Friday, January 7, 2022

 Another phone call later - to the insurance agency - and the lady said yes, actually there is an estimate on file.  Why didn't the first person I talked to find this information?  It would have saved me literally HOURS of phone calls.  Whatever the case, she sent it to me and I was correct: it's more than enough to replace the house, including everything that would have to be done to install it on the property. Thought so.  I wouldn't want less than replacement cost, that would be rather useless.  

So, I sent that info to this loan officer and a few hours later, he says they are going to do a "last minute verification of employment" and then "we are golden".  Huh? I already verified my employment, including sending pay stubs. They called my employer to verify that I'm working there. What more do they need? 

As I said, this stuff grew old, long ago.  The interest rate is locked until the 8th.  Well that's tomorrow, thanks, I hope they are able to extend it.  It's a ridiculously low interest rate that you really should take advantage of if you are able to and need it.  Refinancing isn't always the best option, but in this case? Definitely the best path to take for me. 

Just before our money becomes worthless, I'd like to get this thing rolling, lol. I'm telling you, if they are ever able to pass the BBB reconciliation bill, we ain't seen nothing yet as far as inflation.  I don't want them to pass it to prove me right, I don't want to be right.  

There will be no signing tomorrow even if they can get the paperwork done.  Unless the signing can be done online, there is no way I am in Phoenix, Arizona, tomorrow lol. That's because I'll be heading down to Brownsville yet again!  This last trip took it out of me.  I really would have like a day off, but oh well. I had a lot of today off, I guess.  I went to meet up with James and Taylor at the restaurant, had a social outing and came home, went to sleep for a while and now just lounging in my office chair. 

I informed the loan officer I needed advance notice to make sure I can be in town for the signing. That was a few weeks ago, he never replied to it. Of course he didn't.  The real kicker here is that getting a flight to Phoenix is highly risky.  I've seen nothing but cancellations by the thousands since before Christmas of flights due to "Covid", they say. Perhaps that's partially true, but I suspect pilots are still doing a version of a strike without calling it one.  

Just ordered a Mammoth dog bed for Addler. His current bed is old and is worn down from his weight.  I like my doggies to be comfortable when they are in the bedroom.  Good support is better for their joints as well.  

And that's it.  I did not go to the property today, I simply didn't feel like it. Well I drove by there.  The contractor hasn't responded, if he shows up Monday with equipment, I will probably be there if this is a 2 day trip.  Lately, however, the company in Mexico hasn't been keeping up with empty trailers - which is great, we get detention pay - but right now, not knowing if he's coming or not? I'd like to be in town. This is the way it's been with all contractors in this area, they are busy and you are on their terms. They don't say it that way, of course, but that's what it really boils down to.  

Oh, and the sign is ordered.  If they don't want to deal with me on a civil level, then I will deal with it another way. "Speed limit 10 mph violators will be trespassed".  No, I can't stop the companies from coming in there, but I can stop individuals from those companies from coming in there.  It actually doesn't bother me that they are going in there, as long as they are not creating a disturbance. I want these people to understand right off the bat that I can't have them speeding down the driveway like that.  At least 2 of them go in there once a day, every single day. They aren't in there long, but they are going 30, 35 and even more down that driveway.  Those people are being paid an hourly wage to check all of these gas wells, let them earn it.  I have no sympathy, I am governed at 68 mph, all day long, every single day.  I got used to it, so can they!  

THEY have their OWN sign up that says in large lettering: SPEED LIMIT 10 MPH.  So, it's not like I'm trying to do anything that they haven't already established.     

Ok, I'm obviously not going to hear back from the lender today.  It's past his work hours. Doesn't matter, really, but just trying to get a handle on when this thing will be ready to sign off and hand me a check or transfer money to my account.  

With that, I'm offa here.  

 The day started with waiting at the scale house for an hour on paperwork.  I was the only driver in there for at least 30 minutes.  

After that, I was driving past Diboll, Texas and saw up in the distance the lights flashing.  That means they are pulling trucks in and doing random inspections - a couple of trucks will get stopped, everyone else will be let through and they turn the lights off.  

Getting up to it and about to turn in, I saw 3 trucks blast by it.  I thought for sure the troopers would go chase them down - it's quite illegal to do that and you can get a hefty fine.  Instead of chasing them down, they pulled me in the scale and then - we're doing level 1 inspections today.

Great, pick me with all of these junky trucks going through here.  This ordeal ended up taking up almost 6 hours.  That's not a typo, 6 solid hours by the time everything was said and done.

This dude got under the truck and the trailer with a creeper checking brakes and everything under there.  He also found a nick in the side of one of the trailer tires that I hadn't seen when I had done my pre-trip inspection.  Yes, I had a flashlight but the nick was so small it was hard to see it in the daylight. "Well I can see the tire cord in there so this tire is going to have to be replaced" - or something akin to that.  

In the end, he gave me a CVSA sticker for the tractor - which is a very good thing, it signals the truck has been thoroughly inspected and other troopers will likely not pull you in for another inspection - but he put the trailer out of service.

Getting put out of service is a very bad thing and I haven't had that done to me since 1985.  Back then it wasn't even that big of a deal since there were no CDL's and there wasn't a nationwide data system.  The damage to that tire would have been done by a previous driver - it was obviously someone turning the truck and cranking that tire up against a curb. Instead of inspecting the damage and having the tire replaced, they just - hoped someone else would get dumped with it I am guessing, it happens all the time and that's why I try to thoroughly inspect tires before I hook up to a any given trailer.  

Now, the trooper said I had to have the tire replaced. It was sooooo incredibly dangerous? That he had me drive the truck to the next town to wait in a truck stop versus waiting there, at the inspection station. I wanted to just get it done at the inspection station, he said no, it can be done down the road.  To want me to continue on driving the truck means there is no way he should have put that truck out of service.  It's my company I was thinking of.  They will not like an OOS violation and they may even can me for it.  I had no idea what they were going to do, but as I have said numerous times on this blog, there is no job security at my company and I am always prepared for the worst, mentally if nothing else. 

Sitting at the truck stop, it took 4-1/2 hours by the time the new tire was put on there and I could leave. A 2 day trip turned into 3, although I got back early today, I only had 242 miles to go this morning.

Upon arriving at the terminal, I saw that my manager was in. He almost never comes on Fridays, I suspected he would be handing me a reprimand at the very least, and I would be rejecting it just the same.  Whoever that other driver was that pulled it before me? Should be getting the reprimand. I was going to flat refuse it, the best I would agree to is partial responsibility - you as the driver of the truck are always blamed for everything regardless.  

So I went in the office, did my paperwork and very loudly told the mechanics - whose office is across from the manager's office - about what happened and why it happened.  My manager had his door shut but cracked open enough that I could both see him in there and figured he could hear everything I was saying.  If he wanted to call me into his office, he certainly could have done so.  He did not.  I took my time leaving there, if there is going to be a bit***** session, I want it over with, today, not lingering forever.  If it's the end of my job, so beit, but let's do this now.  I can find another job if I have to.  I don't want to, but shrugs.  

At the same time, I wasn't going to go in his office and ask for it.  That's going to be on him to call me in there.  Because if he was going to start with me, I would have let him know in no uncertain terms about my feelings of other drivers not doing pre or post trip inspections and not reporting obvious problems.  This happens frequently, I have reported it a few times, they all know about it yet they do nothing about it.  

I missed detention pay in Brownsville because of that nonsense as well.  I left the office in no huge hurry, heard nothing from the manager....and left.  I left the violation ticket in  his mailbox, he has to see it and it has to be signed off on.

Now? I'm home, relaxing and hoping not to have a run tomorrow. I will probably get one, I just don't want one. The reason being it's the oldest boy's birthday tomorrow and he was greatly hoping I would be home for it.  Those are his words lol.  I also need to finish marking trees and I can tell ya, I just don't have it in me to do any of that today. I just want to sit in my room and vegetate.  I've probably got 2 more hours left to go out there.  Finish the other side along where the driveway will be and walk the perimeter one last time to ensure I have everything marked that I want marked.  

Yes it needs to happen, but again, my motivation levels after this trip are all but gone.  Maybe in a few hours I'll get the umph I need to go out there and get all cut up and tolerate trees with spikes and thorns sticking out of them and vines that do nothing more than stick your skin.  I can't wait until that front portion of the property is CLEARED and I don't have to deal with that s*** anymore.  

I'm going to take close up shots of everything that has spikes and thorns out there and post them on Facebook. It is 5 different plants/trees that I can think of that will stick you.  And good. 

Meanwhile, the loan. The endless parade of documents they want. Now they want a - calculator that the insurance company will come up with to determine replacement cost of the house.  They don't think the current amount I have on there is enough.  I can tell ya that it's far more than enough to replace the house - with everything that would be required such as removing the old house (if it burned down I guess), having the new one hauled over there and installed.  I understand the lender wanting this info, tho, it's just another pain to deal with. 

So far, I've made 3 phone calls to the insurance company to try and get that number. So far? NOTHING.

I have also not heard back from the contractor about his intended start date. I hope it's not this coming week, that would give me more time to double check everything.  I barren, 1,400 long strip of land is not all that appealing to me.  I am also going to have a speed limit sign put on the driveway-  these oil/gas people are flying up and down that road and I have contacted 2 out of 3 so far. The main operator hasn't returned my email - that was 2 days ago. So the sign is going to say 10mph and violators will be trespassed from the property. That will get their attention.....

Anyway, I am being asked if I want to join Taylor and james for lunch, I'm outta here.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...