Tuesday, April 4, 2023

 Spent the whole day fooling around with getting stuff done.  I mean, it's just time consuming going from one store to another to another.  Lowe's was a bit ridiculous.  I went there twice, first time waiting for 25 or so minutes for help.  No help, even tho I was sitting at the front desk, I had a meeting elsewhere and had to leave.  Coming back - a man helped me immediately.  It still took 40 minutes because the roll up door in the was busted and he had to walk clear around the store to get my insulation.

If you have ever seen a Lowe's, you know that isn't going to be a 5 minute venture.  Sign, Lowe's, Walmart, lunch, property, and then to the collision center.  

They did an estimate, worked it up quick and handed it to me. $3,500.  About what I figured.  New hood, bumper, fender, light and whatever else.  I was fretting the price because if it's too high, the insurance company will total the vehicle and then I am stuck with "fair market value".  Which isn't anything near what I would need to buy another used vehicle. It would be a good down payment, yet, but the prices of even used vehicles right now are sky high.  

I don't want another vehicle, I want this one fixed.  After looking up market values for it, it's around 9 grand.  That's mid price.  The exterior of my vehicle besides the damage, of course, is in excellent condition.  I couldn't leave it, they need approval from the adjuster. But the lady assured me that the adjuster they work with from Progressive is very good and will work to make sure that everything is taken care of.  Please and thank you. 

I mean, what else can I say? I got the big stuff over at the shed now, I just need to get over there and get started on it.  That is definitely not happening today, it's too late.  I am just glad to have gotten done what I got done today.  Elongated mess.  Tomorrow I will try to get over there if/after they take the SUV in and get some serious work done.  I don't really know how I'm going to work transportation right now,  I don't have any estimate of how long it will take - I totally forgot to ask her. The write up she gave me shows zero days for the work, lol.  


The insurance agent texted me back. He didn't know what was going on, I suggested that the agent with the collision repair center had emailed him and I also gave him the quote they gave me.  I didn't hear back from him today.  I don't know if that means anything in particular.  Just means he has to do whatever he has to do. Insurance companies aren't particularly in a hurry when it comes to at-fault collisions of their customers.  

But that's what they're in the business for.  So, I expect to hear from him tomorrow - him or the collision repair center person. She said they can take me in immediately.  What that means is that they take the vehicle in, tear it down, find out any unseen damages, adjust the cost and then they start ordering stuff.  I already knew it was going to be a long, drawn-out ordeal.  I mean, it doesn't take them long to take everything apart.  It's ordering the parts and then the process of putting it back together and trying to make it look like nothing ever happened to the vehicle is the long part.  

Whatever the case, I am going to the property tomorrow morning to work. When I find out the verdict - and hoping it means yes, they will cover it versus totaling the vehicle - I will take it in and find a way home.  Or find a way back to the property.  Depending on time of day.  I am still highly motivated to get that work done over there.  I can't advertise a bathroom until there are walls and a door up.  

The man's image was posted on a site that posts pics of people that have been arrested.  He had to pay to get out of jail, tho not terribly much I don't think if I'm correct.  There is probably a plea deal coming, do community service, counseling, whatever, I doubt there will be jail time. There will probably be a fine levied as well. This isn't really anything I am wishing upon this man. He could be hot tempered and gets to that level that quickly frequently, or he could have been having a bad day.  Or who knows what. I had a bad day yesterday, but his day yesterday was worse.  

Well, I'm tired and am going to bed. 

 I was on edge all the rest of yesterday.  It was just hard to shake what had happened. Not the accident itself, it was a fairly minor accident tho I suspect thousands of dollars worth of damage to my vehicle. It was this dude acting out in rage and punching me in the face.  I was second guessing myself after I got home - perhaps I should have just laid him out on the ground. I'm trying to be a nicer, kinder, more Christian version of me. The bible says if anyone hits you on the left cheek, turn the right to them also.  I can't say I turned my right cheek to him, the only point I'm making here is I didn't get out of my car and knock his ass out.  I didn't even try.

In fact, I didn't even get angry, really . I just knew that after the female - I'm not calling her a lady, if you had been there and seen and heard how she was acting out you'd understand - got out of the truck and asked if I had insurance and I said yes, but he just assaulted me, hitting me on the face, she went into and endless mantra of "NO HE DIDN'T" in a childish manner in high pitched almost screams. 

I knew if I did anything, you know, act in self defense?, they would both lie and I would have been the perpetrator in the eyes of the law.  It's why I immediately called police, they tend to give more credence to the person that makes the call.  I've had plenty of people telling me what they would have done - and I won't disagree with their assessment that if someone assaults you, you have the right to defend yourself. 

Just in this case? No.  He backed way off when I got out of the vehicle. I'm no body builder or muscle bound behemoth, but I am 6'2" tall and I was easily 6 inches tall than that dude.  His mouth stopped, hers did as well.  I didn't even want to talk to them, say anything to them at all once the assault occurred, I just called the police, had my video recorder ready to roll in case they started up again and sat on my trailer and waited.  

I really had no idea how it would turn out.  It was 2 people's word against one, but apparently the red marks on my face and the open sore in my mouth was enough for them.  Well, and then that man went off with the police, opening his mouth and saying stupid things.  I do believe that really sunk him.  "If you press charges, you may have to testify in court". Yes, I understand that, but if this dude regains his composure - if that even exists with him - he will understand that he should probably take a deal, whatever it may be - community service, anger management - whatever is offered - and run with it. Because I will go to court and I will testify against him if he wants to take it that far. 

The other unsettling part was this idea that they wanted to know where I live.  I don't want to know where they live and I hope the police didn't give them my information either.  I don't even know these people's names, I just have a police report number and it will be available in 11 days, I was informed.  I dunno, I'm just going to start carrying my concealed carry pistol with me. 9 mm, small enough to hide so that no one knows it's there. I'm not looking for trouble, to the contrary, I'm looking to stay out of trouble.  But if this dude even thinks about coming to the house or if they find out about the rv park and go over there, they are in for a slew of trouble.  The second time around, I'm going to defend myself.  Hopefully, it doesn't come to that.  

I feel better today.  I slept well despite all of that and other things that occurred yesterday. It was really not the greatest day. Other things also occurred that were a bit much for me that I may go into on another post.  Right now, I'm facing not having a vehicle for however long - weeks I'm sure - and I want to get most of the supplies over to the shed before I lose access to a ride.  That way, I have the stuff over there, when I can find a way over there I can just go to work. I am not decided on a rental vehicle yet, but probably not right away.  There is some taxi service in this town that I'm going to check out their rates. Limited rides to and from the park will save me a lot of money over almost $800 for 2 weeks of a rental car.

And that's just what the website said it would be.  These rental car agencies are always tacking on all kinds of extra fees.  Look, I only have to stay in town, it doesn't seem to me like I should need to rent a car right off the bat. I just need to go to a couple of stores this morning, get my stuff and then give it up to the shop.  On the weekends I'm fairly sure Taylor will let me use her truck on a limited basis to take trips to the store.  We have an Easter Egg hunt to go to Saturday, the boys really want to go, so hopefully they will either decide to go or let me take them in one of their vehicles.  It's a 5,000 egg easter hunt- they apparently do this every year and loads of kids show up for it.  I mean, kids whose families don't even go to the church.  

In fact, they are expecting such large crowds for Easter Sunday from people who don't normally go to church, they asked the regulars to sit on the front rows.  People who don't normally go to church do not want to sit up front.  They also asked everyone to park in the remote parking areas if at all possible.  I don't know that I will be going to church without a vehicle.  Taylor goes to a game fest thing on Sundays and that only leaves one vehicle at home.  I won't even ask them to use it, I'll just write church off for the next few Sundays until I get my vehicle back. 

Well, I haven't even taken it over there yet. The adjuster said she called them herself and that they were open to taking the vehicle in right away.  But does that mean they will get started on it right away? No idea.  

I'm just sitting here taking notes of what I best get done before I take it in. Walmart, Lowes and Kroger's.  Fill the cooler up with ice, it has lots of water bottles in it and that thing keeps stuff cold for many days and cool for many days after that.  Just want water over there.  I think I best get that keypad door handle as well.  I really don't want to leave that thing open and the only other option is to have the hassle of dealing with handing out duplicate keys to everyone - which doesn't address the issue of overnighters coming in that may want to use the facilities. A keypad handle is the only real solution I can think of - that or leave the place open 24 hours. 

You know, I guess I could do that once I get all of my tools out of there.  I have the cameras now.  It shouldn't take much to install them. Plug in the SIM cards, screw them in somewhere, plug them in and walaah.  I assume there's an app for it. 

Well, the day isn't getting any younger and I have running around to do.  Oh, my new laundry rules sign is finished as well.  Need that today.  They're near Lowe's. Unfortunately, I dropped the trailer yesterday and now I will have to go back to the property to get it.  No way to haul 20 sheets of 4X8 insulation without it.  

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...