Friday, September 16, 2016

I ran an ad last weekend and has a college kid over in fairly short order.  He did a very good job of doing what I asked considering it was all digging - not easy work especially considering how hot it was outside.  I was impressed and thankful to finally find a person that didn't complain about actually earning the money versus the entitelment minded people that want something - for nothing.  He wants to come back over tomorrow and I still have plenty of dirt work to do so yes, please do.  I have enough to keep him busy as long as he wants to work out there.

I, on the other hand, am going to be doing less laborious work.  I just spent an entire afternoon lifting and moving around heavy fittings in the heat/humidity and I think I'll just let the kid have do the heavy lifting tomorrow. He's not really a kid, he's 22 years old but that's what I call people that age and younger.  He obviously has no extra money but probably doesn't want to work a "real" job - something you are bound to.  That college has dorms and provides meals, but as I have been told from someone else the meals are prety much the same stuff every week and it "gets old".  I have no sympathy.  I really don't.  I have gone through my share of poverty and living without, I know what it feels like, I didn't complain, I just dealt with it.  Well, I wasn't happy that time the water heater went out and I didn't have the money to buy a new one.  I went months without hot water.

Anyway, it's a breath of fresh air to have someone over that actually will work and not complain about it and be happy with the funds handed to him - the agreed upon funds, not some - well I did all of this so I deserve more crap attitude that really annoys me and people telling me that will get my opinion of their attitude directed back at them without tact or courtesy.  My ads say the price I will pay. When anyone contacts me, I repeat it again: You do understand that I am paying $10 per hour?  In this economy? That is good money for unskilled labor.  I also rephrase: this is hard work, you are going to be digging and such.

So, that's that.  My carb kit came in today so I will endeavor tomorrow to rebuild the weedeater carburetor and hopefully it will work and I can get busy with that.  I also found a chainsaw for more than I want to pay but I may get it.  There are plenty of tools over here, but that is one that is sorely lacking.  This property is virtually surrounded by trees - very, very tall and large trees and much of it needs some extreme pruning. Trees that big? You have to have a chainsaw.

That reminds me.  I'm not a slave laborer, the kid likes cranberry juice so I'm going to get a jug of that for him for tomorrow.  Probably buy some sort of fast food lunch as well.  I mean, from my perspective, I'm getting a good deal I don't think it too much to add food and drinks on top of it.

I also need to treat the wood flooring in here.  This stuff is pretty gawdy looking. They never did anything for it.  I mean - nothing but sweep it.  But you are walking on it every day, you have to treat the flooring.  Not a big priority, not sure if I'll even have that kind of motivation.  I wouldn't mind getting a start on it though.  Then there is the wood that was ruined by the water leaking from the AC unit.  Right now? That isn't on my priority list.  It's in the hallway, it's mostly out of sight, I'm not concerned about that right now.

Boy could I write a long post here.  The new lady tenant is - nosy and she freely admits to it.  She gets herself into everyone's business. But there is one thing that I am going to address.  She is having my dogs in during the day and they are growing quite fond of her.  I'm sorry, but I'm not ready or even willing to share Addler's affections.  They can pet him, be nice to him, etc, but having him in her bedroom? Not.  He is an outside dog while I'm at work and I made that crystal clear before they moved in here, but she seems to have other thoughts.  I'm just tyring to come up with a tactful way of putting it that won't come off offensive and right now, I haven't been able to come up with that yet.  She's a nice lady, she is very attention starved, she has no local friends, I understand how a dog can help make up for that, but they are my dogs, not hers.  She is free to get her own dog. She said she gave up her dog to come here, I was like, well get the dog back. A Bassett Hound. I don't really care if she shares the affections of the new German Shepherd, but not my Dane.  He is showing signs of being pulled and I don't like it.  Call me a jealous dog owner, it may very well be true and I won't be ashamed of it.  I went through quite a lot to get that dog, more to go through his initial stages of unrest while adjusting to a new home and owner, I pay for his food, I spend the time I do have at home with him, he is my dog

Is there something wrong with feeling that way? Seriously.  I don't think so.

Onto other things.  I have neard absolutely nothing further about this situation with my brothers basically ignoring mom's birthday.  She will eat it.  She always does. She will hide the pain and act like nothing has happened. She has already done that, texting everyone exactly as if nothing has happened and .... there is nothing coming back from my brothers.  I am growing very unattached to them.  I could care less if I ever see them again.  I text with her every day. I call her on weekends.  But I can't replace the relationships with her other two sons.  I just think they are pathetic losers and vermin. Selfish, self-abosrbed, self-serving.  Ungrateful, uncaring and obnoxious.

She almost had my trailer sold today. The man went up to her property, inspected the thing inside and out, declared he would give 2k for it after starting at $1,700, which is way low-balling it, actually 2k is as well but I wanted it out of there and off my hands.  But, he couldn't get the brakes and tail lights to work, something is probably wrong in the pigtail.  So, after all of that, he decided against it and left.  Mom has a repair guy and I asked if she could get him up there ot fix it? He came up not long ago and replaced a sunroof over the shower and a vent that was leaking for a very reasonabe price.  She said ok and not 5 minutes later she texted back that he is coming on Tuesday.  I know I would be leery of pulling a trailer down the road with non-functioning brake and turn signal lights and also it's illegal for obvious reasons, I can only hope this guy will get it done for not too much such as the last thing he did.

I don't really want to spend any more money on it after this.  If it doesn't sell, then I'm going to have to pay to have it hauled down to the valley and this thing is going to start being a money drain.  Oh how I would love to  have that thing out here, though!

Which reminds me.  There was an announcement at work today that the F250 is going to be replaced.  Meaning that one will be available for sale It runs great, other drivers have trashed the body of it.  It should go pretty cheap.  But it's a good ole boy club, if anyone else there wants it,  they won't even consider me.  But I'm still going to ask the manager about it.

Yesterday we did the Thirsty Thursday thing. Which is go to a local brewery and sample their beers and talk.  It came out from the 2 inside salesman that the new manager actually likes me now.  Well of course he does, I work my ass off and I have been keeping my mouth shut about the things that make him mad, even though those things have nothing to do with him.  He's a strange one and I doubt I will ever figure him out.  In fact, I have been declared the best worker there.  Whoopdee dooo!  Pay me then! Though that is out of the manager's hands, he has actually tried to get us more money but the GM is a stingy freak and so is the district manager.

The other thing that came out is my co-worker that I refer to often enough on this blog.  They stated he talks trash about me behind my back on a daily basis.  Huh?  You didn't know that? No, not really.  I heard from you a few weeks ago he had been saying something about me but I thought it was a one-time deal.  Nope, he talks trash about everyone and you on a daily basis.  If he finds out you are here with us, he is probably going to s*** his pants.

Why do people have to be so incredibly small? I left that get-together with ill thoughts of him, pondering what I should do. "I stay friends to know what my enemies are doing" is a thought that comes to mind.

Well, it's late.  Post more tomorrow.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thirsty Thursday.  A few of us go to a local brewery and have a few beers.  Interesting revelations came forth form today's engagement.  Mainly, my co-driver that I have written about quite a bit.  Not only does he talk trash about numerous other people, he has also spoken a great deal of trash about me behind my back which I knew nothing about excepting one thing that I had heard a few weeks ago.  Like, constantly.  Makes you wonder about the human race.  How do we become so evil and have such evil intent about others?

It is disappointing to find out he has been talking like that to my co-workers. but not shocking.  He has been sinking his own ship for some time now, as at least 3 people I know of want him gone.  He talks too much, he says too much s*** about too many people and that is that.  I had thought that since we were "friends" beyond work that he wouldn't be engaging in such about me, but I was proven wrong tonight.

Keep tabs on your enemies.  So the saying goes. But we are already at odds.  Numerous new rules. It started with him dumping my pallet on the ground and taking the forklift without asking.  I had just gotten off the thing to go get some paperwork from inside, when I came back out, he was driving off with it.  I asked him what he was doing?  We don't do stuff like that around there, we always ask - everyone- if you are done with it or if you can take it for a few minutes. There is another forklift and he doesn't like that one. So, he had brought the other one up, parked it beside the one I was using and took off with it.  He was yelling at me that he can't do this and that with "that" forklift.

Well, yes he can, but it's more work and he's lazy.

Now, 2 days ago, I left work having had chocked the wheels on the semi. This is a requirement that corporate is putting out. If you are loading or unloading a truck, the wheels must be chocked. At the end of the day, the wheels must be chocked. Okay, well, semi's have spring brakes but I won't go into that.  I had chocked the wheels, only to find the next morning the chocks gone. Yesterday, I put the chalks on the tires again.  Well, lo and behold, the coworker pulls the 10 wheeler in the yard and parks next to the semi. I was in the will call room about 150 feet away talking and just happened to glance out the glass door and see him taking the chalks from the semi and putting them under the 10 wheeler tires.

I'm looking at the warehouse dude, this is why the semi tires weren't chalked this morning, which was yesterday.  He's sinking himself and likely if he continues with all of the stuff he has been saying and doing, he will get his butt fired.  After betraying me like that, I don't know how I will feel about that if/when it happens.  I do know my involvement with him is going to be extremely limited.

Well, onto other things.  nothing else has been said in the text message with my mom and brothers. I expect nothing to change anytime soon.  Little to be said about that.

New tenants want premium Direct TV package and claim they will pay for it including movie channels.  All well and fine, if they are paying for it, I will be all good with that.

New doggy has also figured out how to jump the fence.  What is with dogs and jumping fences? Now I am faced with trying to either figure out how to escape proof the yard - which likely will not be cheap - or finding her a new home. Was just getting to like the dog, too.

Uhh, things aren't really gonig that well I guess.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I did my part.  My mom's birthday is on 9/11.  I sent her flowers on Friday.  I sent her a new thermometer that she wanted that takes out side temp and sends it to a receiver insisde.  I got one that is solar powered so she doesn't have to buy batteries for it.  I wished her happy birthday on Facebook and also wished her a happy birthday on the group mms that she has with all of us - her and 3 sons.  I called her and spent a good deal of time talking to her.

My brothers - sent her no gifts.  They did not call her.  They texted her: Happy Birthday Mother! - not even using mom which I find deplorable but that's just me - and that was it. She moved to their side of town to be closer to the mountains and not have to deal with valley traffic, which can be quite insane.  She is very close to them now.  No mention of visiting her.

I know all of this because when I was talking to her on the phone, I said I would have come over and spent some time with her if I were there which is when she went off - not too much but she did - about all of this.  I've always felt family is the one of the most important things you have in life, my brothers have always felt quite differently.  But my God, at least call her on her birthday.  Texting is okay for trivial stuff that you don't need a phone call for, but not this.

Well, I am planning a trip back there in the next month or two and I will be staying with her.  She lets me use one of her vehicles so that's a nice added plus, but I go to see her and my son and some friends.  I do not go to see my brothers.  They could care less and I'm not going to waste any more of my energy trying to get something going in family that is obviously never going to happen.  It's draining, that kind of emotional energy being spent on people that won't bother to was an ounce of it back on you.  Even if you are related.  I didn't bother to tell them about dad's birthday last month, I knew they wouldn't call him or do anything.  I am giving them no further updates on his health.  If he dies, I won't bother to tell them about that, either.  If they want to know what's going on with him, they are going to have to find out for themselves.  Even though the man has Alzheimer's, they still refuse to talk to him at all.

I am fighting this feeling of despising my brothers and that's not really a good place to be in.  I have to really guard my heart and tell myself that they are the losers in all of this, they are the pathetic people whose insecurities have them not being able to deal with much of anything in life.  Why my mother entrusted my oldest brother with her estate after she dies, I have no idea.  I don't ask her about it, that's her business.  But one thing has changed within me. I came to the point where I thought that I wouldn't want to fight with them over my portion of her estate, I have completely changed my mind on that.  Those bastards don't treat her with the dignity, respect and love that she so freely gives to them.  They sure as heck aren't getting my share and I will fight tooth and nail just because of the way they are behaving now.

Whatever.  I'll get back there in the next couple of months for a 4 or 5 day stay. I will be up to 138 hours of vacation after the beginning of next month and I will have to take some time off or - I will stop accruing.  I take that back, I can go as high as 160 so another month after that won't stop the accrual.

Wrote that last night.  Since then, all hell broke loose.  My mother did the group text thing and asked why the 2 boys that live near here could only find it within themselves to text her on her birthday?  No cards, no calls, nothing, she went on and ended it with "I am very hurt".

Didn't see any replies until a couple hours later when my oldest brother said "Linda (his wife) had a birthday present for you and we planned to ask  you if you want to go to dinner. You got pissy and shut her down".   Yup, that's when all hell broke loose.  My oldest brother has never wanted to be a part of family anyway, but his tones with mom were a bit surprsiing.  I said nothing, I just sat there and read the exchange between then and it didn't end well.  They appear to be doing the same thing with mom as they did with dad some 15 years ago: cut him off and haven't talked to him since.

I always wondered if they would end up doing that with mom as well.  I dunno if they are or not, but my middle brother never replied to the thread.  How can you live a few miles away and not even call your own mom?  I would have gone over there and brought a cake with candles and took her out to dinner.  My oldest brother just totally blew her off in the text exchange and that was that.  I'm sorta wondering if she is giong to change the executor of her estate if/when she dies.  That would be him and right now I don't trust that he will do any of her wishes.  I don't get my brothers, I never have.  I'm not happy with their deplorable attitudes but I am out of this one.  I'm not going to rescue anyone this time.  They are on their own.

Just mindblowing though. I've always played the mediator but this has gone too far.  Adults acting like babies.

Well, whatever.  Anyway, I got a nice run today which included going back to the Army Depot but also an old abandoned ammunition plant that was also Army long ago. The general contractor said it has been out of operation since 1972 and frankly? It definitely looked it.  Roofs caving in and plants growing up through the woodwork and just completely run down.  But it still was quite intriguing.  You see all that stuff and try to imagine what it was like all those years ago when it was staffed with military personnel and what the walls might tell you if they could speak.

The current forecast is for thunderstorms this coming weekend.  Meaning shutting down doing anything outside.  Perhaps I need the break. But honestly? The hardwood floors in this place need to be treated.  I don't even know how to do that as I haven't lived in a house with such since I was a single digit aged kid, but, there is a gallon jug of the stuff and the directions.  Or, maybe I'll just take the weekend off, go so a movie at the local theater and veg out.  I dunno.  Like my  mom keeps telling me, I don't have an off switch.  I just get stuff in my head and I can't get it out until I do something about it.  So, I pray there really is heavy rain and thunderstorms  - it will nicely water the grass seed I planted and will stop me from working outside and will probably get me to do much of nothing on a weekend.

Well, enough.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

About 50 to 60 feet to go. That's the drain line I am installing for diverting away storm water that accumulates on the sidewalk directly in front of the steps to accesst the front porch.  Other areas of pooling water have also now been identified once I got that done and I will have to T off the line I have installed and put drainage in those areas as well.  Then there's the driveway.  Who would build a driveway on a slope and then have the water pooling right there in the middle of it?  This only lends to cracking - which it has done.

The driveway part isn't on any priority list, far too many other things to do long before I ever do that.  To fix that, I will have to cut the concrete to be able to dig out a trench underneath, install a drain with solid brass drain grate and then pour concrete back over the top of it.  Now, the rest of the water diverts down the sidewalk to the aforementioned steps to the house, with pooling along the way.  I can easily add onto the exiting line and have a drain next to the sidewalk at the deepest point of pooled water.  The project so far hasn't cost anything but a drain, the rest is time spent and paying hte college kid ten bucks an hour to dig out the rest of the trench.

Whether he comes back or not remains to be seen.  I could use him to haul off dirt from the front and a planter that was installed in the back that I tore down but dirt remaining.  The learning experience about brick is that you should never have dirt piled up against the side of your brick house.  Which is yet another project I could have him do - dig away all the remaining dirt and grass that is up against it.  Bricks can be replaced, but costly and not anything I would want to get involved with.  Well I guess there is probably a YouTube video showing you how to do it but that is nothing I am currently interested n doing.  Just get rid of the threat and hope the damage isn't too bad.  So far, the damage has been the facing of the brick but not enough to have to replace any of them.

A bit interesting that my landlords/house owners didn't figure all of this out and put it on their priority lists.  They're young but that doesn't really excuse, at least in my book, the idea of not understanding what you have and what you need to do to take care of it.  All the dirt that needs to be dug and hauled is really quite a lot of work and I'm going to do it for them.  At the moment just trying to get the serious issues out of the way, which besides the AC problem last week, is all outdoor stuff.

I took the carb apart on the weedeater yesterday and found the rubber diaphragm breeched and that is the cause of the problem.  I sprayed out the carburetor anyway and got the thing to run for a minute but the diaphragm allowed fuel to dump into the cylinder and that was that.  I'm going to tryto find a replacement in town today, otherwise I'll have to order it online.  Just didn't want to wait for the replacement part to show up and also the part would be much cheaper locally in not having to pay shipping costs.  $15 for this little bitty diaphram, because you have to buy the whole kit and you have to spend as much on shipping as you do on the kit.  I can tell ya right now, that little kit doesn't cost $7.50 to send.  O'Reilley's sells some parts, I'm going to check there first.

I need more grass seed and also some wood stain and laquer.  I'm getting the front of the house tidied up and eventually looking good and then I'm likely to stop spending my money on these projects.  I'm keeping tabs on it as well. They are broke at the moment as she isn't working and his is their only income.  She is pregnant and likely qualifies for food stamps and WIC at the very least.  But that's none of my business.

Hmmm, I think I better take that gasket out of there and take it with me.  I know what it looks  like but you start trying to tell a counter person the part and they are just going to look at you blankly.

And then there's the back yard.  Their dog destroyed everything so at some piont, I quit even cleaning up back there. It would get into literally everything.  It just became frustrating to clean it all up and then that dog destroying everything and leaving it laying all over the place. I cleaned it up last weekend including using the pressure washer and so far, it's all the same as I left it excepting leaves falling from the trees.  But to fix that yard and make it nice......ugh.  A lot of time and labor to start with and then trying to find stuff to do it with on the cheap and still have it nice.  Not a bridge I am crossing right now but it's in the back of my mind.  The fact that I don't have a pickup to pick stuff up is a huge detriment to much of what I am trying to do.

Well time to get this show on the road.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Goodness gracious, I have very little desire to do much of anything but sit around on a couch and vegetate.  I've been going, going, going between work and home and it has depleted me.  But, if I'm going to get the grass planted it needs to be this weekend.  The directions say it takes 3 weeks and I figure we have at least 3 weeks if not more of warm/ish weather so it's now or next Spring.  Since I bought the stuff yesterday, yup, today is the day.

Looks like it may rain this afternoon which would be helpful.  I really need to clean up the north side of the house as well. They let it go and there are piles of leaves over there, I found 2 baby Copperheads - now among the deceassed, as I am not a snake lover though I will let non-poisonous ones live - in that mess last week while presssure washing.  I just have to decide what I want to get done today as the list is huge and you just have to pick the highest priority ones and get going with it.

However, the hose end came off yesterday and I can't plant grass without a hose to water it after it is planted so a trip to Lowe's is in order.  I really wish they would build a Home Depot over here, Lowe's is not my first choice.  It's better than a 30 mile drive to the nearest town that has one, but I just have always like Home Depot better.  Anyway, it's a hundred foot hose with no leaks so it's worth fixing it, the cost of a new one is around 50 bucks.

The weed eater is also a priority.  I got everything mowed yesterday all well and fine, but the weed eater is necessary to give it the finishing touches.  Gonna try taking that apart and see if I can fix it.  These problems are almost always carburetor related. Open up the carb, spray it out with choke cleaner.  That solves the problem at least 50% of the time.  Actually more than that.  Everything gets gummed up and the needle doesn't seat properly and there you have it, a constant flow of gas flooding out the cylinder.  They claim it is a newer weed eater.  I don't know but I don't feel like spending my own money on a new one. I'll take the non workijng one into a shop before i do that.

Well.  Sitting here on the living room couch trying to motivate myself.  Looking at airfare in January to Hawaii. It's gonna be a bit costly.  The airfare is around $700 which doesn't include hotel, food or transportation.  I'm just waitng for them to pull the trigger on tickets and then I can figure out the dates and try to find the cheapest airfare available.  But even cheap hotels add up after a week's stay.  And nothing in Hawaii is cheap.  A tent on the beach lol.  Be quite the flight if it's a full plane. No first class for me unfortuunately.

I'm still reeling after this home loan modification fiasco.  They make you jump through a lot of hoops.  It may be worth it to have almost $300 dropped from your monthly payment, but it certainly leaves a bad taste in your mouth after going through all of that.  They still haven't started showing on time payments.  I guess they won't do that until after they get the paperwork I just sent in and make it official.  In fact, my credit rating on Experian dropped 18 points last month and that with no changes either good or bad.  That one was a bit perplexing.

Well, the new doggy is a bit of a chewer.  Nothing like the owner's of this house dog who chewed literally everything including glass bottles.  In fact, Aspyn is a very fast learner.  Oh, I"m keeping the spelling.  I was going to change it and then everyyone came along and said how nice a name it is, Aspen-Aspyn, it all sounds the same so no biggies.  She's very eager to please but at the same time has a bit of a stubborn streak.  She won't listen - yet - when I call her.  That will come with time, she is completely untrained and I count myself lucky she doesn't pee in the house when I bring her in.  But, large dogs seem to have that trait much more than smaller dogs.  For whatever reason, they tend to want to keep their bathroom activities outside.

Anyway, I decided to run an ad in Craigslist  and see if I can get someone over here to do some digging and dirt hauling.  That's exactly what I don't want to do.  It is stuff that I need to get done - that won't this weekend anyway if it's up to my efforts to  do it.  I've just expended myself too much in the last week or so.  We'll see what becomes of that ad.

Meanwhile, guess I'll head to the stores and get the things I need to proceed with the day.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Wow. Got home today from work and already had decided to mow the lawn as soon as I got home.  No ifs, and, buts or any other excuses, the mower is now working, let's git'er done!  You now, pushing a mower is actually some decent exercise, especially a yard that big.  Sweating profusely, I finished the job and the front lawn - looks much better.

However, there are bare spots and spots with some kind of weeds that sorta look like grass if you aren't up on top of it looking at it.  Which prompted me today while I was running around after work to stop at Home Depot #HomeDepot to get some of those stuff you use to fill spots.  3 weeks, it claims and the spots are gone. We shall see about that.  I did mow the lawn, I made no claims about doing that grass stuff today.  I'll get around to that tomorrow - hopefully.  But honestly? I'm about ready to take a weekend off.  Still, I promised to get that grass going so I will.  I'll probably take a couple of hours to get that done.  I've also got a bathroom faucet to replace.

But, I had to take off early from work.  I went into the manager and asked him about it and he said no problem, but was discussing Monday morning.  Ohhh? What's Monday morning? We gotta run to Ferriday.  Oh. Ferriday is a 3-1/2 hour drive - one-way - and it's a perfect start to a week.  Get into a truck, turn it on and drive all day long.  Well, there was a lot to do and there was only 2 hours to do it before I figured I was maxed out and had to get my stuff done.  They talked about giving the load to the pothead and I said no, I can get this done.

Getting it done included pressure washing 41 sticks of 40 foot pipe that came from a jobsite, pulling 69 sticks of 4 inch sewer pipe, 15 manhole covers and a plethora of fittings.  But I was determined to get it done.  And that I did - but not without paying a price. For it was very humid and warm out there today and it got me pretty good.  But I got that truck loaded and that guarantees me the run on Monday morning.  Well, it should guarantee it, it usually does.

Now, getting off work early to deal with the loan modification.  They gave very little notice of a short deadline and that didn't set well with me.  What's the hurry and why the short notice? I called the on the way to the UPS store to discuss that subject with them.  They didn't send the package to my house as the email claimed, they sent it email on the 29th, they claim.  I check my email several times a day and I don't remember seeing anything from Midland Mortgage.  I did see the email 2 days ago from them saying I had til' the 12th to get this done.  Big whatever moment.  I had to make an appointment for the notary to show up.  Strange place, Louisiana.

I got all of that done and then headed to Home Depot for the grass and then, the Wow! I started this entry out with.  For when I finally came into the living room, I saw a package from my mom.  What is this?  Pics, a lot of pics, of my son from babyhood on.  Pics that I had lost during the 2007 house fire that my mom had copies of.  I shared liberally pics with her not to mention she took a lot of her own.  I feel like a long lost connection has been re-established.  Seriously, I feel like a part of me has been put back into place.  I haven't seen any pics like this in many years now.  So yes, it was a wow moment to open up that package and find all of those pics in there.  Learn from the past, I'm going to have them duplicated and keep them somewhere - else.  And have them digitally recorded onto a disc and put them on Putlocker as well. A digital back up and a real paper copy.  I still like real photos, to be honest. It's nice to take pics and upload them to the internet, but family pics are a different story.  You can do both.

 That's my day.  I"m ont doing anything else, I don't think anyway. I don't want to do anything else, I'll put it that way.  There's plenty to do but I pace myself.  There is too much to do here and it isn't my doings that things got the way that they did.  I make no claims to have this place fixed up overnight and frankly? I figure the 2 years they are gone? That's about how long it's going to take.

And a new revelation today: Donny fell out of his bed last night.  Like, while sleeping and a hard hit.  I saw him at dinner, he didn't look good and he wasn't talking.  Ugh.

It's 6:30 and I feel like going to bed rofl.    My leg muscles are aching. I'm hopeful this ordeal with the loan modification is finally over  At least the weekend is here.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

This morning I was apparently, obviously, not happy.  The pot-head came back late yesterday and then was told to come in at 7:00 am.  This has been going on, on and off, for weeks. However, we realized today there is a simple way to find out his hours since we obviously can't just access his online timesheet.  We are all required to print out rolling 7 reports every day.  It shows the hours works for the last 7 days. We had no idea, actually, how long he was out yesterday. He is clearly engaging in "clocksucking", taking much longer to do a run than it should.

He was out 11 hours.

Welp, I decided today on my 3rd run and being sent 120 miles away that I would just take my good old time.  As much as I try, it's not in my nature.  The pedal to the metal - don't worry, the truck is governed at 70 mph and the speed limit on that Interstate is... 70 mph .... I just crank it the whole way there. But....I got there and no-one there even though we callled. 4 phone calls to the same person later with no answer and I call my company.  Let me try, the warehouse dude says and then, just after he hangs up, the dude calls me. Yup, I'm herew with the truck ready to get loaded. Okay, I'll be right there. I learned over a decade ago, when  a contractor says he'll be right there? Time to take a nap.

Exactly what I did. 30 minutes later, he shows up.  Ummm, the backhoe has a leak, do you have a crescent wrench? Yes I do, showing it to him. Oh, that's not big enough.  Well it's all I've got.  He leaves for another 30 minutes.  Shows up, spends another unending amount of time fixing the thing - all the while burning up the clock - and finally - he leaves! rofl well another dude shows up and it took a long time to load that truck.  Construction workers are not forklift operators, they don't load trucks.  They unload them, yes, but it's a far different story to unload a truck than it is to load one.

So, I have to stand out there and direct the operation.  By the time I got the thing strapped down and ready to go, it was 5 pm.  That's quitting time.  I'm thinking, okay, by the time I get off the clock, it's gonna be around 7 pm and sure enough.  So, I got 11 hours in today.

But, the place is a toxic work environment, as I have been saying and though I hope to just stick around until somewhere around the middle of January, I don't know if I'll last that long.  Today, I pulled into the yard after the 2cd run and was going to pull up next to the freight truck parked there, but the man that runs the forklift into everything was over there and I thought, no, if I do that, probably an accident going to ensue.  Sure enough.  Let me preface, this is a HUGE forklift he is on.  It has rear tires that you would find on a backhoe, not a small forklift.  He puts the thing into reverse and backs up approximately 35 feet without ever once looking back. Not even a sideswipe of the head.  He then proceeded to pull out a giant pallet full of fire hydrants, ran into the freight truck with it and then ran over the chain that was being used to pull that pallet to the back of the freight truck.  This morning, I caught him attempting to fix the damage he had just done by running same-said forklift into the overhead bay door to the shed - the shed is a 75 by 100 foot structure with giant doors on tracks that lift up with chains and sprockets.  He ran into the door frame and I caught him at that as well. It's funny how often I catch him running into the things and yet I am not even in that yard that long.

He admits nothing, ever.  A deacon in a church, carrying around a Bible and yet denies everything.  There are so many facets to the toxicity of that place, you can't just name one thing, you have to name all of them, which would take too long in one writing so I just picked this guy today.  He's the same one that has been in accidents in all 4 trucks, the pickup he wrecked 3 times.

This morning, I was talking to the inside salesman who is now relegated to the will call "showroom".  It's hilarious they call it a showroom, it is absolutely, disgustingly filthy and always is.  It smells like hell in there and looks worse.  We were talking about something and I said, yup, well he leaves his screen up all the time.  Huh?  His timesheet.  Referring to the warehouse dude.  This dude was shocked to find out he isn't even making $18 per hour.  Well that isn't surprsiing the warehouse dude goes around talking as if he's making bank at that place when in fact, he really isn't.  He could have retired long ago with the 10, fully owned, rental houses he inherited from his mother.  He let them to go to s***, he lost them and her house as well. A lot of real estate let go to nothing.  The income from 10 houses

We've got some real braniacs over there.

Oh well, I could go on but today I've had enough. Its Thursday, it's almost bedtime, I'm tired but content.  Didn't get home in time to mow the front yard, but it isn't that bad, it just isn't "perfect". It can wait til' tomorrow or even Saturday morning.  I have a list for this weekend, but toning it down from last weekend which was really a marathon.  Sent my mama some flowers that should be delivered to her doorstep tomorrow plus a gift that should also arrive tomorrow.  Her birthday is on Sunday so getting stuff there ahead of time was imperative.  Apparently my brothers didn't bother to ask her what she wanted for her birthday, I hope they rememeber, but if they don't the group text that we are all in will suffice.  My text Sunday morning early will be "Happy Birthday Mom!", which all of them will get and if they did forget, they will have ample time to make up for it.  If I were there, I would be taking her out somewhere to eat or at least visiting her at her house.

The dysfunction between us brothers does not include me not reminding them about their mother's birthday.  She would be devastated if any of us 3 didn't at least wish her a happy birthday on her day, but I think she would be let down if none of them visited her, either.  I'm going to remind my son about her birthday, he will go over there without having to ask.

Umm, yea, I was going to end this and so it shall be.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The new male roommate - Donnie - is in very poor health.  He is getting a lot of encouragement to get up off his rear and get to a gym and get some exercise.  He's on a large listed cocktail of drugs.  He was out talking to my neighbor today and he was having trouble standing there talking to her, even showing his hands shaking from the pain.  I'm not judging him, at all. I just wish the best for him and really the only way to stay healthy especially in older age is to make sure you stay active.

My neighbor suggested a gym that is half a mile away that has an exercise pool that almost virtually elminates any stress on joints.

I have watched people over the decades in their old age become inactive and I have watched them grow increasingly in ill health and I have watched them die. Genes obviously play a role in your health and longevity, but still you can take steps to live a good life until the day you exit life on this earth.

Whatever the case, my 3 day marathon is over.  I went until around - 2 pm - and then quit.  Loaned the pressure washer to the neighbors.  They also want to improve their property but finances are an obstacle.  Well, the black driveway created from years of no cleaning is gone.  They did the entire length of it and it looks spectacularly better. Literally, it was black.


Interlude. Just got done eating a spectacular dinner.  Literally.  Smokes brisket.  Donny (I had his name mispelled earlier) started early this morning thinking it would take longer than it did.  It was done around noon and he brought it in. But it's almost 6 and we just now got done eating including BBQ'ed onions and squash and salad.  No potatoes.  Thought there was going to be some but no.  No biggies but it was utterly delicious.  Ended with a homemade blackberry cobbler.  I eat sweets infrequently, but this I had to try.  Unbelievably awesome.  The lady here - Rene - is a very good cook.  I spent 5 hours in unrelenting work outside, they gave me a pass.

I'm very happy with what I accomplished this weekend.  Pressure washed the walls on the entire house.  Both porches. The sidewalk leading to the front porch and the rear concrete below the back porch.  Fixed the drainage probem on the AC and primered and painted the front porch.  Around 17 hours of work and knocked out a good dent of what needs to be done.

But there is so much more. They really let this place go.  At least the outside.   Well I can only do make-up maintenance and repairs as I can get to it, which is mostly the weekends.  I'm not fretting about it, I don't own this place, I didnt let it go. Whenever my landlords tell me there is something wrong at my house I have them have it fixed immediately.  When I was there I - well - it's here on this blog, several years ago and maybe on another blog.  Nothing I want to go into again.

Meanwhile, the invite to go to Hawaii is still there and I am seriously thinking to go on that trip.  January, during MLK holiday week. I'm planning a visit to mom's in the next month or so, I'll skip Christmas because of the contention my middle brother brought up several weeks ago. My oldest brother sort of chimed in on it as well but I have come to the conclusion that both of them are very insecure people and they are very uncomfortable with the fact that I am not an insecure person and I don't really need all of this s*** in my life.  If what appears to be happening continues, these new folks will be here and I will suffice and be happy to spend it with them.

I have never flown over the ocean.  I really, really want to make a trip to Ireland now that I have my passport.  $600 and change round trip to Dublin.  I actually want to go there more than Hawaii. However, Hawaii is one of 2 states I have never been two and I would be in very good company.


Well, here we are, Monday morning. Blah.  Glad I stopped early afternoon yesterday with all that working stuff.  The bright side is it's a 4 day work week versus 5.  I guess I'm going to try and grow grass out there before the end of the season, apparently there is enough warm weather left that it can be done.  Which is fine, it doesn't look good out there.  It has been let go as other things and I really would prefer to have a nice coverage out there before fall/winter.  THe landlord did try to start gorwing grass in some of the bare sports, but she got the wrong kind of grass, for one thing and she wasn't diligent enough to water it at least twice a day.

I mean, grownig graas, lol, you have to keep it well watered.  I'm actually glad much of it didn't come up because it isn't the St. Augustne grass that is out there already - which looks far better than
Bermuda.  It grows thick and tight and chokes out weeds and anything else that might try to grow in there.

Time for work.

 Saturday - afternoon It only took an hour to unload the truck.  It took a combined 25 minutes, however, to get security guards to the scale...