Monday, July 1, 2024

 Monday - 7:30 am

Maybe I should be changing the name of this blog.  The RV Trucker. RV Park Trucker? 

My middle brother has resurfaced on Facebook after many, many years. We don't talk.  I mean, yes he had a life-changing encounter with near-death experience after having a Covid booster shot and yes we talked a few times, but I'm not going to be the one that always initiate the conversation.  He is the one that left Facebook in a huff, puff and a storm, he can show a little more initiative to want to have anything to do with his own brothers. 

Or not.  It was funny how quickly Facebook showed me a "people you might know" pic of him and suggestion to add as a friend. Uh, no.  This is all on him.  He started from scratch, too, he had just gotten back on and had 6 friends so far.  I'm sure that number will grow into the several hundreds.  I don't even know what he's doing.  He's old enough to retire.  

Anyway, I have the late load today and every time I show down there earlyish for the second load, I always end up waiting for an hour or much longer. Might as well wait at home.  I say that now, then 9:00 am will roll around and I'll say, oh well, I'm leaving, just wait in the truck if I have to.  I get the feeling that I'm missing out on an earlier load time and instead of having this drag out all day long, I could be getting it all done.

However.  Having had to wait several times for near a couple of hours before they even start loading me in recent times plus the 8-1/2 hour day waiting? I am going to try to force myself to just wait here.  I just want it done and that doesn't happen sitting at home.  A loader told another driver yesterday that to "expect it to take a couple hours" to load the truck. That's not waiting for them to get to them, that's how long it will take to load "because we are still having problems".  Why don't they just shut that thing down, take it all apart and fix it?  That's what they normally do.  

Paypal tricked me last time. A few people pay me via paypal - I'll take my money any way they want to send it and both Paypal and Cashapp are very popular, so is cash.  In fact, I'm hardly using credit card portal at all now, excepting online reservations.  Anyway, Paypal changed how they are showing you getting your money transferred and I just clicked on the tab and walaah, they took like $13 out to have it deposited instantly.

I don't need the money deposited instantly, I'll save that 13 dollars, thanks.  Took a few clicks to get it to bypass the instant deposit thing.  They are just like a bank: whatever they get in on any given day is money available to be loaned out.  

SCOTUS.  They are going to dole out their decision regarding presidential immunity.  "Only minutes away" is the headline on the tv, of which I am casually watching as I have had enough of the Biden quitting or staying headlines.  This ruling should be fascinating.  If they find for the Presidential, where will the lines be drawn?  I'm sort of thinking they won't find for him, or some very limited scenarios where it might be allowable.  I just don't know, some of the greatest legal/constitutional minds on the planet sit on that panel and they very often come out with interpretations I either didn't think of or didn't think they would decide in that direction.  

If they find for Trump, invariably there will be a dissenting opinion coming from liberal justices.  I'm 99% sure the leftist judges will find against him, regardless of their intent or motivations to make such a decision.  So, I'm watching the news atm waiting for this decision to be released and then the news people to sift through the decision and then, over the next few days, skew it to whatever way they are affiliated in political parties.

I don't know what else.  I'm rather scatter-brained at the moment. Work today, the park, finances, relationships, vacation coming up, mom, brother, etc, lots of things scurrying around in my mind, but I did read the Bible for a short time just a few minutes ago, a thing I am determined to do with more frequency and just focus on the Lord.  Eternity awaits.  


Sunday, June 30, 2024

 Never ending drama I guess.

I was informed after church today that some of my tenants caught a person attempting to dump a large amount of trash in the dumpster who, of course, doesn't live there.  I was asking for a license plate number, they didn't get it.  A black lady driving a white car.  The dumpster is almost full, I emptied out wood and a chair yesterday in order to make more room.  The dumpster is never full like this before Wednesday, if, the only people using it are park guests.  

There is simply no way it gets that filled up with that few people.  I am half tempted to get my chemical gloves out of the truck, go to the dumpster, pull out all of the trash and start sifting through it.  What am I looking for? Mail.  People dump mail without thinking.  Their name and their address.  

Then there is the router.  I installed the thing incorrectly and spent some time trying to fish it out of there.  Finally out, I may have damaged the sim card. Oh, I mean fishing out the sim card, you have to transfer it from the old unit to the new one.  

I guess I'm going to have to go back over there again later, the old one started working again, lol. I get calls all the time and then I get a new one and the old one starts working?

Robert - the workamper - is acting like a d***, I was informed today.  Of course he is.  He lost his opportunity, he could have a good thing going keeping my place up to snuff, but he got lazy.  He didn't want to do anything and now? That opportunity is long gone.  He has been replaced and he knows he's been replaced and there isn't a damned thing he can do about it now.

I take no pleasure in doing things like that, I actually abhor it.  I decided when I started this business that if/when - more like inevitably when - something like this happens? I would make decisions based on the best interest of my business.  Not people's emotions, but my business.  If I don't make any money, what is the point?  I'm not giving 2 people free rent every month, that's a fact.  

Oh, the dumpster. Lost my train of thought.  Well, I've been floating the idea of moving the thing another 200 feet up the driveway. I'm going to call Republic tomorrow and find out if they are okay with that, after describing why I'm doing it.  Going to find the camera that isn't working, get the memory card out of it and put it in my new camera.  I haven't done that because it is morbidly hot out, the humidity is killer here.  

I've been sending money to a Christian ministry in Pakistan for a few years now. Nothing great, $25 here and there, $50 recently.  It's kind of a thing where you wonder if what you are doing is backed by any facts, like: am I sending my money to a scammer?  I couldn't imagine anyone going to the depths of trouble this man has gone to go scam anyone. Scammers are in it for the least amount of effort.  

I sent him a pic of me last year I think and they printed the pic and had the kids holding these printed photos with the words on it: God Bless Brother B!  

He did this again yesterday, but these were much more up close pictures of the people holding the signs. Note that I didn't ask for this and greatly embarrassed, actually, that these children were doing it.  I'm not looking for accolades for my giving from anyone at all. Great is your reward in Heaven, the Bible says, but the Bible also talks about humility and the servant's heard.  I know for a fact that Pakistan is a mostly Muslim country and run by Muslims who hate Christianity. 

I know this from close friends that spent 25 years over in India, having to leave India every 6 months to renew their visa and they would head to Pakistan.  

Well whatever, lol. I'm feeling fine having this wonderful day off.  I still have 6 solid hours before it ends, I sigh and say well, it was nice and then who knows how many days in a row worth of work. 


Went over and installed the new router.  Working fine after a few minutes of setup, I texted everyone the new password. Stood there quite a while with the new park host.  He's very helpful and was helping a lady with a broken sewer line.  They apparently break easily in this heat and covering them is the best option.  She was blaming the workamper, maybe.  Didn't look like any damage from a weedeater tho.  

Over to the dude sitting in this watering trough with his new girlfriend.  Nice lady, they were in this rather small thing all entwined with each other, lol.  I don't insert myself into such things.  Keep them happy to stay there, that's my motto, as long as they aren't doing anything to bother anyone else or degrade the appearance or feel of the park, I don't care.  

It's so humid out there, just standing there I was sweating my @$$ off.  It was crazy hot.  I was informed there "is no other chainsaw in the shed" besides the one already found, but yes, it's still there.  

But it's all done and Im done. Another 3-1/2 hours I go to bed to start the rat race all over again.  Except, I don't get up early tomorrow and right now, I'm fine with that.  

Oh, the new guy also said he could help me build out the rest of the park.  I said I'd love to do that, but..

I started quoting costs and he looked at me in shock.  I have these numbers in my head, they may be inaccurate due to inflation.  I could probably get away with less gravel. I can't do anything about electricity, it's 35k regardless.  8.5k septic.  Another 3 to 4 thousand for water.  I said 60k off the top of my head, just for materials, that doesn't include renting equipment or having a contractor come out to hook up electrical from pole to post.  

I don't have 60k and I don't have the additional funds to add amenities that will bring people in over other parks in the area.  I've got to have something that stands out beyond what I already have.  I'd like to get a pool in there before I get more lots. What I want and what I get? Well who knows. God is good, perhaps money will float out of the sky to pay for all of this.  

Give and it shall be given unto you. I'm not a prosperity preacher, I just know that God can make things happen where everything else has failed or the options available aren't good options (high interest loans).  Did you know that if I installed an above ground pool, partially in the ground, that the decking would cost more than the pool itself? Yeah, I figured it would be like that, I discussed it with a person that built a small park but put in this huge above ground pool and spent the money to put up a huge deck around it.  

I just noticed my manager has me working Monday through Saturday again.  I assume Sunday off. I'll do that 2 weeks in a row but then? Well, I have vacation coming up.  So I might do that again, if he continues to schedule it that way, until vacation.  

Enough. A couple hours left and this day is over. 

 Sunday - morning

It's the time of year where people are where they want to be for the most part.  I'm talking about the RV crowd.  They're in Florida, southern Texas, Arizona, wherever, they aren't coming through here.  I kind of expected it tho.  It's why I switched the game plan to long term.  Unfortunately, long term also means a community and community always means people who complain about everything, people who don't get along with each other and people taking advantage of the amenities.  

I have people come into that shed and they start looking around for - something - and then they look at the camera - then look around again, wander around in circles and then eventually leave.  No, I don't sit there and watch the camera all day long, these are found through notifications which I usually scroll through to see who is doing what in there.  When you see someone acting strangely like that, you wonder what their intent is.  I go straight to: taking something that doesn't belong to them.  If I didn't have that camera inside of that shed, who knows what have gone on in there what with all kinds of people with all kinds of views of life.

I was going to replace the wifi router yesterday, but I was put on hold for need of a tiny screwdriver that opens the access to the sim card.  I have to switch from the old to the new.  Someone took the router out of the water proof box I have it in and set it on the ground, which pissed me off.  I am replacing the box with a larger one and have to put a small ac unit in it. I think that's what killed the broken one.  

The workamper's wife texted me and asked for clarification.  Are "they" doing the mowing now? I thought I had already made that clear?  Allen also clarified this to you?  Okay thanks was the answer.  However, to leave nothing in muddy waters, I clarified that Allen is taking over as park host and will be taking over all park related duties. No offense, but you were doing very little and you weren't doing anything that I asked of you to, or if you did, only after asking you countless times.  You can stay and pay lot rent on the next day that it is due or you are free to leave, either way, this working relationship is over.

See, I didn't bring them into the park as workampers, I never promised them anything and free lot rent was based on the work they - he, she doesn't do anything but sit in that camper all day long - do.  It was of great annoyance that he would also walk around without a shirt on.  An older dude walking with a giant beer gut representing the park.....

Well now? Suddenly a fire has been lit under his feet and he "wants" to do everything. Only because Allen is busy working, cleaning things up, mowing, etc., doing far more work than this workamper ever dreamed of doing.  The workamper had resolved himself to mowing the dog park once a week and that was the end of it. Is that worth an entire month's worth of lot rent? Of course not.  So he's getting in Allen's face, wanting the lawn mower to the point Allen contacted me about the situation and that is when I contacted them to clarify - for the howeverth many time - they no longer work for the park.  

If it continues I am going to go to their door, get in their faces and tell them directly to leave Allen alone and stop trying to suddenly do something to save your position.  If you had wanted to do that, you would have done enough work to at least get by.  You wouldn't wait until someone else comes along that has a much broader vision for the park, btw, including expansion, see them start doing all kinds of  stuff including decorating the shed and putting up hand made signs (they are really nice btw), mowing, trimming, picking up stuff, etc.  

Go sit in your trailer and drink, or do whatever you want to do, but when rent time comes around? I want that money.  They now know this in no uncertain terms, it has been concisely stated to the 9th degree, it is in writing via text, there is no possibility in realistic terms that they can say that they weren't told.  

I'm cleaning up the messes in the park that were brought on by undesirable people coming in and doing things I don't want them to do.  You can't just look into a person's soul, heart or brain and see what's going on in there. Only God can do that.  I take chances, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, there is a big mess to clean up - via getting rid of people. It's unpleasant work for it's always confrontational. I don't care how professional or nice or kind you try, they are going to get mad because they aren't getting their way.  Like 5 year olds throwing a tantrum on grocery store floors, thye kick and scream, sometimes literally, while they are being taken out to the dumpster. 

Not that I think they're trash, but when they act like that, I don't want them around.  The workamper already drove away one of my favorite repeat customers, I don't need him doing that to anyone else.  

Live and learn. Next time - well I already have the replacement in Allen and yes, I did grill him quite a lot.  Much like when I used to screen people coming into my house to rent rooms.  If there is something amiss, just let them talk long enough and it will come out.  This all came flooding back into my mind after this ordeal. Remember, I haven't done any of that in quite a while.  I've had quite a few long conversations with Allen and so far, it's all normal and a drive to actually help me succeed. They want free lot rent, of course, I'm willing to exchange that for people that are actually on my side and not just about the money.  He's unemployed and apparently not looking for work right now.  

Anyway, it's been an aggravating week, frustrating and very draining.  That stuff takes it out of me and wears me out.  I have to go relax and even take a nap after I have been involved in those ordeals both with the workamper and the couple with the dogs. Add to that Allen losing his wallet and apparently someone taking it - or more likely- someone stole it and his phone to begin with.  He had to go cancel his credit cards, bank cards, etc.  Lost I don't know how much money, but at least a month's worth of lot rent.  

Relishing a day off, I realized I have no clean clothes for work. I have pretty much ruined all my jeans with the trucking job - get some of that glue on your clothes and it ain't coming off - I have one pair that is usable for church.  I was waiting to buy anything more, whether I was going to have to switch to the next size up or stay in the same size. I have been diligent about this diet. I'm not losing a lot of weight but I'm definitely not putting any on, either.  So today after church, I'm going to go buy at least a couple of pair of new jeans and keep them set aside for non-work stuff.  

I'm still going to go over to the park after church and switch out that router. It sat in the heat last year, it's going to have to sit in the heat again until I get a new setup. I need a much larger, waterproof cabinet and a small ac unit to keep it cool.  Actual AC, not that humidifier stuff.  I don't think a fan is good enough. It will blow air around to keep it cooler than if you just have a box collecting heat, but it's still going to be pretty hot in there.  I had bought a box that the thing barely fits into, there is no room for a fan or small ac unit.  Yes, it's going to cost me but unless I want to have to go through this continually, I have no choice.  

What else....well I'll tell ya, I think I've dealt with enough this week.  It's still Sunday.....

19 days away from the trip to Galveston. The beach.  19 people going, they rented a large house, I paid appropriate percentage for my stay, far cheaper than getting a hotel.  I mean, hotels over there at this time of year are in the hundreds of dollars per night range.  Even old, junky hotels.  We are also cooking our own food, planning only one outing where everyone goes off on their own to eat wherever. We have already decided that as well.  

As with most vacations, I will ditch the diet. It's too hard to diet on such occasions, especially when you are eating whatever someone else is making.  I suppose I could take my own food with me, just think it easier to eat/drink whatever for a few days and then right back on Keto.  It was a bit difficult to get back on the no sugar, pasta, potatoes, etc diet again.  After a week, it was like nothing, really.  We are leaving Friday and returning Sunday, it's not a long vacation.  I took Monday off as well, there is nothing as bad, actually, as coming back from a vacation where you've actually worn yourself out with all the activities and then have to face work the very next morning.  A day of recovery, thank you. 

Meanwhile, we have the city of Phoenix with it's ridiculous water bills.  It includes sewer and trash, yes, but I remember the days of $40 per month payments which are now over $200.  They claim water conservation efforts - they are in a drought and have been for many years - but that isn't the whole story.  It's the unions working as city employees that keep demanding higher pay and benefits, far beyond anything you would find for the same type of work in the private sector.  Phoenix is run by leftist tax and spend individuals who just give these unions whatever they want. It will eventually break the city - it might take many years or decades, but when it all catches up to them?  I've seen this scenario taking place in other big cities.  It's absurd to have to pay that much every month.  We're talking some plants to water here, not grass, it's all landscaping rock.  Half of my plants are gone what with the  person taking care of them not really knowing what he's doing.  

I have it set up with a drip system, I don't even know if he's still using it.  He just let stuff go, saying he didn't know what to do and not contacting me about it. I know what to do with the various plants. In the end, I'm not there and he is.  There are still some desert plants that don't take a lot of water so that is that.  We've gotten a lot of rain over there this past season, I'm wondering if that equates to lake filling up and underground reservoirs doing the same? 

Anyway,  my mom is going to be up in the mountains again for the 4th. I'm trying to figure out when to go.  Just going to wait until she's back, at the same time, we have this mini vacation.  Kind of a conundrum.  The only thing that I will not like about the trip is staying at her place. She keeps the thermostat at 80 degrees, a full 10 degrees higher than what I can sleep at. We keep this house cold at night, I'm not the only one that likes it cool for sleeping. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

 I'll call this a short.

The park hosts have come to the point that they are realize they probably will never see the wallet, cash or phone again.  I'm just not sure how this happened. I'm far more concerned now that there is a thief/are thieves staying in the park.  Of course, the people I booted could have also been the culprits, they were also needy.  I call people needy if they can't come up with their rent on time and are struggling to pay their bills.  I don't think ill of them, but sometimes, people in such positions feel like they need to start taking from others to make up for it.

Many of these people will excuse themselves in their own thinking, bypassing any morality or ethics and simply saying: I am poor, I can steal.  Remember, I lived in a poor neighborhood for many years. I didn't steal from anyone but there were many thieves in my neighborhood and I heard this "philosophy" regurgitated endlessly. 

I slept poorly last night and that's because of a case of constipation.  It just wasn't happening and I just don't sleep well in that condition.  No matter, finish this run today and then I'll have the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well. Monday is a late run, which is fine actually, I actually don't mind not getting up early on Monday and having to stay out later.  

I've sort of tuned out politics now that the debate is over. Both sides are now just saying the same talking points over and over and declaring their side won.  Tho it is hard to imagine anyone believing Biden won that debate and even many prominent democrats are not only declaring he is no condition to continue on another 4 years, they are pushing him to step out of the way.  However, Biden's staff, of course, says he's great along with his wife and numerous other pundits, commentators and the like.  

So, what do Democrats do in such cases? They push that narrative on the opponent, saying Trump is incoherent and producing "proof" because he stumbled with his words once in a 90 minute - 2 hour campaign rally.  

Most of these people - well everyone needs - Jesus.  I mean that quite seriously and not funning around.  Many of them are evil, IMO, on both sides and are of this world, so to speak.  

I buy the cheapest coffee pods for the Keurig I can find, I'm just that way and especially with the price of coffee right now.  So, I'm particularly pleased with this Donut House, I think it's called, coffee that I found at Walmart yesterday.  Much better than anything else I've found in town, it's actually quite delicious and my thermos will be full of it in a few minutes.  

Back to the park hosts, I feel bad for them.  It means they are going to have to take precautions against theft. I do that all the time anyway, but still, they had rent money and living off-of money in that wallet. I have given them time to figure out what they are going to do. I will not give the first month's rent off, not right away anyway. I want to see if they are going to live up to their words.

This first guy was living up to his words temporarily and then....almost nothing.  He blames me, of course.  Behind my back, not to my face for he knows what will happen if he says such nonsense to me. I'll blow him out of the water with facts, basically.  I could see those people being thieves, but are they?  Judging books by their covers isn't the greatest methodology to finding out who is doing what.  The money is gone regardless, whoever took it probably spent it already.  The workamper dude is just not all there. I don't think he's on drugs, I think he did that earlier in life and it took it's toll on his brain and thinking capacity.  Especially in the comprehension area of being able to understand and internalize what people are saying to him. It's the reason I think he's capable of stealing.  They aren't totally broke but her (his wife's) disability doesn't take them very far.  

Whatever the case, I am done here. I must leave post haste. I tend to get to thinking when I start writing and time passes by - lots of it - quickly.  Yes, I know the clock stays the same rate of ticking and clicking, just a euphemism. 


Friday, June 28, 2024

 It's 3:00 pm and just barely got home. The plant kept me waiting 2 hours before they got to me. It was the new kid loading and so I kind of give him a break, but once it gets past my appointment time I'm starting to get a bit antsy.  Like, get to me, please and get with it.  A crew of people showed up after I got in there and almost blocked access to our loading bay. Same problem, different day: contamination in the lines and they were pumping the lines out, dumping the product onto the ground.  However, that didn't affect loading me for whatever reason so I was very glad about that, at least.  

However.  Having to wait to load was the least of my problems today.  The new people at lot 1 called and said they were leaving and cited the dogs from next door as the issue.  Well, didn't they stop letting them out?  No, they were out this morning!  I immediately texted the people in the other lot, I had had enough.  

Get those dogs out of my park, immediately, I don't want them in there, you let them wander around again this morning. This lady - she's actually a very young girl in my view, maybe 20 years old - went into meltdown mode yet again.  At this point, it was time for the whole lot of them to go.  I kept my cool, but she was calling me a liar and I was not backing down. 

So, her husband or boyfriend - that story keeps changing so I don't know which - called me, started yelling at me on the phone.  He cussed me out and challenged me to "come say that to my face", an obvious threat of fist fighting.  I am not going to get into fistfights with tenants, I will call the Sheriff out there and they can discuss with him the idea of threatening people when someone is saying something to him or them that they don't want to hear or deal with. 

After that, he texted me about talking to his lady and blah blah blah.  I simply typed back: I am calling the Sheriff. 

Oh yes, I called the Sheriff.  They started arguing - not in a brash way but still arguing the point that I would have to go through the courts.  No, they separated mobile home park rules with RV's that used to be lumped in with them long ago. They are treated as a hotel guest, basically, you can get rid of them at will.  Their transient, they are on wheels, they can leave at will.  

They sergeant toned down and said he would just have to start making calls and finding out if what I am saying is correct. Yes, please do that.  He called back 40 minutes later, saying the rules are clear as mud.  I simply reiterated - very respectfully, he wasn't being rude to me and I wasn't going to be rude to him - that the situation is treated as a temporary guest.  

I was getting more texts from these dog people and I was ignoring most of it excepting to reiterate that I am calling the Sheriff.  Sometimes, maybe many times, people don't want to deal with law enforcement, I texted back and said you threatened me and that is the end of the line.  If you are out of my park by the end of the day, I'll let it go and that will be that.  He sent back a thumbs up, she started texting again.  I'm going to contact my friend at the Sheriff's office and blah blah blah.  I didn't care at that point, I informed her this conversation is over, please stop texting me and amazingly, she did.  

Well, the Sheriff didn't call back any time soon and after another hour and a half or so, I checked the cameras.  They went into the shed for some reason, I didn't see anything in their hands so I'm hoping that means they didn't steal anything.   But that was recorded stuff, so I looked through the live camera. It appeared that their trailer was gone.  So, I pulled up a pic with their trailer in the lot and realized that yes, indeed they had left.  

Then, the Sergeant called back and said after everything, he called the district judge that your property is under and he said yes, it's an at-will situation because there is no contract.  I don't do contracts for that purpose, You have a contract and you have a landlord-tenant relationship, I don't want that with anyone.  It's not how many RV parks are run, tho some do, indeed, have contracts. That's their deal, not mine.  I've done my research. The judge was still wrong, tho, telling him the situation is at-will but I would still have to give a 3 day notice.  After he was done, I politely told him that I am very appreciative of all the work you have done in looking this up - instead of arguing that they are wrong, if they think they are right there isn't much I can say to change their tune without getting on the wrong side of them - but this problem has been resolved. Apparently my saying  I am calling the Sheriff lit a fire under their feet and they are gone.

Oh great, he says, do you know what kind of vehicle they are driving? Yes, described that to them and the trailer.  Well, we do patrol your area we could start coming in there at night to check on things. Please do. I don't want cops in there all the time but at night? Who is going to complain? Maybe some, but I doubt they would start trouble with anyone, just let their presence be known. 

This situation went on all morning long. Meanwhile....the new "Park Host" contacted me. I have some things to tell you when you get back.  Ok.  He then went on to say something about the workamper dude and the lady with the dogs. 

When I got back, they were coming down the driveway so I stopped and we had a long conversation.  Robert, the workamper, had done the mowing on the other side today.  This after I told him the new people will be taking care of everything.  And after he's basically done nothing beyond mowing the dog park once in the last 8 days, I think it is and 8 days ago, it was mowing the dog park lawn.  So, that dude had gotten pissed at the new park host because the new park host bluntly informed him he was taking over robert's duties. 

So, their conversation went back and forth between robert asking why I (me) wanted them to take over? Well, Robert, because frankly?  You aren't doing jack shit in here.  

Then, the girl/lady with the dogs went over there last night, cussing him out and demanding to know why he "told on us" to (me) about the dogs barking last night? The park host dude frankly told her: Because I walked down the driveway last night and your dogs were barking. I could hear them down to where i was helping some people out and then I walked back and your dogs were still barking.  She, of course, called him a liar.  She has been calling everyone a liar (these are the people that are now gone).

Now, let's move on to right now.  The park host lost his wallet yesterday.  He didn't know where he lost it and asked me to look at my camera, stating he had been in the shed at such and such a time and thought he had left it in the bathroom,  had anyone else been in there between the time I left and the time I returned?  I looked and saw him leave and return, no one in between.  I'm going to recheck that now that this new situation has arisen. 

You see, not only did his wallet go missing, his wife's phone also disappeared today.  The phone is dead, he said, but it can still be tracked and guess whose trailer it is at? Robert's of course.  They were asking me what to do, I immediately told them to call the police. Don't mess with them, you can show proof of where the phone is at, that may (or may not, I dunno) give the cops an "exigent circumstance" situation to go in and search the trailer.  I'm guessing they will, but I told them that them trying to do anything is not going to end well, just get the sheriff out there.  

I can just about guarantee you that that call they are making right now? Is going to have Sheriff deputies out there quickly.  I want the park cleaned up of the riff raff, if Robert is a thief, he can leave as well.  I won't press charges, they may or may not. He said he had a large amount of cash in his wallet, he had my lot rent and apparently even more than that beyond the missing phone.  I mean, in my mind? The park host who will now be called Allen probably left it in his pickup and forgot about it, Robert probably took it.  Can't guarantee that, but it seems obvious that he has stolen their phone.  

As you can see, I have quite the day, 2 people cleared their lots, the people threatening and yelling at everyone and their used-to-be new neighbors that couldn't deal with the dogs anymore, they told the Park Host - Allen that they are going to Victoria.  Victoria is a town well down south, used to travel through it frequently going to Brownsville.  It's near the ocean I guess, otherwise it's just as hot down there as it is here.  The thing is, the "bad" people left before they left but that didn't sway them.

I can't blame them, they liked the park, they said, but for the dogs.  They had just made their mind up: time to leave and that was that.  

So now I have 3 lots open when I was down to 1.  I like having 1 open, I do not like having 3.  Money down the drain, others have called I hope they come.  But, I will have to just go ahead and do another Facebook boost ad.   

My electric bill, due on the 10th of next month, is $1,600.  It will go up to around $2,100 and then around $2,500 if last year was any measure of what will happen this year in the summer time.  

I'm just at shrugs shoulders point.  I need money, not for electric bills, I have that, but to expand.  

Whatever the case, I'm looking through the camera to see if the Sheriff shows up or what they are going to do about it.  

I'm looking for negative reviews on my Google business account from the ousted people.  So far, nothing. I fully intend on responding to it if they do post some nonsense.  Oh, did I say my dumpster is already half filled and it's only Friday? Lol.  One thing after another...

The real deal today? It's miserably hot out there.  After 4:00 pm, 94 degrees, feels like 108.  I was feeling that in the truck today when the AC isn't working.  Wayyyy tooooooo much humidity in the air. 

I'm done with this. I'm going to go lay down, relax, empty my mind of all of this stuff and just watch a movie or something. 

 Friday - early

Just a few minutes of time to spend here, at least for now, probably write again later for the kids are leaving for another 2 weeks to Arkansas this morning, meaning I don't have kids wanting this and that...

Biden was a total disaster last night.  I mean, I may be a bit on the biased side and despise many of the policies Biden has enacted, but even mainstream (read: communist) media are having meltdowns about his performance. He was mumbling, incoherent, you couldn't understand at least of one fourth the words coming out of his mouth.  

I am going to say one thing here I thought I would never say, tho: CNN moderators were very fair and didn't just ask questions that would be hard for Trump.  Trump had instant answers for everything, Biden would start mumbling. Biden had this blank look on his face as if he wasn't there, like he was in a dream - a bad dream for him.  I had an issue with the mic mute when they first announced this a few months ago, but over time, I thought: this will work both ways so maybe it's a good thing and yes, it really helped.  I think Trump not being able to talk over Biden actually helped keep him toned down.  

Biden brought up several lies or uncorroborated statements such as the economy being in a shambles when Trump, I think he brought up the inflation lie again and then brought up the alleged statement about Trump calling people who died in wars fools and would rather spit on them, etc.  

Joy Reid "The universal reaction was panic", Joy Reid is an ultra left commentator, I think on MSNBC, the bastion of communist propaganda.  

MANY democratic big names are saying Biden should now drop out.  If you watched this debate, can you imagine this man representing us on the world stage talking like that?  And after he spent what, a week in Camp David preparing for this debate?  His performance was so horrendous, I have to wonder if this was all staged, like giving democrats an excuse to replace him?  

Well here I am getting fired up and now I have to leave. 

Please wish me a good day, the last time I went to Lufkin, 2 days ago, I spent 8-1/2 hours in the plant and I do not want a repeat of that. 

Thank you and good day!

 Thursday - evening

I dunno about that sleep app. It's usually correct but today? I woke up after 3 hours of deep sleep, pretty much normal for me, but I went right back to sleep - not normal for me - and slept the rest of the night.  It gave me "average" sleep rating and I'm like, uhh, no.  I feel great today. It was hard to wake up this morning, yes, that alarm went off and I thought, I could sleep for many more hours.  

Anyway, days worth of contention.  First, these young people with the 4 dogs and second, this dude that is a "workamper" that isn't working.  I just got off the phone with them, this wasn't texting and yes, I confronted them - him and his wife were on the phone.  I just can't do this anymore and I laid out the reasons they can just start paying rent and no more work is needed.  

I just can't go there right now, it blows my mind how people can make up stories, defend themselves with lies when I know because I have seen it with my own eyes, not because someone else is telling me.  It's ridiculous nonsense.  I mean, yes, I have dealt with this stuff before, but not on this scale. What's it like with 40 lots worth of people?  I am coming to an understanding why many of these RV parks are so hardnosed about their rules. People don't give a shit and they will do whatever the HELL they please until someone confronts them.  I'm just sitting here shaking my head.

I bluntly asked him after all of their bs: what have you done in the park in the last 7 days?  Well we just mowed the dog park! Great, what else.....I can tell you because I know: NOTHING. They got mad and I don't care.  Get mad, get upset, leave, do whatever you're going to do, but I'm getting rid of the baggage that I didn't know was going to be baggage and that's that.  I want a reputation of a great place to stop and these people? No thank you.  

They can't leave on their own, I dunno what they're going to do but I pissed them off and I somewhat did it intentionally.  It's more of: I know how they are going to react but I'm going to say it anyway, get the cards on the table and whatever is going to happen, happen.  They likely won't want to stick around any longer, fine by me.  I'm tired of the drama and I'm just going to hit it hard when it comes to me, stop it in it's tracks and be done with it quickly.  I'm learning, that's all I can say. I had this going on at the house and room rentals, but as I said, not to this degree with this many people.  Fight that battles that need to be fought.  

Meanwhile, the new couple that decorated the shed and made hand made signs and have hung them already came running up to me today as I was leaving the park. I was in a hurry. The kids are leaving yet again for grandma's for another 2 weeks and I wanted to spend some time with them before they left, meaning take them to the movies.  Well, the man came running up. He's got a work ethic and offered to be the "Park Hosts".  Yessss.  I need this in my life. Park hosts deal with people coming and going, deal with the day to day as much as they want to do it and keep things running smoothly versus what I have been doing. Working a job and working the park.  It wears on me so some things get done when I have the energy and motivation to do it. 

These people are living the RV life, are totally into it, totally want to have a thriving community and I am all for that.  The things they are doing to their lot make it appear to me that they are planning on sticking around a long time.  They have also said this, but for me, I want to see the signs of that and yes, those signs are there.  I'm switching the free rent to them and the "workamper" will pay rent - or leave.  I as much said that quite directly to them, for they lied to me and I am done with that.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 It's a quarter after 9, I've been home maybe 35 minutes.  I am a bit perturbed atm  as well.  

First, it was the loading plant. I arrived there at 9:28 am and left there 5:45 pm.  You read that right, I was there for well over 8 hours.  I mean, sitting in a truck all day long, 3 or more hours of it in a truck that isn't running, they don't allow the trucks to run when they are actually loading the truck.

It took me all day long to finally find out what had happened.  The line that delivers the product to the fill line from the tank was completely blocked.  The loader - this is at the end of the day - pointed to the large container filled with a charcoal like substance. He said they had had to take the entire assembly apart to clean it out.  

I was wondering if I was even going to make it home today.  I had 20 minutes left on the clock before I finally was able to sign out of elogs.  I dunno, but I was very cranky and that because I hadn't eaten all day long. I had no intentions of fasting today, I just didn't take food for I figured at most I would be in the plant a couple of hours and if I got really hungry after that, I could get a salad at Love's.  I figured wrong, obviously. I normally take lunch with me up to Gurdon, I normally do not to Lufkin for the fact that I can get a low carb meal at Love's if I absolutely have to.  

After I got back to the yard, people started complaining yet again about the dogs in a particular trailer that are barking "all night long".  I don't know, I'm not there at night.  But, when enough people complain about the same thing, you figure they are probably at least close to telling the real story and I've already talked to these people about the excessive barking as it stands.  

So, I texted the dude and informed him the dogs can't just be sitting there barking all day and night long.  He apparently copied and pasted the message to the girl who then started blowing up my phone, making accusations about me and going off on me, everyone that is complaining and saying "I am making it personal about them".  No, honey, I'm dealing with numerous complaints.  I didn't call her honey, but I was thinking it, like what on earth is this incredible meltdown about?  

I addressed her accusations and she then wrote 3 long paragraphs going off even more.  I just wrote back to her: I don't want to get into an endless argument with you.  I stopped responding to her after that, even tho she kept going off.  I am not going to get caught up in such ridiculous nonsense, if they can't control their emotions, that's on them, I want no part of it, especially in writing.  It was all texting.  

I am sitting here after a near 14 hour day and now all of this trash and nonsense wondering how I got myself into all of this.  I know it's a juggling of attempting to appease as many people as possible, but at the end of the day? I also understand after decades of doing this that you can't and won't be able to please everyone and perhaps it will just mean that some people leave and that's that.  That's where I'm at, I am dealing with it to the best of my ability, if people don't like it, they are free to find other accommodations.  

Perhaps I'm just being whiny because I don't get hardly any downtime before I have to go to bed. That's in 15 minutes if I follow my normal routine - which I probably won't tonight.  

BTW, I don't deal with issues until I find out about them.  Or if I see something myself, obviously I will deal with it directly.  It's the only way to do it, get it confronted and get it over with. If people even feel an inkling that you are not serious or you won't follow through, they will walk all they way around hell to walk all over you, smear their feet on top of you like a doormat and spit on you while they're at it, metaphorically speaking.  It's just the nature of humans to take advantage of something as far as they can take it, attempting to find your boundaries.  My boundaries per the park are in writing and that's what I go by.  I may need to add some things to those rules now that I think about it.   

Oh, and a dog has parvo so now "the park has parvo".  It's ridiculous mob mentality that gets such things going. If your dog has been vaccinated against parvo, it isn't going to get parvo. Facts.  "No one can use the doggy park now", a man informs me as I ask why? Because such and such German Shepherd "over there" has parvo.  Okay? You do know if your dog has the vaccine current/up to date, your dog won't get it?  Ok, there is a slim chance a dog could still get it.  

But, to appease these people, I will have to buy a product that kills parvo on contact.  There are several of them out there that I have seen, remains to be seen how much of it I would need to buy to cover 9,000 square feet.  No, it's more like 8,100 square feet.  One guy said "I'm going to spray the park with bleach". Uhh, no you aren't, you'll kill the grass that I have fought so hard to get going in there.  And anyway, from my reading, the thing that a dog will likely get it from in a doggy park is from a dog's poop that has the virus.  

Looks like a product called Rescue! is the one to get. Pricey, of course.  A gallon of concentrate is 60 bucks.  I hate spending money on such things, just eats into my profits. Like, why have a dog park in the first place? And who has dogs that doesn't get them vaccinated and shots for everything?  Lots of people, probably.  I am considering making it a rule that dogs must be up to date on rabies and parvo shots.  

There was one bright star in the sky today.  My notifications coming from the camera inside the shed was blowing up today, so I eventually took a look. The lady that moved in with the dude had made up some shelving, flower arrangements and other "cute" stuff and hung it up on walls in the shed, both the laundry portion and the bathroom.  They didn't ask for permission to do this but it looks really good.

The place needed a woman's touch, that's for sure.  I certainly wasn't complaining. She also made some hand designed, wood signs for the shed and the doggy park.  These people have been setting up camp over there since they arrived, in a good way.   I think these people with the dogs are going to leave and frankly, I don't mind seeing them go.  I wouldn't say it's a good riddance thing, I just don't want to continue to have to deal with the same people about dog issues all the time. It gets very old.

I suppose I should change the subject.  Presidential debate tomorrow, it's going to be skewed, I know it because CNN is hosting it and Trump haters are moderating it.  They picked sides before a debate was even considered or agreed to.  The muted microphones are to silence Trump.  I dunno how Trump is going to behave, personally I'd like to see him tone his rhetoric down a few notches, especially with the name calling junk.  But, Biden is no better and has been deriding the entire Republican party since he took office with all kinds of vile rhetoric.  Our democracy is at stake! They say but I know they don't believe.  Trump already had the office for 4 years and our nation was in far better shape than the near 4 years Biden has been at the helm.

And off of that, I think it's time to just end this. I seem to be full of negativity.  Probably because of an entire day's worth of a negative atmosphere.  I just know I have to get up at 5:30 am, but hope and pray that tomorrow is much better than today's stuff.

 Wednesday - early

If my alarm wasn't going off? No worries, the motorcycle firing up every morning with James leaving at the same time I'm getting up for work will instantly wake me up. Not that I'm complaining, excepting perhaps on a day off.  

The next day off is Sunday, amazingly.  The manager fired the dispatcher and now he's doing the dispatching. He knows I like to go to church on Sundays and now apparently is fixing it to be available more often than not? I don't know but the scheduling for this week was intentional for that result.  Work Monday through Saturday, off Sunday and start over.  

I don't have next week's schedule yet so I have no idea if it's going to stay that way.  There are many things this company does wrong, getting my scheduling right would at least be on plus on a board of negatives.  

Not shockingly, AOC won the district in New York she represents in the primaries.  Anti-Israel trash, she and the ilk supporting her despise Jews in particular and obviously have no problem that Hamas killed a bunch of innocent Israeli citizens.  She is one of the "people" perpetuating the genocide theory/declaration of Palestinians, but you really cannot separate Palestinians from Hamas.  The one thing that all of these people cannot escape is the fact that the Palestinians voted for Hamas to rule over them. Perhaps they didn't foresee being used as human shields, however, maybe they are regretting that vote, then again, maybe they aren't.  

AOC is a giant fruitcake with legs, her mental deficiencies going well beyond just the anti-Israel sentiment. She frequently declares things that are at best propaganda but almost always just plain out false as truth and she is frequently fact checked by the right, if no one else.  

Speaking of fact checkers, did you see where Snopes, the far left noodles that are "fact checkers" extraordinaire, actually retracted a false conclusion regarding Trump?  Have you seen any of these fact checkers doing that, ever, since all of this "fact checking" started? It was concerning the left making the claim that Trump said that all the facists and neo-nazis at a demonstration were "very fine people", concluding that he condones and is  one of those types of people.  It was clearly evident he we referring to some of the people that were bystanders or just there watching that had no part of either side of the equation.  

Oh, and then there's this presidential debate tomorrow, hosted by CNN and 2 CNN anchors that have been Trump haters from the get go.  Not just opposed to Trump, they abhor him.  No audience, microphones will be muted when it's not one of their turns, you can't have cards or prompters (that will benefit Trump and is likely why Biden has disappeared into Camp David attempting to memorize the lies that will proceed from his mouth) and other things I don't recall now.  The fact that it is going to be hosted by trump hating, elitist "news" anchors or commentators is telling.  Biden would only agree to that, of course, none of this nonsense came from the Trump camp.

Well, I got myself started and looked at the clock.  See, I woke up at 5:30 am, I didn't say I got out of bed at that point in time, lol. I laid there for a while trying to get my head into the awake, up and running state of existence.  I'm finally there, but the clock is also there, time to leave.


Monday, June 24, 2024

 Monday - early

Woke up 40 minutes before the alarm was going to go off, knew I would never get back to sleep so just got up.  

The first Presidential debate is on Thursday. The rules are .... interesting.  No notes or props. That won't hurt Trump, Biden is holed up in a cabin right now preparing for the debate because the man doesn't have a clue.  Biden will come out swinging, attacking Trump, calling him a felon, bringing up lies from the past - lies perpetuated by the Biden camp, will attack Trump on a personal level and will avoid most of the issues because his idea of running the nation is to run it into the ground. 

Microphones will be muted. That is a pathetic and ridiculous rule that can easily be abused, especially since leftist communists are going to be running the show.  It's all going to favor Biden, I'd be willing to bet money on that.  They've got something or things up their sleeves to make sure that Biden looks "good" and "Trump: Orange man bad!".  It's amazing Trump even agreed to this setup, but there was no other way to get a debate in without it.  Remember, these people running this debate are people who believe Trump AND his supporters are threats to our "democracy". 

I don't actually believe they think this, they just throw that stuff out there to try and dupe the gullible public who pay no attention to politics and apparently don't understand how politics affects our personal lives to a very great degree, whether it be our freedoms or especially things concerning our finances and how much of it we get to keep.  Or allowing this land to be invaded by illegal aliens who are slowly changing the scope of our culture and are bilking the public treasuries dry.  Who is paying for all of this free medical care, cash vouchers, phones, food, clothing and shelter?  

Yes, I'm going to watch the debate but I expect it to be skewed towards Biden and that's why I think it's a risky proposition for Trump.  But, Trump is taking the chance because he needs to reach the populous that's more in the center, Stein supporters and third party. His push for having rallies in staunchly blue states and area is also an interesting tactic.  

And then there's these people that think the climate is going to change to the point that we are all going to die!!!  The latest one was running out onto a PGA? not sure which venue but a golf tournament, spraying paint and running around like penguins out of water in circles and the police literally, almost magically appearing out of nowhere, tackling the whole lot of them and escorting them in cuffs off of the premises.  It's as if the police somehow knew these people were going to show up and were highly prepared for it.  You know, these people aren't having the effect they think they are having.  I would think most people look at their antics and think, that's highly annoying, childish, juvenile, stupid. Not, oh wow! We should demand our politicians change everything to GREEN RIGHT NOW! Lmao

Anyway, just preparing for another day of work.  At least I have the first load today, I don't care for getting up this early, I also don't care for work days to be ending at 4 or 5 pm. On a day like this, I can reasonably expect to be back by 1 or 1:30 at the latest going to Lufkin, 2ish or so going to Gurdon tomorrow.  Barring any problems, of course.  I've been flat free for a little while now, I wonder how long I can on without having another flat tire/blowout?  The tires on the truck are good.  

Obi...I'm out back yesterday evening adding water to the pond, cleaning out the pump and getting it running right again. Boy was that water warm!  Fish are still alive but it must be a bit oppressive environment for them in such warm water.  The pond was down around 7 inches so the water input help bring the temp down quite a bit.  Well, the dog runs over to a panel on the side of the house, growling, jumping around, going crazy. That dog has a very high amount of endless energy.  I mean, allllll dayyyyy long, that dog is just running around constantly, he's still quite skinny but I've managed to put some weight on him at least.

Well, he's sticking his nose into the ground next to the house, just going bat-s*** crazy until I see the issue.  He's got a snake in his mouth!  OBI!!!! I couldn't tell what kind of snake it was and was concerned the thing was going to bite him, but he was flinging the thing around wildly.  I'm telling you, wildlife has no chance in our back yard lol.  Varmints will be killed by the small dog, snakes apparently by my big giant goofball.  I made him drop the thing but after I saw the damage to it I wished i had just let him kill it.  It was a plain-bellied water snake, a snake I particularly despise for they will go straight into the pond and eat my fish.  

I told him to Get it! and finish the job, mostly because it had huge holes in the side of it from the dog's teeth.  But, by the time he got back to it, it slithered underneath the house behind the panel and Obi couldn't get it.  I'm thinking that snake is going to die anyway, but I'm also think, dang, we've got those damned water snakes back.  I thought they were gone.  I mean, there are always snakes around here, if not water snakes, copperheads and if not copperheads, cottonmouths.  I'm not a fan of snakes, btw, they can ALL die as far as I'm concerned.  But, I'm happy I have a dog that isn't afraid of them, I just wonder tho if he's going to get himself bit by a venomous snake.  

Btw, ""Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs," he stated in a separate post months later.

In 2018, Cherry called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Homeland Security Department agency tasked with preventing cross-border crime and illegal immigration, to be abolished. 

Cherry was also posting support for "Palestine" on social media in 2014 during the Gaza War in which Palestinian forces, led by the radical Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, sparking a forceful Israeli response that involved airstrikes and a ground invasion."it.  This is the type of people the Biden admin promotes to important positions.  

Well, something happened to the spacing when I copied and pasted that, lol, so I'm just signing off, it's almost time to leave as it stands.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

 Sunday - morning

2 hours before church.  

We had a party over here last night for one of the members of the group, there were a lot of people here and lots of fun.  Getting up this morning and walking out to the kitchen?  Well I just spent 45 minutes cleaning and loading the dishwasher.  Don't really want to start a Sunday with a dirty kitchen, just my mindset.  

I did absolutely nothing yesterday.  By design, I laid in bed most of the day until it was time for the party. The people showed up too early, lol, I just wanted to stay in bed.  I haven't done that in so long I can't even remember the last time I just decided to lay around like a sluggard.  I'm not a sluggard and no one could reasonably accuse me of that, but it was nice to spend a day doing - .... - nothing.  

Some new people moved in Friday and they were already complaining about the dogs. The people next to them have been a thorn in my side with letter out 3 or 4 dogs just to wander all over the place.  I have contacted them at least 3 times about this, pretty soon it's going to be an ultimatum: You  can not let your dogs roam free, unsupervised and obviously shi**ing everywhere and obviously you aren't cleaning it up. Either conform to the written rules or please leave.  

It's a young couple and the man is not a nice person.  He has the personality of a rock.  He doesn't like to chit chat and I've seen some interesting people they are bringing in there with them.  Judge  a book by it's cover? Meh, maybe a little.  I've been around those types of people before, I can spot them pretty quickly.  The street I used to live on was full of such people.  My problem is if they decide that my property is now going to become their looting place, a place to steal whatever they can get away with. 

But, whatever the case, the dogs are the immediate concern. They had 1, then 2 and now allegedly they 4 dogs living in that trailer.  No one wants to deal with someone else's dogs, especially these new people.  The man looked at me and said: "well you have rules about that don't you?" He isn't against dogs, he just wants them under control, which is perfectly understandable.  They don't have pets and they don't want other people's pets visiting them.  

Honestly, I'd rather cater to the normal people than the people that think they can do whatever the hell they please and nothing can be done about it. Yeah, they'll find out that when they push me far enough, I'll throw them and their 4 dogs out of my park.  There are lots of dogs in the park, people do not let them run free except one dude that is also getting under my skin.

However....he is always with the dog at least.  He doesn't just boot it out the door and say goodbye, go poop somewhere and then someone else can clean it up.  That has quickly become and Achille's heel with me, people not cleaning up after their dogs.  Everyone in that park that has a dog knows I won't tolerate their dogs just shitt*** everywhere and then leaving it.  

Ok let's get off of that. Keto.  I dumped 5 pounds overnight a few days ago and tho a few pounds came back on, the fat is starting to come off.  I can tell from my love handles, which were getting escessively large and .... not so appealing in appearance.  They have shrunk considerably.  Last night, it wasn't even that hard to say no to delicious looking birthday pie (the dude wanted pie, not cake).  Why? Because I had just checked ketones and it was dark purple.  Meaning, my body is burning fat for energy, not carbohydrates.  This is exactly what you want and it amplifies the fat loss exponentially compared to other diets.  

I have noticed in the past that the scale may not even change but the fat loss is quite visible and noticeable.  So, I'm sticking with the diet for now, at least a month but if this continues, I'll go on as long as it needs to to get the weight and fat off of me and drop at least one pant size.  I still have 34 jeans, a whole drawer full of them. Haven't been in them in quite a while and was headed to size 36. That's when I said nope, we aren't doing that, I'm going to try lose this weight no matter how hard of a struggle it is. 

And yes, there are times I want sweets, I just either put it out of my mind or I have unsweetened tea and add monk fruit sweetener to it.  It's pretty good, actually, you can add enough that you don't even know you are drinking anything but sugar.  I did buy some Atkins chocolates, but I've only had one of them.  I think that stuff actually hinders progress by the sweetener they use in it.  I also saw that Walmart is now carrying a line of Duncan Hines Keto fudge brownies, cookies and such.  I need to find out what kind of sweetener they are using in it to determine whether I want anything to do with it.

Note that a disclaimer does, indeed say that it is not a low calorie food.  It's basically: I'm needing some sugar, I'm having some of this stuff, I'll just pick up the next day and move on. The point is that it doesn't throw you out of ketosis, or so it claims. Lots of these products are being made saying "KETO" or "Keto friendly" or similar verbiage, but you start reading the carb count or reading the ingredients label and you find that that isn't actually true.  Especially the ones that say "keto friendly" and you see it has almost 20 grams of carbs.  20 grams of carbs is an entire day's worth of carbs on strict keto.  

They might be able to claim it is "low carb" but they shouldn't be misrepresenting it as keto friendly.  And the price tag with such stuff....


Many hours passed. Got into a cleaning mode and started going to town.  Not just the kitchen by my room, trash, etc.  There are no great plans for today beyond church, stop at the park and give a receipt to the new people, ask them if the dogs are still wandering around, etc.  Go out to eat as is weekly tradition - I have significantly cut back restaurant visits in a move to save money - but - I am not going to forgo my Sunday restaurant visits after church unless I'm working, of course.  If I don't do at least one weekend shift per pay period, my pay will be down that $450.  

As it stands, days off just seem to fly by.  Seems like a few hours ago it was Friday afternoon, I had just come home and was doing stuff around the house.  Now? It's still Sunday morning, yes, but it will disappear.  James off to work, Taylor off to her game event every Sunday, I will have the kids for several hours, but that's normal for a Sunday.  

There must be some movies I can watch on satellite...speaking of that, I plan on buying the entire series of old shows I like to watch, think Star Trek the next generation, The Big Valley, etc and get a large collection of movies that I like, mostly older stuff they are cheaper as well, build that collection up nicely and ditch the satellite. Tired of the ridiculous amount of money they charge, it's too much.  I'm getting cheap again, I guess, but I'm trying to save money, not dump it into the coffers of giant corporations who are, truthfully, overly greedy.  

I think satellite tv is doomed unless they decide to do something about their pricing tiers.  I wouldn't mind so much, but  for decades, BOTH companies have played the endless "let's agree on a price" game and almost immediately, within 3 months anyway, start ratcheting the price back up.  They come up with their excuses, I'm tired of hearing them.  I don't care what your excuse is, I can't just do that with my customers.  Every month: sorry, folks, but the lot rent just went up $15.  Take it or leave it. Most would probably give me a middle finger and tell me to stick it.  I wouldn't blame them, either.  

Well, it's almost time to leave for church.


Friday, June 21, 2024

 Friday - 7:45 am

Who knows what this other driver will do today.  He was actually late yesterday to the loading plant, I just didn't show up particularly early since I don't want to be subjected to this driver's antics.  The question is: when should I show up in Gurdon today? I've landed on 11:30 am, an hour and a half past his appointment time and see what happens.  I'll be the squeaky wheel with the manager about these drivers showing up late, repeatedly, until he either does something about it or he invites me to find employment elsewhere.

I don't really care which at this point.  Don't want to have to find another job, at the same time, this situation is insufferable.  The idea of giving these drivers early load times when he - the manager - knows they won't show up on time is ridiculous.  I know he knows because they all went through a list of drivers and when they typically show up.  As I say, they can show up as late as they want - on the second run.

I am not going to complain about not having to get up at 5:30 am, however.  That's the only good thing  about getting the second run.  

Paid today, it was around 2k, which is the minimum I want for take-home pay.  

If I wanted to make a case for getting rid of satellite tv, this is it right here. I have it on, trying to watch the news, was trying to watch an episode of Bar Rescue before that, but what is there in ample abundance for a service you pay through the nose for? Endless commercials.  Most of them are at least 3-1/2 minutes worth, that's on the low end of the scale.  I see them going on as much as 5 plus minutes.  In fact, I was trying to watch a movie I had recorded last night.

There was 4 minutes and 45 seconds of commercials every commercial break. The movie would play 5 minutes and then 4 - 45 of commercials, endlessly. It's why I usually just record shows and watch later: I can fast forward through all of the endless commercials about a drug that causes you to lose weight, but, wait!  It will also give you a stroke, heart attack, heart palpitations, seizures, headaches, etc.  You listen to the list of  potential side effects and you are left wondering why anyone would take such a thing with the possibility of death, even, as a result of having had taken that pill.  I've never quite understood why they are showing these ads anyway?  I guess to pressure your doctor to give you that particular pill?

Anyway, it seems I could just buy the entire series of shows I like and watch them at will on a DVD player and have much, much cheaper services showing me a few of the channels I "must have".  

I was looking at mortgage interest rates, they are more than double what I am paying on the cashout-refi.  And then housing prices are way up, a double whammy to anyone trying to buy a house.  Just lamenting the interest rates right now.  It makes buying anything unapealling.  

Mother is back in town, but only long enough to get supplies and go back up to her mountain property.  Apparently my oldest brother volunteered once again to take her up there to get away from the 4th of July and the effect it has on her dog.  Any excuse to get up there, I am sure. If I were living there and  retired I would certainly do the same thing for her.  You can't just take her up there, dump her off and say ok, I'll be back in 2 weeks. It's not that you can't leave her alone or that she doesn't stock up enough supplies to live off of, she's been doing that for decades.

It's the threat of forest fires that force the issue that a person must be mobile and can get out of there.  In the summer, AZ forests become bone dry and the fire danger always goes up to high, extremely high and severe ranges.  In fact, her property had burned decades ago before she bought it by a raging fire that would have killed anyone in it's path.  My brother's cabin is something like 7 miles down the road.  The other thing is, if there is a fire, they will shut down the roads leading up there, making a rescue effort impossible without being able to convince authorities that they either let you through or they go up and get the person themselves.  

On tap today is simply go up, unload, come back and then start the weekend.  The weekend off, that is.  I'm also expecting a reply from the LS dealer. I was told yesterday that the salesman wasn't in and he would be in tomorrow (now today) and he would contact me then, or, I could call.  I like stuff in writing, I said I'd be happy to wait.  It's one thing someone quotes you whatever over the phone, entirely another to have a person writing it out in an email and sending actual product quotes that you can't deny or try ot change the parameters at the last minute.  I've encountered enough salespeople that do that that it's prudent, imo, to get that stuff in writing. 

If the dealer in Alabama has the kinds of pricing advertised, I'd like to hope the dealer 2 states away (they are in Louisiana but near the state line) would have similar pricing.  

Have you been paying attention to all of these illegals killing people, especially innocent children?  "Migrants Charged In String Of Violent Crimes" is the headline I'm watching right now. Then show a pic of a 12 year old girl that was strangled by these human rodents.  Doesn't it seem extremely coincidental that all of a sudden, Democrats want to get "tough on crime" and enact inconsequential border bills that don't make a damned bit of difference?  These people have a huge invitation to come here, get cash, phones, medical, housing, transportation, food.  Free.   They always pull these tactics which sometimes sway enough uninformed and gullible voters to vote for them, then they switch back immediately to their "defund the police" and open borders.  You must be a racist and afraid of latinos if you are anti-open border stance.  

Yeah, whatever. That word salad gibberish isn't working on me. I'm not on board with progressive communist desires and agendas.  Call me all the names you want, I'm pro America, not pro change this nation into an elitist run, tyrannical driven  dictatorship where capitalism is rejected for the "common good". These stupid people don't understand that even communist theories run their models on top of capitalism, crushing it, but keeping it alive enough to keep any given economy running.  

Whatever.  I don't want to get started on all of that nonsense this morning, it's a beautiful day and I don't want to dwell on negativity.  I had a decent paycheck, I'm not broke, things are running relatively smoothly and life is good.  I have 7 plus hours of work to do and then an entire 2 full days off plus whatever will be left of this one.  I am contemplating going 2 towns over tomorrow to see the new Planet of the Apes movie.  I have always loved those movies starting when I was a little boy.  That franchise has been around for a long, long time.  The last one they put out I thought was good.  I saw a trailer of the new one and it also looks good, keeping in the theme of the franchise and carrying it to new possibilities.  

I don't know if I'll go, they were showing it in town here, I didn't get there in time to see it before they moved on to other movies.  The local theater here is cheap - $4.50 for matinee adult pricing.  The snack bar is as expensive as anywhere else, I'll take the cheap tickets any day, especially toting 3 children along with you.  They all want snacks, I just buy popcorn and a soda. The youngest didn't go last time because he demanded to have a child's "tray" that has all kinds of junk on it.  I just said, it's popcorn and soda. If you don't want it, that's up to you. He stayed home. Now he is "threatening"  not to go to church. That won't stop the older boy from going, at all.  He loves church and he has come to love Jesus.  He goes both for the playtime and the teachings. And the worship too, I forgot, they have their own worship service in the kids ministry room. 

I don't cave to 7 year old demands is the point.  I won't force anyone to go to church or try to manipulate them into going by offering them treats or whatever it is they are wanting.  They go because they want to.  It is, in fact, true that the ministry workers have to separate the 2 in the children's church because the younger starts "stuff" with the older and has authority issues.  Specifically, he doesn't like to be told what to do and will do what he pleases regardless of consequences.  I said that correctly: regardless of consequences.  

I'm guessing he'll change his mind about church, but who knows? He is way smarter than anyone knows about, he has plans when he does things like that. Mostly, it's about treats and can he badger his mom into giving him a treat just to get him out of her hair? He will just go and go and go on about treats until he either gets into trouble or someone caves and says ok, have a treat!  He isn't fat, it's just the idea of attempting to force anyone to cave in to his will. I flatly reject that premise and will resist that every .... single...time.  He doesn't like church as a whole anyway, he only likes the play time and the treat at the end, which I stopped letting him eat for when we go to eat lunch, he will just sit there and stare at everyone.  He won't eat.  

Since I am dieting, I will probably not go to Applebee's on Sunday after church, I will probably take the 2 older boys - the oldest is still visiting and assuming the youngest isn't going - to McDonald's, they can eat what they like and I will stick to my diet by eating at home.  Or, I can go someplace that serves wings, I can have maybe 4 or 5 of those on this diet and not ruin my ketosis status.  I won't tell them they are going to McDonald's, that will sway the youngest view on going to church. He needs to go to church because he wants to go to church, not because he gets some sort of prize at the end.  That's my view of it and I'm sticking with it.  

Anyway, it's getting close to departure time. I have decided to arrive around 11:30 and see what happens.  That would get me home around 3:30 pm. An hour offload plus scale in and out and driving time.  That's just a guess, even if the driver is long gone there are other factors that can make it take longer.  


Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Thursday - semi early

Another early load.  The first load driver showed up....5 minutes before I did.  When I got to the scales in Gurdon and went up to the window, the scalemaster said: "I have some bad news for you".  Oh, what is it? That other driver just left here 5 minutes ago.  Mind you, I was almost 2 hours beyond his appointment time.  I didn't get angry but I was definitely irritated. These people demand to get the first load times and then they squander it by showing up late? 2 days in a row. This dude showed up late to the washout the day before, I learned from the employees there. 

So, he lied to me at the plant in Lufkin.  He said he had been there "on time".  Whatever dude, if you don't want to show up on time or even early (as I always do), why do you so adamantly want this loading time?  I immediately contacted the manager.  I don't care what anyone thinks, this is bs and I'm calling these drivers out on it.  In the trucking industry, appointment times are sacred.  I know this from many, many years of trucking and having been turned away from being offloaded, through no fault of my own (usually dispatch putting on unrealistic appointment times because that's what the shipper or receiver wants) and put off sometimes for many, many hours.

"We'll get to you when we can".  Gulf Relay did that to me on every single load.  That dispatcher would dispatch me for the next load before I even had the current load off the truck. So, if there was a disruption in getting the truck unloaded when he "thought" it should done, then that set off the entire process.  I didn't last there long, I quit after a month and a half for a myriad of reasons, that being one of them.  That place sucked, quite frankly.  I wouldn't recommend anyone to work there, especially if you don't live there locally where their yards are at near Jackson, Mississippi. 

Anyway, if this stuff continues, I'm just going to tell the manager he can start giving me the first run all the time.  He probably won't like that or even agree to it, but that's where I'm at.  Get your s*** done on time or get the Freudian Slip out of my way (putting it nicely here, folks).  Where did these drivers (there is more than one of them that does this) get it into their heads that they can just show up whenever they please?  I put up with enough from this company, this situation is intolerable. 

So I have the late load again today, that's 2 in a row.  I best be getting at least 2 runs in a row that are first loads after this. Well, I do have first load on Monday next week.  Today and tomorrow is the last run of this week, I have the weekend off as agreed to when I ended up in Arkansas in front of the manager and discussing schedules.  He made it clear that drivers get a weekend off and a weekend on.  I force them to stick to that unless they have some sort of emergency going on.

There may be a 2 month emergency going on here pretty soon.  The driver trainer is starting his chemo therapy for his prostate and says they are giving him mild doses of it every day for 2 months straight. He has no idea how that will affect him (I suggested yesterday he Google it, I'm sure someone, somewhere has printed their story of their time going through it and how it physically and mentally affected them).  I may Google it myself out of curiosity.  He's a good guy, tho he's also one of those that shows up late every single time unless it's the second load.   

As far as I've ever seen it, anyone getting any kind of chemo treatment is basically getting an extended lease on life.  I'm not trying to sound cold about it, it's just the way I've seen it play out on many occasions. You get 10 extra years or so. That's just anecdotal.  I know chemo makes people feel like hell while they're going through it, which made me wonder about his plan to keep driving.  I'd be looking for ways to avoid work altogether.  This company at least has short and long term disability insurance you can (and I have) buy that is very inexpensive.  I've had that at every job for decades now, I thankfully haven't had to use it.  It only pays 50% of your income, but that's better than nothing.  He's in a rock and a hard place, tho, they just bought a second house and she, the wife, just lost her job.  The pressure is on him, yes, but life is "interfering" with that and sometimes, life takes precedence regardless of your particular situation.

I dunno, but the weekend looms and I'm looking forward to it. I have nothing in particular planned, that's the point. Nothingness.  I can deal with nothingness and doing whatever I please much better than constant this and that all day, every day.  Even a small RV park presents it's challenges and people will complain about something, tho those that have been around me for a bit know I won't tolerate bs. If it's legitimate, I'll deal with it but if it's petty or nothing at all?  Best approach me in the right way about it because if it's a harsh, demanding type of stance? I can dish it back and I have.  No one is going to get rude with me that is totally uncalled for.  Even if there is a situation where I might have been slacking or something, that still shouldn't trigger rudeness. Maybe if you've asked several times with no results...sort of like my dealings with satellite tv companies over the last couple plus decades.  

Oh, I'm thinking about getting rid of it. At least in this house.  It's a lot of money and I've started watching other stuff.  Hulu is one of the biggest ones I've been watching for different content I can't find on satellite tv.  I get so tired of them giving you a price and then, after a few months, they start jacking it up again. Then you have to call them and ask, why did you do that? They always have their excuses sitting in front of them on a computer screen and then I always ask them to put it back to what we agreed to. It goes back and forth and it gets old.  It's endless. 

Or the dumpster. They keep raising the price on that and I keep calling them, what the fractional felony is going on here?  Why are you continuously jacking up the price?  I've called around, there is no one else that does it. There is a company that does regular residential cans on my street, but for whatever reason, they don't and they won't do dumpster service.   There is a host of businesses that have agreed to switch over if someone would offer a cheaper service. Republic Services is way over-priced. Everyone else is at least a third lower in monthly rates than them.

I don't know how I got myself going like this this morning, time to chill out and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.  

And then there is this workamper.  I told him what I wanted done 2 days ago, but did he do it? No. He gave the excuse that "everything is too wet".  It rained for 4 minutes the previous day.  I didn't reply to him, this was on texting.  I had half a mind to just get out there and do it myself and he can then try to prove to me that it is too wet outside to mow grass.  No, it is not.  He may not want to do it, that's a different story entirely. I think this weekend I'm going to write out a list of things I want done and send it to him.  He's really not all there, tho.  There's something in his head where the elevator is definitely not making it to the top floor. Or even several floors below it.  You sit there and say something to him and it's a Biden look he gives back to you. Like, am I even existent? 

If he doesn't have it done by the time I get back today, I am doing it myself and then we're going to have to have a discussion as to whether I even need his services....

As for Keto...slow weight loss. A pound here, a pound there. Nothing significant but at least the scale is going down, not up.  It's day 11 and I've eaten zero sugary stuff, no pasta, no potatoes, etc.  I've followed it diligently.  I am in ketosis, I check that daily.  I don't really need to check it now, I just do for the motivational aspect.  I'll stick with it for the month and see the overall results.  I want 10 pounds off as in previous rounds of doing this diet or....nothing. I don't think most diets give 10 pounds per month results, or do they?  

I haven't even been thinking about a tractor for the most part the last several days.  I need one but I don't need high payments.  I have looked at various loans.  Heloc is 10.99% now that I've done more searching, that's the lowest rate I've seen, which in my view is extremely high when you're talking 15 or 30 year repayment plan.  I don't even know if I would qualify for that.  Creditkarma is showing me guaranteed personal loans the cheapest being it 16.99% if I recall correctly. Maybe one of them was in the 13% range.  The only versions of those loans that look good are the short repayment plans, the amount paid in interest is obviously going to be much lower than a 5 or longer year repayment plan. The payments, however, are pretty high.  

I'd actually just like to pay off the credit card debt and a personal loan that I have and replace it with one, lower, monthly payment.  

I'm mixed between getting something going now or waiting until interest rates finally start coming down.  The question is: how long will that take? 

Oh, well I sent off an email to a local dealer selling LS tractors.  This is equipment made in South Korea.  I've seen ads for dealers giving some pretty low monthly payments, which includes a backhoe.  Those dealers are not anywhere near me so I decided to find out what someone local might want, if it's in the same ball park.  This dealer is about 50 miles away.  If you're talking less than $300 per month and it includes a decent warranty, then yes, I would be interested.  

I got in on the low interest for that cash-out refi before interest rates skyrocketed for actions of the fed.  Now? I see younger generations blaming baby-boomers for holding on to their houses and not selling them, creating an "artificially" high price atmosphere where there isn't much housing inventory on the market, which is consequentially driving up prices.  Excuse me, but those low rates were available to anyone that had decent credit and either a decent down payment or if you already had something worth more than you owe as collateral.  I think it's the down payment department they can't get a hold of.  

I can understand that but you can't blame baby boomers. I wouldn't refinance my house right now, what would I get out of it? Nothing but a much higher monthly payment.  I mean, I guess I could refi-cashout, it would be a stupid move with ridiculously high interest rates.  People are looking to blame someone, somewhere, for everything that happens. Much like this TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome - where 4 years later, Trump is still being blamed for rainy days and hot weather.  I think it will be a dark day for America if Biden wins a second term. 

He won't survive 4 more years, that is fairly obvious, so we will have a Harris presidency.  Biden is all about clean energy without having any plan in place to replace all of the generation plants that are being shut down all over the place.  He has created a war against natural gas - everything, including appliances sitting in your pantry or your kitchen or the heater closet.  He has created an open border where illegals know if they come here, they are going to be given cash, food, clothing, medical care and transportation to wherever in the US they want to go without any real possibility of them ever having to leave.  

We have a "cold civil war" going. That's what I would call it. There are distinct lines drawn and there are 2 sides.  Yes, I see it is one being evil and the other at least having some morals if not God involved with their view of things.  You see them accusing 2 SCOTUS justices of being compromised and needing removed from the bench.  You have a 2-tiered justice system that goes after Republicans but does nothing to democrats (for the most part unless they want something to "show"  that they aren't the way that they actually are) for doing the exact same things.  You have wokeness, DEI, transgenderism which is being completely shoved down our throats, thought police, word police, it's all evil.  Biden, who was going to "heal this nation", has done more to divide this nation than anyone can currently be blamed.  Couple that with that mouthpiece Pelosi.  A staunch Catholic who believes in "women's rights", read: abortion on demand.  Constantly denigration Trump, Trump supporters and the Republican party as a whole, I don't see any type of religion coming out of her mouth, at all.]

Have you heard that the term "cockpit" is now offensive?  I can tell ya, I won't be adhering to their nonsense.  If I am talking about the flight deck of a commercial airliner, it's also known as the cockpit and I don't have a problem calling it that, at all.  The pilot union denouncing the term is calling it "masculine generalizations". Have you noticed? They want men to become effeminate.  Manliness is a no-no in these deranged people's minds.  God made us man and woman.  Two distinct (and the only) genders with different roles.  

Let me get off of that train of thought.  I am just looking forward to the day when I can just work at my RV park or whatever it turns into and not have to do anything else. Still, I have resolved myself that realistically, Lord willing and I'm still alive, I will have to work until I am 65 so I can get Medicare and not have to pay a grand per month on health care coverage.  

I am seriously considering dividing the property into 2 pieces. The 7 acres up front and the rest of it out back.  Have a permanent easement down the main driveway giving me access and then, if something happens and I lose the park, I don't lose the 15 acres out back.  I would have to put the lease on the 15 acres as well, guaranteeing me access.  I don't know the legalities of it, but that's what I would really like to do. It's probably a pricey proposition, tho, hiring a lawyer to do all of that.  When I say "lose the park" I'm referring to sue-happy people that will find a way to take you to court and try to take everything you own.  I have the signage up that is required by the state for the law they enacted last year.  It states that there is limited liability for RV park owners against people who are engaging in normal activities in an RV park and these sue-happy people with get-rich quick and easy schemes. I have no idea how this new law will play out in the courts, sooner or later, if not already, some park owner is going to use it go get out of some lawsuit a person brings for them tripping over their own feet in the park and blaming the park for it.

Well, the time to leave here is fast-approaching.  Another day in a truck.  Late load, wondering if this dude is going to actually show up on time and get his stuff done.  If he is late again today, I'm going to "suggest" that I get early loads from now on.  At least up against the 2 other dedicated-run drivers.  If an OTR person shows up late, that is more acceptable.  Stuff happens. Getting up out of bed late and taking your sweet time is not a valid excuse.  The thing is, when he shows up to the Lufkin plant late? The plant just says screw it and they start loading their own trucks.  They want you there at 10:00 am or before, not after.  They have a day's worth of loading to do and they aren't going to wait around for you if you aren't going to be there on time.  

That will be my argument if this scenario doesn't change.  If it does change, I'll just eat these late loads and oh well.  I can't expect early load every time, it's just not reasonable with everyone else wanting them.

With that, I bid you a good day. 

 I've decided to get up at 4 am, get over to the park and get rolling out of there no later than 5 am.  That gets me to the washout at 6...