getting late. Even tho I don't have work tomorrow, I don't like staying up to late. My sleep is too messed up as it stands. I force myself to keep a fairly tight sleep schedule excepting on some nights when I have no work the next day.

I can say that I've given it considerable thought and tho I was having sleep problems before I went to Oregon, it is nothing like after I left there.  Near 3 weeks of mostly sleepless nights, I really haven't recovered from that for unknown reasons. My mind went through that experience once again yesterday, I can't explain why I replayed that hellish nightmare, it just started up.  When you go through some horrid experience, you seem to remember every single detail, down to the specifics of things to the time of day or the specifics of everything that was going on around you.  Because it was that bad.  

 Monday - 7:45 am

Late load yesterday, late load today.  Leaving around 9:00 am.  Get me there around 11:30 am, I don't want to get there too early cause there is the possibility of the other driver still being there. Funny he can get his @$$ to the plant at 4:00 am to load but can't get up to the plant to unload by 10:00 am?  I don't get that.  But who am I.

It is what it is, I get one late load per week, some times two.  If I get two, they better not be back to back, because I will say something from now on. Can't do that, switch it with someone else.  4 late days in a row equals getting nothing much of anything done.  

Now that I have another moved in, I'm facing at least 2 more leaving.  If this man with his son needing a place to move into works out, it will only be one lot needed filled and that student will be there a year.  In this business, however, you don't count your chickens before they hatch.  The person has to actually show up...

My take on the mocking of the Last Supper of Christ? My two cents which is probably only worth a penny in this economy is: oh well.  People have been disobeying the Lord and attempting to mock Him for a long, long time now.  I see the people that engaged in that nonsense as people who need Christ.  The Bible tells us not to judge the world for they are already condemned. There is a place for taking issue with people doing certain things, as evidenced by Christ overturning the tables in the temple, but is this one of them?  I don't know.  No one was mocking Christ at the Last Supper.  Well, maybe there was?

Judas Iscariot.  He betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver, telling the "killers" where to find him.  Is that a form of mocking? Well, it's in there somewhere.  Christ knew all about it tho, not like you can deceive the Lord, He knows everything and there is nothing you can hide from Him.  It is a sad state of affairs that the Olympics would allow such nonsense and highly likely knowing what kind of feverish outcry there would be.  So what is the end game? I don't really know, except unbelievers love to make fun of believers in Christ.  I've been exposed to that on the streets of America all over the place when I was doing missionary work.  I had to remember that we fight not against flesh and blood....

And you have to remember that the devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  That pic they are showing endlessly of those people are a portrait of this world and how the world hates God.  "..tho they are in the world, they should not be of it".  I haven't said much about this subject because it's nothing new.  The only difference is it's the latest 15 minutes of fame type of thing on the world stage that everyone is talking about.  Let's discuss praying for those people's souls and all of those whose hearts are far from God. 

So the challenge I offer to my Christian friends that are outraged by this incident is simply this: Offer up prayer and supplication to the Lord of Hosts that He may get a hold of their hearts in whatever way He chooses and bring them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

And I just copied and pasted that and put it on my Facebook page. Why not?  I have lots of Christian friends from all over the world on my friends list.  This page here? Not so much.  It's rather "private". I know it's on the WWW but there really aren't that many people that know about it and that is by design.  I just like to write out my thoughts. I find it useful to understand why I might be thinking the way that I am, read it over and perhaps make decisions or perhaps wait on a thing that is in front of me to do.  Or not do.  I don't mind people reading it, not at all, it's just that I have always like sort of explore what is going on in my mind by writing it out "on paper" so to speak. It also helps if something happens and I need to refresh my memory.

As for today? My agenda is to simply get up to the plant, unload and get back.  I need to get some gasoline for the mowers. Allen is trying to finish up the riding mower. Yes, it's still sitting there like that. For so long, in fact, the battery is dead.  I am feeling much better now and the coughing has died down significantly, to the point I don't need to go to urgent care.  If it continues to go away, it will be one of the shorter-lived chest colds I have ever had, really.

I have no business decisions to make. Tractor, buildings, things are on hold. I am seriously considering putting in a hot tub, I am putting out a request to an insurance provider to see how much that would cost adding it to the insurance portfolio.  I can get a whole setup for around 15k, maybe 20.  The reason I have given up for now on expanding the park is simple: interest rates are still ridiculously high.  But, I may go ahead and try to get a loan through the local bank, at least see if they will lend to me and what terms I might get. I think I asked them if I could get a 125k loan.  They said it's possible, fill out all of this paperwork and then handed me a thick packet of papers.  It's been sitting for quite a while.  

Actually, I could get another building up for around the same monthly payment as I'm making now.  Everyone is always looking for an "office". I don't really have one, I tell them.  Well, I do, here at the house.  What do I need with an office? I don't.  But I do need a storage shed to keep all of my tools and stuff in.  A place to store things in an orderly fashion and easily accessible. I don't have that right now, I am just balking at the idea of having another payment immediately after getting rid of one.

At least, if there is another payment, that it brings in money? Such as a cabin shed that is completely finished?  No decision being made for I have no idea what I should "really" do.  As I have often stated, I find it better to simply wait, put things on hold until I get that feeling that yes, this is the right thing to do, or no, I shouldn't do this at all.  Now that I've gotten rid of Robert and that trailer, I don't really need to run that underground line so I put that on hold as well.  It's just one trailer back there now and the shed stuff.  So far, there are no signs of the system being overloaded.  I think getting rid of that trailer, it will stay that way. 

The other Robert would love to move back there and I would love to accommodate him, but it's 50 amp for his trailer and I'm afraid it's too much draw back there.  

Anyway, it's just another day in paradise, lol.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...