Thursday, October 12, 2023

 Thursday - semi early

The dog will get me up even if I have decided I would rather sleep in a little. Which I haven't - because of the dog.  He wants out at 7 am if not earlier.  Even if I let him out directly before bed, his internal alarm clock doesn't care, it's time to go.  However, the first thing he does when running outside isn't going pee, it's going to the pond and drinking copious amounts of water. That is our outdoor watering trough for the dogs.  Good water, the fish have gotten used to it.

The online software system was going berserk again, turns out the date set on the software for the length of time the "current" rates were set ran out and people were running into "no rate set for the dates listed".  I haven't checked it in a month, a customer actually called and informed me.  I figured the problem out quickly this time without the software operator's help and have that back up and running.  

Long term left last night, but they told me they were leaving.  The man is being moved to a jobsite that is right next to an RV campground some 30 miles from my park. I can't blame him for moving and frankly, with a family of 4 living in there? Their power usage was highly likely disproportionate to the amount of money they were paying for the lot.  I have raised the rate for that lot and already one of the existing park guests wants it, even at the higher rate.  

That's because their yard will face no one next to them.  It is one of the highly coveted end lots with the passenger side facing the yard which is something like 80 feet wide. I decided I would charge extra for both of those end lots.  The other end lot will probably be leaving soon as well. It has been many months since they moved in there and they were waiting on 3 separate closings on land before they could take possession of the final property they were getting.

Of course, it wasn't just closing. Once they get or probably already have possession of the property, they have to get power lines run to it, water and sewer.  I don't know their plans, I haven't talked to them in a while.  I don't often see them now that the school year started, she is a teacher and I assume the 4 year old is in pre-school.  Or Kindergarten depending on his birth date.  

So, I have 2 lots available now and likely more lots coming available soon.  

Surprise, surprise. The family that left left a glowing review. It was hard to gauge whether they liked it or not, they are very private people and keep to themselves.  Which is fine, I did get the opportunity to speak to the man last month which is when he informed me he was being forced to move.  I was interested in the part of the review where she says her kids loved the walking trails. I never saw them using those trails, lol, I'll have to take her word for it.  

Speaking of those trails, I was trying to think how I could get my mower back to the rear of the property to cut down numerous weeds that have grown.  I don't really know how I can get it back there and be able to get it back out.  Well, I sort of do but the hill is so steep, I wonder if it can make it back up it.  I ran that thing for hours yesterday, yes it needs new blades but it just meant some areas I had to make 2 passes to get it nicely cut down.  

Oh, back to the lots, well I was about to make a new Google note for any potential customers but I got distracted by the new review lol. Probably the best review yet.  

I haven't heard from work and if they don't call me before next week, I'll be fine with that. But, I'll be ready to go to work next week.  If they want me to start sooner, that's fine as well, I'll get with the program and get started with this stuff.  I need to get to a plant and do my own offloading sooner than later anyway so I don't start forgetting stuff. I did take down extensive notes, tho and it's not really rocket science, but there is a sequence to how things need to be done.  

I dunno what else.  I mean, there is always finances and tho they could be better, I'm not terribly concerned about it now that we're heading into much cooler weather. The only cause for concern would be if the park empties out, ie: lose 4 or 5 people without anything coming back into take their place.  The 3 people that came in together is always a concern, I have no idea whether they are happy or unhappy. Asking them doesn't get any kind of direction in how they are thinking. So, at the beginning or near the end of every month, I wonder if I am going to continue receiving that check.  They won't be there forever, obviously, but if they want to leave just because of some "thing" that they want changed and it's something I can accommodate for, I would rather they just tell me.

It's the "you can't please everyone" thing.  Now the people that I had to turn away I wish were on my doorstep asking for a place.  

As for Israel, I guess it shouldn't be unbelievable that there are people in this country that have actual positions of power that are supporting Hamas.  Or that they actually believe that Iran had no part in this. Hamas is clearly an Iranian proxy group and under IRGC direction and control.  I didn't hear Biden's statement that came days after this situation started, but apparently he is actually siding with Israel.  I have no idea where this man's loyalties are, I don't believe he has an original thought.  He is being controlled by handlers who tell him what to say, when and where to say it and even shut him up when he goes off-script. 

One of the biggest arguments is that children are being killed by Israel after you start talking about Hamas targeting civilians.  The difference is critical: Hamas use children and elderly as human shields. Israel is not directly targeting civilians but when you are so evil that you would put human flesh in the path of oncoming missiles, what options does Israel have? The left calls for a cease fire, sorry. I don't blame Israel for wanting to end this situation permanently. The news shows where these Hamas tunnels are - underneath schools and hospitals and areas where civilians reside.  They do that on purpose.  But I can do nothing beyond praying for the peace of Israel.  God will have the final say here, I firmly believe that.  

Anyway, I have stuff to do today and sitting here isn't getting it done.  I'm going to clean up the table for laundry, I have a lot of my stuff on it for I have nowhere else to put it.  I need a large shed to set up shop in.  Tools and supplies.  I have no such thing excepting a very small shed that can't even begin to hold all of my things.  I don't have the money for such venture at the moment, I just keep a lot of it under the table.  But I have half the table taken up with tools and things, I will go through and sort stuff out and get it organized underneath the table. 

It's a bit tacky, I have nowhere else to put these things.  And this is stuff I use, not just junk.   

Well, enough. Need a haircut before I head over there, been over a month since I've had one.  And take a look at the freshly abandoned lot and make sure there aren't any issues with it that need to be dealt with.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...