Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Tuesday - late morning

I haven't been posting - I get started on an entry and then get distracted by things and don't get back to the blog.  

I left off at the 700 mile mark in Odessa, spending the night there at the Marriott Residence Inn.  It was a good night's sleep and I ate a wonderful breakfast - they have a huge breakfast bar at all of them and it includes meat, potatoes, cereals, waffles, scrambled eggs, etc.  I didn't eat too much meat but they were serving egg white scrambled so I scooped up a bunch of that.

The rest of the drive home was uneventful even if full of stupid people who have no business having a driver license.  Ridiculous nonsense.  

The truck ran perfectly, never a single hiccup.  It gets almost 18 mpg which is good for that thing, I have subsequently found out looking it up online.  My SUV only gets 15 on the highway, I was already used to gas hogs. In fact, the SUV is still at the airport and I am trying to find a ride over there. Taylor doesn't have to go over there all the time anymore and by the time she goes back, I will be on the road and won't be able to take advantage of hitching a ride.  

So, I am likely going to have to pay for a ride. I dunno if I can get an Uber or Lyft over here but I'm going to try.  The SUV can be parked at the property for now, it needs work and tho I want to do it, it's not high on the priority list.  Front brakes and rotors, rear ac not working and a bushing.  I'm guessing a grand need be dumped into it, but I will likely replace the brakes/rotors myself and save a ton of money.  

Anyway, I stayed at a local La Quinta the day I returned for reasons I won't get into here, unpleasantries I will label it as. It was the first really good night's sleep I had had since the Sunday I had left. Marriott was good sleep, but not great.  I forgot about the part where someone was stomping up and down the hallway at 5:00 am-ish, I was planning on sleeping in until 7 - 7:30.  The noise went on so long that I was tempted to get up, get dressed and go out there and confront whoever.  I didn't do that, but still.

La Quinta was great sleep - but.... it's also the "Dog Inn" where people are allowed to bring their dogs in for stays as well.  Not a problem, except....I realized my bed was full of fleas too late.  My arms, chest and back were bitten all over and I have the bumps and red marks to prove it.  I have spent the last 2 days in itching hell and took a Benadryl at 3:00 am last night.  I went to sleep, yes, but now I have having trouble waking up, that stuff will knock you out.

That was the point of taking it, I just have things I'd like to get done today. I am not back at work, the manager hasn't contacted me and frankly, didn't really want to go back to work right away.  I am thinking of contacting him later  on today and working out getting back to work tomorrow. I'll need a trailer to start with, which is why I'm dreading going back to work. It is highly unlikely I'll get the trailer I have been using for many months and I'll have to start back at ground zero with whatever issues some other trialer - WILL - have because they always have problems and drivers don't get the stuff fixed. 

The truck needs a complete cleaning, I will say that. Dog hair and it just needs wiped down good and get that dog smell out of there.  I might do that today.  The city has forced a water limitation on everyone and the car washes were shut down. They had a main valve bust and they have to have one manufactured.  This city has a very old water transmission system that needs to be completely replaced.  They piecemeal everything together and constantly fixing water leaks.  Apparently, one of the local washes got permission to open back up, I'd like to get it washed and then spend quality time vacuuming out the interior.  

However, I am going to go to the park in a bit and see if I can get an uber from there to the airport.  I have heard Uber is up and running here again, I will try it. It will be an expensive ride but I can't leave my vehicle sitting there forever.  I don't want to bring the SUV back here, too many vehicles here as it stands I have one, the folks have 2 and a motorcycle.  

I just texted the manager the dreaded text: ready to go back to work tomorrow or whenever such is available.  I can't stay off work forever and trust me, if I'm not forced back into it and I get into "that" mindset, I will just sit it out for as long as I can get away with it.  Lol.  It's been long enough, I think the flea bites are starting to heal sufficiently but if it isn't oh well, deal with it.  

It's really bad on my fingers.  I didn't realize what was happening until too late. Started itching my fingers and cranking on them without thinking about it.  By the time I realized what I was doing?  Too late.  Have these giant bumps all over.  

And was on hold with the Texas State Comptroller. Required filing every year, I sent it off months ago and now they are threatening to take away my business license because I didn't file?  I sent it off to them via snail mail.  No clue there, but I intend on getting to the bottom of it for I need that license to operate my business.  

Whatever else?  I just talked with the manager. He wants me to come up and pick up a trailer, plus do whatever service the mechanics deem necessary and I have paperwork to turn in as well as hazmat paperwork that needs renewed.  I'm not hauling hazmat atm, but if the situation arises, need to be legal for it.  I'm going to leave early in the morning so I don't have to waste an entire day doing that nonsense.  Like, out of the house by 6:30 am, out of the park by 7 and up there around 9:30. It's only 136 miles but it takes 2-1/2 hours to get up there, probably spend a few hours there and the same amount of time back.  Gets me home no later than...2:30 we'll give some extra time there. 

I don't know what else. Still running ads and not getting a lot of hits.  I'm being undercut by other parks so I have advertised $200 off, given out over a 3 month period. I'm not giving $200 off the first month, it's long term and if they want the discount, they'll have to stay 3 months to get all of it. The new guy has meters so he's advertising much less and disclosed in fine print that the power is extra.  People will figure it out after they stay there a while, it isn't the bargain they think it is.  

However, I could install some meters on some lots for fairly cheap and try it.  Just take the profit in the rent and the guest can eat the electric bill.  I'm still about these covered parking setups and I'm going to have one installed, or do it myself because they will probably charge a fortune to install it.  Just rent an auger machine, dig out the post holes, put the posts in, cement them, etc.  I kind of want to build a woodens structure, they don't look tacky such as their metal ones do.  I have seen several parks with the metal versions I just don't like the way it looks.  I don't know if anyone else cares, but I am about nature and the metal isn't about nature.  

Shrugs shoulders, obviously my "old" way of getting people in isn't working I have to reinvent the park.  That only happens with additional amenities.  

Oh, and Lyft is actually available here.  $38, it's 40 miles there so that's not really a bad price. Get my vehicle back and have that issue taken care of. 

In fact, I'm going to finish getting dressed, head over to the park and order the ride.  


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 Tuesday - late morning I haven't been posting - I get started on an entry and then get distracted by things and don't get back to t...