Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

Happy 4th of July/Independence Day to all that celebrate it.

Upon looking at the fence posts necessary to install the wire fencing, I decided that I would have to purchase  them up in Payson.  I would not be able to load those things into the car along with everything else I take up with me, plus they will be hanging out the back of the trunk of the car.  I have no desire to haul fence posts that far with them hanging out like that.

So I asked a person at the Home Depot if they had a store in Payson.  She gave me a blank look.  I repeated: Do you have a store in Payson?  I had never seen one there, but that doesn't mean they don't have one.  Payson what?  She didn't even know Payson is a town in Arizona, in fact, she thought Payson was some sort of material that they sell.

Lol.  No worries, I said, it's a town up north in the mountains, I'll just look it up online when I get home.  Though, I thought, I would rather know now in case they don't have one up there, I will have to reassess whether I want to buy them down here and haul them up there. The woes of not having a pickup truck, is all I can say about that.

And yes, there is a Home Depot store in Payson, Arizona.  It is further up the road that takes me into Payson than I normally go, I end up turning onto the 260 going Northeast instead of heading north on the 87, hence the fact that I didn't know there was one off of the 87 further north.  Anyway, I can empty the trunk up at the property and then head back into Payson and get the stakes.  It's kind of a working weekend coming up, up there, not really a lazy affair.  But I need to get this done.  I won't be able to finish all of it, though, I still need to get a chain link gate to install and I don't want to pay store prices for one.  I would rather find one on Craigslist and take it up with me on another trip up there.

I'm not necessarily looking forward to this project, it's just something that needs to be done.   I have put it off long enough and I am going to have someone helping me with it, so I don't really have to endure all this by myself, lol.

As for today, no lazy day.  I was going to go to the pastor's house for their cookout but I have too much to do here.  Just no time for it.  I was at the last couple of them, not like I am dissing the social scene here.  But I have to say, your internal clock sure takes a beating when it think it's the weekend - today would be Saturday by it's accounting, and then find out you have to wake up early in the morning for another day of work.  And what a waste going to work tomorrow will be. Sure, we can pull the orders for Monday delivery, but that will only take a small amount of time. There are a lot of orders going to the same place, but they are small orders and all should fit in the back of the pickup truck.  Most contractors aren't working and if they do make orders, undoubtedly they will be going out on Monday, not a Friday delivery.

Oh well.  I would have taken the day off if I could have.  In such case, I would have gone up to the property today and had much more time to do most of this project, though if I get all the fence posts in, that is the brunt of it right there.  Putting up the fencing is relatively easy work compared to that and installing a gate hopefully not too terribly hard, either.

Been a while since I've heard anything from my son.  He has never been particularly good at calling parents when he has been up at that camp before, I didn't expect a big change this year, either, though it gives a taste of things to come.  When he's in Hawaii, is he ever going to call us?  Even for a 5 minute phone call?  I have always kept in contact with my parents because I have read continuously, over and over, of parents whose kids have basically "abandoned" them, rarely calling them, send a card at Christmas and oh well.

Long interlude.  Almost time for bed.  Will be a long day tomorrow what with work and then coming home and loading up the car and then going and getting the other person and then driving up north.  I hope to get off work early, but at least if I can get off by 2:00 pm that will work.  Shouldn't be a problem since there will be very little to do.

I am going to take one dog up there with me, I haven't decided which.  Well,  okay, I am not going to take the little one.  It's going to be one of the Danes.  I can't take both, I don't think, cause' the bed they usually lay on will be used by my helper going up there.  I don't have dogs sleeping on my bed with me - ever.  Well, not in decades anyway.  I have sleeping problems and dogs move around a lot at night.  That would just keep me up all night long.




 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...