Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More: Pond

So, I stopped at AutoZone today to get some tire sealant. I had stopped at Home Depot first to see about getting a new tire with wheel - $25. Forget that. Buy a whole new wheelbarrow for $40. I also found a HUGE wheelbarrow - thing is worth $125 minimum - for $25. I did not, however, want to drive that far to get it - way out in the far east valley. Doesn't matter, the tire sealant worked. The guy at Home Depot said if it goes flat again, Harbor Freight sells inner tubes for those tires for $2 plus change.

I get home. The trailer guy has been working on that hole like crazy. He borrowed a big, heavy, thick steel rod from a neighbor and had been hacking away at the dirt/rocks. I started in on it with the shovel and - well we got that hole almost entirely dug for that pond. Amazing. I am going to have it sitting at least inches above ground and then have it pour into the pond that will be below it.

That project is going way faster than I had expected - only because of the help. I spent an hour at it and quit. I don't really have the money to continue on with the project after the ponds are installed, so there is no big hurry. I have a couple of pumps to buy, plus make or buy a waterfall for aeration and a filter to either buy or make.

Those things will undoubtedly take time to find cause' I ain't spending huge money on this. Find people that are selling their stuff cheap - maybe people who are being foreclosed on that want to sell that stuff. I guess that didn't sound right - I don't want to take advantage of a bad situation - sort of - but if they are going to list it on CL, then I will buy it if it's at a good price.

Quite encouraging, actually, but a little too fast.

As for everything else, pretty much normal. The Army reservist has been gone for quite a while now - though her pickup is parked in my driveway. She is late on her rent. Supposedly she came home a day ago - didn't know about it - and left again. No clue, different lifestyle, I just want my rent money.

I have been giving my opinion on the absolute, total neglect of definitively dealing with Iran and it's nuke ambitions for some time now. It is obvious Obama has no intention of doing anything about it, or if he does, it will be a toothless, gutless piece of garbage that will only make the Iranian government laugh - publicly and for the whole world to see and hear - that much the harder, longer and loudly at us.

I have more confidence in Israel dealing with them than I do our own - weak-knee'd as it stands now - government. If we don't take it to them, eventually, THEY are going to bring it to OUR doorstep.



Dear U.S. Government:
Why do you continue to impose your will upon the people? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
When you have a good answer for me that doesn't have 2-steps and other fancy dance moves involved, please reply.

BTW, I do not add salt to my food - ever. I am always looking at sodium contents on packaged product labels. I do think that many foods have FAR too much sodium content in them and I tend to stay away from such. OR, if I do eat something that has a high sodium content, I make sure that I don't eat anything else that day that has anything but a very low sodium count in it. I go by the percentage of a day's intake, as apparently dictated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Of whom are going to start imposing their will to force companies that produce packaged foods to lower the sodium content. People who like salt?.......will probably just ad MORE to the food. Instead of forcing companies to reduce sodium content, perhaps educating the masses about the potential future problems of massive salt/sodium intake would be better? Yes? I think that at this point, people are starting to get sick of a government - in whichever form - that does not listen to the people that voted/put/assigned them in there.

If they really thing it is a "neglected disease", then that intones that people don't understand the implications of eating too much salt - which is where I would fully supprt the USFDA to start a massive EDUCATION program, as salt is readily available anywhere - people can add as much as they want! It's great if companies are reducing the amount they add to their foods, but this does not eradicate the very real potential of a person simply lifting the salt shaker and adding more.

Me? I put lots of pepper onto foods. On foods that will taste good with it, I also add garlic powder. It doesn't mean you can't eat ANY salt, it just means that Americans are eating far too much of the substance and people are - down the road - dying from it. Well, we all have to die one way or another, I would like to just get my Full Life's Serving of allotted days to live - and hopefully in relative good health at that.

In other benb news, the newest tenant is a cleaner! yayyyy! Really, without asking, she is wiping down counters and doing all kinds of cleaning tasks in the house. I only state in my ad to please clean up after yourself, not that you have to clean up after everyone else. I spend a good deal of time doing cleaning tasks in my house. Well, anyway, it is nice to finally have someone that is of like mind as me - clean when and where necessary - and yes, it's always necessary if it isn't clean, thank you.

She hinted yesterday - a couple of times - about having her dog living there. Showed me pics of her daughter and her boy - and then there was the dog pic. Okay, don't worry, the son and daughter are NOT moving in, I am considering the dog. I usually charge a pet rent for dogs simply because of the problems they can cause. Not all dogs are the same - some are troublemakers, some do nothing. I'm guessing she WOULD have her kids living with her if she could. Anyway, I am consideringt he dog request that wasn't really a request but was a request by the subtle way she put it.

And with that, my work day begins,
c'yall later!

Monday, April 19, 2010


So, the new tenant is moved in. Or I assume she is, who knows. She was asking, just before I went to bed last night, if she could bring more stuff. In other words, late at night. I simply responded that neither of the other tenants are home, the guy in the room next to you is half deaf (seriously, he IS! - he receives a monthly disability check from the military for damage to his hearing in one ear due to an explosion going off near his head) -- go for it but if the other female comes home, please try to keep the noise levels down.

That's it. Her car is out front, no clue how much stuff she took in there, will probably take a look at video surveillance to see just how much goods this person is introducing into that room. Why? I'm nosy. No, not really, it just seems the more a person has, the more entrenched they are in staying and not going anywhere for a while. That can be a good thing, as long as that person pays their rent on time, every time. She seems like a really sweet gal. I hope that pans out in the near future. She was driving a LONG way to get to work every day, I'll say that - living in north Phoenix and working in west Tempe.

I decided, after transplanting that tree yesterday, to do the "Ground-Breaking Ceremonies" for the first pond. Okay, I just took some orange paint, did an outline of the bottom of the pond, dug out about 6 inches all around and filled it with water. The really good news, though, is that I only have a few plants left to cover on the drip system and it is done - for now. The only thing lacking is installing a timer and having the system turn on and off by itself.

If I want to go out of town this summer, that system is going to have to be installed is all I can say about that. It's about $40 for the timer that can handle that many stations. Actually, those people in the trailer would probably look after it, I just want the thing fully automated. I would prefer the watering to be done just before sunrise. Well, I'm usually at work at that point in time, even if not, I don't have the time to go out there, turn on valves and wait until everything is watered.

I'm not saying the system is useless in it's current form - it's totally awesome, actually. The hardest part about installing this system was trying to figure out how much water - gallons per hour - I would need for each plant. Admittedly, I may still not have that particular part down. I figure there are a couple of small Sissoo trees that will have to have more water than what I am giving them at 2 GPH - it's very simple to change out the emitters - or just add another one and have 2 per tree.

In about a month, my son turns 17. School will almost be out for the summer. He is hopefully getting a job very soon. I need to get him driving more so he can get his driver's license. He's going to need to be able to drive himself to work if he gets a job, because I most certainly do not want to be taxiing him all over the place. That car - my old Buick - will cost around $400 or less to get everything fixed on it and get it up and running. Well, it's already running, just need to get some stuff fixed on it. It only has 139,000 miles, for a Buick, it's just getting started : )

Anyway, one tenant issue down, facing another one soon. The Army reserve gal is leaving for 60 days and I MUST have that tenant income to pay for the high electric bills that are already starting to creep upwards as the daytime temps increase. The ex-Marine is talking moving around August. Cross that bridge when I get to it - unfortunately that room is not furnished and will be harder to rent out.

Anyway, work day approaches - though there is NOTHING in our truck routing system, which kinda sucks. Means finding cleaning chores and such to do around here.



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today's Doings

I set out to get most of the emitter stuff done. I installed somewhere around 40 or 50 more of those.

I wanted to get the tree transplanted - done.

I had to both vacuum and the use the carpet cleaner in the new tenant's bedroom. Done.

Decided to get started on digging out the hole for the 1st pond since the tree was removed. Removing the tree was definitely the right thing to do and where I planted it was a much better location than where I originally had it.

So, I put the pond where I wanted it, got some orange spray paint that I bought from work awhile back, sprayed an outline.

Dug out the outline - all the way around - and then filled it up with water. It is VERY difficult to dig out a large hole in this area if the ground is wet, it is freakin' next-to-impossible dry.

It took my 5 days last year to dig out a hole that was approximately 3-1/2 feet in diameter and almost 4 feet deep for that tree I planted. 5 days. I figure as much for just one pond, maybe more for the first.

I am also going to have to find a bunch of good looking rocks for the permiters of both ponds. Dunno about that yet, haven't even started looking. The task at hand is enough: get the ponds in the ground.

I don't even have enough money right now to get the rest of the stuff I will need, so - no big hurry, just want the ponds in before the heat gets worse. I was out there sweating very nicely today, it was very warm in the direct sunlight.

Newest tenant called a while ago and said she was on her way.
She called again and said her dad's truck got a flat and didn't know when she was going to make it with the first load, but sometime "tonight".

I replied no problem - though if after 8:30 pm, she's on her own.

Oh, and I didn't think about this til' today: fill both ponds up most of the way with water and make sure there are no leaks BEFORE putting them into the ground. Leaks are much easier to fix with full access than when they are already in the ground.

That is a day's worth of doings, if I do say so myself. I got a lot accomplished and yes, I'm happy about that. The drip system? I can now say IS almost done. Just a FEW more plants, maybe a handful, and some modifications on setups I already made and I'm done. Guessing another hour's worth of work. I have nothing more than to go to the valves, turn 2 of them on at the same time, and watch plants being watered while I'm sipping sugar-free lemonade. Lol.

Oh, and to get a glimpse of the heat today:
"Temperatures reached the mid-90s on Sunday, and the warm weather got the best of a few firefighters, Caskey said. One rescuer needed an IV and was taken to a hospital for treatment."

Firefighters had been called to rescue an older gentleman who was hiking, fell some 20 plus feet, injured his head and back. When you come out of a nice, cool, spring, there is always an adaptation time to get used to the heat again. I sat out there and forced myself into the midst of it today because - I hate the heat at this point and the only way for me to get accustomed to it each year is to simply go out, in the direct sunlight - with plenty of water of course - work in it and get the idea that yes, this is going to be life for the next 6 or so months.

According to the weather reports, the high temps this coming week are coming back down significantly. I will be totally focusing on getting as much of those holes dug as possible while the getting is good.

Which reminds me, I must get a misting system up for the dogs to help with handling the heat. I have all the materials I need for that project - lumber; dark shade screen; water access; tubing - I only need the misters themselves. I am going to build an overhand off the back fence with the dark sunscreen and install the misters so that the cooling is to be fund underneath that screen. I have a lot of that stuff left, but I wish now that I would have bought more way back when I bought it from a guy that was going out of business and selling it at unbelievably reduced rates.

Oh well. I still think I should have enough to cover everything I want to do out there.

Done for the day.

Good evening.


Pre-Formed Pond

As I continue to ponder how to install these 2 ponds I have acquired, I also decided to take a trip to both Home Depot and Lowe's for some ideas on what is available in accessories and necessities for this setup.

However, even though I have a location picked out - or approximate - I still had no idea how to install 2 ponds that would make it so that one pours into the other.

After looking at picture after picture after picture of such, I finally came to the conclusion that for the best effect, one pond is going to have to be raised slightly higher than the other. Even though I am using pre-formed pond liners, this is going to be quite the challenge for me as I have never even attempted to install anything like this.

It will, however, answer the question as to where I am going to put at least some of the dirt that is dug out of the ground. I will have to build up dirt on the sides of the raised pond with some of that dirt, and if I choose to, I can also use more dirt to build up a waterfall.

Let's just get the ponds in the ground first and then consider waterfalls, pumps, bio-filters and the like. After seeing the price tag of bio-filters, I am definitely going to try to build one myself with some help of one particular site on the net with some people who have been toying with ponds and trying to keep them clear for a couple of decades now.

To the end of getting them installed, I started to move all the landscaping rock out of the way and am watering the tree that needs to be moved heavily. It is a very small tree - maybe 2 feet in heighth, still a "twig", basically, I am hoping it will survive the transplant process. A little vitamin B will help it with shock. I may do that transplant today. Just prepping everything to even start digging is turning into quite the load of work.

I am not, however, deterred, because the eventual outcome will be WELL worth the effort involved.

I am just glad that I am dipping my feet into this unknown by starting with relatively small ponds. When I get it all installed and get plants and a few fish in there and learn how to keep it clean and looking wonderful, THEN I might consider going to a much larger set-up using a liner instead of pre-formed.

But, a larger setup will cost a lot more money and that is a thought for the future. I'm looking at probably a couple of months of install - at the pace I work it anyway - to get it to the "finished" point. That's because I have a lot going on around here, I devote an hour here, a couple hours there to projects such as this until it is done.

Yesterday, I got the half inch line installed for the remaining plants that are not serviced by the drip system. THAT was a pain with all kinds of bends and feeding the line underneath plants and attempting to get it at least a bit underground so that my landscaping rock will not push holes through the tubing. I closed off the end and I powered it up with a full pressurization of water. It held for an hour and that's all I needed to see. I mean, it held pressure for an hour with no visible leaks anywhere in the line, which is about 90 feet long with various 90 degree bends. Meaning several areas where potential leaks could exist.

I have been very pleased at the outcome of the drip system. It is remarkably easy to install, even though at first you definitely have your questions and concerns, and it works QUITE well. It doesn't just save time, it also saves a lot of water. You are applying water to the root zones instead of just using a hose and getting the entire area around the plant wet. A remarkable waste of water in such a situation, I am going green, so-to-speak, with this drip system setup. I have spent more money on it than I thought I would.

I can only add here that I am GLAD that I get employee discount on the entire system or the end-cost of this system would have been nearly quadrupled. Yes, quadrupled, that's the amount of discount I am getting on most every product that I needed for it. I checked the prices at Home Depot and Lowe's, which is where I would have bought the stuff if I had to buy it through normal methods.

Basically, I would have only got one portion of the system up and running at regular prices.

I am headed out there shortly to continue getting more done on the drip system, as it takes precedence over the pond. Though, I will also undoubtedly move all of the landscaping rock out of the way today and probably get that tree transplanted.
OHHHHH gag, I totally forgot - again - to clean that carpet in that room. Well, it'll take half an hour. I can't believe I forgot about that, I got totally absorbed into the world of ponds and it just totally slipped my mind. Off to work!!




Excuse the last posting, but I was reading the online news, I felt the need to vent my feelings about this on-going and ever-escalating situation with Iran.

As for the homestead, the newest tenant - who hasn't moved in yet but stated she would probably start bringing stuff over today (she has to be out of her current place by Tuesday) - well we sat around and talked for quite a while at the kitchen table yesterday.

I will not rent a room to anyone unless they come over here, sit down, start talking and we get to feel each other out. Is it a good fit? Is there any possibility that there might be problems? If so, I want to hear about it - whether they voluntarily give it out or let it slip - before we start talking about moving in.

I pretty much get a conversation rolling and then, if the person is so inclined, let them talk away for however long I can keep it going. When a person starts feeling comfortable, THAT'S when you might hear something that will identify that this person is going to be a problem, next please. Well, we talked for about an hour. She has a lot going on in life, no doubting that, but I didn't hear anything excessive. She has 2 kids - that are not moving in here thank you but will be visiting from time to time. They are young kids, too; a 3 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I love kids so that isn't a problem. I did ask about the giant dogs and how the kids might handle it. They would never bite them, in fact, Prince, the black Great Dane, will let anyone just climb all over him, he's the most passive dog I have ever owned in that scenario.

Inserted here, a BTW: this keyboard I bought a while ago is "acting up" and some of the keystrokes do not end up on the screen, hence the mistakes I am making in spelling. The C key is the worst offender and I have to keep going back and fixing it - time for a new keyboard, again.

I asked her what the situation is in her current rental situation and boy, did I get an earful about THAT. She is living with a couple - lesbians - that are, at least from what I gathered from her, total control freaks. I need not go into it, as I don't want to. I know what it's like to live with a control freak, it brings back the old agitations and feelings just thinking about it, I don't want to go there. So I won't.

Will this turn out to be the tenant from hell or a great, nice, person? Only time will tell - time and opportunity to either be nice or stupid always is the telling tale in this kind of arrangement. My house is conveniently located a mile and a half from her work, the reason she wanted to move in here. She doesn't have a TV, heard that after I was pointing out the Direct TV receiver in the room. I just happen to have an extra - I have NO idea where it came from. It isn't mine, is all I know. It's in the other female's closet, I don't even know if it works but I am going to get it out of there and find out. Tenants leave things, is all I can say, and sometimes they leave some pretty nice stuff.

Anyway, my ears perked when she stated without being asked that she is very conscientious about electric usage and turning things off that are not in use. Another score was when she stated she is drama free, doesn't like to get into arguments and is very "chill" - laid back. Nice, I hope that is true and it pans out.

That was my meeting with this lady who decided to move in after all was said.
Today? Dunno - I did a pretty good cleaning in here yesterday and the only thing left is some laundry, my room and my bathroom. I can knock that stuff out pretty quick. Oops, just remembered I promised to clean the carpet in that bedroom, have to get to that early on, like right now after I post this entry. I'm also hungry - some hashed browns loaded with onions and tomatoes sounds delicious. No cheese, thanks, I am still on a diet of sorts. I really had no idea how much calories cheese has in it until I started looking at a lot of labels. WOW!! There is a diet-killer right there. I have backed off the consumption of cheese quite a lot - which I wish I didn't have to do because I absolutely love cheese on just about anything and everything.

Not much else. I think the Suns (NBA) are playing today and they have looked pretty darn good in recent games, they made it to the playoffs I hope they are able to pull something out of the hat and go somewhere with it. I have my projects outside - always have projects outside - which I will also be continuing on with today at least to some extent.

For that, I bid you a Happy Sunday and to remember that this is the day that that Lord hath made - I will rejoice and be glad in it!


Iran, It's Threats And Obama

Does anyone really believe that Iran is producing those nuclear fuel rods for peaceful purposes only? This is not the same scenario as Iraq - Iran is a rogue nation (at best), has publicly and repeatedly called for the destruction of both Israel and the U.S., has called the U.S. on numerous occasions the "Great Satan", is guilty of human rights abuses against it's own people to the point of killing them simply because they were the opposition in the recent elections and has a leader that mouths off at every opportunity against the U.S. and even Obama in particular. They are looking at us like we are a bunch of cowards because our Commander in Chief apparently is afraid of these people.

That's what I get out of Obama's lack of action. I can think of past Presidents that might have already taken out Iran's nuclear production facilities by this point in time. If we did engage in such, what is Iran going to do, send a bunch of troops over here in airplanes to start a war with us? We need not start a war with them, simply dispose of those facilities and put them back to ground zero.

Actually, I do have a glimpse of what they would do: start a terrorism war against us on our own soil. I fully believe they are funding the likes of Al Queda and that they have their own agenda, not unlike Hitler's Germany. You think that's off the wall? Good, let's just sit around another couple of years and see what they DO with nuclear weapons. They will SELL them to TERRORIST organizations and you can bet your @$$ they are going to use those weapons against US on our OWN soil. They MIGHT shoot them off at Israel.

Whatever the case, you basically have the ingredients for World War III, but this time, the world ends. You cannot start popping nukes all over the place and expect the earth to be able to sustain such and just continue on as if nothing has happened. It will be the Book of Revelations type of destruction.

Don't get the wrong picture,I am not a theory conspirorist, I don't sit around fretting about all of this, but I will be vocal enough to state that if we don't do something SIGNFICANT about this situation with Iran NOW, we are going to pay and pay dearly later - and not that much later, either.

But, we cannot - strike that, we apparently WILL not defend even our OWN borders! I wonder how the people that voted for Obama feel about him now, at this juncture? Oh sure, die-hard Dems will say they love him, but what about the people that got on the "Race Train" - let's vote in a black president regardless of the fact that the man has almost zero credentials to fill what is deemed to be the most powerful position in the world. This Iran situation is exactly why I voted for McCain. I have no idea how the man would deal with all of this economic catastrophe going on - I suspect that whoever got into the White House, regardless of poitical leanings - would have had the same problems and potential outcomes that Obama has had.

But, I have no doubt in my mind the McCain would have already escalated this situation with Iran into serious plans of "covert missions" to take out the nuke facilities in that country. Certainly, there would have been very strong sanctions already implemented. Look, I truly believe Obama is pretty much viewed by the world, certainly the extremist world, as a wimp, a lemonade-bleeding yellow belly that has no intestinal fortitude and will run at the first sign of a fight. How many times has this man visited the troops in comparison to past presidents on the battle fields?

WHERE are this man's priorities?

I'm venting, definitely. When it comes to dealing with world powers that are making obnoxious and outrageous threats and are developing the technology to be able to back those threats up, I don't CARE what political affiliation the President has, he BETTER get his @$$ in gear and get the train moving. This situation is a or THE defining moment for Obama, not healthcare. If he fails, we ALL pay for it. He has too much time left as the Commander in Chief - there isn't going to BE another President coming into the Oval Office before something dire and drastic may or will happen with Iran and it's desire - to own the world. That's it. They don't CARE about human life, they are power hungry, they want to dominate the world. Their religious beliefs tell them that we are all evil and should be disposed of in an appropriate manner. Mix power with religion and see what the results of that little lovely add up to.

I certainly don't have a highly read blog here, so I am mostly just relieving myself of pent-up frustration. While Iran is puking out it's threats; while American is reeling in the aftermath of an on-going housing crisis; while our own borders on the Mexican side are being threatened by what amounts to Hooligans with limited power simply because they have gotten rich off of selling drugs; while Americans are dealing with lost jobs, homelessness, fear of the uncertainty of what is going to happen to them; Obama spend a full YEAR with an intense and almost-total focus on HEALTHCARE?

Again, unless Obama does something DRASTICALLY different, I truly believe he will be viewed, after all is said and done, by history as the absolute WORST President that ever occupied that office and position.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Cat With Holes

I was outside - my usual thing on weekends for sure - on the east side of the house. The east side of the house is my primary focus for landscaping, ponds, beautification.

Coco - my Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog mixed with Great Dane (though mostly Leopard Dog) is ALWAYS out there with me. I don't ask her to come out there, she follows me like a magnet on steel. I could say the more appropriate axiom, but I don't want to digress.

I was laying out the 1/2 inch tubing, paying no attention to her whatsoever. I don't normally do that anyway, pay attention to dogs while I am working that is.

I look up, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. She was on TOP of a cat that had come into our backyard and was inflicting bite wounds into it. I absolutely HATE cats, with a passion. They come over here and crap.

I was shocked. How did all of this happen without any sound? Coco is not afraid of cats. I know, people always think a cat will win against a dog - not ALL dogs, thank you very much. She - Coco - doesn't CARE if that cat bites or scratches her, but more to the point, she is MUCH faster than a cat, her reflexes are very sharp and I can't find a single scratch or bite mark on here anywhere. She had that cat upside down, her mouth over it's sides, the cat wasn't able to do anything, she had it pinned and was inflicting pain.

The cat, unbelievably, was totally helpless. You don't see THAT every day, nuh-uhhh. Cats invariably get a way from dogs, this is my experience with the dogs that I have owned - except with Coco. She is a nutcase. She will stand at that back fence for HOURS, looking at the cats in the neighbor's backyard as if they were a Hostess Cupcake. Capture it, eat it.

I had to literally FORCE her to let go of that cat. It limped to the fence and crawled up it, jumped down the other side and beelined to the window of the house - where it's owners were anxiously awaiting. They just happened to be in that room of their house, doing laundry.

I could see them through their back window, examining the cat. I am quite sure, especially after seeing it limping, that it is wounded. Although I despise cats with a passion, I am not a person inclined to see animals being - killed - by other animals. Of course it goes on in nature and that doesn't bother me a bit - the food chain. But in the case of domesticated animals, it really doesn't "turn me on" at all.

Coco was only doing what comes naturally to her. I make no apologies for the actions of one of my dogs against a natural "enemy" that has come into our back yard. I won't even apologize for the damage to the cat - why should cats have free reign to run all over people's properties where they don't belong? I DID get the assault stopped as quickly as I could, yes.

But, if those people think I am going to pay for a vet for the wounds inflicted on that animal, they have a totally 'nother thing coming. I only say that because I know that woman over there well enough to know that she might attempt to make such demand.

I don't also wonder if there is retribution coming. I am going to aim one of my cameras towards that area of the back yard - if something happens to Coco - I love that dog, she is a totally cool doggy - I am going to have it on film and I am going to be able to......press charges, actually.

Speaking of cameras, I have been dreaming of an 8 camera system. My 4 camera system is nice, but it would be FAR nicer to have more complete coverage of my property. I think the guy that sent that stuff to me from - China - is still selling those systems on eBay and still selling it at FAR lower prices than ANYWHERE else I have been able to find. I have had that system up there for 2 going on 2 and a half years now. I have had minimal problems with it - the biggest problem was attempting to figure out how to get everything into English versus the default it is sent in at Chinese. Buying another 4 camera system would integrate into the system I have - no extra software - and I would only have to set up the cameras, run the lines and install another inlet plate on the back of the computer.

Of course, that is only a dream right now. At $249 for the system, I have much more pressing issues to deal with.

I just had to come in and write this up - I was getting hot out there anyway, was time to take a break. It's in the mid 90's today. Not HOT HOT - it only motivates me to get some of this harder labor stuff done before earthly hell arrives. With the addition of this 4th station on my drip system, I will have 98% of the plants on my property covered by the system. This will free up a lot of time for me in the summer versus spending 1-1/2 hours per day watering plants. The system can water all those plants for me, I need only turn on the system. I am resisting doing a fully automatic system - even though I have it set up for such - because I LIKE going out there, even during the hot summer, and inspecting every thing and make sure the emitters are working.

Which reminds me, it is soon going to be time to cover up my sliding glass door here - in the kitchen - on the west side of the house - to reduce the heating factor of such.

C'ya later.

Urgent Announcement

The room has been rented.
That will be all.
Have a nice day.

Problems With Direct TV Billing

So, I go online to pay up several bills that are due.
I look at the Direct TV bill - $104.92.
I have 6 receivers, I have to pay $5 for each receiver after the first one. All of these companies do that, so even though I don't like it, I'm good with it. That's $30 just for all the receivers in this house. $69.00 for the programming plus tax.

I realized what happened - they had dropped my $15 per month reduction for bundling with Qwest. I immediately called Diret TV and - ended up speaking to 4 different individuals over a 45 minute span. Multi-tasking, I know these conversations with these people are going to be endless, I was mopping the floor while talking and waiting on the phone.

First person couldn't help me, I expected that. Second department couldn't help me either, neither expected or didn't expect that. 3rd department - I am being transferred between departments, not individuals within the same department. They did this because I told them if they didn't reinstate the discount, I would be leaving Direct TV - not an idle threat either - and going either with Dish Network or Cox Cable. I hate all 3 of these companies, so who cares which one you go with.....whoever is giving the best deal, really.

The 3rd guy gives me a very long run around, but I stood firm and he ends up giving an additional 6 months of $10 off per month. I have to call Qwest to get the other amount dropped. Great. I can JUST imagine that. I then ask to have it verified that my contract, which should have been over in January, is now going to be over in June.

No, sir, you contract isn't up until March 3rd. Dealing with this company is like talking to ducks, they just quack at you incessantly with all kinds of hyperbole and computer script. I was getting unhappy but I maintained my phone composure and etiquette. I knew instantly what they had done: when I bought a used receiver last month for those trailer people, even though I VERIFIED that it would not extend my contract, they extended it anyway.

After getting my discount - which is NOT showing up in my current bill yet - I was handed off to a 4th department that deals with this kind of stuff. I informed them that I had bought the receiver off of Craigslist, I did NOT lease it through Direct TV, the contract should be up in June of this year, NOT March of NEXT year. Another inderminate amount of time - I was busy mopping just to keep the agitation levels down with these people and not paying attention to how much time was elapsing. This lady finally comes back and says that they can't modify contracts, so they did away with it completely, meaning that I am NOW free to cancel my contract with DirectTV.

Yes, I am probably going to start up with another company. Only if DirectTV will give me new equipment and a better price - for a full 2 years - will I change my mind. I doubt they will, but I will give it a try anyway. All new equipment - 6 receivers worth, that's what I want. It would be easier to stay with this company than to have to deal with getting another company to come out here and set up all their stuff and remove all of my stuff.

What got me going today was the second individual I spoke to who stated I could reduce my programming and theirby reduce my monthly fee. NOT happening, I replied quite bluntly, I have been an almost-10-year customer, if this is the way you are going to treat me, I am simply going to go with another company. It appears the Direct TV is starting to listen to such threats now, because they didn't used to. For them to hand me over to different departments to "see what they could do for me" is unprecedented with my long history with this company. On their status-quo days, they simply say okay, do what makes you happy, if you want to switch, go ahead and switch.

I have literally been told that by this company in the past.

Well, now I have to call back and ask why the $10 reduction isn't showing on the bill.

Fun fun.


I believe I have finally decided where to put those ponds. When all is said and done, it should look nice - like in about 6 months, lol. I am not normally in a huge hurry when I get started on these kinds of projects - first because I like to take my time and make sure things are done right the first time and second because usually, projects take money. I am a pay as I go type of project worker. In this case, acquire the ponds, figure out where to put them, install them and then move onto the next need, which would be a bio filter and pump. Oh, and a waterfall as well to aerate the water. Part 2 will be more expensive than the ponds. That may take a while.

Meanwhile, I am doing my normal Craigslist thing in looking for another roommate by writing up a new ad every day - sometimes I'll write up 2 ads at different times of the day and delete older ads. Some people will not go through too many of the ads that are on there in looking for a room to rent. There are literally hundreds of them posted every day. I have found in the past that some of the people that moved in here found my ad near the top and I was one of the first or THE first ad that they responded to.

Umm, unfortunately, I have yet to receive a single reply to, so far, 3 ads I have posted plus the one I just posted a few minutes ago. THAT - is odd. Interlude. No more than I wrote the preceding sentence and a man calls. He's a paramedic with "Con Air". I laughed loudly - he works for the U.S. Marshall's office and flies all over the place taking care of prisoners. Proves my point to myself if no-one else: people see the first ad they find that looks appealing and look no further. He is - allegedly - coming over this afternoon.

Onto other things. Arizona passed the legislation - it will soon be legal to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Arizona WITHOUT a permit. Good - and bad. I think there are people out there that REALLY need to go through some training before they start carrying around a loaded 9 millimeter and considering the thought of actually shooting someone at whatever point in time when their life is threatened. REALLY, a person should know without hesitation the laws concerning such and when it is allowable to fire on a person and in what situations it is NOT allowable.

I do know that if you happen to come along on someone that is raping someone else, for example, that person committing the act? You can shoot that sucker. But, I don't claim to know all the situations where you might be able to fire upon a person and where you should NOT.

Well, today's farings, or at least this morning, is to go into the now empty room and clean it. It isn't dirty, really, but that guy was using the vacuum cleaner in there, which is nice, but he didn't empty the already full canister, which is not-so-nice. Means I have to take the vacuum cleaner apart, clean out the undoubtedly-now-clogged ports to get it to work again. I figure to head up to the store here pretty quick and get some of the stuff you sprinkle onto the carpet to make it smell fresh/nice. Of course, I could get the carpet cleaning machine out and do a nice little leaning of the traffic areas in there as well. Dunno, it's still early and I am still drinking my morning coffee.

I also want to keep on plugging away at this drip watering system. Everytime I think I'm just about done, I realize I still have a bunch of other things to deal with.

I am not sure whether I will start on the ponds today - or even this weekend. Probably will start the digging process tomorrow, just not sure how motivated I am to do that while I have this tenancy issue going on. It kind of consumes me - getting a room rented - until it actually is rented and I have money in-hand.

Well, I'm off to read the news and see what kind of nonsense is going on in this world today.



Friday, April 16, 2010


So, here we go again, the relentless search for a roommate until I find one. I won't be going anywhere this weekend, that's a fact.

Well I just blew most of my pre-work time in writing up another Craigslist ad. That takes precedence over writing entries. I didn't even get to look at much of the news!! Waaaaaah!!


Well, anyway, it's Friday, the end of the work week is almost here, bummer that there isn't any work in the truck routing system, hope something comes up soon that will take that problem away.

Anyway, have to cut this short, have a great day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No Advance Notice

So, I go to Caleb's award ceremony. All the JROTC cadets were there, a lot of them. Caleb got a couple of awards - I think he did not get what he was hoping to in terms of authority command for next year. Can't help him there, those people running the show don't ask for parents opinion and - they shouldn't anyway. He is in a position of some authority now, I do imagine he will be promoted, just not to the level he wanted. He's a good kid, big heart, don't know about his future, that's up to him, God's will and how motivated he is to follow through.

So, it was pretty cool ceremony. I get home, there is a pickup truck parking in the street in front of my house, partially blocking my parking space. The tailgate is open, there are Tupperware style storage tubs in the bed. It came to me right then that the dude that is behind in rent is moving out. No fore-notice, nothing. I started to get upset. This guy gets a job and then moves out, owing me money and not even giving me at least a few days notice? I also started getting mad at the dude in the pickup who wasn't moving his vehicle to let me back in.

One of my failings in life is a sometimes-short temper. I can get REALLY mad, REALLY fast when I am being shafted or dissed. Not exactly the traits of a "real" Christian, well, we all have our failings, short-comings and whatever else. I sometimes get visions of beating people to a bloody pulp. Just beat them until they are not conscious and won't be for a while. Break some ribs, knock some teeth out, maybe break an arm. Bad stuff, yes.

But, I never act out on those feelings and they don't last long as I battle against them until it subsides. I will NOT act out on that junk, but I have had to deal with it my entire life. I gave into it when I was a teen, most people never believe the things I did to people, cars, houses, whatever I felt like during that time frame. I don't much care to talk about it, either. I have written it all out in the past, but that was on JS and all of that is permanently gone. I may write it out again - on another, mostly unused, journal as I take no pride in my past and it haunts me to this day.

I have had people talking trash to me to the point that I had to relinquish my "normal" mind, ie: blank stare, and deal with what's going on in my head that seems to be going all over my body. The desire to just punch the person's head a few times, knock him down and be done with it.

Look, I am always wanting to be honest on my journals. But I want to state here that I have NEVER had such desires against any woman/lady/female beast. I wasn't brought up that way. I will just walk away from it. But dudes talking s*** to me? No. That's all it is: no. No thanks and I am not going to stand there and listen to it. I don't go looking for trouble in the physical, hurting type ever. I do pick my battles against corporations, but always on a professional level.

I have totally digressed here. I come into the house - 3 teenagers in the living room, not an unusual thing to see here, I ask them what's going on. "That guy in that room (telling me the room it is ) is moving stuff out of there". I knew it was that guy. He got a job - he claims anyway - but it didn't pan out. Well, whatever. "Why didn't you at least give me notice?". I listened to a well thought out answer - undoubtedly a rehearsed thing he had been going over in his mind. I had thoughts of telling him how I feel about it, I bit my lip. Just get your stuff and get out, I thought, I didn't say much of anything. He is to be out of here by tomorrow.

I am going to let it go, just get him out of here and find someone that has enough money - and a job - to take his place. I have already posted another ad on Craigslist. I have let several of these things go in the past - it isn't worth going after them for the most part, just get them out of here and get someone else.

It's very late for me. I couldn't just go to sleep - that ceremony went on for hours and took me all the way til' my bedtime by the time I got home. No big deal - maybe it will help me sleep through the night. 6 hours of sleep is the same no matter how you get it.

Umm, ending this one, time for bed.




Unbelievable that this work week is almost over already. This one flew by - I was very busy today and yesterday. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the truck routing system for tomorrow, but I am always optimistic that something might be dumped in there - the inside sales guys work much later than I do (a dream that I could get my hours back). I still have 3 coolers to work on at our branch if nothing comes up, though, which would take a good portion of the day to put the new pads in and clean out the units.

Caleb - my son - called me earlier asking if I am coming to the awards ceremony. What awards ceremony? I think it's for JROTC - he isn't sure whether he's getting one, but he wants me to come. I am not a big fan of anything that has to occur in the evening on a weeknight - not at all, but I'll go for his sake if nothing else.

I already took a rather long, afternoon siesta. I usually try to make up for the night before's lack of sleep - at this point anyway, I didn't used to - after I get home from work. Still 2 and half hours until I have to be at his school, so I am going to go outside in a few minutes here and take yet another look at this pond situation. I have not made up my mind where I want it for sure, but the place I am looking at would entail moving one of my sissoos. It is one that was planted just before winter last year - it is still small and should be easy enough to dig up and transplant if that's where the final stamp of approval dictates it to be.

I'm "eagerly" waiting for some dough to come my way. The newest tenant should be paying me tomorrow - it's the dude that just got another job a few plus weeks ago that's up in the air. I NEED the money from him and soon. $200 now and the rest in a few more weeks would work for me.....I have not seem him in several days (which is normal for him) so I don't know. No, he really couldn't move out of here without my knowing about it - ie: taking off and leave me hanging (though if this goes on much longer, I will force the issue with him anyway) - he has FAR too much stuff in there. Took his friends the better part of a day on several trips to get it all over here.

Nothing much else. I totally forgot to go to the doc's office and get that scrip today - I ain't going now. Not with having to go to Caleb's ceremony this evening, plus doing laundry right now plus a visit to the great outdoors - the east side of my house to be precise. I read about a "biologial filter" that everyone says you pretty much have to have if you want clear ponds, those things are EXPENSIVE. But, in my "cheap" style of trying to get great results for as little money as possible, I found several sites that show you how to make your own. One of them is using a plastic tub (already have several of those), a large amount of cheap sponges (dollar store stuff) and a small pump. So, for 30 or 40 bucks, I can do what they want MUCH more for at Home Depot or whatnot.

Having settled on doing that - though not even thinking about actually doing it yet - no need to until the ponds are in and I am ready to put water into them - I am now looking at trying to find a small waterfall. Apparently a necessary item to keep the water aerated and also help cool the water in the summer months.

I have also been reading from various sites of people in the Phoenix area who have these ponds with fish in them year round - apparently they can take the heat as long as you take the necessary steps to keep them as cool as possible. BTW, the fish are pretty cheap, so are the plants. Plenty of people are raising fish in their ponds and selling them at great prices and also pond plants.

I still need to see a lot more pics of different set-ups before I make any decisions on how my finished product will look. In fact, I am going to email some people on Craigslist and ask them for advice as well as all the searching for sites on the web for info. I would like to ask people around here how they deal, specifically, with heat issues, I don't think fish really like hot or even warm water, but I really don't know.

Anyway, the great outdoors is calling my name, I must respond!


Not to be a proliferator of doom and gloom, but the big headline this morning was: Foreclosure Rates Surge, Biggest Jump in 5 Years and that the banks are on track of taking back 1,000,000 homes this year alone. That's unbelievable. 1 in every 138 homes received a foreclosure notice.

Look, I wish the economy to get better and soon, but I don't see how that's possible with all of this stuff still going on.

Whatever the case, there ARE ways people can save their homes, they just don't want to do it. All well and fine, but still, if you lose your home and don't exhaust your options, I don't want to hear about it. Not to be cold, but this foreclosure business is what started the tanking of the U.S. economy to begin with. It had a cascading effect that started affecting industries that catered to the building of new homes and it spread out from there.

Just because everyone else is doing it does not make it right. If you CAN'T make your payment and have tried everything, then great. I know I'm struggling - greatly - but I'm still there. As I have said before, I will move out of my master bedroom and into a TENT out back if I have to, renting out that room with it's own bathroom and walk-in closet for $500 minimum per month and - not be happy about it, but still have my place. Alright, no tent. A wood structure, about 15X15 with it's own facilities.

You don't think I would do that? Lol. You don't know me. Simply because I don't want to go under again, ever again, in my lifetime, I am willing to go to great lengths to try and keep what I have. Going under means going bankrupt, avoiding that at ALL costs is worth doing whatever I can to make it through. Which reminds me, I keep forgetting to send out that letter requesting a reduction in the loan to reflect the value of the home to my lender. I have a great excuse, though: yesterday was that physical and my mind was not going anywhere else until I got that nonsense OVER with, thank you very much. Physicals are a good thing to do, especially when you break the 40 mark, but it ain't no fun.

I'm sure somebody wants to slam me for my statements about walking from a house. Don't care, really. People got into loans that they knew they would not be able to afford with the interest rate was going to adjust in 5 years or whatever on those ARM's. People expected the housing market to continually go up. Buy a house, wait for it to increase in value, sell it, start over. People were doing that, great - but - as we all now see - it can't go on forever. I have no expectation that I will be able to sell my home for a long, long time. That's because the mortgage is higher than the market value. Which is why I am continuing on with projects. Might as well do what I can to make it a very sellable place whenever that magical day appears when I can get out of it.

Oh yes, I could walk like everyone else is doing - and if I were FORCED to, ie: lose my job and simply have no means to make the payments - then I would. But, I have an ethical problem with walking, dumping it onto the bank and making them pay for it when I still have options open to stay in it.

Anyway, the work day is here and I must be offa here.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

That Deserves A Drink

Oh, yes, it does.
I went to the doctor for my annual physical today.
Thank God it's only once a year, because I have serious doubts that I would be able to handle anymore of it than once.
Now ladies, I am WELL aware of what gynecologists put you through. I was married 16 years, I DO have a clue in this department.

However. I still don't think that having a doc sitting there, telling you to bend over, him putting on rubber glove and KY jelly and sticking it up your @$$ is somehow "better" than the clamp ordeal you have to go through. I don't care as much that he has to look at my nuts and determine whether I have a hernia or not - it isn't intrusive, not NEAR-SO as the finger test.

Well, that unpleasantry is over, the "results" were good. There were 2 things the doc was concerned about. First, my cholesterol. BUT, when he started looking at the results, he said it wasn't as bad as he had first thought. My GOOD cholesterol is WAY higher than the average person. My bad is like 30 points higher.

Then he said my kidney "levels" -whatever that means - were slightly higher than the last time they did bloodwork - which was about a year and a half ago. So, I have to start taking this cholesterol medication and I have to go back in 6 or see weeks and give more blood. They will check for any continued rise in whatever level they are looking at for the kidneys. My heart is still pumping, my blood pressure is good, my liver is good, I don't have diabetes - a whole list of things they apparently start looking at as you hit certain age levels.

Well - it's OVER. I am not dying, yet (we all have to do that one day, I just hope my appointment isn't terribly soon and that I stay in good or at least reasonably good health until then), the trauma of the finger test is wearing off - neither he nor I are gay so there is nothing sexual to be derived out of such a thing - but to make it wear off faster, I have given myself permission to have a drink - or two. Grin and bear it, that's what I tell myself cause' I am always trying to talk myself out of going to these physicals which are totally voluntary and self-imposed.

But, I always think, I am getting older - if there is something wrong, I want to know about it early because medicine has improved so much over the last 2 or 3 decades that early detection of many things can mean the difference between life and death.

Doc did tell me - in a nice way - that I should cut back on red meats. Well, I eat a LOT of chicken, I like chicken but I absolutely LOVE steak! I don't eat it often, though. I admitted all my junk - I smoke a cigar here and there and I drink beers here and there.

It's over, I keep telling myself, but I have to say that this kind of thing I find to be very unsettling. Call me a wimp, but any guy that has had a finger up his @$$ knows what I am talking about. They don't even start doing that until you're 40, so you are given a LONG pass on that. Then, every year, you have to endure such. I think after age 50 they then want to start sticking some camera device WAY up in there and looking at 'things'. LOL.

Onto other things, thank you. I take a quick look at my ponds this afternoon when I got home from work - which I left work early because there wasn't anything else to do in deliveries, I wanted to take a short nap before going to the doc's office and I am over hours for this week. Or last, who knows, the thing shows all the hours from the start of the pay period which started last week. I just keep track of total hours, make sure I am getting all of what I can get, but also making sure I don't go over.

So, pretty quick here, I am headed out there to try to start to form a plan in my mind - how I want this whole setup to look after I am done with it. This is really going to take some pre-planning. I will try to come up with where I want these ponds to be before this weekend so I can start working on it. The digging will be a pain in the rear, no doubt, but - it's great exercise and I know the end result will definitely be worth the effort put into it. Still, I have alot to learn about these ponds and I am reading crazily all kinds of sites that have all kinds of info.

In fact, that sounds like a great idea. Take my drink out there, sit down in a chair, look at the pre-formed pond liners and attempt to figure out how I want to do all of this.




Well, I'm finding that my newest adventure - a pond - has all KINDS of information about it on the net. I guess the hardest part about a pond is actually installing the thing, or so they say.

Considering the rock-filled dirt on my property, I would say that would be correct!
Well, anyway, I'll undoubtedly be writing about the fun, the pain and the pain in the @$$ stuff I will endure in getting this thing put in the ground and up and running. And, I am quite sure, it will be a while before I actually have anything living in it as there are a few things I have to have before that is going to occur, including aeration/waterfall system to keep the water full of oxygen and a pump/filtration system. I have seen these things pretty cheap on CL, but right now? I'll just get the thing in the ground first, that will take some time, then think about the other stuff.

News: Stricter abortion laws enacted in Nebraska - I'm all for it. In fact, I am all for doing away with abortions completely except where the mother's life is at risk, then it's the mother's choice who lives and who dies.
Arizona - enacts the toughest immigration bill yet. I'm ALL for that as well. I read the story, not going into it here, you can find it on the news outlets. I'm still waiting to see whether this concealed carry without permit thing is going to go through.

Another plane crash. Seems like the Airbus A300 and like are having a rough go in recent times, doncha think? However, this crash sounds like they are saying it may be pilot error? Don't know yet, it'll come out sooner or later.

And yet ANOTHER earth quake. These quakes coming all over the world? Sign of the times referring to Biblical proportions? You know, like the end? Dunno that, either, I'm not God. Just interesting to watch all of this going on.

Old news: the foreclosure plan of Obama to save homes basically isn't working and a relative handful of people have actually been able to successfully negotiate a loan modification (and I can say, thankfully, I am one of those people and didn't even have to have a "company" do it for me!). 6 million families are at least 2 months behind in payments and allegedly 200,000 families receive foreclosure notices EVERY month.

Lots of turmoil in the world. I only know one thing right now: work day approaches and I must get signed in and be about the business of the company I work for : )



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Pond

I was going to call it a Koi pond, but those ponds apparently need to be at least 3 feet deep - I don't think either of these ponds are that deep, haven't measured them yet, apparently goldfish and other such can survive in shallower, no big deal.

The offer was too good to pass up. 2 ponds, about 300 gallons total worth of water.

This will be a long project, probably, because there are several things you have to buy first before putting a single drop of water into them. A pump/filter system being the first and foremost. I have started reading about installing the ponds and about what the ponds need to thrive and survive.

My drip system project is almost done. I have the east and south side of the house left to run - and that is halfway there.

This is actually exciting for me - my current projects are running out of steam - not much left to do - and I have several things I still want to get done out there. Since I am pretty much "stuck" in this house for an undetermined period of time, but guessing at least 5 years, I am going to continue with projects as I can afford to do them.

Speaking of water, I found out today that I can run more than one station at a time. I hadn't even thought of the possibility, but didn't do the math, either. A station using 25 psi on a main water system that is around 75 psi should be able to sustain 2 of them going at the same time, thereby reducing my time spent out there making sure everything is going as needed. I had already watered a station before trying that or I would have tried 3 stations at the same time, thereby effectively watering almost the entire property at one, fell swoop.

I will not just turn these things on and go into the house. If I wanted to do that, I would have a timer on them and let them do their thing. The heat that is coming dictates to me to make sure I supervise the watering. I don't mind doing that, even in the heat. When it's that hot, the plants need the daily watering and if one of the emitters isn't working, depending on the plant, good possibility it could whither and die.

And on the heat note, I am glad to have these ponds NOW - it is still nice enough outside to make the digging not so terribly unbearable. My only concern is what to do with the dirt? I have a thought on that, but haven't even got there yet - this weekend I will be starting on the digging project and what to do with the excess dirt.

The digging will totally suck. Prepare myself now. The dirt in my yard is full of rocks, it makes digging by hand an experience. It is GREAT exercise, though, so maybe not so bad.

On a different note, I am seriouslyu thinking about getting back into a gym. Summer is coming and though I am doing some roller-blading here and there, it is not enough. I don't need a lot of motivation - if I'm around people doing the same thing - working out that is - that is enough for me. I would love to have some "personal" music to work out to - but - everything costs money. I'm talking about an ipod - an mp3 player work just as well. I think I am READY to start working out in a gym again. A gym has the specific equipment I am looking for to work on certain muscle groups and also specific aerobic equipment that also gives me what I am looking for.

Not there yet. The cost isn't GREAT, but it would be another drain on my finances. One consolation would be that the place I am thinking about going to has no contracts. Sign up, pay the registration fee, yes, but then it's month to month. It is also on the way home from work - do it then or I won't be doing it.

It should be no surprise to anyone if I come on here and start talking about my daily workouts. An hour a day - that's all I need to do at least 4 days a week. I'm giving it thought, that's all I can say for now. I would love to get back into the condition where I could ride a bicycle clear to work and back every day.

Have to see about that. It's a commitment and though I think I am ready to return to the gym, I am not SURE about it yet. I spent many, many years working out in gyms and I was in excellent condition. Twice I had my body fat measure in the water tank during those years and they both came back with 4.9%. I wasn't skinny, I was lean and toned.

Well, that's enough. I have been reading the politics for a while today - normal garbage. Nothing exciting, some of it is annoying, however.




FINALLY, something to do in the truck routing system! 3 deliveries with a couple of pickups and over 50k worth of product, that helps, quite a lot.

The video posted below was only put there because I have never seen anything like it before. It's a pretty intense slam on McCain's opponent - Hayworth. I have heard the birth certificate rumors since before the election ever took place. We all have. Have we ever seen a birth certificate that clearly identifies him? I don't think so. But, who started these rumors? Dunno - in the world of politics, are bets are off and so are most moral and ethics. Just like this video - it is one of the most intense - and funny - slams I have ever seen in a political race.

The thing that strikes me is you'd think the election was next week or something - McCain is running ad after ad after ad - the polls won't be open til' November 2! I've already decided who I am voting for, all these ads do nothing for me - and probably for most everyone else, either. I always wonder about how much time and money are spent on advertising for these elections. I would think most people are off the fence and decided quite early on who they are going to vote for. It was a no-brainer for me in the McCain v Obama deal - I had never even HEARD of Obama before he came out of the woodwork and suddenly, here is this veritable stranger that is "leading" our country?!!!

I give the man absolutely no credibility after watching the way he has been treating Israel. Go talk to IRAN like that, leave our friends over in Israel alone. Obama appears to be off on his own, saying what he pleases when he pleases to say it without giving any thought to what the majority of the American public want. I doubt the majority wants us slamming Israel and taking them to task because-----they want to build apartments in their OWN friggin' nation - or the so-called "settlement" of Jerusalem. WHO comes up with this stuff, anyway?

Craziness. I'm just along for the ride. I sincerely hope that the November elections will produce what the GOP believes it will because several more years of this nonsense is going to drive me crazy if it continues. I'm no staunch republican, either, but this health-care business and spending trillions of dollars when we HAVE no money is outrageous at best.

Off that subject. I got absolutely nothing done yesterday at home. I mean, I watered stuff and planted a couple of tomato plants but that was it. I realized I did not buy the compression elbows to finish running the 1/2 inch line around the back of the house, do that today.

I also found out about the Koi pond: the lady bought them to use for watering her horses and has no inclination of getting rid of them. Well, I don't know about spending money on such right now, I will probably let that go until I have a little better financial footing.

It IS something that I want to do - it would fit in perfectly over there on the east side of my house. Definitely. That and build a little gazebo type of thing and put my BBQ grill over there with a nice misting system. Misting systems are very cheap, wood for a gazebo could be acquired mostly for free, it's that pond that would end up costing by the time you factor in a pump and fish, plants all that kind of stuff.

Meanwhile, my vines are growing like crazy on the chain link fencing over there. I can't wait until it totally covers that thing up and blots out most of the view of my "neighbors".

Speaking of which, I sent them a letter which should be arriving today. Concerning their dogs - of whom they left unattended for 7 days. I am sure the letter will fall on deaf ears, but I figured to say it anyway. It basically stated that it's not normal to simply isolate yourselves from the rest of the people living around you, that if you weren't so unfriendly I would have taken care of their dogs for them and the fact that I put their dog back into their back yard after the thing was running around all day long, up and down the street, trampling my plants, etc. I ended it with "you're welcome".

Well, the workday approaches and I must be outta here.

C'yall later.


Monday, April 12, 2010


Allergy season - apparently - as my nose has been running like a train since Saturday. Pretty miserable stuff. One could blame the plethora of plants around my house as cause, but I have been suffering this kind of nonsense since I was 26 years old, regardless what is growing around me.
There is absolutely nothing in the truck routing system. This will be day 3 of no deliveries. I have stuff to do around here, most notably the evaporative coolers - I am taking one of them apart to replace bearings and the other 3 need cleaned out and new pads installed.

I am very distracted this morning and think I will come back to writing later on. There is all kinds of stuff in the news and I want to finish it before I have to sign into work.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Michael.......and the Bible?!!!

I'm sorry, it hasn't clicked in me for several days. I dunno, maybe 4 days ago, Michael asked if I had a Bible he could read. Of course, it's on my desk, it always is, you are welcomed to read it anytime.

I dunno what's taken over the boy's mind, but obviously, God has something to do with it, I know I don't say much about the subject anymore. I have "preached" to the about the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the last 6 years I have known him - and Anthony as well - but, I don't get pushy. It does no good, at all, to get pushy with anyone about the Lord. God can break through the heart where we mortal souls can't even put a dent.

So, today, it suddenly dawned on me that Michael has been reading the Bible every day since he asked about it. Sometimes for hours on end. I had NOTHING to do with this, either. The seed has long been planted, it's up to the Lord to give it the growth, that is out of my realm and the only thing you can do with the seed that is planted is pray over it. Which reminds me, for those that are so inclined, PLEASE remember to throw a few words in about Michael to the Lord in any moment that you might find yourself in prayer.

Twice today, he has picked up the Bible, walked to one of the living room recliners, and sat there and read chapter, after chapter, after chapter. He started with the Book of Genesis and apparently is inclined to work his way through the entire amount of scripture.

Again, I have not prodded, nagged, or even brought up the subject in any recent history, I know the work of the Lord when I see it, I must discuss this subject with other Christians, mainly some of you folks and an online prayer group and hope that some people are moved to pray through on this. This is a "seize the opportunity" moment, perhaps a fork in the road that God has placed before Michael and he is listening and acting on it. I really have NO clue what brought this on.

I have the New King James version and I suspected he might be having trouble with it. It is a FAR easier read than the King James version - which is the version I "grew up" with in my early Christianity. It takes a lot of research into the words that are used in that version to understand what is being said, but I never had a problem going into the Greek or Hebrew dialect in my studies to try to identify, exactly, what is being said.

I don't EVEN want to lay that kind of burden on this kid: I promised to get him a much easier, current-language version of the Bible. I have no clue what is even available. I just like the New King James version so I don't bother with anything else. There are several Christian bookstores around, I will be visiting one of them in the next few days.

In a circumstance like this, I could be next-to-nothing broke and I would find a way to get a person a Bible who wants one. I suspect a good rendition will not be cheap, either, they usually aren't. But, isn't this what it's all about? Is eternity not the prize in terms of heaven? This life - there are few things in this wordly realm that are even of interest to me. I am no saint, but I grew to dislike much of the world's offerings long ago. I have my faults and "we" are working on it. I say that in the very-real factor of the Lord my God.

You want to know why I rarely go out and do much of anything in "societal" terms, it's because I have no interest in such. Even the lure of the casino is beginning to fade. I haven't been in quite a long while now. I DO have interest in finding a woman, but it is something I have little control over. I have all but given up on internet dating sites. I'm sure they work for some people, I have connected with a few but it never led anywhere. I figure a church group, or a club where singles go on hikes, movies, adventures of all sorts, meeting someone in person really has much more allure to me than doing it the internet way. I have been giving it some serious consideration, but - at this point, my lack of appropriate clothing is in the way. I don't have much, really. I never gave it any kind of priority after the house burned down. I will have to start looking for some deals on such, because what I currently have is TOTALLY lacking for any kind of serious attempt to go out and find someone.

Well that was the main subject in this entry. Had to get that out there, I KNOW there are Christians that read my journal, I appeal to you to please lift Michael up in prayer.

As for today? I went to Home Depot, got a few fittings that I was lacking for the 4th station on my drip system, built the station. Hooked up the 1/2 inch line and got about 2/3rds done with laying it out. I turned on the water to blow out the line, my entire manifold came bursting out of the fitting that the entire assembly goes into to supply it water.

I had wondered where the leaking water was coming from, this was obviously it : ) That is already fixed, just re-cemented it and have been waiting quite a while to make sure it is dried and not have this happen again. I also planted the rose bush. I bought one yesterday at Home Depot. It was $6.99 for what is normally a $19.99 bush. I couldn't resist - my dad used to grow roses and I figured at least one of them out front would be cool. The only drawback to having roses is that people love to steal them. Usually kids - come right up into your yard and pluck them suckers. Kids used to go into my parents yard and take the roses and give them to their teachers at school.

I am headed back out side soon. Came in to make some hamburgers and grill them outside along with a manager's special T-bone steak that was half priced. Yes, I got the steak, the kids can have the hamburgers. The steak was absolutely glorious - I don't know of any better eating than a nice, juicy, rare, thick steak. YOU might know of better, this is just my opinion. My favorite of all steak is Porterhouse - oh so wonderful and OH so expensive.

C'ya later.


I spent a good deal of time yesterday attempting to get that irrigation system dialed in and done. Yes, I got a lot done, no, it's not done, lol. I decided to go ahead and get the last remaining plants on the sides of the house covered by yet another drip station. I did not, however, even get a start on that. I was putting in line all over the front yard trying to get all the plants, included the potted flowers, serviced. I have a line of plants against the front of the house to go and that should be done. I have a birdbath out front that I am also going to run a line to - with a valve on the line so I can simply fill it up without having to bring the house out there.

Today's venture will be to build the 4th station and run the main line next to those plants already mentioned. I am not even going to bury this line, I just want to get the system out there and doing it's job on these plants along with everything else. Unbelievably, I have already used 400 feet of the 1/4 line that runs from the 1/2 line to each individual plant. I kinda was a little shocked to find out yesterday that I was almost out of that stuff again. At the price I'm paying for it? $1.00 per 100 feet. Lol. I think I'm going to buy 1,000 feet of the stuff . That's less than the price of 200 feet at Home Depot.

Oh, and yes I did finish the cooler installation yesterday. The guy living in the trailer apparently isn't very comfortable working with electricity. I am not, either, if the lines are live. I ALWAYS just shut off the flow of electricity and then it doesn't bother me. The main jist was simply getting it to turn on - motor and pump. They wanted a switch, I said fine, go buy one, they are like $30 and I am not spending that kind of money on this stuff. Otherwise, I am going to install it by simply plugging it in. Yes, that's what I did and also effectively disconnected the AC, I won't have to worry about that rather huge amount of electricity being drained every day. This Mastercool on that trailer? Is FAR bigger than it need be. But it was free, so who cares. I still ended up paying around $100 to get it into working condition, but now it has brand new pads in there. I also told him yesterday that I have no intentions of spending any more money on that trailer for quite a while now as I have other things I need to do with my money.

Hopefully, the "non-paying" tenant who finally got a job will get caught up and I will have enough money to get the AC fixed on the car. The AC in that car takes precedence over much of anything else. If you've never gotten into a car sitting in the direct sunlight in an AZ summer - well, it's an experience. At least 135 degrees inside of it, it takes a while for any AC system to cool it down. I still wish I could have gotten a motorcycle instead of a car when I bought the car I currently have. Well, sort of I do.

Well, I am trying to find stuff - free - for those folks, but so far have struck out every time. A bed was the biggest item - I see them once in a while on Craigslist free but - they are always taken by the time I get to it. Carpeting, too. People give away carpet here and there, stuff that is pulled from their floors and some of it is in good condition. They install ceramic tile or wood flooring in it's place, hence the need to get rid of the carpet. Still, haven't connected on that one, either.

As for this neighborhood. There is a 30-something that lives down the street from me. He is living with his parents, he always has. He doesn't have a job and has no inclination, apparently, to ever get one. Why his parents allow him to live at home, no clue. I would have booted him at around 19 or 20 at the oldest age. It is not natural, at least from my perspective, to stay with your parents that late in life. Anyway, a while back, he was taunting me from the window of "his" house, in a high-pitched voice saying all kinds of stupid junk laced with curse words. Yesterday, I'm out front of my house, admiring my work I had done with all the drip system stuff, when he came walking down the middle of the street.

As he was walking by, he slowly turned his head towards me and gave me - this look. I assume it was intended to be a "I'm a bad-@$$, don't mess with me" type of stare. This is the kind of stupidity that goes on in this neighborhood. Although I'm not afraid of him, fighting over nothing is juvenile and a waste of my time. I just looked back at him while he was walking by.

The "man" that threatened the lady next door? Apparently is friends with my next-door-neighbor again. The man, from a societal standard, is a waste of human flesh. He has no life, he doesn't work, his mother pays for his rather wasted existence. He spent some 8 years in prison for drug dealing. JUST the kind of neighbors I want. NOT. I ignore him completely. He is mouthy, brash and cocky. Sticks his nose into everyone's business, including, apparently mine. A neighborhood kid was over there yesterday and this man told him that Caleb, my son, was up all night last night and was probably sleeping. HOW, pray tell, did this man know THAT, and WHY is the doings in my house ANY of his business? Again, this is the kind of freaks we have in our neighborhood.

THEN, there is the very-old lady that knocked my neighbor's motorcycle type of scooter over, on purpose. She is not all there. She stands out front of her house, staring at everyone and walking around the edges of her property, looking at neighbor's properties. No clue.

Then there's my other neighbors on the other side. These are the freaks that left the dogs unattended for over a week while they apparently went on vacation. I was staring at him yesterday. I was tempted to say something to him about his dogs and his neglect of them, but I let it go. Instead, I am going to send him a letter with a picture of his dog running down the street.

There are even MORE nutcases like this. But these are the ones that I either saw or heard from in various ways yesterday. I so ever-loving want out of this neighborhood, yet - the only way to do that is to walk from this house.

Every time I walk out front of my house, I wonder WHAT, exactly, is going to be next? Never know. Some sort of lunacy is very possible.

Anyway, I'm outta here. I'm going to go out there and get started on this drip station - or not - maybe I'll just try to finish the lines out front, though I don't think I have enough 1/4 line left to do that. Still, I can get SOMETHING done out there!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday - Moving On

I'm going to start moving past this little ordeal with KCL - though I don't know that it's over yet - and simply continue to blog in peace. I will also be writing entries on my "third" blog, one of a few dozen of them, actually.

Today, we end this ordeal of getting this Mastercool evap cooler up and running on that trailer, or at least I hope we do. I want it done because I don't want the electricity to continue to be used at unbelievable rates. The only thing left to do is connect the electric lines, put in a filler plug and hook up the water line.

It was last year that I had a man come over - who ended up bringing his dad with him - to dig a trench clear down the side of the house, to the other side of the property and then back down again. I decided at the time I would want to run an extra water delivery line through there, just in case I would need it for something. Well, here we are, Justin Case, you were needed. That line is in the perfect place to supply water to that evaporative cooler. The cooler doesn't need high pressure water, just a small, 1/4 inch delivery line to attach to the float to keep the reservoir filled.

I am considering seeing if that guy wants to come back and dig another trench. I would like to run a sewer line to that trailer and make it fully "self-serve". They could run water in there and mostly not even have to come into the house as the thing also has a toilet as well. Our yard at work has enough damaged sewer pipe to run the full - somewhere around 160 feet to where I would be able to hook into where the cleanouts are located. The pipe is damaged but not unusable. It has dents in it - meaning it would restrict the flow of sewage if those raised dents were put on the bottom. One need only make sure those dents are at the top and there will be no restriction and the pipe is free.

So, that's today's doings, get that thing running and also continue hooking up feeder lines for drip emittors where needed. I kind of slacked off of that this week, did a few but nothing grand. It's yet another beautiful day outside - just taking all of this in while the taking is there.

I fully expect the non-paying that is now-paying tenant to give me a nice chunk of change on his next paycheck. He flipped me $100 the other day, which brought him down to $400 in arrears, but now he is back up to $500. I would like to see $250 or even $300, but I'd be happy with $200 per week until he is caught up. He has been broke for a while, don't want to take all of his money, I just want him to make a big move towards getting from behind to present. This would help me immensely right.

I always have people asking me how I can handle having all of these people living in my house. Some of these are people that walked from their homes on upside down mortgages or lost jobs or whatever, huge, dramatic circumstances that caused them to lose their homes. Those people are living in rented condos or apartments now, I am not. Those people's credit is totally TRASHED. I have been working on bringing up my credit score for some time. It went WAY down after it showed 120 days late on the mortgage last year, but now I am 8 months running with on-time payments and the score is slowly starting to come back up.

I have hashed this out a few times already on my blogs, but I continue to get asked both online and in "real world". When you simply walk from a house, when, do you think, a bank will EVER allow you to get back into one? Plus, most of these people are going to be forced into bankruptcy or they will have lenders coming after them for HUGE sums of money. I WENT through a bankruptcy once, I hope to NEVER cross that bridge into the abyss again. Bankruptcy affects your credit score for 7 years, is on the record for 10. It REALLY messes with your life. I would attempt to even endure garnishments or whatever before going down that road again.

So, I have the option: keep the tenants or walk from the house. Or, continue to find a part time job. I am, technically, a part-time worker at my company - as are all hourly employees on the 40-hour work week plan. That hour that I lose every day adds up to a lot of money. The 4 hours I lost every week in overtime was HUGE.

I weighed the possible paths that I could begin to travel on. I prayed and thought about this for a long, long time. I figured that I could at least try the tenancy situation, if I didn't like it/couldn't handle it, well, do what everyone else is doing, I guess. Pack my bags, bid the house goodbye and be on my way. I have endured this tenancy business for a while now: it ain't perfect and there are times when I get to the point I can't stand it, but it ain't all bad,either, when considering the alternatives.

I wrote up a letter to send to my mortgage company requesting a principle reduction. I have fine-tuned it and it is almost ready to be sent out. No clue whether they are going to participate in such or not, I will find out soon enough.

The only other deal I have going is that Koi pond that I want. It is just sitting over there, at the neighbor's across the street, doing nothing. It is calling my name - ben, come get me. The neighbor has not ascertained yet whether her daughter wants to sell it, give it away - whatever or not. I am going to try to find out today. I really, really want that thing. It would be a crowning jewel to that side of the house where I would install it.

Well, I must get about today's business, the day ain't growing younger and there is plenty I want to get done.



Friday, April 9, 2010

More: KCL

Look folks, I have certain beliefs that I try to be constrained by in my walk with the Lord. One of those things is to have as much of a forgiving nature as I possibly can with whoever, regardless of what they have said or done. We're all human - when something happens, especially something in some sort of relationship whether it be a lover; best friend; family member or just an acquaintence, we all handle it differently.

For example, who hasn't been stabbed in the back by someone you know? That is some deep pain there, the hurt can be tremendous and the recovery time can take years. Some people never recover, holding grudges and bitterness in their heart, mind and soul to their graves. I have an oldest brother that is in such a condition with my dad. I contend that it is no more healthy to walk around with that kind of baggage as it is to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, every day, until you (probably) get cancer and die a horrendous, miserable, painful death.

So here we have all kinds of individuals that have had, apparently, some very negative experiences with KCL. I am all for venting and letting it out - if you feel the need, either on this blog in the comments section or your own, feel free, I will not hold it against you and I also believe it is very good for an individual to get that stuff out until you are "freed" from it.

For me? I'm a pretty forgiving person. I have to be. I committed so many heinous acts of wanton destruction, theft and violence in my teen years - and so many of my friends died during those years - I count myself to be lucky to even be alive. The Lord has forgiven much in my life span. Even in my adult years, where I call myself a Christian, I hardly could sit here and say I am a lily-white angel. We're imperfect people. Many people writing these comments, I believe, are professing Christians. Yet if each one of us takes a good, hard look at our lives, even right now, what does the talking mirror tell you? Realistically? I'll let you do the "math" and speak to yourself and possibly the Holy Spirit can unearth some things inside as well. In fact, I'm SURE He can in any and every individual.

So, for KCL, the people there, the unfortunate incidences - the MANY unfortunate incidences that have taken place on that forum since it started - I give a wide berth of mercy and grace. The next words will be very unpopular with many people, but - frankly - many of those people are unsaved, some of them are outspoken atheists. They are not on the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life, they are on the broad, wide road that leads to eternal destruction. With that in mind, and with the Christianity that at least some of you have, look at the place as a mission field. Look at the people spouting the vulgarity through the eyes of the Lord - remember, He is no respector of persons. He causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike. Pray for those people, ask the Lord to send them a spirit of conviction. If you think they are beyond that, please rethink that stance.

God is able to break through the hearts of anyone, He has HIS ways that are far higher than anything we can think of or see. He knows each individual person and what it will take to break the hardness of the heart. My own testimony provides proof of that - I was the hardest hearted fool out there and I HATED Christians with a passion ever-so-long ago.

I always believe there is hope for anyone and everyone. When people don't need a god, then they oftentimes don't care about whether there is one or not and can and oftentimes will speak very haughtily about the existence of god and any "idiots" that are "stupid" enough to follow after this imaginary entity.

But trust me when I say that somewhere along the path of life, EVERY single person alive is going to come to the point - whatever the circumstances may be - where they start thinking about a god, is there a god, or even the utter NEED for Divine Intervention. Americans mostly don't NEED a god, this is where this utter contempt for Christians - or at least a large part of it - is derived from. OH, but when that "call" comes about a loved one in a car accident or some other devastating, tragic, unthinkable and irreversible thing happens - what then? Desperation.

Look, I've talked to numerous people on their death bed that rejected God, the idea of there being a REAL and living Christ - their ENTIRE lives, only to be facing eternity and suddenly, the reality, the grasp of facing eternity without some kind of assurance, all of the sudden hits them square in the face. These people, as far as I know, gave their lives to the Lord, asking forgiveness for their lifetime of sin. I believe these people, regardless of the fact that they waited until the last hour, or more like the last minute, to reach out and cry out for the Lord to fill them - are in heaven now. The "worst" place in heaven is FAR better than the "best" spot in hell.

Personally, speaking for me, I would feel like a true and total hypocrite to go beyond what I have already said about KCL, the owners, whatever. I must do, for my own conscience, the best I can to not delve into = really, the same thing that has been heaped upon so many of us. I am NOT condemning or pointing fingers at anyone that has said anything - we each must walk our own path. I just thought I would give some fodder to think upon.


Friday!! --- KCL

Look folks, I am not going to sit here and trash KCL, it's owners or the people that participate. I also was NOT trying to attract attention to myself as Susan apparently thinks in her last comment on my blog on KCL. If I wanted attention, then I would post 10 entries a day and go around leaving comments on 100 blogs like some people do over there solely to get traffic going to their blogs.

When I post an entry, it's because it's something I wanted to write out - regardless of whether important, stupid, mundane - whatever - not because I am trying to "attract attention to myself".

I admitted I didn't do something I said I would - the first time it was simple procrastination the second time there was legitimate reasoning but I can't and won't go into the details of any of that since it was a personal exchange through the messaging system. When I was told they don't give a damn if anyone leaves or goes, I decided to leave. Not to attract attention, but because those people OWN that blog. How can I sit there and continue to write on their blogging site and act as if nothing happened when there is no resolution to the contention? I cannot. It's as simple as that. And yes, I most definitely will write a goodbye - and I am definitely going to give at least a generic reason as to why I left, which I did.

This blog will have to serve as my primary blog, I have another blog that I revert back to when another site goes down - or in this case - I am not writing in that blog for a while - or ever - or who knows? So let's get this clear, in case someone comes and starts the flow of juices about my leaving or not leaving: I did NOT say on my KCL blog or here that I was leaving KCL forever. Okay? If I decide to go back and write, as long as the blog is still there, of course (and it should be, I paid for pro-access until October of this year, I think, if nothing else that in itself should keep the thing up there) I will.

I am going to try to save the entire blog into an XML file that is available, at least have it on a disc or something. I don't want to lose another blog's worth of writings such as occured with JS. I don't HAVE XML on my home computer, unfortunately, but I may be able to do it here at work, try that after I get off work today.

As for today, it's Friday, weekend is almost here, I'm elated! I am enjoying being outside in the cool, fresh air as long as there is cool fresh air to be had. I bought the roof jack for the Mastercool for that trailer yesterday at our company's heating and cooling division - nice to work for a company that has all of these different divisions that are relevant in one way or another to home ownership - at half the cost I would be able to get it anywhere else. In fact, if my AC ever goes down again, I am going to try to find a person that can do side jobs and simply buy whatever I need from there myself. I can get an entire AC system at cost. We buy directly from the manufacturer, getting something at cost is no small amount of savings.

I did NOT want to spend anymore money for a while, at least, on that thing, but the savings in using evaporative cooling over AC will be substantial. MUCH more than getting that unit up there and operational would ever cost.

Well, I missed the news and everything else this morning in writing this entry and now - the word day is here, I must get offa here and on company time.

 Sunday - evening People come into the amenities shed sometimes at night, look at the camera and then turn off the light. As if the camera i...