Saturday, April 17, 2010


I believe I have finally decided where to put those ponds. When all is said and done, it should look nice - like in about 6 months, lol. I am not normally in a huge hurry when I get started on these kinds of projects - first because I like to take my time and make sure things are done right the first time and second because usually, projects take money. I am a pay as I go type of project worker. In this case, acquire the ponds, figure out where to put them, install them and then move onto the next need, which would be a bio filter and pump. Oh, and a waterfall as well to aerate the water. Part 2 will be more expensive than the ponds. That may take a while.

Meanwhile, I am doing my normal Craigslist thing in looking for another roommate by writing up a new ad every day - sometimes I'll write up 2 ads at different times of the day and delete older ads. Some people will not go through too many of the ads that are on there in looking for a room to rent. There are literally hundreds of them posted every day. I have found in the past that some of the people that moved in here found my ad near the top and I was one of the first or THE first ad that they responded to.

Umm, unfortunately, I have yet to receive a single reply to, so far, 3 ads I have posted plus the one I just posted a few minutes ago. THAT - is odd. Interlude. No more than I wrote the preceding sentence and a man calls. He's a paramedic with "Con Air". I laughed loudly - he works for the U.S. Marshall's office and flies all over the place taking care of prisoners. Proves my point to myself if no-one else: people see the first ad they find that looks appealing and look no further. He is - allegedly - coming over this afternoon.

Onto other things. Arizona passed the legislation - it will soon be legal to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Arizona WITHOUT a permit. Good - and bad. I think there are people out there that REALLY need to go through some training before they start carrying around a loaded 9 millimeter and considering the thought of actually shooting someone at whatever point in time when their life is threatened. REALLY, a person should know without hesitation the laws concerning such and when it is allowable to fire on a person and in what situations it is NOT allowable.

I do know that if you happen to come along on someone that is raping someone else, for example, that person committing the act? You can shoot that sucker. But, I don't claim to know all the situations where you might be able to fire upon a person and where you should NOT.

Well, today's farings, or at least this morning, is to go into the now empty room and clean it. It isn't dirty, really, but that guy was using the vacuum cleaner in there, which is nice, but he didn't empty the already full canister, which is not-so-nice. Means I have to take the vacuum cleaner apart, clean out the undoubtedly-now-clogged ports to get it to work again. I figure to head up to the store here pretty quick and get some of the stuff you sprinkle onto the carpet to make it smell fresh/nice. Of course, I could get the carpet cleaning machine out and do a nice little leaning of the traffic areas in there as well. Dunno, it's still early and I am still drinking my morning coffee.

I also want to keep on plugging away at this drip watering system. Everytime I think I'm just about done, I realize I still have a bunch of other things to deal with.

I am not sure whether I will start on the ponds today - or even this weekend. Probably will start the digging process tomorrow, just not sure how motivated I am to do that while I have this tenancy issue going on. It kind of consumes me - getting a room rented - until it actually is rented and I have money in-hand.

Well, I'm off to read the news and see what kind of nonsense is going on in this world today.




Fin said...

While I agree that an armed society is a polite society, the cops now have no clear way of telling if someone they frisk who is carrying a concealed weapon is a good guy or bad.

The incidence of accidental or unjustified shootings will be useful for other states contemplating similar legislation.

Anonymous said...

How could they tell before? Just because someone had a CCW previously didn't mean they would never commit a crime, it just meant they hadn't been convicted of one before. Most mass shooters have clean records. If you get to the point of frisking someone, then you're going to run their name through the computer anyway.

And An armed society is a polite society? That's hilarious. Compare the murder rate in AZ to England or Australia and tell me that again.

BenB said...

Well, I figure cops are always en-guard and ready to deal with come-what-may. Included in the bill is a provision that if you are pulled over you must declare to the officer that you have a concealed weapon and the cop is allowed to take that weapong away from you for the duration of the stop. A criminal? Isn't going to tell anyone anything, they never have in the past and they never will. So I think it's an amost-moot point.
There are already 2 other states that have the same bill, so there must already be statistics on accidental or unjustified shootings.

My take on an armed society is not necessarily that it's polite, but that the thieves/burglars/would be harm-do'ers are going to have to deal with the unknowns of who is packing and who is not. From my view of it, it helps to equalize the "playing" field when it comes to individuals who don't care about their life and therefore don't care about anyone else's, either. There are also provisions in the bill where going into certain places will still require that you have a CCW permit.

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...