Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I don't necessarily feel inclined that if I do one thing for one person, I therefore should have to do the exact same thing for someone else. What I do with my money and how I spend is my decision, no someone else's.  At least not anyone earthly.

Moved to closer town to work.  Trip is 35 miles and 30 minutes of driving.  Probably a little less time today for I tend to put the hammer down once I hit the freeway, which is now only a few minutes away compared to quite a distance before.  Although I like the 2 lane country road that leads to former residence, I didn't much care for it driving in the dark weekday mornings going to work.

Work itself is still a circus.  More like The Devil's Rejects - old clown movie from hell basically.  Anyway, I'm dealing with it best as anyone can.  I'm biding my time to see if, in several months time, I will be able to land a position at my company's location in Longview.  There is also one in Tyler but it's a small operation and they don't currently need anyone.  After this year is over and I see what is going to happen I may entertain moving on to higher paying job in the area.  There are several of them listed but there are a lot of people applying for them.  I have a stable work history - one that does not include jumping around from place to place - which is what employers like to see in terms of the trucking industry.

But I am growing to hate the truck industry and it's ridiculous amounts of regulations and am seriously considering a late life shift to something else, even if college is necessary.  I am intrigued by her ex's job as a plant operator.  His particular job requires a 2 year degree but there are jobs out there that only require a 90 day training program.  Excellent pay and benefits, driving not necessary.  Great vacation benefits and good health care coverage.

Whatever the case, I am losing interest in an industry that is over regulated and no long has public respect.  Hasn't had public respect in ages.  Then again, there are a lot of drivers out there - trucks that is - that have no business being on the road and take zero pride in their work.  They dress like street people and throw urine bottles out the windows. Their trucks are filthy and they are unkempt and many are extremely over weight, eating truck stop food instead of taking due diligence to watch their weight and health.  But the federal government isn't helping things, either and lots of veteran drivers are leaving the driving work force.  Eventually this situation will play itself out, but it may be years down the road.

Well, time to be off to work.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I got a call today from soon to be ex-landlord. New property
owners said I could stay til' Sunday to get my stuff out of  here.
Were they being nice or did they contact the Realtor to find out
their rights? I hope the former and that they are being nice to let
me have the time I need to get everything accomplished.  I was
over at my potential new place today - the bedroom is awesome.
It's huge with a HUGE private bathroom and a very large walk-in
closet.  I find out Saturday about whether these people will actually
rent to me.

I have a bad feeling about it, to be honest.  Yes, Val got this going,
but I didn't realize that this is a much younger couple with a newborn
baby. The baby doesn't scare me, the younger couple part does.
Simply because that age realm usually likes to hang out with - the
same age realm, not a much older person.  I had my hopes up about
this place, now I don't know.  I guess I better start looking again
in case this falls through.

Early to work today, normal time getting off, busted @$$ all day
long. Felt good.  Same thing tomorrow, at least about starting
early, I was informed as delivery to be made at a place that is
1-1/2 hour drive and delivery needs to be there by 8.  Well, I'm
going to show up at 6:30 and if it gets there by 8, wonderful, if
not, oh well.  

Roller coasters go up and down.
And around.
Some of them go upside down - several times and then around and up and down.
Imagine being on one all the time and never getting off of it.

Regardless, intended move date is Friday.  Actually, I can't move into new
place until I meet the husband of the lady that offered the room.  He has
been out of town and won't be returning until late Friday night.  Which means 
I don't get to meet him til' Saturday - but - I have to be out of this place no 
later than Friday.

Actually, they tried to change the move-out date to Thursday/tomorrow to
which I refused.  They didn't even give me 30 days notice to move, which is
required by law if I wanted to be a stickler about it and then they gave me 
Friday as a "no-later-than" move out date and then at the last minute attempting
to tell me I have to be out Thursday?  No thank you.  The current owner said
okay then, I'll just let them know.  

I then found out she didn't even ask them if I could stay as a renter or not.
She had told me on a couple of occasions that she would.  Perhaps I will meet
the new owners on Friday since it will close and usually new owners want to 
move in right away - I know Val is planning on the same thing as soon as she
can get on her new property.  But it isn't her property until her house closes,
the money is transferred to all the intended recipients and her house is officially
owned by someone else and her new house is officially owned by - her.  Back 
to the subject, if, by some remote chance, the new owners would let me stay,
moving becomes a moot point.  I would love to stay right where I am at.  

Regardless, I have a new place to live - potentially anyway it's not set in 
stone yet - and it's 15 miles closer to work.  It's 15 miles further away from
church but the loss of miles to work far outweighs many other factors.  At
least for the time being anyway.  There are other factors that may present 
themselves in the not-so-distant future but I refrain from going into that right
now since nothing is definitive yet.

Now - is just a waiting game.  Packing is almost complete, I am in a small
place and I don't have a lot over here.  In fact, the furniture belong entirely
to Val as she set this place up before I came to town.  It is all going back to
her place as intended new living arrangements is fully furnished and no need
for anything at all from what I know.  I need to call that lady today and make
sure we are still on that course.  It's "all but guaranteed" that I can move in, 
the husband thinks he should meet me first even if there are no reservations at
all about it.

I don't blame him. They didn't advertise their room for rent, the former renter
moved to another town.  They "didn't want just anyone" moving into their
home.  I've been doing that for years with my house in Phoenix, but it is a
 totally different story over there.  It's a come what may situation and if whoever
comes doesn't work, they are summarily removed - legally of course - but
they are given the boot.  It takes a truly rotten person for it not to work over
there.  And yes, I have had some truly rotten people in there.  

German Wing Airplane that crashed into the French Alps.  I have a love affair
with flying, even though I will never be a pilot though in the last 2 years I have
been able to get on some commercial jets and get some passenger time in - 
crammed to the gills situations which I was not accustomed to but whatever.
I have watched probably every episode of Air Crash Disaster and Mayhem
and I think there's another one.  Which doesn't make me afraid of flying, 
much to the contrary, the shows give glimpses of different aspects of how
commercial jets work as they delve into the specifics of why any particular 
airplane crashed.  This latest one has been described as a debris field of no
more than 2 football fields wide - which means to me the thing came straight
down and explains why one official said everything is "pulverized".  

I feel for the families/loved ones of the deceased as no-one survived, but still
it is a fascinating subject.  The reasons for these crashes vary greatly.  The
last episode I watched was of a plane that got into the draft of a jumbo jet
ahead of it.  The pilot punched the aileron pedal to the left, then the right,
then the left, then the right and then the left again.  Or the other way around,
I don't remember, but there were 5 hard inputs that the aircraft was not designed
to be able to hand, which led to parts of the aircraft breaking off and the aircraft
plummeting into the ground.  Turns out the carrier had trained the pilots that this
was an acceptable method of attempting to correct an aircraft and bring it back
to level flight. Not until after that crash and investigators eventually found out
what caused the crash that it became known that that is NOT an acceptable
means to correct the aircraft.

Simply saying that there are so many things that could go wrong after watching
so many of these investigations that speculation usually doesn't do much of anything
but feed the news medias headlines to keep it of interest to the general public.  And 
attempt to allay fears that there is something inherently wrong with that aircraft - or
conversely - attempt to show that the aircraft is a dangerous piece of junk flying
through the air as was the case with the DC-10 and it's numerous crashes back 
in the - 80"s? 70's? don't remember.  


Thursday, March 19, 2015

I was going to meet up with two people today to look at rooms they had for rent.  One texted me and said a person that had viewed the room previously had decided to take the room and was going to pay her tonight.  The other - I drove clear out there at previously agreed time and find out the dude is still at work and won't be home until 8:00 pm - we were to meet at 6:00.  Kinda pissed me off he didn't bother to contact me about that.

I've been spending more time than I care to admit to try and find a new place to live and am not coming up with anything good.  There was a duplex that sounded good - until I got there and saw this trashed out looking dump that I would never even think of living in.  I've looked at apartments, duplexes, rooms, whatever.  One place has an RV for rent but it's $475 per month.  That's pretty pricey for an old RV, even if it is in good condition.  There are not a lot of options out here, not like Phoenix.

Got on the 4 wheeler today and took a ride around the property.  No-one was there, I beat them home from wherever they were at.  It's really a beautiful piece of land.  I drove to an area of thick trees and sat there.  Quiet, beautiful, serene.  That is until a yellow 4 wheeler came zooming up with Nathan on it.  Hadn't seen the kids since Sunday.  We talked for a while until a very loud voice yelled out: Nathanael!!!!! from up above.  Ummm, Nathan, did you ask if you could go for a ride?  No.  Ohhhh, I think you're in trouble.  But, he's always in trouble so he doesn't really care that much.

I have too much going on and taking a ride to get some peace was good.  More of that is necessary for me.  Alone, away from people and all the noise and chaos.

Work pretty much blowing up.  Young driver went into our manager today and "informed" him that another driver is lazy and doesn't do anything.  The manager looked at him and said, "well isn't that kinda like the pot calling the kettle black?".  The kid driver goes around bashing everyone behind their back, yes he's the worse employee there. These new devices they dumped on us show everything.  I mean everything.  Where you are at. The entire route you have taken. If you stopped somewhere, it shows where you stopped and how long you were there.  They were looking at a route he took last week.  He was going 100 MILES out of the way to get to a job site. Why? Because he wants to drag out his runs and make sure he doesn't get back too quick.

He has made enemies out of the rest of the drivers.  On another front, the receptionist was cussed out by purchasing agent. She - the receptionist - is not a person you want to mess with and this "man" is going to find that out.  She stopped him in mid sentence - on the phone that is - and told him ... I don't know who the f*** you think you are talking to, but this ain't going to fly with me.  It's the most poorly run operation in terms of tolerance for unbelievable verbal abuse that I have ever seen.  And even more going on over there that I won't bother going into because I don't feel like it and it's getting late.

I mean, I drove over to that area to meet that guy and see the room and he was held up.  I went to the property and rode my 4 wheeler waiting for Val/kids to get home. Then we did my taxes.  That took an hour and a half.  $1,600 coming back, so I ain't going to complain but I am extremely tired and it's time to go to bed.


 Monday - early Woke up 40 minutes before the alarm was going to go off, knew I would never get back to sleep so just got up.   The first Pr...