Thursday, April 6, 2023

 My size 35's are now just falling off of me.  If I don't use a belt, they are so loose that they don't cling to anything.  I had a couple of weeks of no improvement and actually going back up a few pounds, but apparently I'm at the end of that run and now going back down again.  My belly has definitely shrunk substantially.  No, I'm still not claiming to be skinny, not at 211 pounds, but the progress is palpable and visible.  

I can fit into 34's now. I have one of my pairs of 34's out I use for outings. I'm still in 35's for working. I've already ruined a bunch of them with dirt, glue and other contaminants, there is no sense in ruining even more of them for working purposes. I'm down 4 notches on the belt as well. Well, almost 4. In between 3 and 4, if I put it at 3 my pants fall off if I put it at 4, it's a bit tight.  If the fat loss continues, I will end up needing a new belt, this one will be far too long.  

I have heard nothing more from the insurance company except that they have it assigned to a local adjuster.  That adjuster hasn't called me and neither has the body shop. I will be calling the body shop today to inquire whether they have approved it or indicated if they will be approving it?  As much as I need my vehicle, I need it whole again even more.  I'll somehow deal with the inconvenience.  I don't know how, yet, I'm not interested in an expensive rental car, that's all I can say. Maybe for a few days, but definitely not several weeks.  I still can't believe this policy rider doesn't have a rental car included.  


Kind of at a standstill here. It is pouring rain outside and has been for hours.  I need some of the lumber out back to finish above the door.  I simply don't feel like getting wet. Walking out there right now, I would be soaked quickly.  I also need a large T frame thing to do the drywall correctly and get good cuts.  I figure I can get one cheap enough at Harbor Freight.  It's been a long time since I installed any drywall.

I could also start installing insulation, that is even further out back and on the trailer. No thank you and anyway, I realized I forgot to get adhesive for it.  It has to be able to stick to the metal with something, lol. Oh well.  I got the big stuff out of the way, this has been a crazy week, there are cases where my thinking just isn't all there.  

The door is up, the framing is up, there is some framing to go above the door but not a lot. It's going to be difficult because it will be hard to reach.  It's probably 8 feet up to the top, maybe higher.  

I like rain - but this is too much. It's flooding everything, it's making life difficult. At least I was able to confirm the power is back on over here. Amazingly, they must have did a workaround on the downed line because it is still down and they aren't even out there working on it. They did put up poles - apparently a new setup to mitigate the lack of power getting over to the other side of the highway and hence, to the property.  I guess they will just come back to it when the weather is better? I can't imagine doing that kind of work in this kind of heavy rainfall.  

I haven't heard from the insurance agency or the body shop, but I don't think I'm going to call them today. I need to make some more runs and that will be much more difficult once they get my vehicle in the shop.  I'm sitting here, in the shed, listening to the rain pounding on the roof - it's pretty loud.  Trying to gather my thoughts - what else do I need besides that T thing and glue?  

My hipcamp wire came in yesterday, I'll need some outlets and a few boxes for that.  Well, and circuit breakers.  Unfortunately, I will have to drive clear to Longview for those, Lowe's doesn't have the brand i need for the breaker box.  I may have to do that today while I still have a vehicle.  Yikes. I hate driving in the rain, not because I am afraid to but because people don't know how to.

It also isn't exactly legal to be driving the vehicle with a busted out headlight.  I have been taking my chances because I have little choice. Get the stuff I need or don't, but if I don't, this project is thereby pushed out for a month or longer.  Hmm, best start writing a list, now that I'm thinking about it. 

The repair guy came by.  He knows nothing about commercial dryers and freely admitted it lol. He did, however, look at my exhaust hose and said "You have the equivalent of 5 elbows which is the equivalent of 25 feet when it comes to dryers. After 20 feet, the dryer has a hard time drying the clothes."....and other stuff I did not know and never heard before. So, I will be pulling the dryer out and cutting the hose to size. I just stuck the whole thing on there - I had no idea it can make a difference.  Apparently this dryer is like most other newer dryers in that it senses the moisture and knows when to shut off.

However, I figured out the mystery of why the dryer never shut off on my own. There is a label pasted to the top of the coin op part that has some writing on it that I never read. I read the instruction manual instead.  That label says something to the effect that there may be an "existing run time" left on the machine - presumably for testing it/quality control. Turn the machine on and let it run until it shuts itself off, which could take up to 8 houirs.

8 hours?!! lol, ok, well at least I now know why.  This guy didn't know either, it was just happened upon.  

I'm pretty burnt out today. Last night just took it out of me. You can only wake up so many times before it's just shrug your shoulders time and do what you can before you run out of steam.  I guess I will just close up shop here and head up Harbor Freight - my vehicle is parked right outside of the shed.  And there is parking close to the front door of the store.  The rain is unrelenting at least so far and it's been many hours now. 

 Some replies to my boosted facebook ad. I have it listed in something like 20 local facebook groups.  I also got a call - but the person was adamant the lots had to be level.  No ma'am, they aren't perfectly level, I do have boards and such to help you level it easily.  She hung up.  Once I realized that lots weren't level when the park was completed, I knew this would be an issue. But surprisingly, not that bad.  Most of these newer RV's have automatic levelers.  They just push a button and this jacks come down and walaah, no hassle.  I still offer boards in case they want the wheels fully sitting on something.

Well, whatever.  I'm hopeful the ad will result in a couple more long term coming over my way.  I need to join more Shreveport groups, that's where a lot of the oil workers are coming from.  

But it's been one heckuva week.  I could start it over and be thankful if such were possible.  Besides the accident and getting punched in the face, I have smashed a toenail and 2 fingernails, broke a window at the shed - I dropped a 2X4 and it of course landed right on that window, lost the key to my gas cap - I think that occurred during the accident but I cannot find it anywhere, I always put it back in the same place every time so I know where to find it, had the "plumber" tell me that a straight pipe out of a drain is "normal" - I can guarantee you that any real plumber will never say such a thing, if it's a drain, it has to have a p-trap unless it's a toilet that already has one built into it- and he refused to come back out unless I pay him  'service fee' - that after he got back with me and admitted his "mistake".  It was no mistake, he didn't know what he was talking about.

Oh, the power went out at the property yesterday afternoon.  Not for 2 minutes, not for 2 hours.  It was off for almost 7 hours.  And of course, part of that outage was during the time people are coming home from work.  Equally, the people that are mostly always there asking me what happened?  You can be rest assured the power bill has been paid (which it has, I'm good until the 13th of May), I have already sent in a power outage report to Swepco.  

But, after quite a while, Swepco had updated it saying "you power is out" but didn't update what was the cause or how long it will take to restore service.  Well, I went for a drive.  Didn't take long to find the problem.  A giant, humongous tree had fallen over during the storm.  It landed right on top of a power pole, tore 1/3rd of the pole off, downing the lines.  We're not just talking about downing the lines along the highway, it also took out the crossover line and the telephone pole those lines were connected to on the other side of the highway.  And when I saw downing the lines, I mean downing the lines all the way to the ground

To top that off, it was heavy downpour, thunder and lightning.  I don't think they allow those workers to do anything until lightning passes.  Even so, Asplundh was out there with 4 trucks cutting that tree back off of the lines and the pole - that was about 2 hours (pretty fast work considering the size of the tree) and then 5 Swepco trucks showed up.  I knew it was going to take a while when, at 5:00 pm,  I passed by again and saw that they hadn't even gotten the destroyed pole out of the ground.  

I just told people at the park, if you have a generator and want electricity, I suggest you use it. It's gonna be a while.  

So, these people had called earlier wanting a spot, they are on their way to wherever and are just passing through.  They showed up - sorry, there is no power here atm and no indication of when it will be turned back on.  Oh, says the older gentleman, well is there water?  Yes, plenty of fresh city water and the sewer of course.  Up to you whether you want to stay or find somewhere else. He looks at his wife, she wants a shower and she wants off the road.  We're staying, we just need water, our tank is empty.  I waived the fee.  I probably could have charged them a parking fee, but it seemed  a bit of a stretch to charge them for a spot under such circumstances. 

I'm sure other parks would have guiltlessly charged them anyway. It's the first time the power has gone out since I had it turned on, it's not a regular, recurring event.  The only thing I ate was a bit of water.  My water bills are quite low considering the amount of people staying there.  It certainly lends to the idea that the septic system isn't getting over-used.  I told them it would be free unless the power came back on soon.  It did not.  It was almost 10:00 pm and I just blew it off.

Another couple showed up hours later.  It was almost night time, they called. Which lot are we supposed to be in? Lot 5, but I have to tell you, the power is out.  I can refund your money if you want to find somewhere else to stay.  Nope, they replied, but is the water still on?  Yes, plenty of water pressure.  I did take their money for they showed up late and it was something like 3 hours later and the power came back on.  Plus they fired up their generator.  Maybe I should do a partial refund to cover the cost of having to use the generator.  

Not a pleasant stay for anyone considering the constant rain.  It also rained all night long, the power went out here, at the house twice but came back on.  However, couple those outages - which wake me up instantly since my fan goes off - and the thunder claps and the noisy heavy rain?  Yeah, sleep was fleeting.  I managed to get back to sleep after another awakening only to have the power go off again at 6:00 am. This time, it didn't come right back on.  Wide awake, I thought about just getting up and getting going. Which I did, sort of.  Went out, saw everyone getting ready to leave. 

Even discussion about one of them possibly having to stay home from school - when our power goes out, a lot of times, that school's power also goes out.  But, thankfully, the power came back on.  Toasted tired, I went back to bed. 3 hours later and I finally woke back up.  I have no regrets.  My sleep because of all of this last night was not very good.  I still have a fog in my head. It's 9:30 am.  I do intend on going over there to the park and continuing on with the framing.  If I work several hours, I should get the framing done.  Then I can start installing the drywall.  It doesn't have to be completely finished for me to be able to say it's ready to use. It just has to be functional and of course the walls up so there is privacy.  

I only mean that it doesn't have to be taped and textured to be called finished. I am going to do that, but I will be advertising pretty quick that the bathroom is available.  All except that damn p-trap they didn't install. The trench is muddy and half filled with water.   I am not getting down into that stuff to install a p trap, I would literally be bathing in mud.  There is rain forecast for the next several days.  It will be next week before I can install it.  What does it mean? It means there is the possibility of odors coming out of there. I had the other p trap open for many days when i was installing the washer/dryer setup.  Mostly never smelled anything unless someone was dumping their black water holding tank and even then, it was a mild odor that went away quickly. 

So yes, I will post it ready to use despite the p trap.  It's not a hard job, at all, I am just not going to get completely covered in mud to install it.  Plus the sewer line needs leveled, another thing they didn't do.  Well, they started to but apparently the rest of that is my job.  Lol.  Ok. I don't care at this point, I'll level it, backfill it and be done with it - next week.  You can't level line like that in the mud. The dirt needs to be dry.  

The laundromat, if you want to call it that, is being used by 3 trailers worth of people.  They all have keys and they are happy with the results. That drain line is on the other side of the shed and is unaffected by the setup with the shower drain. 

Anyway, there is plenty to do inside the shed.  It's cool, it is raining on and off, but the work inside will keep me out of the rain.  The door is installed, swings freely and closes squarely along the wood it comes in contact with.  I just need to install the door handle.  The hard part today will be trying to get the studs going from the top of the door setup up to the ceiling.  I am not going to frame over the top of the bathroom setup, it's a waste of time and the logistics would be ridiculous.  It's still going to be a chore doing it the way I'm going to do it now, but much easier than what I originally planned. I was just trying to save space for a vending machine.  I have another area for that where it can go.  

This is why I didn't finish the electrical over there. I didn't know where I would need outlets and switches.  Now I know I will need another outlet near the entry door.  I also know where to put a light switch and where to install a ceiling wire for the bathroom light.  

Ok. Well, the repairmen for the dryer called. He is supposed to come out today to look at it. He found out it's a commercial dryer and at an RV park. Well, we aren't really supposed to work on commercial I'll have to find someone that does work on commercial units to change the price on that dryer, or sit there and attempt to figure it out. There are instructions - as clear as a muddied windshield. It's very complicated, actually, from what I am seeing on how to take half the top of the unit apart to even get at the coin setup.  I don't really want to do it but I also don't want to leave the price where it is. 

It's at $2.50 for a full load - wash and dry - that's not enough. it needs to be $3.00 total price.  I based my calculations for the machines to pay for themselves off of $3.00, not $2.50.  They didn't bother to ask me what prices I wanted set on them and I didn't think to tell them - I have never done this before, kind of hard to think ahead about things you have no prior experience with.  

I'm down to 3 lots rented for overnights for the rest of April - so far anyway.  That's not good.  I dunno what's going to happen with that, I'm just pushing my Facebook ad all over the place and hopefully it will pay off with a couple of new people moving in. 

Well, one of the people staying overnight just called and said they aren't going anywhere. It's raining and they don't like to drive in the rain.  Fine by me, I'll be over there soon - to collect up lol.  They get the first night free but the second? No. The power is on and they can sit there and enjoy themselves.  

With that....I'm hungry, it's getting late in the morning and I have stuff to do.  


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

 I dunno, but I woke up this morning at 6:00, tired - extremely tired - like I hadn't slept all night long.  So I went back to sleep. this time, I feel into a deep sleep for sure and woke up at 9:15 am.  Not my plan for today, but I'll take the sleep.  The rain went from before 8:00 am, to 8:15, to 9:00 now to 10:15.  Lol.  So supposed in half and hour it's going to start raining.  I don't really care about that, I have plenty to do over there inside the shed with or without the rain.  I'm trying to decide what's first, but I think the cameras take priority.  

AC is going to be up there on the priority list as well.  There are 3 lots worth of people using the laundry facility atm, I want that to grow to everyone having access, just can't do it until that shed is built.  But let's at least get the walls and door up first? I hate to have to lug tools in and out of there every time I need to work.  I was going to cut grass today but if it's really going to rain, that will be put on hold.  

My friends were all over the internet looking for a mugshot of this dude.  No, I didn't encourage them, they just wanted to see what this guy looks like.  He's a year older than me.  I thought he was well into his 60's from his appearance. He's also 6 feet tall.  It's funny what adrenalin will do to your perception. I thought he was much smaller, tho I knew he was heavy. At 260 pounds, he's definitely in the obese territory.  I dunno what's going to happen with him, I am contemplating filing a civil suit after he gets done with whatever court hearings for damages.  Won't be a high dollar figure, but he has money. Or appears to anyway.  Why not? My mouth is still sore, I still have red marks on my cheek and his anger was unwarranted.

Completely unwarranted.  Again, I was about to apologize to this dude when he walked up to the window.  It was actually shocking to see him pull his arm back with clenched fist and see that thing hit me in the face.  I had no reaction time for that at all.  It was done before I even really knew what was going on.  

I'm still waiting to hear from the insurance company about approval.  Or the collision center - if they get the approval they will go ahead and call me themselves.  Until then, I will drive that thing around like that.  I was hoping to get it in yesterday.  

The forecast has completely changed. Now it's showing to start in a few minutes and go on for several hours.  The radar shows a large storm going just north of us.  I mean, just north of us.  OH, lol, that changed again as well.  We are surrounded by green, yellow and red but we're currently sitting in the white zone.  I don't give a whole lot of credence to these forecasts anymore. You prepare for storms but you wonder and you doubt the validity of their forecasts.  They are often times wrong. The other day, it was supposed to rain half the day. Instead? We got nothing.  

Don't get me wrong, I don't want rain right now.  I can't mow the grass in the rain or with wet grass, it doesn't work.  It's also difficult to work on the shed with having to get stuff outside.  I have a lot of it inside, yes, but not everything.  I needed to leave space in there to work and let people have access to the washer/dryer setup.  

Which reminds me, this trash company I was using is still charging me for trash pickup and haven't taken there can.  I both issued a cancellation online and spoke on the phone with them about it.  I just told them to please refund my money and come get your trash can, thank you.  If they don't, I will contact the card issues and reject and future payments. 

Oops, there's the rain!  I'll be. Their forecast was off by 4 hours but it did come to pass.  Oh my....and a sudden downpour at that!

It dawned on me in the night when I was laying there awake - almost always happens - that quickbooks is also turbotax, I do believe, and I won't have to do anything but file with them. They can figure out the business construction deductions and calculate what I can take off.  So that's what I will be doing in the next few days.  I will also fill out that IRS form for "projected wages" and send that in. And then, the state of Texas wants some form filled out for earnings from my business last year. Big fat 0, thank you.

Still running Facebook ads for the 2 available long term lots. Just put a boost on one, it's paid and will reach a more targeted audience.  It's cheap, but it usually gets results, far better results than Google ads, which are much more expensive and far less effective. My google business listing is enough without running any ads, my listing shows up on the first page and that's good enough for me. People do say they find me through google, all well and fine, but a lot of the long term are finding me through my facebook ads.  So we'll see what happens.  

Meanwhile, I have been following this Trump indictment - loosely I'll say. We all know about Trump, you made an opinion of him one way or another long ago.  These charges against him are actually misdemeanors that DA Bragg has somehow attempted to inflate to felony charges.  I don't suspect that it's going to go anywhere. Even if it ends up in a court, as long as they can find unbiased jury members (which admittedly would be hard to do in New York City, a bastion of democrat progressive policies and Trump/MAGA/conservative despisers), I find it highly unlikely they would find him guilty of anything.  

Apparently the judge in the case also has issues that show bias against Trump as well.  Trump wants it moved to Staten Island.  I doubt this is going to deter anyone that likes Trump from still liking Trump. Note I didn't say bow and worship him as many democrats say that trump supporters do.  I'm not on the fence about Trump's ethics, he has his share of ethical issues the same as the likes of Bill Clinton getting blow**** in the Oval office from a young lady that wasn't his wife.  He was impeached but he didn't go to jail.  

I also like what Trump accomplished during his time in office. The democrat socialists will deny he did any good for America, but there is a huge list of things he accomplished, some of them are quite significant.  

I don't like Trump's temper tantrums.  He's a typical New Yorker, I guess, so that probably explains a lot of his issues with anyone, especially in the media, saying anything negative about him. Get over it, that's the burden you agree to carry if you become a politician and especially the President.  

I am not watching the news all day long because of it. I just click on here and there to see what developments have taken place.  

Anyway, the rain is coming down hard now.  I'm still a bit out of it.  Just not the greatest night's sleep followed this morning by deep sleep, just throws me off.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

 Spent the whole day fooling around with getting stuff done.  I mean, it's just time consuming going from one store to another to another.  Lowe's was a bit ridiculous.  I went there twice, first time waiting for 25 or so minutes for help.  No help, even tho I was sitting at the front desk, I had a meeting elsewhere and had to leave.  Coming back - a man helped me immediately.  It still took 40 minutes because the roll up door in the was busted and he had to walk clear around the store to get my insulation.

If you have ever seen a Lowe's, you know that isn't going to be a 5 minute venture.  Sign, Lowe's, Walmart, lunch, property, and then to the collision center.  

They did an estimate, worked it up quick and handed it to me. $3,500.  About what I figured.  New hood, bumper, fender, light and whatever else.  I was fretting the price because if it's too high, the insurance company will total the vehicle and then I am stuck with "fair market value".  Which isn't anything near what I would need to buy another used vehicle. It would be a good down payment, yet, but the prices of even used vehicles right now are sky high.  

I don't want another vehicle, I want this one fixed.  After looking up market values for it, it's around 9 grand.  That's mid price.  The exterior of my vehicle besides the damage, of course, is in excellent condition.  I couldn't leave it, they need approval from the adjuster. But the lady assured me that the adjuster they work with from Progressive is very good and will work to make sure that everything is taken care of.  Please and thank you. 

I mean, what else can I say? I got the big stuff over at the shed now, I just need to get over there and get started on it.  That is definitely not happening today, it's too late.  I am just glad to have gotten done what I got done today.  Elongated mess.  Tomorrow I will try to get over there if/after they take the SUV in and get some serious work done.  I don't really know how I'm going to work transportation right now,  I don't have any estimate of how long it will take - I totally forgot to ask her. The write up she gave me shows zero days for the work, lol.  


The insurance agent texted me back. He didn't know what was going on, I suggested that the agent with the collision repair center had emailed him and I also gave him the quote they gave me.  I didn't hear back from him today.  I don't know if that means anything in particular.  Just means he has to do whatever he has to do. Insurance companies aren't particularly in a hurry when it comes to at-fault collisions of their customers.  

But that's what they're in the business for.  So, I expect to hear from him tomorrow - him or the collision repair center person. She said they can take me in immediately.  What that means is that they take the vehicle in, tear it down, find out any unseen damages, adjust the cost and then they start ordering stuff.  I already knew it was going to be a long, drawn-out ordeal.  I mean, it doesn't take them long to take everything apart.  It's ordering the parts and then the process of putting it back together and trying to make it look like nothing ever happened to the vehicle is the long part.  

Whatever the case, I am going to the property tomorrow morning to work. When I find out the verdict - and hoping it means yes, they will cover it versus totaling the vehicle - I will take it in and find a way home.  Or find a way back to the property.  Depending on time of day.  I am still highly motivated to get that work done over there.  I can't advertise a bathroom until there are walls and a door up.  

The man's image was posted on a site that posts pics of people that have been arrested.  He had to pay to get out of jail, tho not terribly much I don't think if I'm correct.  There is probably a plea deal coming, do community service, counseling, whatever, I doubt there will be jail time. There will probably be a fine levied as well. This isn't really anything I am wishing upon this man. He could be hot tempered and gets to that level that quickly frequently, or he could have been having a bad day.  Or who knows what. I had a bad day yesterday, but his day yesterday was worse.  

Well, I'm tired and am going to bed. 

 I was on edge all the rest of yesterday.  It was just hard to shake what had happened. Not the accident itself, it was a fairly minor accident tho I suspect thousands of dollars worth of damage to my vehicle. It was this dude acting out in rage and punching me in the face.  I was second guessing myself after I got home - perhaps I should have just laid him out on the ground. I'm trying to be a nicer, kinder, more Christian version of me. The bible says if anyone hits you on the left cheek, turn the right to them also.  I can't say I turned my right cheek to him, the only point I'm making here is I didn't get out of my car and knock his ass out.  I didn't even try.

In fact, I didn't even get angry, really . I just knew that after the female - I'm not calling her a lady, if you had been there and seen and heard how she was acting out you'd understand - got out of the truck and asked if I had insurance and I said yes, but he just assaulted me, hitting me on the face, she went into and endless mantra of "NO HE DIDN'T" in a childish manner in high pitched almost screams. 

I knew if I did anything, you know, act in self defense?, they would both lie and I would have been the perpetrator in the eyes of the law.  It's why I immediately called police, they tend to give more credence to the person that makes the call.  I've had plenty of people telling me what they would have done - and I won't disagree with their assessment that if someone assaults you, you have the right to defend yourself. 

Just in this case? No.  He backed way off when I got out of the vehicle. I'm no body builder or muscle bound behemoth, but I am 6'2" tall and I was easily 6 inches tall than that dude.  His mouth stopped, hers did as well.  I didn't even want to talk to them, say anything to them at all once the assault occurred, I just called the police, had my video recorder ready to roll in case they started up again and sat on my trailer and waited.  

I really had no idea how it would turn out.  It was 2 people's word against one, but apparently the red marks on my face and the open sore in my mouth was enough for them.  Well, and then that man went off with the police, opening his mouth and saying stupid things.  I do believe that really sunk him.  "If you press charges, you may have to testify in court". Yes, I understand that, but if this dude regains his composure - if that even exists with him - he will understand that he should probably take a deal, whatever it may be - community service, anger management - whatever is offered - and run with it. Because I will go to court and I will testify against him if he wants to take it that far. 

The other unsettling part was this idea that they wanted to know where I live.  I don't want to know where they live and I hope the police didn't give them my information either.  I don't even know these people's names, I just have a police report number and it will be available in 11 days, I was informed.  I dunno, I'm just going to start carrying my concealed carry pistol with me. 9 mm, small enough to hide so that no one knows it's there. I'm not looking for trouble, to the contrary, I'm looking to stay out of trouble.  But if this dude even thinks about coming to the house or if they find out about the rv park and go over there, they are in for a slew of trouble.  The second time around, I'm going to defend myself.  Hopefully, it doesn't come to that.  

I feel better today.  I slept well despite all of that and other things that occurred yesterday. It was really not the greatest day. Other things also occurred that were a bit much for me that I may go into on another post.  Right now, I'm facing not having a vehicle for however long - weeks I'm sure - and I want to get most of the supplies over to the shed before I lose access to a ride.  That way, I have the stuff over there, when I can find a way over there I can just go to work. I am not decided on a rental vehicle yet, but probably not right away.  There is some taxi service in this town that I'm going to check out their rates. Limited rides to and from the park will save me a lot of money over almost $800 for 2 weeks of a rental car.

And that's just what the website said it would be.  These rental car agencies are always tacking on all kinds of extra fees.  Look, I only have to stay in town, it doesn't seem to me like I should need to rent a car right off the bat. I just need to go to a couple of stores this morning, get my stuff and then give it up to the shop.  On the weekends I'm fairly sure Taylor will let me use her truck on a limited basis to take trips to the store.  We have an Easter Egg hunt to go to Saturday, the boys really want to go, so hopefully they will either decide to go or let me take them in one of their vehicles.  It's a 5,000 egg easter hunt- they apparently do this every year and loads of kids show up for it.  I mean, kids whose families don't even go to the church.  

In fact, they are expecting such large crowds for Easter Sunday from people who don't normally go to church, they asked the regulars to sit on the front rows.  People who don't normally go to church do not want to sit up front.  They also asked everyone to park in the remote parking areas if at all possible.  I don't know that I will be going to church without a vehicle.  Taylor goes to a game fest thing on Sundays and that only leaves one vehicle at home.  I won't even ask them to use it, I'll just write church off for the next few Sundays until I get my vehicle back. 

Well, I haven't even taken it over there yet. The adjuster said she called them herself and that they were open to taking the vehicle in right away.  But does that mean they will get started on it right away? No idea.  

I'm just sitting here taking notes of what I best get done before I take it in. Walmart, Lowes and Kroger's.  Fill the cooler up with ice, it has lots of water bottles in it and that thing keeps stuff cold for many days and cool for many days after that.  Just want water over there.  I think I best get that keypad door handle as well.  I really don't want to leave that thing open and the only other option is to have the hassle of dealing with handing out duplicate keys to everyone - which doesn't address the issue of overnighters coming in that may want to use the facilities. A keypad handle is the only real solution I can think of - that or leave the place open 24 hours. 

You know, I guess I could do that once I get all of my tools out of there.  I have the cameras now.  It shouldn't take much to install them. Plug in the SIM cards, screw them in somewhere, plug them in and walaah.  I assume there's an app for it. 

Well, the day isn't getting any younger and I have running around to do.  Oh, my new laundry rules sign is finished as well.  Need that today.  They're near Lowe's. Unfortunately, I dropped the trailer yesterday and now I will have to go back to the property to get it.  No way to haul 20 sheets of 4X8 insulation without it.  

Monday, April 3, 2023

 Well, it's been a bad day. Should have just stayed home as my instincts told me to do this morning.  I'm going to bypass a lot of stuff and just go straight to the heart of the matter: I had an accident and I was at fault.  I haven't had an at fault accident in so long, I don't even remember what the last time was, at least 15 years? Longer?

And it was a stupid mistake rookie drivers make.  I was behind a pickup truck in a turning lane.  He was stopped looking for traffic and I stopped as well.  There was nothing coming so I assumed (that was my mistake) that he was moving.  Nope.  He had stopped again for unknown reasons, there was nothing there, it was a yield turning lane.  I hit the gas and saw him stopped too late. I slammed on the brakes and almost avoided the collision, but I had the trailer on and it was loaded with stuff and it pushed me into his vehicle.  

My fault, absolutely.  I was ready to own up to it as well. The dude gets out of his truck, I open the window - I was prepared to admit my mistake.  He entered into road rage.  I mean, serious road rage and  sucker-punched me in my mouth.  He was cussing me out and blah blah blah, but I kept my cool. I went for my phone while he was threatening to drag me out of the vehicle and beat the s*** out of me.  I sized this guy up quickly, much smaller than me, appeared to be older than I, could have easily taken him.  But, I kept my cool.  I was trying to get the video recording turned on so I could get a video of him yelling and threatening me, but once he saw that he walked away. 

I got out - left my gun in the car, hoping it wouldn't come to having to defend my life, he walked back to his truck with his wife, who had also gotten out.  You got insurance?  Yes, but he just assaulted me and threatened to beat my ass afterward.  She started laughing and repeated endlessly: No he didn't! There was no sense arguing with her, she wasn't even out of the truck when it happened.   I wasn't arguing with her, not worth it, I called the police.  I told them that yes I had rear-ended a pickup but the man had assaulted me, punching me in the face.  

I went back to my vehicle and just calmly waited, this woman both lying about what happened and also trying to get her husband to cool his jets.  The police did their "interrogation" of me, but it wasn't anything bad or ridiculous, took a bunch of pictures of the outside and the inside of my mouth. 

3 police cars showed up quickly - they don't have much concern about an accident but an assault, they are going to get there quick.  I told them what had happened and then they asked me if I wanted to press charges?  If he apologizes to me, I will let it go.  If not, I'm going to move on with assault charges.  They left, came back 10 minutes later and asked me if I had spit on the man? No. Well was there an altercation at your driver's door window? Yes, I rolled the window down when he walked up. He started cussing me out and then out of the blue punched me in the mouth.  He then claimed he was going to drag me out of the car and beat the s*** out of me.  

He's claiming you spit on him. Of course he did, I thought, he had to make something up to justify his unbelievable reaction.  No, I never spit on him. I just stood my ground with my story.  There is no way this guy is going to lie about it and me just back down because he makes up a story to try to cover his @$$.  

They hauled him off to jail, him repeatedly saying I "ran into him on purpose". Like, who the heck would just rear end a vehicle on purpose and then sit there?  If I were so inclined, which I was not and never am, I would have also taken off.  Felony offense, hit and run.  Yeah, right.  It was preposterous the stories he was making up.  The dude has anger issues. I don't know why, he probably has family/marriage issues, financial issues, who knows what.  

The cops asked me several times about pressing charges, but after I saw him punching his fist into his hand after the cops left him and they weren't paying attention?  Yeah, I'm pressing charges.  I had originally stated that if he apologizes, I will let it go.  Obviously that was a non-happening event and he went to jail. They put him in cuffs and that was that.  

I took the trailer to the property, unloaded the drywall and door - it's going to rain tomorrow and I don't need that stuff sitting outside - went home and here I am. Yes, I filed a claim, I still have full coverage insurance and they are going to fix it, it's already been confirmed for a local auto-body shop that has an excellent reputation.  

I don't really feel like typing, it really got to me this man punching me for no reason - accidents happen, if someone rear ended me, which has happened, I don't get out in rage.  I just ask them for their insurance and anymore, you have to call the police. People will lie about what happened and try to get out of responsibility. The worst part? This policy has a deductible, of course, not that bad at $500 but it does not have rental car coverage. I didn't know they hadn't included that, gag.  You know it's weeks in an auto body shop and I can't go without a vehicle for that long. 

Oh well. 

 Probably would have been a good night's sleep ... if the tv hadn't turned itself on in the middle of the night.  That just freaked me right out and I was wide awake.  The remote didn't have anything on it, there was no rhyme or reason why it did that.  

So, I'm lagging this morning.  Not saying I won't get anything done, I'm just not feeling it right now.  I will have to go to the property, get the trailer, go to Lowe's buy all of that stuff, haul it back, get anything that rain can damage inside the shed and then I can start working on it.  


The door. They are standard 80 inches tall, I am finding out.  That is going to blow my intended framing structure out of the water.  I am totally clueless atm and will have to go into the shed, measure up 80 inches plus the frame and see what I've got for height.  And then stand there gawking at it for a while to try and figure out how to frame the damn thing in there.  I'm starting with the door, everything will be framed around it cause honey, I have no idea what I'm doing and even watching videos, this sucker right here? Is way different than anything I've been seeing.

It's a shed and it's got a v-shaped roof and the framing is going to have to go up into the v now, I am guessing.  It can't be that hard, right? LMAO.  I dunno.  Get out my tape measure and figure it out.  I may have to just frame the thing all the way up to the ceiling, which was not my original plan.  Should have known that something would throw in a monkey wrench into my plans.  It also dawned on me that I have no idea whether these people installed a p trap underneath the shower stall.  They say they have been doing this for years so I never gave it a second thought.

Well, last night I was giving it all second thoughts.  You must have a p trap on anything drain related unless it's a toilet that has a built in p trap.  

Anyway, some pro could walk in there, look at what I've got and say, yes, well this is how I will have to frame it in there ...and go on with explanations of how it works.  I will go in there this morning, try to stay optimistic and just have to figure it out.  I suspect I will have to run a beam horizontally along both sides of the shed where I want the crossovers to connect.  There isn't much room where the rafters connect to the wall studs, it's just a tin shed and tho it mimics a house setup, it's much smaller in scale and not much room where the rafter meets the stud. 

Oh well. I'll figure it out - eventually. I don't have the funds to be spending on having someone come and do it.  They are all very high priced to do even small jobs and that's just out of the question right now - and yes, it needs to be done now.  I can't wait until I go get a job and start pulling paychecks.  In fact, this shed needs to be fully operational before I even think about going back to trucking.  That and the Hipcamp setup - which isn't that much more.  The trenches are 85% dug, the rest will have to be by hand - or I suppose I could rent that trencher. It's not too bad in pricing and much cheaper than a track hoe.  It's still probably 40 feet of trench I need dug out. 

Find a laborer to do it! Right? Good luck with that!  People balk at manual labor nowadays, they don't want to do anything but they sure want that pay!  I'm done with trying to get people to help me work on the thing for pay, it just isn't a happening event. And if you contact a handyman?  They will likely be doing work on the side but they will still try to charge you the same rates as a general contractor.  It's just the area I live in, it's no like in a big city where there are so many options you can find.

You play their game they way they want to play it - or you shrug them off and do it yourself. I can't even imagine how much everything I've done so far would have cost to pay a contractor to do it for me.  For the shed? 15 grand? More? Not less, rest assured.  They now only get you for labor, use of machinery and all that entails, they rape you on the prices of the parts they use.  I don't mean they get you a little bit, I mean they reeeeeaaaaam you for parts.  I know these people are in it to make money, but there is a point where greed sets in.  I think greed has settled into the American culture now, especially since Covid. It's give me give me give me spoken like a 3 year old but give back?  I ain't giving back nothing, you can go stick it! 

This whole project from the beginning when I was looking to get the land cleared has been rather - not sure the correct word here. Deflating? Saddening?  Unbelievable? It's the idea that people want so much for so little in return. I didn't grow up this way and I am dumbfounded when confronted with this attitude.  Even with rent pricing.  One dude thought my rates were outrageous.  It was $400 per month including all utilities and free wifi. I didn't bother to ask him what he thought was a good price, I didn't want to hear about it.  Take yourself to a trailer trash park and that's what you will get for what you want to pay, thanks and have a great day.  

Just time to take a deep breath and face the day and this week. It poured rain yesterday. I mean, our front and back yard were covered in moving water. If we weren't on a hill it would have flooded.  It was an intense rain with lots of thunder and dogs going berserk. Well, Addler doesn't actually panic, he just gets  bit uneasy. But that other dog here? lol.  And it's supposed to rain again tomorrow.

Well, nothing will get done me sitting here drinking coffee. No regrets, tho, I have to have at least one cup before I do anything. It's just the way it is......

Sunday, April 2, 2023

 Well, this air conditioner is a 5,000 watt thing.  That's pretty much the smallest, standard window unit that is sold.  I'm not sure it's going to cover a tin shed sitting in the baking sun running a dryer in the middle of summer. Insulation will help, for sure, I guess it will be a wait and see thing.  I have the hot air from the dryer being pumped outside, anyway.  If it doesn't work out, it can go on the other side to cool the bathroom. I'm not necessarily inclined to cool the bathroom atm, but if I end up with an extra unit, I'll put it in there. Otherwise, I intend on installing the bathroom door in the center so that cold air from the ac unit on the other side can move in there when the door is left open.  

I really need some trees to shade that shed. I do have some on the east side, but the western sun will be baking it most of the day.  Oh well, trees are not a priority atm. At some point, they definitely will be and I do intend on getting some fast growing evergreens for the southern end to replace the trees they cut down.

Church was great.  Very inspiring message.  2 men had just returned from a missionary trip to a place on the other side of the world on some islands near Papa New Guinea.  I don't recall the name of the village, but it takes 6 days to get there starting from here, including an 18 mile trip by foot which takes you over numerous rivers. They had plenty of video to show it.  These tribal people used to be cannibals that went around killing other villagers nearby in other villages and apparently those villagers did the same thing back.  God, however, had other plans and sent a missionary there to preach the Gospel, of which a particular man gave his life to the Lord and started a church there.

These people are hungry for the Word and hungry for learning more about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all that the Bible entails.  It was really inspiring and took me back to my missionary days traipsing around Mexico to villages in the middle of nowhere, mostly without electricity and very much with people that spent their days getting water and food.  

Now that I've ordered the wire, I can think about tomorrow's activities.  I took a snapshot of the different style, flexible, plastic tubing style pipe they used to hook up the shower and toilet. I'll need more of that to hook up a vanity.  I will need some fittings for the sewer setup, but that really isn't my first priority. Besides getting that AC hooked up, I need to buy the stuff to finish the bathroom.

I have a list.  It includes 2X4's for the walls but also I will need some to frame in a spot for the AC unit.  You can't just install a unit on tin, lol, you have to have the framing for it. The people that built the shed did frame for an ac  unit - but on the other side.  I will be running an ac outlet for it in case I decide I want to install one over there.  This is stuff you do now and it doesn't cost much more in wiring that I already would have had to install over there.  

Basically, on the circuit, will be the main shed light, the bathroom light, the ac outlet and probably another general outlet.  Oh, and I will need to have a feed for an outdoor light.  I'm trying to think of everything I will need before I go to Lowe's.  I know that undoubtedly, I will end up having to make a few trips, but at least try to get most of it on the first trip.  I suspect a lengthy stay at Lowe's tomorrow trying to gather everything I will need.  

Why not do that today? Because it's Sunday and I don't feel like it, that's why.  I typically despise working on Sundays. It is a day of rest and my body tells me it's a day of rest in no uncertain language.  My goal for tomorrow is get all of that stuff, frame in the AC unit, install the AC and seal it. All holes coming in are going to be sealed, I bought a gallon of that duct seal and I am going to use it on everything, not just the electrical wiring it was recommended for. I need holes plugged up to keep hot air from coming in during the summer.

If I get anything else done after that, great, if not, my goals for the day have been accomplished. If I do, indeed get further, it will be to start framing everything up.  I will have to look at some youtube videos about installing a pre-framed door.  Lowe's has an entire row devoted to them, there are all kinds of them. I just need something cheap that can lock.  One would assume you can just stand the entire, framed door up wherever you want it and frame it in.  But, my assumptions on this particular project have been wrong many times over. Hence, watching videos and asking professionals questions.  The electric has been on for several days, no issues. The water has been on a week now, also no issues. 

The first tenant to use the washer/dryer setup is doing that as I type this. I gave her a key, she texted a while ago asking if she could use it? Yes, and please let me know how it goes. Oh, am I the first one to use it?  Yes, beyond my trial runs.  She did, for some reason, experience excitement over this, that coming from her.  I just need the thing to work as it was designed.  30 minute wash, 45 minute dry.  

Well, the Sunday afternoon yawns have hit me. They always do. It's time to take a nap. 

 Sunday - early morning.

They completed the installation of the shower stall and the toilet yesterday. Well, most of it anyway.  The trench still needs backfilled and I had them add an extra T to the 4 inch sewer line that has a 2 inch inlet on it for a vanity. I decided a bathroom without a sink would be....stupid....on my part. Lol.  I found a small, brand new vanity for $100, if it hasn't sold by Monday I'll go pick that up.  

They, of course, charged me far too much for "parts and supplies". They kept to their original labor quote but the amount of money they charged me for parts was way too high for what they did.  I mean, unless there's something there I don't know about that costs a fortune.  He said he added a 1% fee to the parts cost, so that wasn't it.  I'm wanting an itemized list with the cost of each item.  

But, I paid up regardless. At least it's done and it would have taken me a long time to figure all of that out, I was watching them going the trials and tribulations they were going through trying to get the plumbing into the correct spot. I knew that would have been a big-time headache for me to figure out.  These guys do this stuff all the time and they were having trouble. 

In the end, the toilet flushes and the shower stall is working without any visible leaking.  So, tomorrow/Monday I will be getting the supplies necessary to frame the walls.  Just enough 2x4's and drywall. I will grab the insulation for the entire shed if they have enough available.  But the rest of the drywall can wait. It's not a priority.  I don't have anywhere to store it, either, so getting 22 sheets of it in there would be - problematic. I likely will just have to buy enough sheets to use per day, since I intend on opening this thing up before it's totally completed.  

As it turns out, James ended up going to Maria's yesterday to help her fix a lawnmower, so he brought home the ac unit she was going to give me.  I haven't even gotten it out of his truck yet, but I hope it works. A small, 5,000 watt window unit at Lowe's was listed at $279.  

That's incredible.  The last time I priced those things it was $125 to maybe $160.  I get the inflation junk, but there is some corporate greed, IMO, going on here.  Suddenly, the cost of living - everything including electricity and natural gas - has gone way up.  

As I say, I'm just doing the bare minimum to get the bathroom walls up so people can start using it.  I changed my description on my HipCamp site a few days ago and now I have someone asking if the bathroom is ready yet? By the time they get here? Yes.  14th through the 17th, I have plenty of time.  Framing isn't technical. Measure a length, cut a board, screw it into place.  Lather, rinse repeat.  Yes, the door will probably be a pain, but not near as much as those drains.  

Actually, if the AC unit works, that will be the first order of business. It gets warm/hot in that shed and Monday and Tuesday it's going to be warm/hottish outside.  I want that thing going. It's no more than framing a place for the thing to sit on, cutting the metal out, slide the AC unit in and plug it in. I already have a heavy duty plug right there where I want it.  

If I work hard enough this coming week, I should be able to frame and drywall it including the door, get the wiring in, get a ceiling light up with switch and at least get started on the vanity set up.  The problem will be bringing the drain pipe through the wall, just like it was on the other side.  But, I should be able to reduce the 2inch to whatever side vanity's have, I think it's inch and a quarter or inch and a half, before bringing it through the wall.  I already had them put water lines in near the spot where I want it.  

They promised to come back and do that - for an extra fee. No thank you, I thought, your prices were high enough, I'm not spending another grand on that stuff. This is just pipe, no floor drains, I can do this, I have already done it  for the washing machine setup. It wasn't easy but it wasn't the end of the world, either. Just tedious and tight spaces.  I'll get it done, that's a fact.  

One thing that's nice: I have a toilet over there now. No going into the woods to do my duty or if the boys come - it's almost guaranteed one of them will have to take a dump once we get over there.  Even if I ask them if they have to go before we leave the house? It doesn't matter. "We JUST left the house 10 MINUTES ago, why didn't you do it there?!!!".  "Because I didn't have to go then, I really have to go NOW!".  Lmao.  There's no choice in the matter, but now the choice is to simply lock the shed door and have a nice toilet to flush it all away. 

Oh and I have this mystery for the extra check that the welding company sent for those 3 workers. I'd love to cash it, but I am certain it must have been a mistake.  I haven't contacted her  yet, I've been too busy with the shed.  Get that done today and find out what's going on. If they are giving me free money, woo hoo! We all know that likely isn't the case.  

I feel like once I get this thing up, running and done enough to call it good, I will start getting more of these HipCampers like the one that emailed me last night.  I have spartan overnights and now I have 2 long term I need to fill.  Don't know what to say, I'm doing what I can to get people in there, in the end, after I have done everything I can, I can sit around and fret or just go on with life, happy that I've got the operation up and running and sooner or later, the sites will fill up.  

I'll tell ya one thing: I'm going to be busting butt to get that bathroom done this coming week so I can get it posted on all the venues and get it out there.  I figure that if by the end of April, I don't have a "flood" of people wanting spots again including filling up Hipcamp - or at least having enough coming in there to make it worth it - I'm just going to go back to work.  I will probably end up doing that anyway, just that now I'm getting closer to the "do or die" scenario, where this park either works and pays my bills and then some - or it doesn't and back to trucking, get some debt paid down and make plans to add amenities and expand.  

I'm ordering enough wiring to have 2 HipCamp sites up and running pretty quick.  That's the direct burial stuff.  If it picks up, I'll order the rest for the other side to make up 4 of them.  If it really picks up, I'll go to 5, but 5 is where it ends.  The people that contacted me last night have a small, pop up trailer. This is exactly what I'm talking about. They don't need a lot of space and they only will use 20 amp electrical outlet.  Some of those have AC units, yes, but it's the only thing drawing power. I will have sufficient gauge wire to ensure they have plenty of power to run their ac's.  

My last resort going here for a loan would be a commercial refi-cashout, like I did with the house.  I have been looking that up.  I don't know how hard it is to get one of those loans, but I will be reaching out to a few of them to get info on it.  

Anyway, I just crunched the numbers for everything I want to do with the shed and we are pretty much where I expected to be with it and just got through ordering the wire for the Hipcamp operation.  I found a place much cheaper for wire so I ordered all of it. We're at around $1,200 maximum to finish this out besides all of the drywall.  So, the money I received is covering all of that.  

Well, it's time to go to church. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

 It isn't unfortunate that they are coming early - like in 25 minutes - to do the shed. It is unfortunate that I was sleeping so well and my sleep had to be distrubed by the alarm clock.  As I have stated numerous times in the past, when I do, finally, get a night where I can sleep, I want to sleep as long as that ride will go for.  

But, getting this project done supersedes sleep and I'm writing this one out pretty quick and getting out of here. The property is only like 8 minutes away, shorter this morning since there will be no traffic holding me up.  Trying to gulp down a cup of coffee quick so I can have another for the road.  

I dunno, but I'm getting myself prepared, mentally, yet once again, to go back on the road.  I hate the idea but I don't see a lot of other options here. If it comes to that, paychecks will go to paying down debt and saving up for another septic system.  Septic system first, very likely.  I'm thinking about it, that's all I can say about it right now. Still some stuff left to do before I will call it good and go driving trucks endlessly.  

As I said, it's sitting there in my mind. I've been trying to get myself back into that thinking for I see no other way around it atm.  Unless Hipcamp and the overnight spots pick up substantially in reservations, I have no choice in the matter. 

I would also like to add more amenities to draw those people in, namely: a swimming pool, a jacuzzi and a sauna.  Those are more on the resort style of amenities, but in Texas, hot summers, it's really a must if you want to get people in.  People like swimming pools.  I need more lots before I do that tho.  

Basically, I'm working towards automating this park as much as possible so that the amount of things that I would have to tend to personally is either completely gone or very much diminished.  I can ask the older couple if they'd be interested in running the place -not physical labor, just the nuts and bolts of dealing with guests. They've done it before, I've come to find out and at a much larger park elsewhere. The only reason they are staying at my place is because it was the best thing around and for the price.  

I don't want to pat myself on the back too much, but taking a trip down memory lane, after I finally and begrudgingly went to actually look at the property, I instantly fell in love with it - sans the gas operation.  That's what originally turned me off to the place to begin with.  But, I have managed to work around that nonsense. I didn't realize I could just put the park in the front 7-1/2 acres until I really started thinking about it.  This could work!  And now that spring is approaching, the trees are budding and it's beautiful.  That's the front 7, the rear 15 should be getting pretty nice now too.  

I haven't been on the trails in at least a week.  Just haven't had the time.  Addler loves it back there, I'll have to take him this weekend. Get a feel for what it would take for tent campers to get back there with their equipment and get ready to start heavily advertising both tent and HipCamp camping.  

Whatever the case, my time is up.  I need to be there to show them exactly what I want  and where.

C'ya later.  

Friday, March 31, 2023

 Uhh, I have a few draft entries that I probably won't even put on here.  I just get distracted by something and start working on something.  Such is life at the moment. 

A few highlights tho.  First and very thankfully, the rest of the project in the shed is paid for.  It is a huge weight off my shoulders.  I started figuring out the costs to do the whole thing with the foam style insulation and cover it up with drywall.  The lumber to build the 2 walls needed for the bathroom. A pre-framed door, a keypad entry, an outdoor lamp for the front of the shed, a vanity for the bathroom - I wasn't going to do it but I think I will so people can wash their hands after using the toilet.   

And other stuff.  It got to the 3 grand point and that became a little overwhelming.  I may have the money for that, but it would deplete my banking account to uncomfortable levels.  The point, I can now finish the entire thing without worrying about money.  I've just spent so much money putting this park together, it went far beyond anything I imagined it would in terms of costs. Inflation also drove prices of everything up. 

There will still be work to do after they finish this weekend, but a huge chunk of the hard stuff will be out of the way.  

I also tried that dryer again.  I put the quarters in it and turned it on, setting the time. At 46 minutes, it shut itself off.  That is exactly what it is supposed to do.  I am not going to cancel that appointment with the repair dude, tho, I want him to see if he can figure out how to change the price for the wash.  I want $2 wash and $1 dry - $3 for all of it.  It's currently set at $1.50 wash and that's just too low. I need to be able to cover the cost of the payments on those machines, at least.  

I did the numbers today as far as income.  At current rates, there is no way I can survive off of that.  It's just not enough money left over after expenses.  It's like 3 plus grand, but you have to take taxes out of that.  That's just with the current setup with 11 long term and 3 short term.  Amazingly, all of the calls have stopped.  It figures, lol. I've only had one call - that person said they were going to come and would call me when they were on their way.

Yeah, that didn't happen.  I'm still pretty hopeful I can get that lot rented soon, hopefully within the next week.  I know of one person that is leaving at the end of April.  So, if I get the 12th lot rented and then this amenities shed starts getting more business coming in, no worries for me, I can keep that lot open after that guy leaves.  

Tomorrow, I'm getting up early to meet the contractor out there, answer any questions, show them what I want and then get to measuring the length of the trenches in the Hipcamp area.  It's for electricity only. I will have to order that wire and I want to be pretty close to exactly what I need.  They have the right sized wire for $1.09 per foot. That's a good price for direct burial - underground wiring that doesn't need conduit.  I'm going to set up 4 outlets and call it good.  If they get used, that would be wonderful.  If they don't, then I spent $200 on nothing.  I'm optimistic.   

The Hipcamp is a gamble, but not a huge monetary output.  I already had the bobcat for backfilling the trench for the shed, it was a no brainer to clear out that area for hipcamp and also deal with the driveway.  The driveway is no longer a muddy, sloppy mess, I am grateful that my efforts paid off, I"m hardly a pro earth moving laborer.  

But I want to wind down spending gobs of money on this park.  If there's anything I would really like to get going, it would be a glamping setup in the back.  I just can't figure out how to have cooling back there.  There's no power and the closest connection would be the shed at something like 800 feet away.

No doable.  I have to figure out the power part first because that's what glamping is - the comforts of home in a tent.  Think of it as tenting camping in a huge, giant canvas tent set up that is more like a hotel room.  King sized bed, TV, heating/cooling, small kitchen, etc.  When I say kitchen, I am definitely not referring to running water.  That's not a part of any glamping setup I have seen, tho I suspect there are probably some out there. 

More like a coffee maker, a small refrigerator and a microwave.  But anyway, I will eventually start looking into it, I just don't need to right now, I don't have the money for that atm.  It would cost 5 to 8 thousand to get one built.  Just not in the cards - right now.  

I'll be happy to just get some of the regular tent camping sites going after I can finally get my attention off of park issues.  It's still going to be weeks, probably, before I finish that shed.  Drywall alone will be a pain - putting it on the ceiling isn't going to be easy.  Hold  sheet up there while trying to drive in screws.....Not going to worry about it, I'll figure something out and get it done.  But the bathroom wall and door will be first priority.  

Well, I'm tired, it's getting late and 6:00 am comes early, at least for me. 

 So yesterday, I tested the machines.  I still have to go get an exhaust piece for the dryer, but it works whether the exhaust is vented outside or not.

The washer ran fine. 30 minutes and it was done with its cycles.  

The dryer also ran fine.  In fact, it ran too fine. I put 4 quarters in the thing and it ran...and ran....and about 45 minutes, I figured it should be done. At almost an hour I was scratching my head.  It an hour and 20 minutes I started laughing.  At an hour and 44 minutes? I shut the thing off by opening the door. It then turned itself back on after closing the door. It's not supposed to do that, either.  It should force you to hit the start button. 

Well, I called the company I bought it from and they hooked me up with a local appliance store to come out and fix it. I didn't know that store had appliance repair. There is just one problem with this appointment: they have it set for 3/6/2023.  Noting that today is 3/31/2023, lol. I will be calling the store this morning to find out if that was just a type - 4/6/2023 is likely what the agent meant to write into that email.  I'd like to see if they will come sooner. I'm not opening up the laundry until that thing is fixed, I'm not giving away free hours worth of drying.  

At least the company purchased it from didn't give me a hassle about it. "Yea, that doesn't sound right" after telling her the thing ran for getting close to 2 hours without shutting itself off.  

Anyway, I made a lot more calls than that yesterday.  I got on a roll and spent around 7 hours on the phone. 2-1/2 of them were calling Verizon about the internet gateway device.  I turned it off, I want them to stop trying to bill me for service, I cancelled the service and I have an actual email from them proving it. It took me over 2 hours to finally get through to the business department.  I kept calling and it kept directing me to the personal side, then they would try to transfer me over.  It should be needless to say that I was getting very aggravated with that nonsense. 

But, I also called a CPA, he is too busy right now to take me on.  I also called T-Mobile, Dish Network, Direct TV to name a few. I'm trimming the budget.  I don't need to be paying what Dish Network was charging me, I dropped the service at my place and got the service reduced $50 at the other house.  I don't know why they wouldn't drop the price over here. 

I called Direct TV to switch over, they tried to jack me around.  The lowest they would come was $120 per month. That's $40 better than Dish, but it's still pretty high for only 2 receivers and basic channels. But, I decided to go ahead and do it. This dude promised me 10 times the total price was going to be $120 per month.  But at the end?  It went up to $127 and then $128 and then $127.  What kind of buffoonery am I dealing with here?  I told him he promised the TOTAL bill with taxes was going to be $120.  He didn't care and neither did I, I hung up on him.  He called back, attempting to explain away the extra money, I hung up on him again, telling him do NOT call me again.  

So, the house over here has no satellite at the moment. James and Taylor don't watch satellite, the boys like the cartoon channels. I watch reruns of old shows and some news.  But, last week, I found Tubi on the apps on the TV and it plays all kinds of movies, many of which I like.  

New tenants took over lot 13 last night - or so I was told.  It's Friday morning right now, I'll be heading over there soon enough.  I knew they were moving in, lol, this isn't like the other guy that showed up out of the blue. I think the lady is stay at home mom - she has 2 young kids.  So they should be there to make payment this morning.  I have an overnighter that should also be there - they said they were coming in after !0:30 -  yup, please be quiet, I won't be there, thank you.

I still don't have that much for overnighters going for April. I'm intent on renting out the lot 12 for long term.  

I ordered 2 cameras from T Mobile yesterday.  One for the inside of the shed and one that will be attached outside showing the driveway.  I will be able to see who's coming and going and  I will be able to determine who did what if the facilities get trashed.  I'm pretty much of the idea that I want a locking door handle on it.  The cameras add $40 per month to the bills. These cameras have a sim card and you can access them from anywhere that you have internet access.  It's just the price I feel I must pay to ensure that people keep themselves behaved.  

Someone dumped a bunch of insulation in my dumpster the other day.  I have put up a sign stating the dumpster is for RV park and guests use only.  This was the thick, attic type insulation, it certainly didn't come from anyone at the park.  I am considering placing a fake camera up in the tree and a sign saying "this area is under video surveillance" or some other such thing. The only other alternative will be the pain of having to get a lock and a bunch of duplicates made up.  It was suggested to me, but I had already thought about it and thought, gag, not really wanting to do that.

I placed that dumpster about 100 feet off the road so people couldn't just stop and dump. They actually have to drive up the driveway.  So I dunno, but I do know they sell fake cameras that look real.  

Since having the electrician come out and check everything cost nothing, the person of interest that was going to pay for it has now offered to pay for the rest of what's needed done in the shed. "Price it out and let me know".  So, that's what I'm doing today.  Measure everything, determine how many 2X4's I will need and how much drywall and insulation I will need.  A door for the restroom and they sell a small vanity with sink and mirror for relatively cheap at Lowe's.  

I was only going to put up drywall for the bathroom to start with and just do the rest later when I have more money, but since the offer has been made....might as well get the drywall for the entire thing.  It's going to cost some money.  The insulation is $12 per panel.  Ii remembered I already have a ceiling light at the house - brand new - haven't installed it. I thought it was corded, its wired in, which is what I need for the shed for the bathroom.  

So, I need to find out how to connect 2X4's on the tops of the vertical studs and where the joists connect to it. I think it's just a metal piece you screw or nail in there if I recall correctly.  Won't need too many, just enough for the bathroom, the rest of the shed will remain open including the high ceiling.  I don't have the motivation to bring the ceiling down, it's just a waste of time IMO.  

Well, that was easy.  Finding out how to connect them, that is, easier than I thought.  Off to the property, get my measurements and then off to Lowe's.  

Thursday, March 30, 2023

 Well, one of the short stays - it was only an overnighter and it was done through Roverpass - cancelled. Roverpass doesn't allow a full refund.  They apparently charge their fees regardless and warn the person making a reservation of such.  The fees can be passed on to the customer, split or the business can eat the costs.  But when it comes to a refund, Roverpass keeps their fees, forces the business to give back everything but those fees which are retained by the business. 

There are deterrents in the industry to making reservations and then canceling. My research has provided me a snapshot of why.  People used to make multiple reservations at different parks for the same day and then they would decide where they would stay when they arrived.  Whoever the winner of the draw got the business, everyone else got shafted.  They would simply cancel their reservations at the other places - or not even do that much - with no consequences.

So, the industry stated shifting towards all kinds of policies. Some places made them pay the fee it cost to make the reservation, ie: campground software costs and credit card fees.  Others forced a full, one night charge to cancel regardless of the customer's "excuses".  Even more forced customers to pay for their entire stay upfront and allowed no refunds, whatsoever.  

I decided not to do any of that. The business is new, it needs as much business as possible. I do force a one night's fee up front, but I will refund their money minus $2 for the campground software.  Anyway, out of a $27 payout to me, the guest only got $21.75 back.  Roverpass fees are rather pricey, at least from my perspective.  I'm on there because I hoped it would generate some business. So far, only 1 guest has actually showed up, 2 others have cancelled.  

Alright. On the cusp of getting this project at least functioning even if not completely done, that is the goal today.  Get the washer and dryer set into place. Get a sign in there - I forgot about the "Rules" sign and I really need those cameras.  I will not have people destroying my brand new machines with negligent acts of overloading or dumping things in there that shouldn't go into them. These are just basic machines, they aren't good for comforters or other large items and I don't want oily or overly muddy clothing putting in there.  This is where rules and cameras come in.  

I'll just tell ya, it is standard, industry-wide practice for laundromats to have cameras all over the place, inside the building, watching everything.  It isn't spying, it's "Who just did this to my machine?".  

I may get the setup done today, but until I get that sign made - which I will be ordering today - and the cameras in - same as sign - I am not opening it up. And, I want the work crew in and out of here with the shower and toilet assembly finished as well.  There, sign ordered, he usually has them ready in a couple of days, which works for me since I don't plan on opening it until Monday at the earliest.  

Today's proposed agenda:

Finish machine setup.  

Install sewer dump station

Dig up a length of the sewer line to ensure it's at a good slope

Probably install a T on the 1/2 inch CPVC so they have access to run it to the shower/toilet

That is a lot right there. I also need to construct the shed - that takes half a day, seriously, but at least I know how to do it now, it's the exact same one as the first one I built.  I also need to figure out how I can cool the router - summer is coming and I don't think it's going to work getting that hot.  The only idea I have is go place it in a mini fridge, such as I have for truck driving. The one I have isn't big enough but they do make them bigger. I would have to re-do the setup I have now.  As long as the fridge has plastic walls, the signal will pass right through it.

Oh and I definitely need to clean some stuff out of the shed.  But, if I get those machines set up, I can just pile stuff up in front of them on that side of the room. They won't need access over there.  I have 2 days to get some of this stuff done. Oh, and the window AC unit. Maria found it wherever she had it stored and is giving it to me.  I have no idea if it even works, but I'll hope that it does. I'll have to make a trip over there.

I don't know when I'll go over there. 

I'm still concerned about this other RV park that hasn't opened up yet.  What kind of competition will it give? I keep thinking it's too far out of the way - and it is. It's 10 miles to downtown or any grocery stores.  I'm 3 miles from the nearest grocery store and less than that from various other businesses.  I think I gave them too much info.  The contractor was asking me my rates and such.  I did tell him - he has given me some free work.  I mean, tell him or not, that competition is coming.  

Basically, if they don't sell it before summer, they are going to open it up.  I really am a bit too open about things sometimes - I told them I had turned away at least 50 potential renters.  That's info I should have just kept to myself.  This all started back up again in  my mind after finding out about that other park that opened sometime late last year.  

They are doing poorly. It's a 16 spot park and the electrician said there is hardly anyone staying there. That owner is killing themselves with very high pricing.  And they are way out of the way.  The nearest towns are probably 15 miles in either direction.  They don't have any discounts for longer stays, like a weekly rate and they don't even have long term listed. Now, some parks don't do long term for they don't want to do long term. Perhaps the dude isn't hard up and doesn't care.  

I'm not in the position right now to be lackadaisical or cavalier about pricing and whether anyone stays or not.  I wouldn't want to come off like that regardless.  I'm thankful for each person that comes and I thank the Lord for the blessing of having the park almost full.  Another moving in today, one more long term I'm trying to fill.  

I'm paying myself April 1st.  That way I have received zero compensation from the business up until then.  The first quarter of being open will show a lot of expenses, it will show income but it won't show any paycheck being taken.  I've decided to up the amount I take to $3,500. Whatever the taxes are on it, it is what it is.  My numbers crunching shows I can do that and still have around 2 grand in the checking account after I pay everything out.  My expenses will decrease as well in the next month what with switching over to T Mobile and getting rid of one of the trash services.  Oh, and dumping Verizon. I took the router out of the park.  

Get rid of all of that and I have over $500 per month savings.  Whatever the case, the first is almost upon us and several rents will be due, thankfully.  The business account is far from broke but I will be spending money this weekend and the initial start up for the dumpster service is quite high.  Electric - water - pay myself. Paying myself will deplete the account quite a bit. I went into business to make money, not pay accounts and nothing else.  Lol. 

Anyway, I need to get out of there.  I will probably need to pick up the boys after school today so I need all the hours I have before then to get everything done.  


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 Well, another 4 hours and I'm getting close.  All the outlets are working, the dryer is working - tho I don't have the vent outlet going yet, I ran out of steam. That will entail cutting a large hole in the metal in the shed.  The washer is probably working, I have it all hooked up, I just didn't have enough quarters on me to make it run.  The water heater is pumping out hot water, the ceiling light is working, it's all going.  

Tomorrow I will install the vent outlet and the feet on the dryer -it's for leveling purposes and it should be ready to go.  That room is getting warm, I will be needing that AC unit quick. I mean, a person could prop the door open and open the windows for now, it's warm not hot, but hot days are coming.  I also need to clamp down the water lines. They flop around every time the water goes on and off, that will cause a leak sooner or later so yeah, I'm going to deal with that as well. 

After I get that stuff done, then I can work outside.  It never did rain.  I mean, literally it went from it's going to rain to it's not going to rain.  Whatever.  I got distracted anyway after the electrician showed up, the washer and dryer took priority status.  

I also have a couple coming today sometime after 5 to take a look at the last, remaining long term lot.  If they take that, I will have 12 lots rented for long term and just 2 for short.  It's okay tho, 2 is enough for now. If the amenities shed creates an uptick in short term, I will have another one vacated sooner or later. And frankly, I don't want to have to deal with 4 lots open if someone leaves.  3 is okay, I can deal with it, but 4 is too much.  


The people supposed to move in today moved it to tomorrow.  I pretty much believe they are coming since they are close friends to the people they are moving in next to.

After all of that conversation with another person today, saying they would show up after 5? yeah, no shows and no contact.  I just blow people off like that and move on.  The dude that showed up last night paid up and said he might have a friend that would want to move in.  Well, I replied, it's that lot right there. It's the last one available for long term, the other 2 lots over there are my short term stuff.  I just told him it's available, whether anything comes of it? Who knows.  This guy says he's going to be around for a year.  They are rebuilding the entire electric infrastructure for a 25 mile span between our town and the one north of us.  Yup, there's all kinds of poles, substations, high tension lines, etc.  He said he checked out all the other rv parks around and said he wanted nothing to do with them.

I do understand my small little park has it's appeal, but so much so that a lot of people are saying the same thing? If they think it so great, why can't they please leave me a Google review? lol.  

Anyway, I came home the second time today but ended up going back over there to collect the rent.  He's paying a higher price and I have no problem charging it.  So, 3 trips over there and a lot of work done.  More to come tomorrow - a lot more.  Lord willing, of course.  

It's been a very long day.  I am not complaining, but I'm tired.  A re-run of something and I'm going to bed early - early for me anyway.   


The electrician finally left a job site to come up and take a look.  When he arrived, he said he was surprised to see the park near full.  Yes, well I have done heavy advertising.  He said they built a park south of town on 59 and he hardly has anyone in there.  Hmmm.

I looked it up after the electrician left, sure enough there is a new, small park down there. Well out of the way, tho.  Not near the city. People wanting long term probably don't want to have to drive that far to get to town. He is also way over-priced. $50 per night? Lol.  Ok bud, no wonder you are sinking over there.  Try bringing down your prices, more business at a lower price is better than almost no business at a higher one.  It's why I have my prices where they're at.  I'm competitive with everyone but my nightly fee is undercutting most everyone.  My monthly as well, but I'm bringing that up. 

Anyway, I showed him everything I had done and asked the big question: Do I need a ground wire running from the pedestal to the shed?  I showed him the grounding rods I had installed.  He thought about it for a minute and said, yeah it should be fine.  But you could see he wasn't quite sure about his words.  So he called a person he works with. I could hear the conversation coming from the person on the phone.  My electrician explained that "he has ground rods in the ground at the shed, but he doesn't have a ground coming from the pedestal. Do you think that will be okay?"

I could hear the guy saying yes, as long as there is a neutral wire running from the pedestal.  The neutral wire apparently saved me along with the double ground rods at the shed. 

I had him take a look at everything, tho.  He went inside and asked if the light was hooked up? I have a ceiling light up.  Yes, it's all rock and roll time.  Ok! I'm going to go throw the circuit breaker and see what happens!  Uhh, oh.  Well I didn't hook up the lines at the pedestal, there is no power going to the breaker box yet, I was afraid of making an error, hence I wanted a professional to look.  

This guy went on and on about how he was surprised to see the park with so many RV 's in it.  Time to expand!  Yes, I said, I want to but I am having trouble getting a loan. It's at least 100k to build another 14-15 lots and right now, it's pretty tough. Plus they want 2 to 5 grand for an appraisal. What if I give that kind of money only to find out I can't get a loan anyway? That's just way too much money to lose for nothing.

He still went on, telling me everything I'd have to do.  I just threw up my hands, I totally wish I could!  Those people - the contractors - are loaded with money. It's nothing to them to talk about throwing 100k at a project.  Me? not so much lmao.  Too bad these contractors won't lend me the money, I could pay them back in about 4 maybe 5 years with plenty of interest to make them happy.  

So what's next. Well go back to the property and hook the thing up, of course.  I was leaving when he texted me back saying he was coming from Carthage.  I was leaving for lunch, I was starving, very hungry.  So I'm home, just got done with lunch, going to head back over there and see about getting this thing fired up!  

The new people haven't moved in, yet. That's likely due to having to tear down where they're at, put everything up and get it all moved over to my place.  

I am SO glad I don't have to throw another $500 at this project on top of everything else I've already spent and what I'm going to have to pay these other contractors to do the bathroom.  It's a breath of fresh air.  It's not just the money, either, I'm just really tired of toiling with it.  It's heavy labor and it's a lot of "thinking" in realms that I have no expertise. Looking at endless YouTube videos and trying to get a grasp on what I am doing.  

I just wish I felt a little better today. The pollen in the air is apparently getting me good.  It's still hitting everyone around here and the vehicles are still getting covered with green dust - pollen.  It takes the energy out of me. I have the drive to get this stuff done, but when the energy goes I'm just lagging and not feeling it.

Well, I'm heading back over, I feel better after having had a nice, keto friendly, Reuben sandwich.  


Posted this story on Facebook, but definitely posting a version of it here. 

The thing about having people at my park that watch out for things for me is that people who don't belong there don't get away with anything.  Or, people who do belong there but are doing something errant/contrary to the rules (think: blasting loud music that is going right through the walls of the next door neighbor and disturbing their peace or a loud party outside or a general disturbance after 10:00 pm).  

So when this guy pulls in last night, no-one actually thought anything of it. My eyes and ears over there know lot 11 is an overnight lot, so they thought it was just another person coming and going type of thing.  He just happened to take one of 3 lots in a row that were empty that is also one of the designated overnight things.  

However, this guy was not on the reservation list and I had no calls besides the people moving in today that there was anyone coming for long term. I was 100% sure of that, it's my park, it's only 14 spaces, it's pretty easy to manage, especially with campground software taking care of the short term people.  They make the reservation, they pay one night up front, bam, it's done.  The spot is reserved automatically on the calendar, the only thing I have to do is send them an automated confirmation letter and clear the "reservations needing attention" queue. When they arrive, I process their card for the rest of the payment if they are staying more than one night. One of those is showing up tomorrow. That person just put in a reservation yesterday for two days, explaining that he was coming in late, after 10:30 pm.

Does your park allow that? Thought about it for a second, yes we allow it, you just have to keep it quiet. People are sleeping and don't want to be bothered.  What I was thinking about? I have discussed this with long term in there and they have indicated that they either didn't know a person had come in overnight or that it didn't bother them.  Many parks will not allow it for a variety of reasons.  It's dark, you can't see what you're doing and you can run over things, such as pedestals. Many of those parks have lots so close together it's no wonder they have to worry about that.  I will allow it as long as no one complains.  

So what happened was, a set of eyes texts me asking me if the the T Mobile 8865 is the WiFi to use? She couldn't remember because she switched over to her own, personal hotspot for internet.  I'm lucky that all the carriers I have encountered so far have decent to very good reception there - it's close enough to the Interstate and there are cell towers within 2 miles.  Yes, that's the correct one.  I didn't know she was referring to this guy having had come to their lot to find out - versus calling my @$$ and first, asking for permission to take a lot and 2: finding out the wifi password.

Are you not getting a signal from it there?  She says no, the new guy on lot 11 needed it.  Say what? What new guy?  She instantly knew from my reaction that something was amiss.  I suppose with this person, it's helpful that they want to get their nose into everything they can possibly get it into.  A short discussion.  I didn't tell her, but I hopped in my vehicle and headed over there. No one is spending the night there for free, or at least not without my permission.  

The trailer was sitting there, on lot 11. It was all setup, including sitting on railroad ties they apparently brought with them.  The sewer hookups were in place, the 50 amp service hooked up, the water line hooked up and the lights were on inside the trailer. However, the pickup that brought it there? Was gone.  I knocked on the door a couple of time and then sort of banged on it.  That apparently got the attentions of the eyes as some of them started looking at what I was doing.  I wanted to make sure there wasn't someone in there that could explain what was going on. Some of these oil field workers travel around with their girlfriends/spouses or even family members.  

No answer, I threw up my hands and left.  I wasn't going to call the sheriff or a tow truck - yet - I wanted to find out what this person was doing there, why they hadn't called and why they assumed they could just pull into private property and park without permission.  It turned out, the eyes had gotten his phone number so they could text him the picture of the password. It's lengthy, it came with the device and I never changed it. 

So, I texted this dude.  "I was given this number from a guest at the rv park.  You positioned on lot 11. After coming over I think you are the quality control guy for the power plant?" I said that because the trailer looked the same and the setup was the same.  But, it turned out, it wasn't that guy.  "I am not.  I'm in space 11 but not with power plant" and "who is this". 

My thoughts exactly, who are you? I told him that there is no reservation for lot 11, no one coming in for long term, I'm the owner of the park.   He immediately called me - a very wise move on his part.  He went into this lengthy explanation of how he's been doing this for 20 plus years and that anytime he shows up at a park late, management never answers the phone, so he didn't bother to try calling.  That he was going to call me in the morning, etc, ad infinitum, he was profusely apologizing, at least.  

Getting some idea of what this dude is doing, he is friends with the 3 people that are paying through some 3rd party company to stay there.  I informed him that tho his friends are paying $400 per month, the revised lot rent now is $475 per month. I'm just not willing to eat electric costs that are coming my way and $475 is the going rate in my area for long term with 50 amp service. Either everyone is charging that much or some places are charging more and in some cases, much more.  Those 3 people are going to get notice in the next couple of days that the rent is going up to $475 for the summer, it's up to y'all whether you want to stay or not. 

This guy blew it off like it was nothing. He said he's paid as much as $900 per month to stay in west Texas.  Yes, I can imagine. There is a shortage of parks over there where all that gas and oil exploration is going on and even the slimiest of parks are charging a fortune. So I stood myself down.  I was getting a bit - jumpy. I'm not going to have people just pulling in there taking up a space without my getting involved the instant I find out about it.  I'm no pushover and I'm not going to get that kind of reputation. I don't want to come off as a hard@$$ either, but you can't just allow yourself to be walked over like a doormat. 

I was actually talking in civil tones to this person, it's what was going on inside of my mind up until I got a full explanation that he probably wouldn't have wanted to hear about.  In reality, the 2 people that just left have been replaced within 36 hours.  And, the replacements are paying $75 more per month a piece for that privilege.  So, he did me a favor coming on over, taking a space and probably going to be there a while.  I still want to rent that 12th space, but the pressure is off to keep at least 11 spaces filled up.  

I will probably be losing another guy within a month as well. His stay was semi-long term, meaning about 3 months to do his work and then move on somewhere else. He may actually be leaving sooner, I really don't know, he didn't know for sure.  So it only seems prudent to fill up a 12th lot to keep the monies flowing in. And as I replace these people, I am raising the rate.  

I have contacted everyone that said they wanted a lot, I have not heard back from any of them save the person that is moving in today.  I have my Facebook ads running, I am hoping to hear from a potential renter any time now considering it's near the end of the month.  

All's well that ends well, right?  

Today? Well, out of the blue and certainly not forecasted until this morning, it's going to rain.  I am not going to bother going over there to dig up that line.  Well, I will if the rain doesn't hit us, but so far, the forecast is remaining the same: "rain likely around 9:45 am".  It's almost 9:00 am right now, I have been dealing with "stuff" related to the business this morning at my home office (my bedroom lol, but I have this huge desk that is devoted to the business).  

I have to deal with T Mobile as well. The sim cards are in and I was trying to make heads or tails of how this works. Apparently, I have to pay my phone off with Verizon first out of my pocket to get it unlocked, then I can switch over to T-Mobile and then, after sending them a screen shot of what's left owing on the phone, they will send a prepaid card to pay for it.  

I didn't know I had to pay that phone off first out of my own pocket. It's $500 left owing on it and I don't really want to lose that much cash right now.  I may take the phone in for a screen replacement.  It's got scratches all over it. They won't do a screen replacement, lol, they'll replace the phone.  I'll just have to think about this for a minute, I've got 3-1/2 weeks before I "have" to switch over or lose the opportunity for the payoff. My other phone is paid off, I don't have to worry about that. 

Anyway, I have some receipts left to take photos of for quickbooks. I went through 83 of them yesterday, probably a dozen or so more left to go. I'll be checking to make sure all of my business expenses are showing up on the business accounts - checking and quickbooks - and then I can go make an appointment with the CPA. .I'm working on it, that's what I can say, if it rains, I will endeavor to finish this today and get caught up.  I've been inputting receipts going back to August of last year.  Including the huge receipts for contractor work.  I seem to be missing one for the land clearing, but I still have stuff to go through. That was 12 grand, I'll definitely want that in the books. 

I am labeling all of that stuff "new construction". That way, all of those receipts can be shown in one column, added up and walaah, there is what it cost to build the park. Tree clearing, dirt work, septic, water, power, signs, etc etc etc.  Ohhh, I need receipts for that mulcher man.  He never gave me any. I know what i can do, tho, find the checks I gave him for the work and use those as proof of payment. That is definitely part of the construction expense. All of that money spent on the bridge and the stairs is already input, that was easy, it was all on a Lowe's card.  

Well, anyway, it's good that it's only Wednesday.  If it rains I can just get out there tomorrow and get that stuff done.  I really need to build that other shed, maybe I can do (or at least start) that this afternoon after the rain leaves the area.  I need to clear out half the shed for these people to have room to work.  Some of it can go outside and not be bothered by weather (just stuff I don't want stolen, but I can put it back in the back where I park my trailer, well out of sight of anything).  The generator I may just bring home, I really have no place for it, it's pretty large and would take up half of a shed.  The rest I can move to one side of the shed, out of their way.  

Taylor said yesterday she will be happy to go camping - after I get a toilet in there.  I wonder how many other people think the same thing? ... and why I am getting no tent campers.  That's a possibility, but it's also possible it's just not that popular around here. The guy that runs the 2 parks says they get occasional tent campers in, but not very often.  Yes, but he doesn't have a deep woods set up.  I have something pretty cool, I think anyway, that might get people in there. I will start heavily advertising locally on Facebook and on my google account for tent camping. It will be cheap and it will have water, firewood, a toilet and shower available.  The toilet and shower aren't close to the camping area, but who cares? Maybe some people do, lol, no biggies.  

Having thought about it, I should have dug out a pit for an outhouse in the back.  At least have something available right there for them to do their duty.  HipCamp owners use outhouses a lot, I found out after doing some research. It's not unusual and it's a relatively cheap answer for something that we all have to do every day: go to the bathroom.  Urinating in the woods is one thing, having to relieve solid waste in the woods is entirely another and probably not that many people want to do that.  I don't personally care that much and I've had to engage several times while over there working.  Shrugs shoulders, I'm not driving all they way home to use the bathroom!  And soon, that problem will be eliminated, thank God Almighty!

That windshield check hit the bank, finally, glad to get that out of the way and hopefully that will cover the entire cost of it being replaced.  I just wanted it cleared out of the account.  I'm getting another $950 in today, replace that money but then another $1,200 plus parts right back out the window.  I have really struggled with this one, paying them to complete my work, but I think it's the right thing to do. They know what they're doing, they will get it done quickly and that's the operative word: it will be done. I will immediately get to framing up a wall and get a door in there. I remembered I already have a light for the ceiling, I will just need to wire a switch and the light and perhaps an outlet. 

I don't really want an outlet in there, but I'm thinking, what if it turns out I really need to have one in there? It's way easier to do it now while the walls don't have drywall on them.....

This electrician is starting to annoy me. He's had that effect on me before. Promise to come out and then not show up and give no indication or even communication of when he might be coming.  I am not blowing up his phone, but I am sending him text messages on a daily basis. Do you still think you can make it out this week?  I want that laundry setup running.  It should already be running.  

This has been a long entry but there's lots on my mind. I am definitely - I think anyway - making the right choice to go ahead and try to rent out that 12th lot.  If it turns out that short terms start flowing in after getting a bathroom in there, I will have another lot opened up soon enough. And that's the thing, I don't want to be caught having to try and rent another lot when someone leaves, I will already have a 12th lot rented and it won't sting me with that loss of revenue.  

Well, I just remembered I need to get my hair fixed.  I got a haircut yesterday from a "stylist" that butchered my hair.  It was a really bad haircut. I encountered this stylist a month ago getting one of the boy's hair cut and she also messed his hair up badly.  I like that cutting salon, I will never allow her to cut my hair again. But I'm not going back there to fix it, I will go try out a barber shop in the area and see how they do.  

I also need to go to Lowe's for - something not business related for once.  My pond water-sterilizer isn't working. It's a lamp that kills algae as it moves through it.  The lamp is burnt out and just so happens Lowe's sells replacements. The water is dark green, you can't see the fish lol.  

I am going over to the park rain or now. My daily drive through plus i can start organizing stuff out of the way inside the shed even if it rains. I'll get something  done over there today!


 Happy Independence Day! I'm tempted to go into some of these debate groups filled with far left progressives (communists) and kids (col...