Thursday, April 11, 2024

 Thursday mid-morning

I went to bed at 8:40 last night and just now got up - 12 hours later.

I was very tired, I think this tax stuff is getting to me.

I also think I have met my match on this nonsense.  I usually can figure things out and was hoping with the help of Turbotax I could sort of feel my way through this. I'm going to try again today, I haven't given up just yet, but I think it may be that I will have to pay someone to do this stuff for me.  


After an hour spent with a live chat agent, I think I have finally figured this out and it is going to take agonizing hours to go through all of these receipts and reclassify them.  It is a slow process and I am not exactly jumping up and down for joy with it.  54k worth to go through, that's just those types of receipts.  I think I have everything else categorized correctly, it was just this stuff I figured were expenses and in reality, some of it is expenses and some of it should be classified under assets.

What that does to my tax return and whether I owe money or not? I will find out in the end.  Right now, I am taking a break from this nonsense and also wishing, of course, that I had started this sooner.  Now I am under pressure even tho I still have what, today through Monday.  The only other recourse is to file for an extension, something I'd rather not do.  I just want this stuff finished and over with.  


I am entangled in the woes of this tax nonsense and not getting a lot of help from "pros".  I suspect I will end up doing the best I can, call it good and if they audit me, they audit me.  I have receipts for everything.  It's all input into the system, I don't have to produce them, there are pictures of them.  They can access my bank account and my quickbooks account and come up with whatever conclusion they want to.  I'm going to continue on with editing what is an expense that isn't an assett, get it over with and be done with it.  Today? No.  

Hopefully by tomorrow I will just say screw it, here it is, hope it goes through, whatever.  

Well that isn't shocking now.  Electricity is under expenses, that's what it is categorized under.  I spent around 15k just on that last year.  Then you have credit card payments under the business, a shed payment, the washer and dryer payment, these are all under expenses.  I don't actually think I mislabeled most of this, some of it should have gone under assetts but not that much.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


It is giving me red flags telling me that maintenance and business expenses "seem high".  Yes, it is a new business and there were many expenses for a start up that I incurred.

However, I am going to go back through all of it and find what title I should have given it, there must be something for new start up expenses or something that will more adequately explain what the expense is for. I just put it under supplies, but perhaps that isn't correct.  

I can tell ya, I have no idea what I'm doing here.  I will be paying for the return to be reviewed, for so far, with all of the expenses, I owe nothing to the IRS.  I feel like that isn't right for some reason. 


Night time, many hours  later. 

I got tired of tax work and went up to Lowe's for supplies I needed - chain saw oil and gas, a bag of concrete and paper towels.  Oh, and a hair cut up the street.  And met up with Taylor/oldest child at Cici's for lunch - sort of a buffet pizza place.

Went over to the property later on, the driveway is totally trashed again.  I kind of expected it, but it's worse now than the last time and there if far more water coming down the driveway, draining off neighboring property, than last time.  The destructive powers of moving water.  I have no plans to fix that this week, it will happen after the next round of rain comes and goes next week.  I don't really want to be renting an expensive machine every month, but then again, we don't normally get rain the lasts for 3 days at a time.  

So, this round is over.  

I have a lot more work to do on taxes and it's just going to have to wait until tomorrow. It takes precedence over renting machines and other stuff, I need it done, over with and get it behind me. And right now? I don't know that it will be done before or on Monday if I don't just continue working on it as I have today and yesterday.  

I'm going to have to go over a few hundred receipts from last year and probably reassign them, that will take hours.  I want it labeled under construction, not supplies  That makes it look like what it is: supplies for new construction. It's 60k worth which is why it was flagged, I guess.

That's it. It's almost 9, I'm going to bed soon.  

 Tuesday late-morning

Well, yesterday was a unmitigated horror flick on real life. OK, it wasn't that bad, but it was seriously bad driving conditions.  I got on the road and felt the truck hydroplaning at only 55 mph.  I was driving slow in very heavy rainfall for a long distance.  When I got near the trailer washout place in Nacogdoches, guess what happened?

Work texted me: Your load cancelled for today.  I drove an hour and a half, got soaking wet to get into the truck, etc etc, for this? The worst part about it is that they had received that email from the company last night, no one bothered to read it until after I was already well down the road.  That kind of got me going a little bit.  I was almost to the washout place, so I went anyway, at least get that over with.  

Drove back in rain, but it wasn't as bad. When I got home, I started working on inputting all of these receipts.  Oh, well the manager called me and didn't exactly apologize for having me driving in that s*** for no good reason at all. He instead asked about my schedule, which he already knew but was about to make a point: we are really short handed for weekend drivers.  He made it known in no uncertain terms that he needed drivers for this weekend. 

I replied that since it was scheduled off - something I didn't ask for btw - I was going to be finishing up my taxes. It might take a while to do them since I've never done a business tax before coupled with a regular job taxes.  

I have, in fact, started on that after spending many hours this morning reviewing endless receipts and assigning them to their proper account designation and how it was paid for.  In fact, I am on Turbotax now but I needed a break from this nonsense.  It asking me endless questions and I am stuck at the W-2 part.  I don't remember getting a W-2 from my employer, I'm about to look through where it "should" be if I did.  If not, I will be asking them to email it to me so I don't have to wait for it in the mail.  No rush, it's only Wednesday, I will try to take care of it today but this office work really is not my cup of tea.  Or coffee. Or anything else for that matter.  

Actually, I'm fixing to leave here and go to the park and see if these people took the spot or not.  They reserved it yesterday, I did accept the reservation but I included in that email that the spot where it's at is quite wet and potentially muddy, you may want to find other accommodations.  So they call me and start yada yadaing and I just reminded them what I had written.  In no uncertain terms, I wasn't recommending this spot, at all.  

We have had ongoing rain for a couple of days now. It has stopped but only for a few hours, it is going to start again around 1:30 pm it's saying on the forecast. That's enough time to get over there, take look, get over to Lowe's and get some bar chain oil and gas for the chainsaw.  There is a tree that needs to be cut back along the driveway and some brush that has come down along it as well.  It's sort of impeding the flow of traffic through there.

Needless to say, there is a stream (and not a small one either) of water traveling down the driveway and of course destroying my driveway again.  I will be renting that machine again, I guess, to fix it.  But first, I need the mini ex and get that stuff done.  I can use the mini to dig up some pothole areas, loosen up the soil and then just use the blade on the mini to go over it and smooth it out. That way, those potholes are no longer an issue, the area around them will be completely loosened and the holes will be gone.  

When am I doing that? Well, tomorrow isn't showing any rain, so maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday, not sure.  Taxes really take precedence but right now, I just remembered my hair has grown out quite a bit and I need a haircut, need to get to Lowe's for the chainsaw stuff and another bag of concrete for that pole and then over to the park to see if those people decided to stay, they owe money if they did, but I'm guessing they moved on.  Who knows.

Then I can come back home and look for that W-2 and request ...cancel that, found the W-2 looking where I figured I would have dumped it and lo and behold, there it was.  So, that takes a big worry off, the next thing is finding how much I sent in last year for estimated taxes.  I wrote it down on my big pad - somewhere, lol.  I never said I was a businessman, tho by default I am one.  I'm referring to the paperwork part of it, I hate that stuff and I have Quickbooks to thanks for saving me from an otherwise dreadful existence trying to figure that stuff out.  

Anyway, I have a 3 hour window to get some stuff done before we get another deluge. And I really would like to help the manager out if possible, I hate working weekends but working every other weekend was part of the deal. However. I did work 2 weekends in a row....still, it's going to be too long between runs, I need the money.  

One thing that is making me very happy, however, is the fact that after paying the property taxes and the electric bill, I still have almost 3k in the business account.  And most of this month's business bills are paid. 

The only thing of concern right now is a person that has disappeared but their trailer is still sitting on one of my lots. They aren't responding to my attempts to ask them their intentions. Staying, going, if staying, when do you plan on paying?  They are currently 8 days behind on their rent.  Not the end of my world, but if they are moving, take the damn thing out of there so I can re-rent it. I have been turning people away left and right......Anyway, if I go into summer with at least 3 or 4k in that account, I won't have to worry about summer electric bills. Really took me by surprise last year the incredible amount those bills were.

This year will be different in that I have a trucking job so I shouldn't need money from the business to pay for my personal bills.  

Yup, I still have some stuff to do for this tax return. I have to see how much I paid myself as well, that will take some time going through all of that. Or will it? I will be looking in quickbooks to see if it delineated owner draw checks, I put that on them to ensure I knew what was what.  It's pretty easy, tho, they are even amounts and usually around 1k.  I would be surprised if I had any huge tax burden from last year considering I didn't really get paid that much.  I'll be finding out soon enough. 

As for now? I want to get stuff done before the next round of rain.

Monday, April 8, 2024

 Mid - day

Got more than I planned on getting done - done.  The pole is put together, in the ground and cemented in.  It will be next week at the earliest before I trust the cement has dried and cured enough to put a ladder against the thing.  It's supposed to rain the next 3 days.  I don't mean sporadic rain, from what I am hearing it's going to be another 3 day constant rain event.  

Not in love with that idea, but, it doesn't matter. I have a lot more mowing to do over there, I didn't plan on doing all of that today.  I threw away a large amount of trash from the tent lady's area, mowed that all down and the guy next door and cleaned it up nice.  It's usable for 30 amp service if anyone wants to stop in for an overnight.  I don't want to do long term there right now, not until I get my other electrical system in.  

I could have forced myself to do more, but I have other plans with the rest of the day that don't include physical labor. I badly need a haircut and then - if there's time after I get the rest of my agenda done today? start clicking off photos for my quickbooks.  That will get tossed into the turbo tax setup - it's all owned by the same company and interlinked when you allow it to do so.  

Oh, I also went to the bank and deposited more cash.  I'm pretty good about that, getting it into the business account and getting it out of my hands so I don't spend it.  Both accounts are looking pretty spiffy now that I have dumped the gift money in there, have a large paycheck added to it and just collecting rents for the business account. Even after the property tax, there is a nice chunk of change in that account of which I am fixing to pay out the electric bill.  It will still be around 2 grand, money I don't want to touch but, alas, will have to in order to rent a mini-ex.  

I figure Thursday I will get everything ready for that venture and then Friday morning, go get the machine and hope that they have one available.  I'll get the pipe for the driveway over to where it needs to go and I'll get the spool of wire out and ready to go as well.  

With that in mind, yes, I"ll get started on this tax garbage today. I've been procrastinating, I freely admit. I hate that kind of paperwork, it is tedious and it just gives me a headache.  

BTW, the sky is completely overcast.  The eclipse starts in 40 minutes, will peak in something like 2 hours.  I'll try to get a live video - short one - of near the period where the least light will be showing, but it's already dark out there with the overcast skies. 

 Monday - semi early

I had no plans of getting up ultra early today and don't regret it. 

I do have plans of getting out of here in about 30 minutes and go get some stuff done over there.  Mostly, finish cleaning up the tent lady's disaster zone - most of that stuff is going straight to the dumpster.  And see if I can put that pole up.  

That will eat up some time and then - we have an eclipse and afternoon rain.  And the comet, which I am now reading has been viewable with a pair of binoculars and apparently will be most visible on the 21st of this month. 

The people that wanted the tent lady's old space bowed out of it. Said their son was going to take them in and so they won't be needing it.  I basically advertise those "alternate" lots on FB page here and there, but I don't actively seek people for them. It just sort of works out that way that they eventually get filled.

Off today, 2 days on work then 4 days off.  Thursday or Friday I'm hoping to rent the mini ex and get with that trenching project.  I want 2 days to be able to rent the thing, get the stuff done but not have to take it back until the next day in case I find other stuff I want to do with it.  The trench should be easy enough, dig it out, lay the wire and backfill it with the machine's blade.  I'll just leave enough extra wire sticking out of the ground near the pedestal to be able to run it into it once I hand dig out the pedestal to be able to get the wire in there.

The other end, the trench can stop where I want the new electrical panel to be installed.  I'll have to install a couple 4x4s in the ground, I can't mount it to the shed for I have no access to install a couple of boards on the inside of the shed to be able to screw the setup onto.  In other words, I'll get the trenching done and the line in the ground, but there will still be work to do afterwards.  I also want to get a trench across the driveway and get an 8 inch diameter piece of pipe in that can drain off water from one side to the other.  Or maybe 6 inch would work better.

I keep looking at the power bill and dreaming it could stay that way year round.  I might get another month close to it tho.  I don't expect the next bill after this one to be terribly high, after that? yeah, can expect it to start ticking up. 

There is nothing else of note going on in my world - I did file a complaint with Applebee's about the atrocious service I received their yesterday.  The oldest boy was sad that I stated I don't want to go there anymore.  He said he didn't get a chance to say "goodbye to Applebee's". What that really means is there is a gentleman that works there who is really cool, he is a host that seats people, cleans tables, puts out the silverware, stuff like that.  He has no control of how the place is run and I don't blame him for yesterday's ridiculous fiasco at all.  

It isn't the first time this has happened, but after an hour and forty five minutes, one would think, especially after the restaurant had finally cleared out, they could have gotten me my food and they even told me my food was ready.  20 - 25 minutes later I left - with no food. I am sure Applebee's will write back and say we're sorry, make excuses and that will be that.  Shrugs shoulders.  

Well, make some coffee, put it in the thermos and get out of here.  

Sunday, April 7, 2024

 The local Applebee's typically has horrible service, so it's not a shocking surprise when you wait, 30, 40 50 plus minutes for food.  Today?  I was there an hour and forty-five minutes and never did receive my food and yes, I finally got up and walked out.  It's a long story and I don't feel like going into it right now, but an hour and forty five minutes? And a manager visiting several times and still nothing?  Bad day for them? Every day is a bad day for this particular Applebee's, the place is an anomaly. Most Applebee's are not this bad.  

Learn my lesson? Well, I like their food but I'm not going to go back any time soon.  Try keeping hungry kids from getting irritable for that long amount of time.  Yea, doesn't work out too well. 

The cows are gone. I called the Sheriff, they contacted the owners, the owners must have come and got them.  


Sunday night.  

Tomorrow is rain, which doesn't start until afternoon, but the forecast is calling for "mostly cloudy".  I'll just wait for the eclipse around noon, watch it get partially dark, say wow that was fun! and move on.  Someone will get footage of that 2 horned comet I would like to hope, that's what I really want to see.

More tractor companies pitching their wares. They are mostly in the same price range tho there is a Kubota dealer - the orange tractors - that gave me a quote for 27k. Still pricey, at least in my little world, but not as bad as 35k.  $337 per month.  7 years, of course.  This is where they lose me still, even with a lower payment, they are still quoting for near forever terms.  I'll be 67 years old by the time the thing is paid off. 

I haven't gotten back to the dude at the park about how much I could do for a down payment.  The Kubota place said if I put 3k down I'm at or below $300.  Still 7 years, but that is a little more palatable than the rest of the "offers" I have received.  I'm not in a hurry here, if I need to rent a tractor again, I will.  If I can afford a monthly tractor payment then I can afford to rent a tractor once per month as well?  

I'm not dwelling on tractors, I need one, but not so badly that I can't live without it.  It just means stuff not getting done.  

If it isn't raining in the morning, I'm going over and get some stuff before the rain hits.  Get up around 8ish, get over there 9ish, work 3 hours and then come home and start taking snapshots of receipts, get that into quickbooks.  Quickbooks wants $425 to do my taxes if I have a pro take a look at it after I'm done, less if I just do it myself with no oversight, much more if I want a pro to do all of it.  I'm undecided but it's probably going to be the first one as long as I'm comfortable that I have it right. I don't need the IRS breathing down my neck, I want it right the first time.  It'll be the first time I'm trying to do a return with owning my own business and working a job.  I can say that it's less than 25k earned between the 2 last year, there isn't that much money to have to account for. 

I'm not worried about it, per se, just want it right and get it postmarked/elecrtronically sent before or on the 15th.  

Well that's enough.  It's getting close to 9 and I'd like to vegetate in front of the tv for awhile, go to sleep relatively early.  

 Sunday - late morning

I don't think it's going to be all that great for people wanting to see the eclipse tomorrow. 97% chance of rain here, we're on the outside of the total eclipse but we'll be in the partial range.  However, the I-30 corridor basically has 50% chance of rain and that would likely mean even if it doesn't rain, there is going to be cloud cover.  Not trying to be a party-pooper, but even the forecasters have been throwing a wet blanket on these traveler's desire to spend that kind of money and see- nothing.  It will get dark, but you won't be able to see the actual event.

Anyway, cows on the property this morning. From the looks of it, they've been there at least since yesterday considering the considerable amount of cow pies laying all over the place and a large area in the grass where they were obviously laying down.  There are 14 of them. A bull, heifers and several calves.  

Almost 100% sure they are a neighboring property owner's cattle. I tried going to their house, which is set back about 150 feet from the street. Their security gate was open but if anyone was home, they weren't coming out when I drove up.  I did not get out of the vehicle, this is Texas and the dude is an ex-sheriff who held the position for 40 years.  I'm not taking too much chances getting shot or otherwise confrontation with someone that would obviously be armed and quite well able to defend their property.  

I left a note, but I decided to call the Sheriff's dispatch number (non emergency).  They took down the info and then a lady called back about 30 minutes later.  "I know Tom goes to church on Sundays, he isn't answering his phone".  They had left him a message and asked if I thought the cows would be ok? Oh yes, they're fine, they're on the easement running through my property, eating grass, no water but they'll be ok for now. I've heard nothing since then, but I'm sure he'll be along with a group of people to herd them back to his property. I'm more interested in him finding out where the breach is so he can repair the fence line. I couldn't find anything and still wondering how they got onto my property? So  yea, even if I could force those cows back to his property, I want the owner to see them on my property so he'll be motivated to find wherever it was they made their way through and repair it.  

It happens.  Not a fan of cow pies, but other than that, they were mowing the grass for me.  

So, I have today and Monday off, back to work for 2 days and then Thursday through Sunday off.  I don't know about tomorrow, it's a high chance of rain so getting stuff done over there is questionable, however, it doesn't matter. I am going to spend however many hours inputting receipts into the quickbooks application and getting everything caught up and then start on trying to get my taxes done.  I'll pay them to do it for me if I have to, but I am going to try to do it myself with their system guiding me through it.  

I think I've only written myself $1,500 in owner's draw checks this year and if these paychecks hold up in net amount, I will not have to take any more checks off of the business side, meaning paying on taxes on it at all.  I also didn't make that much money last year, I was living off of loans mostly, so even tho I expect to have to pay some tax money - I have paid some on it and I have payroll taxes going through as well, it really shouldn't be much.  I would be considered in a poverty level status for the amount I took in.  I wasn't living in poverty, of course, but that's what it will look like on the books for income.  

You do a cashout-refi on your house, that cash is non-taxable because it's a loan. The previous year I cashed out the 401k's but the government took their money and I can tell you it was in the tens of thousands of dollars range.  I should be good there as well.  But, the IRS is clued in onto me after having sent me the envelopes and the estimated tax info and stubs to pay it out quarterly.  The only thing I "fear" if I stop taking money for paychecks out of the business account is that the IRS might grow suspicious and wonder why I am not claiming anything.  I can answer that, of course, with paychecks from trucking, but still.  I'll cross that bridge if if/when it comes to it I guess.  Not like this venture is making me right - yet.  Maybe some day if I ever get more lots in there.  

Well, almost time to leave for church. I was wishy-washy about it this morning, sort of didn't feel like going but after taking a shower I feel better.  Just wasn't quite awake and thinking, gee, sitting in church, sleepy and not very well tuned into the message.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

 Thursday - evening

Typical late start day.  Get up there in 2 hours 18 minutes, scale in, drive to the shack, spend X amount of time there, drive back to scale, get out of there.  Just feels like a very long day when you don't get back until after 5:00 when I'm normally getting back from Gurdon around 2:00 ish - give or take depending on how long it takes to pump the glue out of there.

Anyway....the farmers. They had decided to leave because they were being shot at by - lasers.  Not laser pointers, but actual lasers. I sat there and listened to this story after I got back from the run today.  Well, first off, then they changed their minds and said they would stay another month.  I'll listen to anyone's story regardless, some of the things people conjure up in their minds is pretty interesting, even more so if they actually believe the stuff they are saying.

Lol.  So, a snapshot of the story goes like this:  they were farmers for 50 plus years.  I'm sure they were, why would they make that up? He said they were selling about a quarter million dollars worth of produce off of their land every quarter.  Ok? Yes, well we were taking business away from - it's a chain local to Texas, supermarket with a lot of medium sized and a few larger sized store.  People had stopped buying their produce because they were going to these farmers to buy it from them instead.  Pretty typical, people like to stop at those stands and buy fresh produce right from the farm.

Then we get to the conspiracy theory.  The corporate people decided they didn't like this and somehow enlist the government to hire people to shoot lasers at them.  He then produced a large number of pictures both showing lasers being shot and the damage they had done to their skin.  A man sitting up on a cell tower (this wasn't at my park, this was a few years ago) was one such person and he had pics of him, his pickup and the light beams that he claimed were lasers.  

I don't want to go too far with this on here, who knows who's reading this blog and I am not trying to start trouble.  Not with them or anyone.  Some of the pics were rather ghastly looking, tho, the damage from these lasers or - whatever caused it to happen to their skin.  

Take all of that for what it's worth.  He then started asking about my tractor - he's a farmer.  I don't have a tractor, I replied, but I've been looking into buying one. They want a lot of money for one and I don't want to spend that much money - or really - I don't want payments that high.  So he starts telling me about his John Deere tractor and the he might be interested in financing it for me.  How much do you want to pay? He had already told me a price of 18k including several attachments.  

Well, I want to keep my payments around $300 per month, John Deere wouldn't budge in their price or payments so I just finally said no to them.  Well, what if I were to owner-finance for you?  I had no idea he was going this direction with the conversation, so he sort of caught me by surprise. you  have anything for a down payment? Umm, well I do, but I'd have to look to see how much I could afford, I can get back to you on that.  

I came up with a figure in my mind but I didn't want to say anything right away.  These people are loaded with money, they sold their farm and they are set for life.  But, you know, if you have something worth something, you aren't going to just give it away. If I put 3k down on a tractor, it comes out to 4.16 years worth of payments at $300 per month, not including if they are charging interest.  You say, well, I thought you were going to sit on that money?  Yes, I was and thinking of getting another septic system.

Unfortunately, the price of the same size septic system as what I already have has gone up almost 2 grand in price.  It wasn't shocking to see the contractor texting me that price today, everything is going up, not surprising his costs are going up with it and therefore, dumping it onto potential customers. 

It put the cost of one of them out of range.  I don't have $8,500 and I really need a tractor to boot.  I need both, really.  I have no clue, but if he'd take that kind of down money, I'd probably go for it.  However, I didn't want to just blurt out: Yes! I''ll give you 3k down right off the bat.  These are financial decisions that I really just need to think about first and see where it's going to leave me after the fact.  

I also need to find out what I'm going to be getting paid on new pay scale, which I will be finding out shortly.  

Anyway, the kids? One has guitar and soccer practice, actually the soccer practice is already going, but he had guitar practice first and the other has a baseball game that starts, get this, at 7:30 pm.  That seems a little late to start a game for 7 year olds on a school night, doncha think?  He'll be getting home way past his bedtime and even later actually getting to bed.  

I'm leaving for the soccer practice in a few minutes, the field is only 3 minutes away.  He was begging me to come, the other one wasn't asking me to go to the game, thankfully, I don't want to be out that late.  It's not really late, I guess, but I have first load tomorrow, meaning get up at 5:30 am. Back to normal.

So, that's it for now.

Thursday (already?)  semi-early

I got up early this morning for no particular reason, well, I was feeling rested I guess so that was that.  I went to bed at 10 and got up at 7:15.  The sleep tracker finally, after all of this time and for the first time give me a score of 81 - which in their view has the statement of "Perfect!" and Great. Asleep time was 8 hours and 23 minutes, snore time was 8 minutes and 28 seconds.  Lol, snore time.  Is snoring a bad thing? Sleep apnea is bad, but I have no risk of that at all, at least according to this app.  A few times sleep apnea have appeared on there, but it wasn't long enough for it to do anything but say "risk is low">  

Why is all of this important? Well, when you've had sleep issues for going on 2 decades, get back to me and tell me how wonderful a ride that is.  When you get the night that you actually sleep well, you feel so wonderful the next morning. Alive, jubilant, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.  On the nights when you get 3 hours of sleep, you just wish the day was over before it started, you do the bare minimum and you struggle. 

Anyway, I was drying off after the shower this morning and had the thought: who on earth had the idea of making clothing and towels out of cotton?  When did it jump into a person's brain that this is possible and what made them think that? Just odd things that cross my mind at times.

Or, this idea that people are actually making vacations out of this upcoming eclipse and purportedly contemplating spending thousands of dollars on said vacation.  Why? I know eclipses are interesting, but I wouldn't drive a thousand miles to go see it.  In fact, I will by happenstance be in the direct line of it if I wish to wait around a couple of hours to "see" it.  I guess it's going to get dark for a few minutes and that's it, a partial eclipse before and after the darkness.  

Well, I can just wait until night time to see darkness lmao.

BTW, have you been watching this wave of crime all of these illegals coming into our nation are committing? Murder, rape, taking over people's homes (squatting), assaulting police officers, jubilant defiance and rebellion, they don't care.  

Anyway, I'm just sitting here musing about having a late day. Yesterday was quite late, much later than it should be.  I can't show up too early today, they will get upset and tell me not to show up so early for the second load.  I've seen them doing it with other drivers, I don't need to be on the receiving end of that.  I don't think they care if the tanks aren't full or close to full, but if they are close to full, they don't want you showing up until they use some of the product.  You can't offload into full tanks, obviously.

I was there 2 days ago and one of the tanks was completely full and the one I was pumping into had just enough room for another truckload.  Yes, it can change quickly, but I know for a fact there is another truck going up early today, so showing up too early without knowing the tank levels isn't a good idea. I'll just sit there for hours waiting.  I figure to get up there around 12:30, maybe even closer to 1.  

Basically, I don't like the second load in case you haven't noticed.  Just wastes the entire day.  

When I returned yesterday, however, I did get the motorcoach moved. The guy that has a trailer next to it decided he wanted to get into a rather long conversation, part of which turned to the fact that he had seen a rat underneath the coach and had jumped up inside of it.  I'm moving it to let other people use the spot but I also wanted to get it away from the shed and this other guy's trailer.  There are plenty of natural predators out there to eat those rats, let them run amok in the fields.  Feral cats and snakes to be precise.  They're welcome to munch away and gobble up all of them.  It wouldn't surprise me if there is a snake hiding out in that coach as well. 

I do have James interested in doing the work tho.  

I also found a loan with - well not great but better than anything else I've seen - that would have low monthly payments and would help me install 5 more lots - if I can get the septic installer to give me a quote.  If I can't afford the same sized system I have now, I can opt to get a smaller one. Less lots can be on it, at the same time, I can build them out as I have the time and money to do so.  It's 6 grand worth, the money I got from mom could get a septic system, I think but it couldn't do anything else.  Still need the electrical setup, pipe, pedestals, gravel, etc.  

No, I'm not taking the loan, not right now anyway.  I wouldn't do that until a septic system was actually installed and ready to hook pipe up to it.  There is the problem of how to form the lots as well.  Without  a machine with a blade, I can't do it.  I'd have to pay someone thousands of dollars to do that for me.  Not something I'm really interested in. This is going to be a lower budget operation, I won't skip on quality, I'll just skip on quantity.  I would do the same exact setup I already have, people like it and that's that.  

So, I'm sitting on that cash for now.  And also waiting to see what my next paycheck will be, I think I'll get it on Friday since we get paid on Monday.  They tend to pay early instead of waiting until the next day which would make it 16 days between checks.  I don't want to get overly optimistic about this, but there should be a pretty good check coming after taxes and deductions.  

Basically, what I would like to do is finance starting up the motor coach renovations.  I have no idea when James might get a start on it, I think he has slated Saturdays for his extra work stuff.   I could actually bring the thing over here, but it would look tacky and just out of place.  Not that our neighbors don't do that all the time, bringing all kinds of stuff and parking it both in front of their house and in their driveway and even in the front yard.  And 7 puppies, 3 dogs .... etc etc etc

Obi was out there "fence fighting" with all of them yesterday. They were making so much noise, it was easy to sneak up behind Obi and just stand there.  His barking at the other dogs through the fence went on for a couple of minutes before he turned and saw me.  The dog jumped 5 feet, let out a yelp and ran off ! lmao.  

Just one more thing and then I'm offa here. The farmers are leaving today. They said that people are using laser lights and went off into some wild conspiracy that I've never heard of, but sounded pretty sketchy.  He said they wanted to stay another month but won't because of that.  Ok?  I contacted a few people around them and asked if they had noticed anyone using laser pointers?  No.  They also talked about people being "planted" in small businesses, trying to ruin them. I'd be the first to deal with anyone like that in my park.  No one can really ruin my business unless they sued, perhaps, and got some ridiculous amount of money worth of a judgment, that's why I have insurance.  

I mean, there are ways to ruin a business, obviously, but my type of business is more immune to a lot of it.  The worst I could see happening is perhaps no one coming to the park.  Ok?  I'd change the venue of the park and turn it into mobile home lots or tiny homes, I'd figure something out.  Ok, not mobile homes, I'd have to change the underground electrical system and that would cost too much money.   

I guess people could bombard my Google reviews with negative stuff, that would definitely have an impact.  I simply told that I'm pretty proactive owner, I can't do anything about things I don't know about.  They can leave if they wish, I have someone else that wants to move in anyway.  They are friends with someone in the park and are going to buy a trailer and move in when a lot becomes available.  

Anyway, it was an odd conversation.  

And with that, I'm going to get my lunch ready to go, get another cuppa or two and fill the thermos, get my ice water and go to the park. I have rent to collect and want to set off the bombs in the coach before I leave today - oh and put up fresh, large glue traps in there. I threw most of the other ones away, there were either dead rat bodies on them or the entire edges of them were filled with cockroaches.  


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 Wednesday - 8:00 am

The newer scam parades on.  This is the one where they claim to be Facebook and say you have shared a copyrighted picture that belongs to someone else and if you don't do something about it, your FB account is going to be suspended or closed.  I knew it was fake the first time I saw it and now? I've been on the receiving end of this scam many times over.  They think fear tactics will work.  If FB is going to suspend your account, they just do it.  I do wonder what kinds of new scams will be generated with AI behind the wheel. I've heard that some scammers are using it to mimic a person's voice and then use it to call loved ones and somehow use it to get money out of them.  

Basically, if someone calls you and they sound out of character, hang up and call them back. The other thing these people do is use software to make their phone number appear as someone else's when they call.  I get sales calls all the time from "local" numbers.  I answer and it's some dude in India. I ask them if they are in the Texas city that the call says they're from? Of course not!  I say something to them about it and hang up. 

I will be in Arkansas along I-30 the day of the eclipse.  I know this because they keep dumping work on me.  Whether I want to stay up there that long to see it - unknown.  I typically wait for nothing when I'm done in Gurdon, it's get in the truck and drive home, non-stop.  I might - and I fleetingly say might - stay up there the guesstimated 2 extra hours it will be I would have to wait to see it.  I read a news clip that said the entire length of the I-30 corridor will be in the full eclipse path.  54 miles of my trips up there is on, you guessed it: I-30.  I could drive to the rest area right inside Texas off of I-30 to wait, I suppose. that would shave an hour off of driving back and still should be able to see the full thing. I guess I might want to get the glasses if I'm even considering it, plenty of places giving them away for free and even more selling them cheap.  

I paid off James after that money came in - I owed him some from the work he did on the shed last summer. I've been slowly paying him off, but it was nice to get that over with.  I guess I'll find out today - or tomorrow morning - whether the farmers are staying. I only have one spot available right now so if they do leave, it's not overly concerning, just try to get it filled back up quickly.  I get calls frequently and infrequently - it goes through cycles it seems -for long term.  


12-1/2 hours later.

Another long day.  I ended up having to wait at the plant 2-1/2 hours before they would even get to me.  The first load had come and gone, but they told me their truck takes precedence - even tho they were preloading it.  Meaning that the load wasn't going out until tomorrow.  So why did they have to load that first?  It was a 2-1/2 hour wait before they even got started on me.  I dunno, sometimes this job sucks, that's all I can say about that.

Tomorrow won't be any better, for there is no reason to get up to Gurdon before noon and it's been taking 3 plus hours up there to get the tanker unloaded. Yup, I won't be home until 5:30 at the earliest.  

Oh well, I can sleep in again, that's what I can say about that.

The septic install dude finally texted me back. I then asked him pricing and again, I never heard back from him.  Pretty normal for that dude, I will eventually get some sort of reply.

As for now? I am tired, it's 9:00 pm and I'm going to get ready to go to bed. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Still Tuesday lol.  

The boy was running all over the place on the soccer field, his team has a very good coach.  Very knowledgeable and very good with kids, even tho he coaches on a pro level.  Amazing a coach like that would even go to the kids sport level. I keep telling the boy he has an awesome coach and please listen to him.  I think he does listen, but I still want him to try and understand what kind of opportunity it is to learn from someone that has that kind of knowledge, expertise and skill. The coach is teaching basic level soccer, which is exactly what these kids need.  

Last year, the coach they had knew a little but really didn't have teaching down too much.  I give her kudos for volunteering and doing the best she could, I just find it a great opportunity to learn from someone who knows the sport inside and out.  

Anyway, it's the time of month to collect several rents.  I did try to get a small amount out of the tent lady's account, she owes me and she promised 20 times over she would pay me when she got the money - yeah it declined and the card company telling me to "do not try to run the card again". It was a longshot and there is no use in trying it again anyway.  My need to be able to run credit cards outweighs her need to rip me off, basically.  

The retired farmers either owe rent tomorrow or they leave. No clue, they don't socialize with anyone else in the park. Which is fine by me, people are free to do as they wish, I just have no pulse on what their intentions are.  

The dog is finally started to slow down, at least in the house. Outside he's a crazy barbarian, but, inside the house, if he wants my attention, he has to slow WAY down.  This has been a battle for awhile now, but I figured I would eventually win that battle and yes, it's working.  He's now coming and laying at my side and then, when I start petting him, he sits up and just takes it in. Good doggy!  

Late run tomorrow.  I mean, I'm not going to complain about sleeping in.  It'll keep my out later but since it's the Lufkin portion of the run, it shouldn't be terrible. I am not en-queue to take kids to any games or do anything but my normal stuff.  I am finding that the park - well it doesn't exactly run itself - but it does well enough if I am not available.  People don't leave because of my departures on a daily basis for points south or north.  I just tell them flat out, the park doesn't pay my bills, I have to work to make ends meet.  

Really? they say and look at me with bewilderment.  Yes, this is only 16 spaces, I'd need at least 3 times this amount to live off of it.  

Meh, I'm running out of steam, it's getting late and although I don't have to get up early in the morning, I'm done.  

Tuesday - evening
It's been a very long day and it's still not over yet.

Typical day of going up and offloading the glue. Oh, which reminds me...

The grumpy dude, after I left the plant yesterday? The one that wanted to start a fist fight with me because ...did I even tell this whole story yet? No I don't think I did.

Let's back up a bit.  I went to Lufkin yesterday after getting a washout - which took them 1-1/2 hours because the trailer sat for 4 days and the glue starts setting up. 

When I arrived at the plant, got on the scale, left the scale and looked down the alley where the loading bay is, lo and behold. Some driver dude from the company had cut in front of me.  I didn't know who this person was (and didn't care), I immediately texted the dispatcher telling her this guy has cut in front of me.  She called him and told him to move, lol, they hadn't started loading him yet.  So, he pulls out and I back in.  I was there an hour and a half before they even started loading me. They were training a person to load trucks and apparently that is an extraordinarily long, involved process.

Anyway, 2-1/2 hours after I arrived, was finally done loading, left the bay and got on  the scale. That dude was waiting for me.  I pulled on the scale to get the heavy weight and he pulled right up next to me, cussing me out telling me he was going to kick my ass for telling dispatch and forcing him to move.  He opened the door of his truck, I immediately opened mine and got out of the truck.  There is NO WAY anyone is going to sucker punch me ever again, like what happened when I got into that accident and the dude punched my jaw through the window.  

I'm not the biggest man on the planet, but I'm not small, either. He took one look at me, got back in his truck and drove off. I yelled at him I will do it AGAIN if I have to!  It turns out this dude has been with the company for 2 decades and does driver training, tho he didn't have a trainee in the truck.  I don't care about that or how long he's been there, he's not going to intimidate me. 

Fast forward to today, I was half expecting to see this dude sitting at the delivery shack where we hook up the line to unload.  He wasn't there.  30 minutes later, the driver trainer who trained me contacted me. He was down in Lufkin getting loaded. He said he treated the operators there so bad, they almost kicked him out of the plant.  They flatly told him if he didn't back off they weren't loading him. Anger issues, extreme anger issues. Sorry, but not sorry.  I could be with a place for 4 decades, I still wouldn't assume I could just cut in line and do whatever the hell I pleased.  That's rude and extremely selfish. 

It was probably 5 hours later? He contacted me again. "I just saw that guy driving through my town, he must have got hung up down there for a long time!".  5 hours later? Daaaaaang!!  And to think that would have been me if I had been forced to wait on his sorry @$$. I don't live a dull life, lol, no one can accuse me of that, I don't think anyway.  

Anyway, I got back from the run, got in the vehicle, went and got the kids out of daycare. It's Easter break - Friday through today - everyone was working, I offered to get them after work since I was going to be the first one done.  Off to walmart, dog food and lots of other things, over to the bank, home.  Started doing dishes, making dinner and dealing with things.  Taylor is 2 towns over doing some sort of outreach for her company at some function somewhere, so I am taking one of the kids to soccer practice, dad is taking the other to baseball practice. Yup, they have practice on the same days at the same time, lol.  
Just happened to have a 20 minute interlude here between feeding kids dinner and fixing to go to the soccer fields which are a 15 minute drive away. 

I guess you can call it a plus, I have the late load tomorrow and it's another one of those times when I don't mind, at all. I can sleep in a couple hours.  See, I will show up at the plant early, 2 hours to be precise, but, that's still 2 hours after the first load. I am not cutting anyone off, I'm just trying to shorten the day a bit. Most other drivers do this as well, it's an acceptable practice.  If you get there and have to wait, you wait, oh well.  But for me? I will never knowingly try to cut in front of someone else. The only thing I could see doing is if I had some sort of thing that I had to get done and the only way to do it is ask the other driver if we could switch places.  

If you don't know by now, truck drivers cutting others in line for appointment times is a huge pet peeve of mine. I can't stand it.  There's lots of things new generation truck drivers do that are both annoying and some of it disgusting. Like throwing pee bottles out of their windows.  Parking at a truck stop and literally throwing trash out of the driver's side window onto the ground. Making a disgusting mess in plant and public bathrooms and causing the people that own those bathrooms to cut truckers off from using them.
Tho, that is a double edged sword.  I have read plenty of posts in trucker forums where if the shipper or receiving doesn't allow them to use the bathroom and they are making them wait many hours, they will just do it - pee or poop - in the parking lot and they don't care. I guess an acceptable middle-ground would be for these companies to have port-a-potties out there. 

Anyway, we are leaving in a few minutes for the soccer field and then home and then I can unwind, get into bed, watch some tv, relax and eventually go to sleep.  

Sunday, March 31, 2024

 3 days off slowly coming to a close.  

My thoughts today have been on the Lord since we went to church but also things going on at the business.  It is all perplexing to me sometimes when I don't know what to do next and I just sit here thinking about it. 

It is always interesting to see a church all but completely fill up for Christian holidays.  You wonder what motivated these people to go to church that otherwise don't normally go?  I'm not bashing them, perhaps they'll get something out of today's message, it's very likely the message these people would expect to hear on an Easter Sunday.  

Went to the park for a short, eyeballing things.  Someone moved my 16 foot stick of wood onto a pad. Why? No clue.  There is a man coming in today for a 3 week stint on that pad, tho he paid for 4 and I told him as such.  

I think I'm going to move the motorcoach out of where it's at and let an older couple come in that wants the spot.  It will cement the need to go ahead and rent the mini-ex and dig out a trench, install the wiring and put in a new breaker box - which I already have both - and get "extra" power out there.  I can put 3 lots on that.  If I have 2 trailers and the entire shed on the other one without it blowing the main breaker, then I can put 3 on the other one. The only reason I say 3 is that I will hook up an additional 30 amp outlet to be able to plug in the coach while it's being worked on.  

In other words, turn on the AC, for I don't expect to really get going on that project until summertime.  120 amp board will sufficiently handle 3 30 amp outlets, maybe even a 4th.  But, that would probably overload the circuit it's being fed through, so 3 will be where it stands and the 3rd will only be on when someone is working in the coach.  I've dumped the money into that coach, I can't turn back now.  It'll be a project, probably cost a few grand, in the end it will be nice, liveable and rented monthly and a caveat that will have to be in writing that I will have access to inspect the inside of it on a monthly basis.  

That thing can be made nice by getting rid of the old setup and completely redoing it.  A new sink/countertop, a new shower and a new toilet setup.  New carpet, a sofa couch, a new bed mattress and it will be good.  Well, I say new: new to that thing anyway.  I will be able to rent it, I'm just not going to do anyone any favors.  Same thing I wanted as before, this time with a down payment, proof of employment and background check.  I'll probably get rid of propane in it and switch to all electric.  I can run a cord for the refrigerator to an outlet and a range top.  No oven. New microwave as well.  

This will take place of building cabins, for now anyway.  I can just about guarantee if I make the place nice enough in there, I can rent it on a monthly basis.  

Meanwhile, I'll rent the space to someone else, get the new electrical setup back there and not have to worry about power issues.  

So, that means I need to come up with a date to do this and take that day off.  I suppose I could wait until I have a random day off, as long as it isn't going to be forever. Of course, that means also hoping the rental company has a mini ex available on that day.  I will have to hand dig the pedestal out, however, that doesn't need to be done the day I'm trenching. Just leave enough extra wire poking out of the ground and get to that when I get to it.  

I'm almost convinced as well to just rent a tractor whenever I need one.  The only thing is, if I need rippers on the box, I can't get one of those from the local rental place, that's a huge drawback.  Talking 30 miles to the next nearest place.  Ok, admittedly I could use a tractor out there, if I owned one, frequently.  


Close to bedtime.  It was a nice day.  I decided to take the dog to the woods and let him run free for a bit.  He loves it there, I think all dogs love it back there.  I'm getting back into the habit of walking, something I sort of let up on because of running a park and driving trucks.  Fact of the matter is, I'm over there pretty much every day, there is no good reason not to take a stroll through the woods, it's only 15 minutes for the trip I make around, it gets the heart pumping and I need the exercise.  I'd rather take the dog, but when I come back from a run, I am not really in the mood to go home, get the dog and then go back there.

I've got early run tomorrow and Tuesday, late run Wednesday and Thursday, early run Friday and Saturday.  Oh, well that's good. I was just thinking earlier how it would be good to work 6 days, off Sunday and then work whatever.  Of course, that is subject to change as always and also subject to whether the truck and trailer .... stay in working condition.  

I've got very little funds in the personal account, but, I don't need to worry about that until tomorrow.  Nothing would go through until Monday night.  I have that money coming in tomorrow and tho I want to use it for  - well I haven't decided yet - some of it can go to keeping me off of taking any more funds out of the business account and tide me over til payday and then, see what we've got.

Yes, I talked to the older couple, he apparently wants to do some work.  That means, at least to me, that they want money off of their rent.  Considering it's an alternate spot, I could make that happen if the man actually puts some hours in.  I don't even know what's fair anymore, apparently it's "fair" to pay fast food workers $20 per hour.  You know that there are people with college degrees that make that kind of money. Just crazy, it's all socialism headed straight towards communism.  I fear these people will eventually get their way. 

Or will they? Not anything I want to go into depth here, but I will say there are plenty of armed Americans that probably won't go down without a fight.  Who knows.  I don't know what to think, I may just feel the situation out and see what he wants to do  and perhaps see what he thinks is reasonable.  She asked if the walking trails need attention? Yup.  As well as other things.  I could use the help, I just don't want to actually pay anything, taking money off the rent is much easier.  I won't count those chickens, however, until they hatch. 

Tomorrow I will be disconnecting everything and just move it about 100 feet out of there and into an "alternate, alternate" spot, so to speak.  Clean it up and get it ready for them.  If they don't pan out, it will be open and I will find someone to take it.  

And an odd situation that started this morning.  A man who paid up a month in advance for a 3 week stay - I've written about this previously - called today saying he can't make it.  A few hours later, he texted from another phone saying he's coming. Then called and saying opposite.  And then I texted him - are you coming or are you wanting your money back?  I would have given him 75% of his money back he paid in advance for a reason: to hold the spot.  I have turned several people away......

So then he calls yet again, this time saying "we're here", whoever "we" are, I only knew about him. It's just a 3 week stint so no worries.  Just some of the stuff that happens in this business can be bewildering, people act strangely sometimes.  I know in these instances they are finding somewhere "better" but not telling you that.  Hence the money up front. You pay in advance, you are going to lose some or all of it depending on the circumstances.  

I'm also not sweating it now.  Those farmers moved in a while back, they said they were staying a month.  Or longer. Who knows. But it dawned on me that they paid cash, I forgot to write down the day the moved in and I didn't know how I was going to figure that one out. He had handed me a card so I went through 40 days worth of phone calls, nothing. Then the same on text messages.  My only hope left was the camera.  Did it record them coming in?  Yes! The 4th.  So, I have no idea whether they are staying or going, but at least I am at ease that I know the day they moved in. I have records of overnighters and short stays, I have  a book I keep long term stays recorded in.  

Anyway, enough of this.  5:30 am comes early and I want to go to bed a little earlier than usual - tho - I slept really well last night, thank you Lord.

 Sunday  mid-morning

I just posted Saturday's post - today lol

We went to the Easter Egg Hunt.  The 3 of us sat down at an empty stretch of tables, like 3 tables all pushed together to make probably 20 seats worth.  The boys went to play in the bounce house, I just sat there and just looked at everyone and everything going on.  I have made no effort to try and make friends at this church and still have my reservations about it.  So I just don't go through the effort/energy/mental stuff to do it.  I have friends, lots of friends.  Both here and at home.  

Anyway, after about half an hour, a large group of people sat down at the table.  They left us 2 seats without bothering to ask if any of them were taken.  After a while, one of the boys got up for a second and this group of people immediately stuffed a little girl in his seat, again, not bothering to ask, just take the damn seat and who cares? 

I got up and moved our stuff to the table behind us.  These are church people acting exactly like church people do.  Selfish and self-centered.  I just looked at the people after reseating, they didn't give a damn.  Of course not, this is the way churches act out.  This is why I am not involved in a church.  I volunteered for decades at various churches and on the mission field. I don't regret the mission field at all, the rest of it?  

After quite a while, they announced that all the kids come over to the wall right next to where we were seating.  A lot of kids crammed into the space and then this lady comes and stands with her back right in my face.  Basically, her butt in my face.  I mean, it would have been nice if it had at least been a nice butt to look at, lol, but I digress.  

In both instances, I was very tempted to say something, in fact, they were bite- your-tongues moments.  I don't want to start trouble at church, but then again, how can these people be so rude?  They walk around in their little bubbles, oblivious to everything going on around them and not caring that their actions are negatively affecting other people. 

Whatever the case, it was time to line up over at the very large field where there were thousands of eggs all over the place.  I put these people out of my mind, we came to do the Easter egg "hunt", not get into frivolous altercations with idiots.  After seeing how it panned out last year, I gave both boys the same instructions.  They were at different grade levels of where they would run the same field picking up eggs. I assume they do this so that the younger kids can still get something without the older kids barreling over them and taking everything in sight.

The instructions were simple: Run across the field away from all the people that are going to be crowded together and start picking up eggs over there. By the time the crowd gets to you, you will have an nice amount of eggs in there. Note these are not real eggs, they are the plastic ones that either have candy or toys in them.  It was a bit difficult to watch both boys, they were far apart. I stuck with the younger one, the older knew what to do and he did, indeed, carry out my instructions.

The younger? He ran clear across the field and was just in his own world.  It took him a minute, standing there, before he finally started picking up eggs. I then went and located the older boy, about 100 feet away. He was quite busy filling up his rather large bucket.  By the time the crowd caught up to him, he had a full bucket.  The younger didn't get so many, about half full, he just was doing it his way.  Which is fine.  It was fun, really.  I just ended up putting those people out of my mind, it's why I sit alone at church instead of seeking people out.  I care, but I don't want to be subjected to their foolishness.  I may yet go to one of the adult groups someday, but not today.  

I woke up at around 7:00 am, totally out of it, I just decided to go back to sleep for another hour and a half.  I got some good sleep last night, finally. 

With that, I realized tomorrow is the first and if I wait until the first to pay the rather large property tax bill, it's going to get even larger.  I had to pay the convenience fee of $44, the flip side is paying a much larger fee they will attach as of tomorrow, added onto the fees they already added onto the situation.  My hands were tied, I tried to go in on Friday, I didn't realize they were closed for Easter.  

So, as of now, the property tax is paid and I have until February of next year to come up with the next ridiculous amount. If they try to raise it again, I'm going to have a hearing on it. No lawyer, I'll just do it myself.  $2,700 and change for property taxes on a valuation of $179k is nothing short of outrageous, in my view. We are not some prime property area, their coffers being dried up by the shut down of the rather large coal fired generating plant is not my concern.  Now? The place I used to load out of over in Longview, Texas Eastman, is going to invest another billion plus dollars in building a new addition to their already sprawling plant.

It's in our county so any tax revenues will go to the county. Perhaps that will make these county and school district officials happy.  I'd love to run for one of those positions, I don't want that kind of scrutiny.  Texas lawmakers may indeed do something about property taxes, wait and see. Homestead exemption is the only alternative I have and it's just not in the cards right now - having to build a house.  Actually would love to live over there in a nice house.  It has been discussed, albeit not at length. 

Well, the idea of buying land and building a house on it has been discussed, it was only until recently that we had a conversation about building a house on my property.  It would be building it on the rear 15 acres. Basically, divide the land legally and have 2 properties. One with the RV park and the other for doing with whatever we please.  It would be costly tho.  We would have to have power lines run all the way back there, install a septic system and either have well water or run a line back there from the front as well.  That doesn't include clearing the pad for the house and building the house. I could easily see 200k in a development like that.  

It would take 2 more telephone poles, maybe 3. They'd have to stretch a line clear over the gas easement, but it could be done.  They have one of the lines of my property stretched a very long way.  I haven't measured it but it looks to be at least 200 feet between the poles.  I actually think I could get a loan on it - with a decent down payment of course.  Land also as collateral since it's apparently worth far more than I paid for it.  It's something I have considered but I fear that getting property split up like that is probably pretty costly.  Plus having to add an easement addendum to it - guaranteeing access to rear of property through the front and through the gas easement.  The gas easement has no right to stop me from going across that land or attempting to say I can't add my own access binder to the property description and legal definitions.

Regardless, I did finally find the keys to the coach in the coach. She had them hanging on a hook on the wall in her bedroom. I haven't gone back there, that whole thing is pretty gross right now, there are still lots of bugs in there.  I'm going to gut it, now that I have gotten that far in my thinking with it.  The bathroom, the shower stall, the kitchen area and start all over with used stuff to replace it. Much nicer used stuff. And gain access to the areas where all those bugs and rodents are/were and be able to clean all of that up and then bleach it and sanitize it.  Meanwhile, some people wanted to move into that space, I haven't called them back.  

I don't know if I want another trailer there. I have a guy in a trailer next to the coach, I'm thinking of my options here. Mostly, the electricity setup.  Wondering if I just keep it to one person living back there instead of 2 units, if I would still have to add the electrical line I have been telling myself I need to do and soon before summer heat hits. 

I have also been arguing with myself the actual need for a tractor.  I can rent tractors, I can get one with teeth in it albeit from a neighboring town and having to haul the thing a much longer distance. I need a mini ex for the electrical line and dig a trench for the pipe to go across the driveway, I wouldn't be buying a mini ex anyway.  So, the need for a tractor boils down to the driveway and clearing land for new lots to be added.  

My mind is full of stuff right now.  I'm just waiting to see what my next paycheck is going to be before making any decisions, but I think buying an expensive, brand new tractor is not in the cards and not a good business decision. I don't want a new one anyway, I wanted to see if the dealer had any used ones. Yes, but they are asking ridiculous price for it.  I mean, you might as well buy a brand new one for that much money.

Today - church in queue. I haven't been since 3 Sundays ago, the boys haven't been since 4 Sundays ago.  They went to grandma's and then work has gotten in the way of my taking them or me going.  The ministry worker that runs the children's ministry actually told me they were missing us.  That was a nice offering at least.  

After church, go to the property and decide on this motor coach.  Move it or just leave it. Yes, it would be more money.  Hard to turn down money right now.  Still, I have the income of 15 lots going and that's a fairly nice chunk of change, especially this time of year when electric bills are low and not eating up my profits.  I've been hinting at installing meters and the word is getting around.  Conserve electricity where you can or expect changes.  People may move, I don't know, that's on them.  I don't see the need to pay $150 and higher per lot on electric charges during summer months.  

I think my job earnings are going to dictate my next business decisions and that's why I'm sitting on that money I received earlier this week. Have to be able to work out a business budget, there is a major point in that decision that has to be included in the plan I would like to implement and that is: how much will I be making now?  Net pay. 

Well, I need to take a shower before church and time is running out.


 Saturday mid-morning

The tractor situation has not changed. I'm not budging and neither are they.  My best bet, I think, would be to find financing to buy a used one on the market from private seller. If a dealership had something reasonable, I would certainly consider it but now that I've contacted Kubota and they have the same pricing, I'm out of there.  There's just no way I'm going to be able to justify to myself paying $425 per month for 7 years.  That's too long.  It is zero interest financing at least, if they could bring it down to around $300 I would go for it.  

Holy Saturday, the church has an Easter egg "hunt" going on at noon.  It's 7,000 eggs and they just lay them out in a big field next to the church. The kids line up, they run out when the word go is yelled and I can guarantee you that in less than 5 minutes, all 7,000 eggs will be picked up and hauled off.  It's one of those things where you need to be there a bit early, definitely not late.  They also provide lunch, probably hot dogs, chips and a drink.  I mean, it's free so I'm not going to complain about it. The kids haven't been in church in nearly a month now.  Just hasn't worked out with me working and 2 Sundays in a row, they were up in Arkansas with their grandparents.  

We did have a card night last night at a friend's house who just had a baby girl.  That was fun, even the kids were behaving for once.  

Oh, the taxes.  Yeah, they were closed yesterday.  I was going to pay online until I saw a $44 "convenience fee".  Screw that fee, I have until Monday and I intend on going in on Monday and paying via check in person. That eliminates that fee.  However, if they find that they can't be open on Monday either, I will just have to eat the fee and pay it online. 

I also already have the money to pay the electric bill which amounted to somewhere around $840 and change, if I recall correctly. Not bad.  It's about as low as it's going to go with that many units in there.  I stand to collect another 4 grand in the next 12 days or so, that will get my business finances pointed in a different direction than what it was.  Basically, the money needs to sit in there for high electric bills are coming.  On the 7th, I will also be finding out about my new pay rate via looking at a paycheck.  

Called planning ahead, last summer I had no idea that the electric bill would go as high as $2,500 in a single month.  Get some money set aside for that so it doesn't catch me by surprise.  I still want to install meters tho.  I've got last month's bill low and probably this month won't be crazy, May will start to see an increase in the bill and then comes June and there it is: super-high electric bills that will carry on for many months.  This is pretty much why I won't get into a high monthly payment for a tractor.  

Saturday, March 30, 2024

 Friday - mid morning

I sent in all my paperwork including the receipt for the hotel stay.  I'm not eating that, I was forced out of the truck because it was inside the shop and they wouldn't let me stay in it or run it - it was in the 40's that night.  I also asked for break down pay. She just texted me and gave me the amount they would pay for breakdown, I am satisfied with it.  I mean, it should be more, but I say that comparing it to my previous job.  It's enough and makes me feel better for having to sit in that shop trucker area which was full of flies, uncomfortable and just drove me batty after sitting in there all day long.  

So now that I'm caught up on paperwork, I need to head up to the tax assessor's office and pay the taxes and then off to the park to get a few things done over there.  I'm not going to make it an intense day of work, but I will endeavor to knock a few things off the list.  It is only Friday and originally I was slated to work today.  I did not take that load, thankfully.  I would have been out til around 2 am last night if they had continued to try to get me to do it.  In fact, it would be right about now I would be leaving the park in the semi to go deliver it - have to take a 10 hour break - I wouldn't have been back until around 5.\

I'm not sorry, I'm tired of working and 3 days off may not help the paychecks, it will help my sanity.  Get to sleep in as well.  

I contacted another tractor company via facebook messaging, that's their deal not mine.  I answered a bunch of their questions once a person got on there. Then they asked me where I wanted my payment, I had told them how much the other company had decided they wanted per month and I just wasn't comfortable with it.  I replied, well why don't you just tell me what you have to offer?  This person got testy with me for finally asking a question back.  No, sir, I am not going to "negotiate against myself".  He went off telling me how his implements were commercial grade, yada yada yada, not going to be able to give a better deal.

Huh?  I replied lol, I simply asked what you have, you get testy.  This reveals what it would be like to do business with you. Have a nice day and life. Goodbye. I'm not even thinking about doing business with some company where the salesperson starts off the relationship in that manner. He could have simply said he couldn't offer a better deal, not get in my face, it took a millisecond for me to determine that I want nothing to do with this company, I will contact one in Longview for comparison shopping.  

He ended the "conversation" by saying "Testy because I shot you straight, that tells me what it would be like to have you as a customer."  He shot nothing straight, I wanted pricing and he declares he's "not going to negotiate against myself"?  I'm glad we got that over with up front.  At least the John Deere dude is amiable and tho he won't bring his price down, he didn't get upset about me telling him that's really a lot higher than I want to be at.  

Thursday, March 28, 2024

 Thursday night

I am finally home.

The ending of the ordeal at the TA truckstop did not go without a hitch.  When I got there yesterday and we got past all of this nonsense with stripped wheel studs, I also brought up the fact that I need a new fuel cap for one of the fuel tanks.  It started leaking and I do not want fuel leaking out of the top of the tank, of which the tank was quite wet with diesel.  I brought this up at least 3 if not 4 or 5 times yesterday to cement into their minds that since I have to wait overnight, I want that fuel cap replaced as well.  

So it was today, near the end of this ordeal that I casually mentioned the fuel cap. The manager looked at me funny.  Fuel cap? Yes, fuel cap, I discussed this with them last night several times.  I know nothing about it.  That always irritates me when an employee dismisses your query with "I don't know anything" therefore, it doesn't affect them and yes, you are screwed.  I firmly responded that the discussion about a new fuel cap had gone to the point where they were going to measure it and would also ask Napa - this morning - about one.  It wasn't a figment of my imagination.

10 minutes later, a manager asked me about this fuel cap and acknowledged that it has been mentioned but for some reason the information hadn't been transferred between shifts.  

I looked her squarely in the eyes and said: Yes, well it was written down on paperwork, I saw them do it.  She replied that the paperwork had been "lost".  In my mind, this wasn't some person being honest, this was a person trying to cover their  and their employee's asses.  Be honest about it and I will be far more forgiving. Start lying to me and you are likely going to piss me off.  I became pissed, I had been there 25 hours at that point and I was in no mood for bs.  I was ready to leave, actually and didn't care about the damned fuel cap at that point, I would get one in Lufkin at the Peterbilt dealership.

But, that takes time and I had already spent enough damned time at this place, they should have dealt with this. Let me tell you here, that they had to send someone clear to Texarcana after they had exhausted all other resources to a place they hated to do any business with.  This is because, as they described it: the people that work there are assholes.  Their words, not mine.  I was not amused but I could believe that a place that has the parts are also full of people in perpetual bad moods. I have had my dealings with them in the parts industry in the past.  

You play their game to get what you need, no matter how foul they may be.  The point is that there is also a Peterbilt dealership in Texarcana and they could have also stopped for the fuel cap. Yes, it's important to not have fuel leaking, DOT doesn't much care for that.  It looks worse than the leak is, it doesn't take much diesel fuel to make the appearance of a major leak.  

I blew that cap off.  The wheel studs were coming, that place had all 10 of them, I was more than ready to get out of that place and leave it far behind. That lady disappeared and then they both came out 5 minutes later: we have a fuel cap coming.  I immediately asked how long? Because at that point, the studs were there, the mechanic had been banging on them for quite a while to get them seated and he was working on tightening down the lugnuts.  I was ready to leave that place.  "About 45 minutes" and "probably about the time the mechanic is finishing up with your wheels".  

I agreed to it.  What's a few more minutes to get everything dealt with? Well, a lot in my mind at that point but it was important to get that issue behind me as well. So, they got the wheels done but then decided to check the rest of the lugs on the rest of the trailer.  I did not ask nor did I want them to do that. What, find more problems? I want to go home, thank you, not spend another 24 hours at that miserable place.  TA's have gotten rid of their Country Pride restaurants at all or most of their truck stops and replaced them with things like Taco Bell and Subway.  It's the wave of the "future" to get rid of old style diners and trucker's seating at traditional restaurants and replace them with garbage food.  

So, I couldn't go sit down and have a nice meal to eat there and that takes away the allure of many of these places that are otherwise hell holes.  

Anyway, the lady finally arrived, she was on her way home. Where I was at is 45 miles from Texarcana, how far out of town does she live?  Anyway, I was glad she brought it, the mechanic "installed" it, it's just a fuel cap lol, tho there is a chain and a pair of "arms" that go down in the tank, when you take the cap off, the arms keep the cap from falling or going anywhere.  He adjusted the brakes and then?  I got the Hercules out of there.  

2 hours later, back at the park and I wasted no time getting out of there. I will deal with issues tomorrow.  

I was amazed the kids were still awake when I got home, it was far past their bedtime.  I learned that they are off today, Monday and Tuesday for Easter break. It is unbelievable the amount of time kids get off of school. 

Oh, there was a silver lining in all of this nonsense - remember, I only went to have 2 tires repaired. Not go through eternal hellfire trying to get wheel studs replaced.  

You see, the dispatcher was asking me all day long about "going down there after it's fixed".  Sure, unless it gets too late. It was getting too late. I would be arriving at the washout right about now, 9:30 pm. They said they would do a call out if I needed it. Then, I would arrive at the plant around 10:30 or later, sit there for at least an hour and then an hour and 40 minutes back to the yard.  We're talking 1 am junk here.  

So then, she said, well can you load tomorrow and bring it up here to El Dorado and drop it?  I reluctantly agreed. That is a very long day. I replied "you must be having logistic problems, so I will do it". or something like that.  It wasn't until I was about to leave the TA that she texted and said she had found someone to load today. THANK GOD ALMIGHTY. 

I mean that sincerely, thank the good Lord, I have had enough.  I don't know what I'm going to get paid for sitting around for 26 hours, but they are going to pay me and they are going to reimburse my hotel.  I couldn't stay in the truck last night, they wouldn't let me because it's in the shop and I couldn't have the truck running - because it's 

I have 3 full days off now instead of 2 and I desperately needed them, thank you.  This was day 12 of being out on the road on a daily basis plus the fact I spent the night on the road, so to speak, done, toast, ready for a break and stuff needing to be done at the park.  Lots of stuff. Mowing, the post, the security system to name a few and the things that are on the top of the list.  

Enough. I am going to bed soon and I am going to relax for a few.  

 Thursday morning

It’s almost 9:00 am and they are just starting on finding parts after calling them to see where they’re at with this. They have to go to Napa to see if they have the parts and if they don’t, they have to go to some trailer shop in texarcana which will take significantly much more time. 

It’s not like I’m checking out if this hotel before checkout time at 11. And then I’ll head over to the restaurant to blow some more time off of the clock. 

After all the talking, the salesman hasn’t taken the price down at all and instead offers a pile of rubbish thing that would be all but useless to me. No bucket, no box and no brush attachment. So I’m not impressed and I’m not getting in over my head on payments. 

The dispatcher just called and asked what’s going on. I told her the same thing as I mentioned above. So she is going to have the head mechanic start making calls, see if he can motivate them to get their asses in gear. As I figured, they still want me to go get that load today. 

I replied that it depends on when they get me out of here. Cause’ at this point, I’m thinking it’s going to be quite a while before that trailer is fixed. 


Left the hotel, over at the restaurant. Decent food, horrible coffee, waitress has  very sour attitude. I was polite, respectful and courteous, some people are just that way.  

Whatever. Will be walking the half mile back to the truck and start asking questions if they haven’t made any progress. Perhaps leave the trailer there and one of their local drivers can get it when they finish? But they probably won’t allow me to drop the trailer there and the company probably doesn’t want to have to interrupt yet another driver to deal with this. 

Meanwhile, after even more discussion with the dealer, I am not going to be able to do business with them. I told them I would think about it. That’s where it’s left. 7 years of payments that high just doesn’t set well with me. Maybe if the park income was double what it is now. 


Many hours later. 3:30 pm to be precise, they sent a person to texarcana to search for the parts This person found them and is heading back here now. A mechanic coming on duty at 4, I hope to be out of here by 6. 

Enough. I get more worn out doing this stuff than actually working. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

 Thursday - evening - iPhone entry 

I was beating the tires on the trailer with a hammer this morning and one of them reported back with a “I am half flat” thud. I figured I could make it to a truck stop and I figured right. Filled the tire up to 105 pounds and hoped it would hold until I had more time to deal with it. 

A few hours later at the plant in Gurdon. Got out of the truck sitting on the scale and saw …a flat tire. This was a different tire on the trailer, I had checked all of them, it was perfectly fine this morning. It had a large metal spike in it. So the ordeal begins. 

I unloaded the truck, had agreement that I can drive it to the Loves 20 miles away and that is exactly what I did. When I got in there, they told me 4 HOURS before they could get to it. Screw that. 

I drove a few more miles to the TA truck stop where they got right on it. Fixed both tires and then tried to put them back on….

3 of the studs that the lugs screw onto were completely stripped. They tried screwing new lugnuts back onto it anyway, no go. They then discussed among themselves about whether they could put the wheels back on with 3 of 10 lugnuts not tightened and said nope. We cannot put those wheels back on there. 

Further, the Napa is now closed so we can’t get parts today. 

Yup. I’m stuck in Prescott, Arkansas until who knows when tomorrow, for they don’t know if the Napa will have the parts and  if they don’t, they’ll have to go to a trailer shop in Texarkana. It is likely I’ll be stuck here well into tomorrow before it’s repaired. 

I tried to get them to put it back together for the trailer is empty and could easily make the 70 miles to our yard. I understand, tho, they can be held liable for any accidents and so they refused. 

I qualified for a loan at the local John Deere outlet. They quoted me 2 prices and payment plans for 2 tractors, but the loan length was far too long at 84 months and payments higher than I want. It is an interest free loan, yes but I’m not willing to get into eternal payments. Maybe 4 or 5 years but 7? No thank you and I told them as such. I want used at a much lower price, that’s what I want. I don’t need to be getting into 35k worth of tractor. 

So I have texted them back my desires and they can either accommodate for me or not.

My dear mom sent me more money today. Totally out of the blue. It is almost enough for another septic system. 

It’s what I need first before considering expanding the park, I’m going to sit on the money for awhile, however and ponder this situation. I will also have to install another 200 amp electrical setup with meter as well. However, I can set it up myself only paying an electrician to hook the lines up from the power pole. Which also poses the need for the power company to install yet another telephone pole. Now, they will do this and no money up front, but it’s 2 month lead time. 

Just not there, yet, it will cost many thousands of dollars more than just a septic system to install more lots just because I will need the setup for electricity plus buy under ground cable, pipe, pedestals, gravel and whatever else I’m not thinking of. I would actually want to set up electrical first since there is a long lead time for pole installation. 

I may just hold the money and save towards down payment for a loan. 

Anyway, I decided to stay at a  nearby hotel. Pretty spartan but it’s not a dive and better than sitting in that truck for at least 14 hours if not more. I’m guessing they’ll still want me to drive clear to lufkin tomorrow if this thing is fixed in time to make it down there. They’re not going to care that I’ll be wearing same clothes for 2 days and all the rest of my dislikings for having to tolerate junk equipment. 

What I could really kick myself about is not bringing my laptop. I was going to start bringing it because I get so many calls for spots and I really need to see my reservation software to make sure I’m not giving bad info and having more people show up than I have lots available. 

I have nothing with me except a coat, a charging cord and the tablet. This room has, amazingly enough, an excellent satellite lineup including HBO. 

Well, I can only do so much of this in a phone before I get tired of trying to type out the words with one finger so I’ll end this here. 

 Wednesday - mid morning

The late load lasts 2 days. Going to fetch the glue from Lufkin and going to deliver the load in Gurdon. Well, all of the loads last 2 days, that's nothing new, it's just that I have to wait to leave to head up there.

I contacted the other driver a while ago, no reply.  My appointment time is 2 pm, but I'd like to be there around 11:30 am - if - he- is- going - to - be there.  He gets up late, he starts late and he makes multiple stops to use the restroom on the way up there.  That's all well and fine for him, it isn't for me. If he wants to be late, then take late loads for crying out loud.  A bit ridiculous.  

I suspect the reason he isn't replying - which he normally does within a few minutes - is because he has yet another late start which will push my day further and further back.  At this point, any late loads for me will have me asking him if I can just go up there super-early, get it over with and be gone before he even arrives.  I don't want late loads and I don't know why the dispatcher has put us on the same delivery days.  We are usually staggered so we can both have late loads.  I would be 35 minutes out from the plant right now if I were the early delivery...

I just applied for and was approved for a tractor loan with John Deere.  This does not mean I am getting a tractor.  It means I have been approved for financing for a tractor.  I am not taking the first thing they come up with, in fact, I want something used that is cheaper and lower payments.  I don't need brand new and I don't really want brand new.  It's probably like buying a new car, it loses thousands of dollars worth of "value" the instant you pull it off the dealer lot.  

I was looking around all over the place for financing, but it was mostly AG companies and they wanted me to be in the farming business. I altered the input to note that I want a "compact tractor", is what they call them now that I did enough looking around, that changed the google results.  There is a local John Deere dealership, it's a pretty big place with all kinds of different sized tractors out there. I don't know if they have used, I will be finding out.  

He finally contacted me back: 10:30 ish.  See?  He wants me to get there early on his late days so he can get done earlier but he won't accommodate for me. He should be arriving there at the latest 9:30 am, 9 even better. Instead, he isn't even arriving at the appointment time.  IF he wanted to do unto me as he would have do unto himself, as the Bible says it.  I find it odd in life that people demand things out of you that they are unwilling to enact, perform, engage in themselves.  This is what I call the actual definition of real life "privilege". It's not the color of your skin, it's your view and outlook on things.  

He's a real nice guy, don't get me wrong, but this hypocrisy is a bit much to swallow.  

Anyway, I'm going to get busy with getting out of here in about 10 minutes, leave the house by 9, leave the yard no later than 9:30 and be up there no later than 11:40 am.  I don't know what else to do for I don't know how long it's going to take him to unload. It depends on the temperature of the glue. It could be 45 minutes, it could be 3 hours depending on that variable alone.  

I have the park mostly filled up.  There is a 4 nighter staying in the overnight spot I keep open.  There are back over nighters coming on and off for the next 2-1/2 weeks.  It basically equates to a full month's lot rent for the intended lot.  I have a 3 weeker coming in for the open back in spot on Sunday.  The back in lot is available tonight butis taken for 5 days with various people after that.  People are traveling now, it's time to head north out of winter.  Yes, you heard that right, people love it up north during the summer time where the day time temps are much better than pretty much anywhere in the south.  

They'll plan their trips home -- or if full timers they'll plan their trips to whatever RV park they are intending to stay at - and reserve spots accordingly along the way. Many of them will not travel over 300 miles a day and a lot of those wont' even go that far. They are no hurry, which if you're retired, why be in a hurry anyway?  

Back to the tractor, the payments are going to have to be low which means they will have to give longer terms, like 5 years or something.  I will be out of the shed payments in 7 months, I think it is, it's either 7 or 6. The hard part is summer, when people are turning on AC units and leaving them on all day long at the coldest setting. That is what I surmise they are doing, anyway, simply by walking by their units and hearing the compressors going constantly.  It's "free" electricity. 

If this job pans out for pay, that will change eventually. I will install meters and I will target the people using excessive amounts of electricity. They will either pay for the excess or they can leave. I would rather have the lot empty than only making, say $50 off the lot per month. What good is that? I'm not here to do people favors.  People that conserve electricity won't even be approached, it's the hoarders, the people that don't give a damn, those are the ones that need to pay.  

Well, I guess I better get started on leaving. It's kind of a process where I double check I have everything, make a lunch, get some ice water and fill a thermos with coffee.


 I've decided to get up at 4 am, get over to the park and get rolling out of there no later than 5 am.  That gets me to the washout at 6...