Sunday, December 4, 2022

 That was fun. We drove the trailer around all dressed up with Christmas lights, a blow up Grinch, a real Grinch and the entire trailer loaded with people plus more walking alongside it, waving at the huge crowds lining the shut down streets of down town.  Really had a great time, I love the small town atmosphere here, tho it literally IS a small town. Like 22,000 population.  It was amazing how many people showed up to watch the parade!  Easily thousands of people.  

Anyway, all of my fire rings have arrived, 3 of them a week earlier than what was listed for a delivery date.  

It is Sunday, but I have stuff to do over there, unfortunately. At bare minimum, I need to go water the grass seed.  Realistically, probably start putting those rings together, dig out the holes for the doggy park gate and whatever else.  But, Sundays are doomed for working long hours, I just won't do it. The boys want to go to church this morning so I'll probably do that, drop them off at the house afterwards and then get the watering done.  

Oh how I wish it would just rain today.  It's really a lot of work, moving a hose from one outlet to another, turning that on, then going over to another hose, moving that one, back to the first hose, back and forth for a couple of hours and a half until it's all done.  It's a lot of walking is what it is.  I can say, at least, that it's overcast so water isn't drying up off the ground shortly after it's sprayed on there. So that's nice, at least. 

I'm just motivated enough to work on a Sunday.  

Tomorrow, I am supposed to do a conference call concerning the website and installation of the campground software.  I need that done and over with. It's just a distraction for me, a thing in the back of my mind that doesn't go away. Once it's installed, I therefore have the ability to determine when I will start taking reservations - if any indeed come my way. 

I have been a bit - nervous - about this whole affair.  My mind goes through the gamut of what ifs. What if no one comes? What if I can't fill it up and keep it mostly full? Lots more, the point being, the fear of failure.  

Well, I have way too much money on the line here to have a failure, so that isn't even a possibility, but I did go through that thought process last night, laying in bed, wondering what the future holds.  I'm doing my best to put together the best outcome I can possibly have with the resources I have in place.

Taking out another loan right now is not in the cards, I simply won't do it.  I have enough debt and it's too much as it stands.  $350 per month will be gone in 8 months, the nearest recurring payment thing I have going that is almost done, which is the car payment. I'd pay it off now and get it over with - but - that would be that much more money I don't have available for the here and now.

Ok, well enough of that.  Time to get ready to go worship the Lord.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...