Thursday, October 27, 2022

 I'm still waiting and starting to put pressure on the contractor to get the damn power line hooked up. It's 12 feet, it's an hour's worth of work if that.  

I don't like to do it, but I'm basically blowing up the contractor's phone. It's been 8 days since the power company came and installed the poles and on that very day, while the power company crews were still out there, I discussed this with the electrical portion of this contractor's company's lead man.  He made it sound like he was coming tomorrow to do it.  

So now, I have to practically beg these people to finish the job and get me on the path to getting the place opened up and getting some money flowing in.  It's really starting to annoy me the lack of communication and lack of motivation, apparently, these people exhibit.  They're running a business, they should understand the needs of people that are also attempting to get a business rolling.

Whatever the case, the driveway is almost done. I sent the boy home after he let the chains on both chainsaws come off, instead of tightening the chains as I have repeatedly asked him to do.  I am not sure if I"ll have him back, but if I do, it won't to be to operate a chainsaw.  It's a good way to get hurt and also a good way to break the bar and/or the chain.  

I have been sick the last several days and have gotten much of nothing done, save the rules. I think I am finished with them.  I have some time to look over some other RV park rules, but the gist of what I want is there.

The electrical dude contacted me back and quoted me $1,400 to put in 12 feet of line.  I not only balked at the price of such a short stretch of line, I also asked him about the "quote" I got for the entire project that I have already paid for?

His excuse was that they couldn't determine that up front since they didn't know "how" far away it would be.  What a crock of shit.  I got pissed, to be honest.  And I let him and the main guy know about it.  You quoted me the entire job and now you are adding even more money to this project?  They certainly didn't tell me this stuff up front.  "Well I can come down a few hundred dollars, but I have to bring out a crew and"yada yada yada.  

Whatever.  Calling another company would be at least that much, but that isn't the point. I was quoted this project and there was nothing about additional costs at the end of it.  I'll say this: If I ever do business with this company again, I'm going to get a detailed cost for every phase of the project from start to finish, on paper and guaranteed - or I will find someone else.  They can do the septic, that's about it.  

The main dude said they can come next week for gravel.  I'm getting this stuff over with and get this thing rolling.  

It is highly likely that, even with the extra 401k, tightening the belt and trying to keep expenses down, that I will end up with having to get another loan.  This is not optimal and I would rather not, but it appears that after the cost overruns for building the park, I'm going to have very little cash left over to start with.  My idea is to get enough to pay all my credit cards down and then the money being spent on credit card payments every month will pay for the loan, which will give me much more money than just credit card debt paydown.

I don't know everything, but I do know I need to get over this illness quickly so I can get back to work. Today, I spent much of it sleeping.  Oh. Well, the kids got sick but the real culprit I think is this dude that was at one of our card nights coughing wildly all over the place, not covering his mouth, not caring whether anyone else was going to catch it or not and then, when we were moving those people on Sunday, he showed up again, this time the coughing much more drastic sounding and again, coughing all over the place.  We sent him home, frankly, but the damage was done. 

I don't understand how people can behave like that.  

The midterm-election nonsense is heating up. I watch/read (mostly read) some of it but then I get disgusted with the way they are behaving and just do something else.  There really isn't any reason for me to be watching it anyway, I made up my mind long ago about who for what. I certainly am not voting for Beto for governor! A nightmare that isn't even in disguise, he would try to turn Texas into another California.  It is interesting to watch some of these heated races in other states, especially Pennsylvania, my original home state.  

Well enough.  It's not that late but I'm going to go lay down again.

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...