Thursday, July 1, 2010


"Who would give out free food this day and age", a question posed by a Craigslist dissenter of another CL'ers post. The lack of intellect that is showed all over Craigslist is appalling. The Dumb Mill grinds them out and apparently are hatched on Craigslist, is all I can think of. Yes, I wrote a dissenting post back to that person.

Well whatever. Iran is back in the news with their alleged hand-over of a sophisticated radar system to, of all places, Syria. Or course, Iran and Syria in bed with each other, whoda thought? The implications - well you will just have to read about it yourself on the news or see it on TV. Of course, both Iran and Syria deny that such a transferrence took place.

Meanwhile, "gobs" of oil have washed up on the coastline after Hurricane Alex hit land. Okay, okay, I'll try not to get start on this oil disaster - I think the people that held a day of prayer for that situation had it right: at this point, it's going to take God's intervention to do anything about this.

Thursday. Love the ring to it. 2 full work days to go, including today, before 9 full days off of work. Very nice, indeed.
My time has run out. I was reading a rather long string of posts on Craigslist - people running off their mouths. Amazing those ads haven't been flagged and deleted.

Anyway, have a great day!


Fijufic said...

Craigslist does have its share of different people Ben...*Whew* I have had some pretty interesting nuts try to rent houses from me through Craigslist.

We have all kinds of trouble with Iran and it is only bound to get worse.

BenB said...

Hiya bobby....
CL has the whole world of mentalities encased in it's cyber shrine. Amazing stuff, sometimes.
Yes, it is ONLY bound to get worse unless, of course, "someone" takes action and actually does something about it.

 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...