Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Sunday - early

Guess I haven't posted since Thursday .... it's just one thing after another in this lifestyle of 1 job that would be considered full time by most people (it's anywhere from 42 to 56 hours per week, sometimes more, definitely not anything less than that), running an RV park and just home life and other things that life has to offer.

The boys came home on Friday late afternoon, were home a couple of hours and then I took them to the church "Friday Fun Night", 2-1/2 hours of fun for kids worshipping the Lord first, then a pizza dinner then playing outside on the bounce houses and all the stuff they had for kids to do out there.  They told me it was over at 8, so I went there and then they said, no, it's over at 8:30.  Oh.  Church is only a couple of miles from the park, so I left to go collect money. Got into a discussion with people over some things going on at the park, collected rents and past dues (I have a few "needy" people, but they pay up at some point) and got back a few minutes late to get them.

It's Sunday and unfortunately I have to work today (versus going to church and just sleeping in).  The good news, at least for me, is that I slept very well last night.  I put that sleep tracker on most every night, sometimes I forget but I did not forget last night. The crowd was over playing cards, they all showed up late.  They asked if I was going to play but by the time they were starting, it was only 40 minutes til bedtime.  Going to bed, I thought, hmmm, wonder how this is going to work out with a house full of people?

Turned the fan setting on high on the AC unit, put in my ear plugs and can honestly say I haven't slept that well in a long time.  Even the sleep tracker had it in green (which is good) and had words of encouragement how wonderful it was!  It usually says "let's get you some better sleep" but nothing it suggests works, I've tried all that stuff years ago. I feel pretty good this morning even if I'm facing doing a chore I pretty much dislike: driving trucks. Especially on Sundays.  The washout is closed, you have to call them to come out. I call 20 minutes in advance and they still don't show up for another 20 minutes after that.

Then to the plant and it's a roll of the dice. There definitely aren't going to be many people working and if they already have a truck being loaded and it's one of the loaders that will only do one truck at a time? You're screwed, you'll have to wait.

So, last night (yes I'm wandering all over the place with this post) we went to see IF.  It stands for Imaginary Friends.  The 9 year old has been wanting to see it for quite a while now, they went off to grandma's and were there close to 3 weeks.  Coming back, the 9 year old brought it up again.  Pleeeeeaaaassssseeee.  I said I would after work "tomorrow", we had been discussing it on Friday to go see it on Saturday "If your parents don't have anything planned for you".  

The 7 year old tried to force me ahead of leaving to buy him candy or he wasn't going to go.  Sorry, 7 year olds are not going to dictate to me how it's going to go, so I flatly refused. You can have popcorn and a drink, the same as always.  He just asked his mom if he could stay home and I was good with that. Stay home, I don't really care. The other 2 went - it was their idea to begin with - and were quite happy that he wasn't going, actually.  

The movie is a real tear jerker, amazingly enough.  It's about a 12 year old girl who has "grown up" and "I'm not a kid anymore" she states several times over at the beginning of the movie, chiding her father who she had come to town for to be with him for an operation he needs done. One will guess that the parents are divorced, I never heard that part.  Then, the girl sees this cartoonish type character (this wasn't animated, thankfully) running where her dad lives in a sort of apartment style, old building.  Long story shorter, these characters are forgotten imaginary friends that they were assigned to when those people were kids, but grew up and forgot about the IF's.  She can can see them, but the only other people that can see if the IF's are the people that the IF's were assigned to.

Anyway, she tries to reassign them to other people, but it doesn't work, they can't see them.  Then, she figures out to put them IF's back with their former people.  And so, there are certain moments near the end where even the boys were teared up, wiping them off of their eyes.  I was surprised that kids that age would be crying at a movie.  The 12 year old gets a bunch of these IF's back with their original people, the people can see them and they have "magical moments" I guess you could call it of a reunion. I'm more into action/thrillers and yes even some horror movies, but this one was pretty good considering it's really a kids movie.  

Well, the tractor.  I've have been running the gamut in my brain trying to decide if I even need  a tractor, which I really do, but do I really need all of the implements that I want for it? The answer is yes, but do I have to have all of them right off the bat? The answer is not necessarily, I can still rent a mini-ex if I have to.  Do I have to have a brand new tractor? That answer has always been no, I'm perfectly fine with an older machine as long as everything works and it runs well.  So, trying to figure out if I can find some kind of financing for it without the payments breaking the bank.  

I found a personal loan at 13.99%, which I consider high, but it's better than other stuff at 27% and going higher.  We're talking credit card territory with interest rates that high. 

Blah. It's time to leave.  Get back to this later...


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...