Sunday, April 11, 2010


I spent a good deal of time yesterday attempting to get that irrigation system dialed in and done. Yes, I got a lot done, no, it's not done, lol. I decided to go ahead and get the last remaining plants on the sides of the house covered by yet another drip station. I did not, however, even get a start on that. I was putting in line all over the front yard trying to get all the plants, included the potted flowers, serviced. I have a line of plants against the front of the house to go and that should be done. I have a birdbath out front that I am also going to run a line to - with a valve on the line so I can simply fill it up without having to bring the house out there.

Today's venture will be to build the 4th station and run the main line next to those plants already mentioned. I am not even going to bury this line, I just want to get the system out there and doing it's job on these plants along with everything else. Unbelievably, I have already used 400 feet of the 1/4 line that runs from the 1/2 line to each individual plant. I kinda was a little shocked to find out yesterday that I was almost out of that stuff again. At the price I'm paying for it? $1.00 per 100 feet. Lol. I think I'm going to buy 1,000 feet of the stuff . That's less than the price of 200 feet at Home Depot.

Oh, and yes I did finish the cooler installation yesterday. The guy living in the trailer apparently isn't very comfortable working with electricity. I am not, either, if the lines are live. I ALWAYS just shut off the flow of electricity and then it doesn't bother me. The main jist was simply getting it to turn on - motor and pump. They wanted a switch, I said fine, go buy one, they are like $30 and I am not spending that kind of money on this stuff. Otherwise, I am going to install it by simply plugging it in. Yes, that's what I did and also effectively disconnected the AC, I won't have to worry about that rather huge amount of electricity being drained every day. This Mastercool on that trailer? Is FAR bigger than it need be. But it was free, so who cares. I still ended up paying around $100 to get it into working condition, but now it has brand new pads in there. I also told him yesterday that I have no intentions of spending any more money on that trailer for quite a while now as I have other things I need to do with my money.

Hopefully, the "non-paying" tenant who finally got a job will get caught up and I will have enough money to get the AC fixed on the car. The AC in that car takes precedence over much of anything else. If you've never gotten into a car sitting in the direct sunlight in an AZ summer - well, it's an experience. At least 135 degrees inside of it, it takes a while for any AC system to cool it down. I still wish I could have gotten a motorcycle instead of a car when I bought the car I currently have. Well, sort of I do.

Well, I am trying to find stuff - free - for those folks, but so far have struck out every time. A bed was the biggest item - I see them once in a while on Craigslist free but - they are always taken by the time I get to it. Carpeting, too. People give away carpet here and there, stuff that is pulled from their floors and some of it is in good condition. They install ceramic tile or wood flooring in it's place, hence the need to get rid of the carpet. Still, haven't connected on that one, either.

As for this neighborhood. There is a 30-something that lives down the street from me. He is living with his parents, he always has. He doesn't have a job and has no inclination, apparently, to ever get one. Why his parents allow him to live at home, no clue. I would have booted him at around 19 or 20 at the oldest age. It is not natural, at least from my perspective, to stay with your parents that late in life. Anyway, a while back, he was taunting me from the window of "his" house, in a high-pitched voice saying all kinds of stupid junk laced with curse words. Yesterday, I'm out front of my house, admiring my work I had done with all the drip system stuff, when he came walking down the middle of the street.

As he was walking by, he slowly turned his head towards me and gave me - this look. I assume it was intended to be a "I'm a bad-@$$, don't mess with me" type of stare. This is the kind of stupidity that goes on in this neighborhood. Although I'm not afraid of him, fighting over nothing is juvenile and a waste of my time. I just looked back at him while he was walking by.

The "man" that threatened the lady next door? Apparently is friends with my next-door-neighbor again. The man, from a societal standard, is a waste of human flesh. He has no life, he doesn't work, his mother pays for his rather wasted existence. He spent some 8 years in prison for drug dealing. JUST the kind of neighbors I want. NOT. I ignore him completely. He is mouthy, brash and cocky. Sticks his nose into everyone's business, including, apparently mine. A neighborhood kid was over there yesterday and this man told him that Caleb, my son, was up all night last night and was probably sleeping. HOW, pray tell, did this man know THAT, and WHY is the doings in my house ANY of his business? Again, this is the kind of freaks we have in our neighborhood.

THEN, there is the very-old lady that knocked my neighbor's motorcycle type of scooter over, on purpose. She is not all there. She stands out front of her house, staring at everyone and walking around the edges of her property, looking at neighbor's properties. No clue.

Then there's my other neighbors on the other side. These are the freaks that left the dogs unattended for over a week while they apparently went on vacation. I was staring at him yesterday. I was tempted to say something to him about his dogs and his neglect of them, but I let it go. Instead, I am going to send him a letter with a picture of his dog running down the street.

There are even MORE nutcases like this. But these are the ones that I either saw or heard from in various ways yesterday. I so ever-loving want out of this neighborhood, yet - the only way to do that is to walk from this house.

Every time I walk out front of my house, I wonder WHAT, exactly, is going to be next? Never know. Some sort of lunacy is very possible.

Anyway, I'm outta here. I'm going to go out there and get started on this drip station - or not - maybe I'll just try to finish the lines out front, though I don't think I have enough 1/4 line left to do that. Still, I can get SOMETHING done out there!

Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

You are sure a very patient soul, Ben. That's a great virtue.

BenB said...

Why is there a "Content Warning" when entering your blog? What content is in there that people might find objectionable? Or is it because it has "religious" tones?

 Saturday - late afternoon I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have ...