Monday, November 16, 2015

Vet visit.
2 ladies at the front were trying to finish a conversation when I came in there. "Oh that is a very big dog, I didn't expec that".  Well, they didn't ask what breed of dog he was when I called them.  They weren't complaining - I don't think anyway - and Addler behaved himself swimmingly the entire visit.  Okay, he didn't want to comply with standing or sitting on the scale - we had to try two separate times, but I consider that a nothing issue.  He currently weights 119 pounds.  I figued it was 100 to 110 so I was a bit off on that one.  But I'm not a scale, either, lol.

They gave him all shots that bring him up to date for his age and took swab off rear end and found worms.  No heartworms though, which is very good.  Easy enough to get rid of those intestinal worms, already have him on that medicine.  It's going to take a bit of time - maybe quite a bit - to get this dog indoctrinated into my ways of doing things.  I like instant obedience. Sit! means sit down right now.  Stay - means stay regardless of what is going on around you.  Come - means come to me right now - not look around or dance here and there. He is completely untrained and this is going to be quite the challenge. But - he has learned sit so far, so I know he's trainable.  He hasn't learned stay, lol, he sits, looks at me and then gets up and starts poking his giant muzzle into everything.

I'll have paitence with him for he doesn't know any better and was never trained to know any better. I'm not saying his former owners were bad dog owners, they just deemed him an outside dog and that, apparently,  meant no training.  You would, however, think that he would at least know to come when someone yells his name.  he doesn't.  I personally believe in both leash training and non leash training.  I shouldn't have to have a leash on him to make him come.  So I'm not doing that - yet.  I will if it comes down to it and then wean him off of it, but I would rather just have him learn my ways of doing things.  A large dog needs to be trained.  Even IF non-violent, he can do some damage if he doesn't listen when it's necessary for him to.  

Day is over as far as running around.  I brought him home from vets and went right back out to pharmacy to get my meds.  I don't yet trust him in a car alone.  I think he will probably go crazy and tear things up.  Leave that for a time - in the future - to try.  Leave the car, pretend to go inside and then hide and watch.  


Now let's talk about Obama and this pathetic drive to now introduce 100,000 refugees. The more I watch of him, hillary and others and THEN to hear Obama's OWN head of homeland security making statements that defy Obama's move on this issue - it's a wonder we aren't attacked right now.  It's like he WANTS to allow terrorists into this nation.  I'm quite sick of his politics - to the point of compromising our own nation's safety? But I have talked myself out on FB groups and just making a few observations here.  If you are going to feel safe when all these unknowns come in here - then you have your head stuck in the sand.  I don't trust these people and I don't want them just pouring into our nation. We have ENOUGH problems already, who is going to pay for all of this?  That was a rhetorical question.  

Day 2.
Addler slept on the futon. Per Fin's remark on my Facebook wall about needing a bigger bed - I figured instead of buying a doggy bed and taking up even more space in this room with it, why not use the futon?  I can buy them a new mattress for it whenever I figure out what I am going to do and leave here.  Which could be a few months from now - or a few years - or who knows. I hate throwing money away on rent but it isn't that much, these people are totally cool and I have a very nice setup now that I have gotten my room situated to my liking. The futon is huge, ample room for the dog to spread completely out.

Anyway, Addler decided to check up on me several times last night.  I was afraid that meant he was going to go pee/poop on the floor, but it was the jitters still, being in a strange place with strange people he doesn't know and likely wanting to go back home to his family.  That isn't going to happen, they got rid of him for a reason.  I don't know about anyone else, but if I had dogs that I loved THAT much, I would really try to find a place where I could have them instead of getting rid of them.

I guess he finally decided that it was okay to go to sleep and leave me alone, which he did.  He got me up at 6:30 am - which is okey - I figured I better get right up and get him outside before he does anything on the floor.  I lucked out as far as doing anything in the house goes, he didn't pee at all. He was drinking a LOT of water just before bedtime last night - I put a stop to it.  Nooooo.  That has to come OUT at some point.  So anyway, I'll leave him outside for an hour or so and then bring him back in.

My chest feeling so incredibly bad this morning.  Mucus draining all night long down in there.  I just wanted to get up and go to WalMart and get some medicine to stop the mucus.  I had a thouht this morning: I probably have some of that in my stuff under the sink.  I have a huge bag of stuff that I never pulled out when I moved in here.  Nowhere to put it - but it's not worthless stuff, just figured I'd leave it in there and rummage through it whenever I needed somethng.  Found a box of Walmart severe cold and flu medicine. Thought, well it would work but overkill.  Then, I found an unopened bottle of the cough medicine that deals with the mucus.  Ahhhhh yes! Score.  No need to go to the store now, I don't feel like going anywhere.  Feels much better after taking it, too.

Ohhh, glad I remembered.  I need to scour the internet and find a sweater big enough to fit Addler.  It's going to get cold out there soon and I am not going to have that dog freezing to death while I'm at work.  They actually offered here that he could stay in my room while at work - but it didn't take much thinking to come to the conclusion that would be a bad idea.  That dog is an outside dog - currently anyway, I'm going to change his thinking about that slowly to where he is both and outside AND an inside dog.  To keep a dog that big cooped up in a room alllllll day long, especially when he has friends out there he can play with? Bad idea.

Well that didn't take long.  There are online sites dedicated to supplies for large breed dogs.  I'm going to have to measure him, they have sweaters big enough even for my big boy.  Just measured him: he's 33 inches at the shoulders and 36 inch girth.  He's between a 2XL and a 3XL.  Hmm.  I dunno what to get him.  Get one too small - won't fit, get one too large - might come off?  He's definitely going to fill out, but I don't know how long that will take.  Another year or so I'm guessing.  -------------------------------------------------------

Definitely a Dane. Follows me everywhere.  Wants to know everything I am doing.  Hates it when I put him outside.  Stands at the door and stares for a while before venturing out into the back yard.  Baca - the larger pup - is completely and absolutely terrified of him.  Squeals and yelps and cries - Addler wants to play, Baca is like, what?

Well anway, a co-worker called and wnated to meet up at Chili's and watch some football games.  Sure, why not? Not feeling good at all, but I went anyway and watched the Cowboys get beat again and the Steelers kick butt over the Browns.  In fact, the Steelers game got carried enough away that they switched to the Miami game before it was even over.  But, I am not feeling good.  I finally got the mucus stopped flowing down my throat and into my lungs but the damage is done.  I'm pretty much good for much of nothing right now and I suspect in the morning? I'm calling into work sick.

Monday morning came around and I had absolutely no 8intention of going into work, not feeling like that.  I have plenty of sick and vacation hours and work is slow right now, they can live without me for a day or even a couple of days.  Yes, I will probably take tomorrow off as well. I have a long history of respiratory problems and it doesn't get better by doing anything that entails physical labor.

I just got back from Urgent Care and finally, just by luck I guess, found a doctor that actually knows what the hell he is doing with this kind of situation.  He immediately stated that he would be giving me a steroid shot - it's the only thing that has ever worked for this.  I didn't ask for it - or anything else for that matter - but I was very much happy when he stated that.  He then went into all kinds of other stuff he does to combat this problem and it was quite refreshing to hear this coming from him.  Most docs don't have a clue.  Seriously.  I've been through this so many times, I have to give suggestions, especially steriod shots - and usually they dismiss it.  I know what works and what doesn't work, but docs? They know everything.  They don't want to hear you giving them advice on what to do.

So, shot in the rear later and hopefully it will be taking effect soon enough. I don't remember how long it took last time I got one to almost fully take away the coughing.  BTW, cough medicine? Does nothing.  I have been on DM tussin for 2 days - it takes away a little bit right off the bat but after that? The cough comes right back and worse.  That's when I know it's time to go see a doc.

Well, I was thinking about taking my new Dane in to a vet and getting him checked out - heart worms, parvo, stuff like that.  I found one right down the road while waiting in the doc's office for the shot and they said they had an intro offer and could get him in today.  I don't much feel like it but I don't get much down time at work.  I'm at work when everyone is open and I'm off work when everyone is - closed.  We have to do stuff while at work.  Like taking the car in - I just tell them I'm taking it in and need someone to bring me back.  There are no objections to that at all.  If I need to do something that I can only do during normal business hours, I come in late or leave early. Again, no objections.  BTW, today was a pleasant surprise there: I had a $161 credit.  I was at this facility's office  2 towns over quite a while back for that other situation I had going earlier this year.  They never actually sent me anything saying they owed me money.  No copay today.  Kinda interesting they would just "keep" the money instead of sending a check.......

But no biggies, certainly didn't complain today..There is enough there for a couple more visits worth of co-pays.  Speaking of health, it's time to get Val off of my health insurance.  She is obviously intent on this divorce -- we haven't talked in several weeks - and I am not going to continue to pay for her health care coverage that she won't use anyway.  She has several things a doc could help her out with.  I'm just throwing money out the window having her on it and we are in the yearly open enrollment - I can take her off  without any special circumstances.  Kids as well.  I had them on there as secondary back up since her previous ex  has them on his health care. I have my son on my plan so adding more kids doesn't cost anything more.  My son only uses it occasionally when he gets sick.

Well that's enough for now.  Addler will likely be a handful at the vet office.  I've only had him 2 days and he has a lot of training in front of him to go.  Just getting him to sit when told to do so was a big effort - but the little doggy treats work wonders, lol.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

So.  Looked up online about my non-functioning speedometer and odometer.  I was quite surprised to find the information that I did.  Seems that the years 2003 to 2006 of my car's model had problems with an apparatus called a stepper motor.  Never heard o fit.  Makes the mechanical function of the gauge work. 6 dollar part.  Seriously.  I got on ebay, found the right ones for my car and ordered the entire set including de-soldering gun and a soldering gun for 22 bucks.  You have to take the instrument panel out, take it apart and then you have to unsolder these stepper motors and then solder in a new one.

I spent a considerable amount of money on my car this week, I am not likely to spend a lot more in auto shops unless absolutely necessary.  I'm attempting to find out what bushings, exactly, they were referring to for the rear in having the rear wheels angled because they are bad. Not having any luck so far.  Alls I heard was it was a "big job".  Likely going to have to remove a wheel and look under there to find for myself what they were talking about.  I have found some subframe bushings and a tutorial on how to install them, but I'm not sure if that is what they were referring to.  Just going to keep searching that out - I won't have time for that this weekend anyway.

I called tonight to confirm they are still going to give me that dog - it's a LOOOOONG drive and I'm not interested in driving that far to find changed minds.  Yes, she said, call in the morning before you leave, though, we are not sure when we are going to be home.  She works until 2:30 in the afternoon, he is on call for work.  Meaning he will be home all day - unless - he is called in.  So the time could change to 2:30 to get the dog. Meaning a late day by the time I would get back - but - i have determined tomorrow is dog day. However long it takes.

It's a full 3 hour drive there - further than even Fort Worth.  The drive won't bother me as long as I bring a dog home!  Psyched about this, hope it works out.  I'm one of those don't count your chickens people - you don't have it until you - have it.  Been there done that too many times, learned my lesson. I can get my hopes up but keep a bit of "chill" about it until I see the dog, get the dog in my car and leave the premises.

According to landlady, Valerie has stopped all the negative talk about me at work.  Any talk about me whatsoever.  Which is good, because I rarely bring it up now and it's a short lived conversation.  I think about this situation - infrequently now - but when I do - I go back to all the crap.  There is absolutely nothing in me that would ever want to go back to that situation. Nothing at all.

Well it's not that late - almost 9 - but I am going to bed.  Try to get a good night's sleep.  Had another tire replaced on my car today - making all 4 of them either new or very close to new. It was starting to vibrate. I had put a used tire on it because of the angled tire situation, but, come to find out it's not really eating tires up that fast and I can have them flipped on the rim once they get to the point they can't go anymore without ruining them.  It will occupy my searching to find out what bushings are bad and buy some new ones and try to find out how hard it's going to be to install them.

Hmm, maybe figured out the paragraph issue.

Got back from a run today and the salesman starts shaking his head at me.
Huh? What? What's going on?  Why are you shaking your head at me?

The semi, it's got to go on the semi.  WHAT has to go on the semi? What the
freak are you talking about?  He knew what kind of HELL he was going to be
getting me into, apparently he was trying to apologize for it in advance.  Take a
load of pipe into a very restrictive, small residential neighborhood.  Always just
LOVE those.  Usually means backing out, and usually including extremely tight
turns and trying to not run over people's lawns as they tend to get pissed that
truck tires just left HUGE grooves in their front yard.  No, I don't do that but
other drivers do.  If I can't get into a place without damaging whateever? That's
where I stop and make phone calls. I ain't doing it, we're done, they're going to
have to come to where I'm at to get their materials or they aren't getting them.

It is a pink with purple and blue and orange moon when that happens.

This particular situation including blind-side backing around a turn and tyring to
get the trailer nailed between two posts less than 11 feet apart.  I got it though, just
took a while to navigate through everything.  And then the other delivery today.
I am talking to the contractor and he gives me an address.  Okayyyy.  Get "there".
GPS takes me to - a one lane road, surrounded and covered with trees, no place to turn
around and wondering - where - is this place.  The contractor comes up behind me and
calls me - he apparently has my number in his phone - Ben, please back up to this drive
way behind you.  Ummm, is this truck going to fit in there?  Oh yes, no problem.

Contractors ALWAYS say that whether it's true or not.  Turning into the driveway
I see that at the end? Is a very sharp turn.  Through a gate.  What is with the gates
today?  I had to angle the thing through there and I am not kidding, there was less
than an inch on either side of the trailer.  Mud, truck spinning tires - we're having
fun today.

Anyway, took the car in this morning.  I made my decision, time to fix it.  Yesterday
was the heater core, today was the front end and supposed to be the angled tires on the
rear.  Well, the dude calls me after dropping it off this morning and named off numerous
things wrong with the front end.  Yes, I thought, I know all of this, saw it last time I had
the wheels off.  Rear? Turns out there are bushings back there and they have to be
replaced and - he says - it's a "big" job.  Okay.  Well, he didn't want to deal with that
today, said he had to have time to find the bushings and then he would get back with
me with a price. I had the entire front end fixed at a cost of $460.  Between yesterday
and today, that pretty much wiped out the money I had started saving for a car.

I did not know what was wrong with the rear, but these people know what they are doing.
So, I am going to look up bushings myself and see if I can find a video or otherwise
detailing what one has to do to replace them. .I'm not going to spend bucoo bucks on
bushings.  I wanted the front done by a shop to have it done right and the fact that they
have to do an alignement afterwards. I just can't justify taking this car to a shop for everything.
It's not worth that much money, but it is worth keeping it running if it's going to last a bit
longer.  I have driven it 103,000 miles without any major problems. The man at the shop today
informed me that car would last at least 100,000 more miles and probably a lot more.  Huh?
Yup.  I had one myself.  It had 300,000 miles on it before I got rid of it and it was still running!

I have seen them listed online with over 200,000 miles, but unless I was REALLY desperate,
I would never buy a car with that much mileage on it.  Dunno, just going to hope that this money
spent was worth it.

Dog.  I brought it up today. She already demanded, I found out, that husband get rid of that "dog"
on Thursday.  Yes, get the dog!  Okay.  I will, lol.  So, unless the owner of the dog changes her
mind, I'm driving to Fort Worth area on Saturday to get it.  She doesn't want to be there.  She
said she works 7 days a week when the subject came up.  Okay, well I can show up when you are
there. NO, she says, I don't WANT to be there.  Okay, I said this yesterday about this situation-
she loves the dog, she doesn't want to get rid of it, just life happens.

Whatever the case, the dog is mine unless something happens to stop it.  But as for me, I am planning on leaving out of here early Saturday morning and getting the dog.  It would be very cool if I could get company truck and get those fence panels while I am there.  But, the dog is the first and foremost. Those panels are only $10 a piece. They would need to be cut to size, sanded and treated but for the price? Very much worth it.

Well that's it. Not really, but that's all for now, lol.  I'm still wondering how this divorce is going to go.  I really don't want a fight.  There is nothing to fight about, not legitimately.  Still, people get things into their brains and pursue such things regardless of it's legitimacy or lack of chance of ever becoming reality, or not.

Now Thursday - started that one yesterday.

Do I feel the need to justify myself? Not really.  If someone asks me with a perplexed look on their face and wondering how "it ever got there" I will give some kind of reply.  My answers are on this blog. The question: how did it get this way with you and Val?  Heard it again tonight.

Anyway, tomorrow is Friday - the 13th btw - which means nothing to me, I give no credence to a "bad" or "unlucky" day simply because of a number assessed to a day of the week.  We don't need to be living our lives in unecessary fear.  I don't even know what, if anything, I will have at work tomorrow because I have been busy all day long.  The temporary driver called in this morning to tell the warehouse manager that he is out of gas and doesn't have any money. The warehouse manager - is unlike ANYONE you have EVER met in your ENTIRE life.  I GUARANTEE it.

Anyway, the driver didn't actually "ask" the warehouse manager for a ride to work and so? He wasn't offered one.  In that manager's mind, he should have asked and then and ONLY then, he would have sent someone to pick him up.  ROFL.  This place both cracks me up and irritates me to no end at the same time.

In MY mind, this new dude is smoking over a pack a day of cigarettes, every day. I have little sympathy. Make provision for your vices but not for the method that pays for those vices and everything else in your life? I am very tired of the way these younger generations think.  Entitlement, it is "owed" to me, I should get it regardless.  No humility, very little respect, utter bullshit. Are we somehow, in this nation, getting what we deserve?

I dunno. But one thing I did learn today? Stepper motors.  Never heard of them.  Was looking up speedomters for my car on ebay and it was the first thing that came up.  I started reading about them and then watched a video on Youtube on how to replace them. I found out that my version of a car between the years of 2004 and 2006 had problems with them and would cause speedomoter, gas and tach reading to be off and then, eventually quit. I ordered a full set of replacement stepper motors today with the - unsolder tool - and the soldering tool - for a total price of - $22. I watched the video.  The dude doing it obviously had done it many, many times over.  But still.

I pulled out the rugs in my car today and washed them in the washing machine - now that the heater core leak is fixed, wanted to clean them.  Hot water, spread solution over the entire surface of both rugs and what happened?  They are completely clean!  Considering what was on that that was amazing!  What wasn't so nice is the dryer.  It left all kinds of sand and junk in there.  Going to have to scrub the entire thing out.

But my thoughts today were on getting that Dane. I have always loved dogs.  My family had them when I was a child and I have had them almost my entire adult life.  There will be challenges with this dog if I end up getting him - which I want him if the owner actually lets him go - but he is an outdoor dog.  Great Danes? Love the outdoors but WANT to be INDOORS with their owners!  That is the human's decision, NOT the dog's!  There will be quite the adjustment period, for this dog will be sleeping in my room at night, not outside.  Danes are wimps when it comes to cold, too, I can't imagine leaving a Dane outside all night long in freezing cold temps. I understand there are people that think that is okay and I don't judge them.  At least give them a place to stay dry and out of the biting winds.

But that's definitely not me and I reinforced the idea tonight: I'm going to get him on Saturday.  I'm not going to just drive 2 plus hours one way and bring him home and have them looking at me like, what? What is THAT?
Well THAT is what I have been talking about! And now? Here he is!  lol
Anyway, another person from not far from that area has now offered me a blue Dane.  Striking color.  I haven't had one but I would definitely be all for getting one.  Nope, not getting 2 dogs, just if the first one falls through, I might have something to fall back on. .

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This is "the one". I wrote an ad on Craigslist, knowing the many Dane owners that are put in the position of having to find a new home for their beloved dog are very shy of just posting it on Craigslist - or anywhere else. If they love the dog, they want a person to take it that will love that dog and give it a wonderful home. I missed this email at work - though I was quite busy dealing with "things" and just wasn't even looking at my phone for probably half the day. The owner sent me this pic and her phone number and yes, I called immediately. The lady that I talked with? Loves this dog. Absolutely loves him. A little heartbreaking, really, I started talking about my experiences with Danes and then about having to bury Duke a few months ago - and she broke down on the phone and started crying. I totally sympathized with her. I would rather go through a dog's death such as with Duke, to be honest, than have to be forced into a position to have to give it up. But, if you really have to give it up, you want to find someone that is going to love it as much as you do. She said she had posted an ad and people were asking questions that - were telling her these people had no clue. I remember when I got Duke and Prince. The owners brought them to my house. They didn't want to meet anywhere, they wanted to see where the dogs were going to live. In this case, thougH? Ummm, well, the dog is about 200 miles away. I am more than willing to drive that distance and even further for the right dog. Is this dog going to have issues? Maybe. But, given enough time, I will deal with much of it. I really can't wait to just be able to come home and have my loyal companion waiting for me to get there and take it for a nice walk. I've been hooked on Danes since we got our first one when I was a teenager. I've had other dog breeds in that interim - and they were great dogs, but nothing will take the place in my heart and mind when it comes to dog ownership as a Dane does. A huge plus that my landlady "liked" the pic on Facebook - I posted him on there to see what anyone thought of the pic. I actually don't think they care WHAT kind of dog I get. They are animal lovers and have 3 dogs and a cat. Their cat is the first cat in my entire adult life that I have actually LIKED. It shows nothing but extreme attention to me for whatever reason. It doesn't bite me or claw me. Anyway, tentatively have it set up to go get that dog on Saturday. I am going to discuss with landlady first, of course. Actually, would be good to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and see about getting that $10 fencing. They had 700 panels of it when I discussed it with them a month or more ago. I just didn't feel the gumption to drive that far for just some fence panels. But this is a game changer and I could deal with doing that as well and make a day of it. It's supposed to rain on Saturday anyway, might as well find something useful to do with the day besides - nothing. Wow. Besides my adventures at church, there hasn't been much that has made me this excited in quite a long time. I hope this works out - but prepared if it doesn't. Just really would love to get that dog. The only drawback - it isn't house trained. I will have to get a carpet shampooer and have it ready at all times for any accidents. I don't do paper towels and all that stuff anymore, once I got a home carpet cleaning machine when I had my Danes in Phoenix, I never looked back. In terms of getting all of it out of the carpet? Yup. Far easier, much uicker and guess what? This Dane? She is giving it to me. She said she paid a lot of money for it (it looks like it has very good markings and stature) and I offered to pay her for it, she refused and said spend it on HIM. Well one thing of spending it on him would be for me, lol, in making sure I can clean the carpet up nicely if there is an accident for an untrained dog is going to have such many times over before they get it. Well onto other things. The new driver was informed about the DEF situation with the F550 by fully 3 different people I found out today, one of them was me and yes, I fully explained it in detail and asked if he understood after I was done explaining, to which he asked more questions and I answered them until I was sure he had full knowledge of it. DEF - found on trucks - is Diesel Exhaust Fluid. It is part of newer exhaust systems on trucks with diesel engines that help reduce emissions. Well, this dude? Ran the thing out of DEF on I-49 today. How did I know? I was driving the semi down I-49 and saw the truck on the side of the road with the hood up. I passed by before realizing it was him - just didn't exactly register with me that this was one of our trucks sitting there - so I pulled over and called the office. I knew that he had run it out of DEF before I left the yard, but LONG before I left and wondered when I saw it sitting there how it could possibly be still an issue after all that time? Answer? They had no clue. He hadn't called them about any further issues, they had taken him a 2-1/2 gallon container of the stuff and he had the truck running and left. Strange. Why didn't he call? I'll tell you why, some of these systems with DEF? You run it dry and it can damage the system and cost thousands of dollars to fix. Not hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars. Just keep going where you were going, they need that pipe! I was instructed so I got off the side of the road - it was half a mile before I could get over and stop on the shoulder - the contractor was almost out of pipe and though it is TOTALLY the contractor's fault for waiting until the very LAST minute to call us and ask us to bring them materials - we try to accommodate. I had to take a load off the trailer and reload this guy's stuff to get it down there. I didn't bother to talk to the new driver, I got back on the road. It was an hour later, coming back - he was 11 miles down further down the road, truck parked on the side of the Interstate, 2 pickups from the town of Natchidoches - they wanted/needed their material and yes, they drove out there to get it! lol I picked the driver up - tow truck on it's way. After that? I get back to the yard. Take this pipe to a bridge that is out at such and such location. Okay. I drive up to the bridge - definitely out. Dude walks up. What do you have? Pipe. Ummmm, well that's not ours. Tony. The warehouse manager. Gives me BAD instructions EVERY SINGLE TIME. I fell for it today, thought he had it right. Oh well. Back up 2/10's of a mile, turn down a side road after calling the contractor and find the place. Got home These people like when I cook them dinner, lol. It goes both ways. But I've supplied food for 3 days now. They have done the same for me, not complaining at all. Just saying, I made tacos and we all devoured them. It wasn't until I got done with the cooking and cleanup that I came in here, my bedroom, and saw 2 emails from this person replying to me CL ad for a dog. Not just any dog, a Great Dane, with some of my story about my experience with Danes. I was off the hook when I saw that pic. Instant YES! That's it. Time for bed.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Her little deal of shutting off my phone and it's number. I got to church yesterday and the head of the Communion team came straight up to me and asked me about my phone number? I tried to call you....... I'm sorry, without going into the story - at all - of how I lost that number - I had to change my phone number. The new one only has one number different, the last number is a 6 instead of a 7. I'm sooo sorry about that. Who else I have given my number to that I didn't get the change to? It's not like anyone I have discussed this with said, gee, isn't that wonderful she shut off the phone and you lost your number? More like, dude, that totally SUCKS. I'm trying to warm up to the idea that my church home is - 40 miles away. I LOVE the preaching and also the worship - I just wish their worship portion of the service would go on just a little bit longer. Christmas this year - is going to be very different than what it was last. I spent last Christmas with Val and her kids. I had a splendid time, the kids did too. She - acted like she was having a good time but later came back and told me how awful it was for her for all kinds of reasons not related to me - well some of it was - but all steeped in her very warped past. Not much of anything I did was pleasing to her. Or happy, or joyous, or anything good. Her past dictates her present and how she perceives things. But still, it was fun - that day anyway - because I was determined that it was going to be a good time regardless of how she was going to get about it. This year - I may just be back in Phoenix. Maybe not. I dunno. Just airfare. Thanksgiving off the wall for airfare. Christmas not much better but a little because still a bit off. I have to make up my mind quickly. I don't think I'll do Black Friday this year, at least not at the stores. I don't really need to get stuff. I do wonder when my son is returning to Phoenix, though. I would like to visit when he is there. Actually, pretty much mandatory: I will only visit if he's going to be there unless his return time is going to be well into next year. I think they are doing Thanksgiving at someone else's place this year - here that is - so I am either going to have to find some place to go to enjoy a meal with other people - or do it alone. In my mind, Thanksgiving isn't a holiday to do alone. It just - isn't. Well whatever. I'ma take a couple days off Thanksgiving week and going to put in for the entire week of Christmas off. Regardless of whether I have anywhere to actually go or not, I want that time off. I'm tired. I woke up at 2:30 am last night and it was around 5 am I got back to sleep....I get a mind full of thoughts and it's hard to turn it 5ish am. Yean, alarm goes off, got up, turned it off, turned on a light and had to go lay back down for a while to wake up enough to get moving. So, ending this and going to bed a bit early tonight.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rain. Rain, More rain.
I was at working thinking: uhhh, yeah, I'ma go home early today. There is nothing going on, contractors aren't working, only a couple of customers came in, it's go home early day. It just gets....
boring and I now have 140 hours of vacation time saved up.  So, at almost lunchtime, I go into the will call and the warehouse manager is like: yeah, I'm taking off early.  I said yes, let's get out of here! I was sitting at the computer. He says< NO, don't clock out yet!  They're getting us lunch today!  Okay then, I'll stick around for free lunch, lol.

Got off just before 1:00 pm.  No desire to do anything, went straight home.  I mean, yesterday and all that digging and shoveling and moving dirt around? Just took it comppletely out of me.  Not complaining, good workout, just when it's boring and I'm tired, I would rather go home than stick around to do much of nothing.

Got home and went to sleep.  I don't know for how long.  I only know when I woke up it was dark.  The only thing that woke me up was when the landlady came home with the baby and the baby was crying - loudly.  Good thing.  I was completely out of it, as if I had gone to bed for the night. ________________________________________________________ Now Saturday. Misssed out on two very good looking Danes. Just got to them too late. But it's okay, there will be more. I'm ignoring the $500, $700, $900 and $1,200 versions. Duke cost me $100 and was easily one of the best dogs I have ever had. I'm not going to show the dog, I just want a good looking Dane. Another rainy day - and cooling down considerably, at least my version of it. It's 53 degrees and going out in the rain? Not my version of fun. But I went to Walmart anyway. I was looking for several things, but one of which was thermal underwear - which they don't have yet. I would have thought they would have had that on the shelves by now - winter is just around the corner. Supposedly the rain will stop tomorrow. It just throws things off, including me. Rainy days make we want to sleep. Well nothing going to get done outside today. I have already thoroughly clenaed my bathrood today and spiffied up my bedroom. Not much else left. Excepting making spaghetti later on. My version of it with meatballs, spicy italian sausauge and 80% lean ground beef. _________________________________________________________ Now into Sunday, Sunday morning to be precise. Rain has finally stopped, sun is shining, should be a beautiful day. But, the temps are starting to come down and that signals alarms in my brain to complete what I started: getting all of my winter clothing out and assessing what else I will needd to brave the winter temps with rain that is inevitably coming... and having to endure for 50 hours per week. I'm missing one pair of Alpaca socks. I have 3 pair, only found 2. Going to go through everything, those socks cost $25 per pair. Well worth it, yes, though I didn't buy them, Valerie did like a year or more ago. They keep your feet warm even if they are wet. With that kind of price tag, though, I am definitely going to go through everything to see if I can find the third pair. Really would like 5 pair total. Still looking at dogs, Great Danes namely. I thought about getting a smaller breed, something around the medium sized dog and thought again. Great Danes don't need a large space, they need to be exercised regularly. But they are perfectly content to lay around and do nothing as long as they are with their human companions. They are very much a human social dog and want to be with their owners as much as possible. My current bedroom has plenty of space for a Great Dane. But, I am in no hurry. I missed a couple of good ones but more will come. People get rid of them after they have had them for awhile when understanding how large the animal is and getting into situations where that sized creature isn't workable or even allowable. Owning my own home I had as many of the those sized animals as I wanted - which I did, 3 at one time. I likely will never have 3 or even 2 dogs ever again unless I end up living on a large property with acreage, for that many large dogs do need a lot of space inside or out of the home. Which I have thought about trying to get some land. Preferrably wooded or at least partially wooded. Preferably with a small stream running through it and deer and pigs close by. It would be nice to go out your back door with a rifle and not have to go very far to "hunt" for deer, lol. Though this area is heavily wooded, it is not in the mountains. Just a dream. I have a house in Phoenix, would have to get rid of that first and right now? It's paying for itself and the people taking care of it are content to stay there. How long, I don't know. When they decide to leave, that is when I will have to sell it. I'm just hoping by that time, the value of the house equals at least what I owe on it. Is that asking for too much? lol Nothing on the Val front. I don't expect there to be excepting to deal with the divorce. Hopefully have time later on today to pore over the reply - though it is self explanatory and it is just fill in the blanks. I want to get that filed, though and get this thing rolling. She wants it over? Fine, let's get it over with. All of her friends and family have blocked me on various social media excepting one. That is her best friend. Val made it a point to ask everyone to unfriend me/block me, so I am not sure why her best friend still has me on there. I am guessing after the divorce she will do the same. I can only surmise that she is still friending me on Facebook to see if I will post anything negative about the divorce on there. I have no intention of posting anything at all about it until after it is done and even then, it's going to be something like "well, that chapter of my life over with, what's next?". It won't even have specific reference to the divorce. I did have a good relationship with her friend for quite a while, though. She is a neat lady and has a very interesting life going on on her farm. I tried to take my car in on Friday to get the heater core replaced. For whatever reason, that place was closed and the next in line is never open on Fridays. I am going to call tomorrow and see if I can get it in the second place, it's close to work, like 2 blocks away and they are Christian. I don't expect a Christian establishment to do any better or worse than a non-Christian establishment, but I do like to support such business - mom and pop type of thing - whenever I can. But that's only if they have time some time this week to get to it and get it done same day. Obviously I can't leave the car overnight. And if their prices are reasonable. It's going to cost around 3 bills or a little more to get that done. It's just nothing I want to get involved with on my own. Well, I am going to church today. I don't really want to drive that far but the messages are so good and speak to my inner man. It's definitely my kind of church. The pastor doesn't pull any punches, he delivers the message and if you don't like it, tough. That's the way it's supposed to be. Christians shouldn't be trying to find a church whose pastor "tickles their ears" with his "nice" messages. I want and like to be challenged in my walk with the Lord and last week was definitely a challenge. It was about judging people. It was the most sensible message about that subject yet and it definitely go my attention. I understand that I can be judgmental at times and I really have no right to engage in such, but I do it anyway and likely, most people engage in such at some point or another about a particular subject or swubjects. Anyway, have to get offa here.

 Thursday - 8:00 am Funny how times flies when you don't want it to and vice-versa.  I got up this morning at 7:30, took a shower, sitti...