Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cafe World Tips 24: Indoor Christmas Tree Has Arrived!

Okay, folks, Zynga listened (to a lot of complaints) and they finally came through with it.  Of course, you aren't just going to get one for free.  You aren't going to be able to go into decor tab to get it, either.  No, it's either pay Cafe Cash or do the ASK routine.

You have to ask for:
10 Fairy Lights
5 Chimes
5 Baubles
......and you have to collect Exotic Ornaments.

It's the Exotic Ornaments that is causing some players to get huffed and puffed (upset).
I have to agree to an extent, because you are going to have to play Zynga's Treasure Isle to
get the ornaments and have to go through the first 5 levels to get it.

I have no inclination, whatsoever, to play Treasure Isle.  In fact, I don't want to play ANY other Zynga games, so, the option is also there to pay 8 Cafe Cash and you are done with that portion of it.  I have plenty of Cafe Cash that I have acquired free, I am simply going to spend some of it to get this tree "built" and get it into my cafe.

One further note:  I did NOT get the giant popup that comes up when you are prompted to build the tree until WELL after a lot of other players I know got theirs up and running.  If you do not have yours yet, no worries (hopefully), it will show up eventually.


Anonymous said...

There seems to be a problem if you already play treasure isle... i havent got the exotic ornaments awarded to me, but i am level 60 something...not sure how it will sort itself out...

BenB said...

One of my neighbors reported the following (she used to play Treasure Island):
"OK I tried.. I went to an old island and dug up maybe 10 treasures and leveled 2 times (I was Level 141) and got my baubles."
I have no idea what she is talking about because I have never played that game. But, if you are trying, perhaps that can help you.

Anonymous said...

there are gifting links here:


Anonymous said...

But those links are cheats.

Anonymous said...

Yes, those links are hacks and cheats, they are not allowed by Zynga and when Zynga finds these cheats and fixes them, people get penalized for it. Case in point is the Cafe Cash cheat that went out on the internet some months ago. People used this hack for a short while - until Zynga found it and stopped it - to gain up to thousands of dollars in Cafe Cash.

Zynga doled out retribution to all of those people, or most of them, anyway. They had all the cash taken back. The cash that was gone? They removed whatever those people bought with it and moved people back levels in the game that the cash helped them get forward with. In other words, however the cash helped them, it was stripped of them.

In reality, they can also simply remove your account and you will not be playing the game anymore. I imagine second offenders might be facing such a penalty.


Anonymous said...

I don't have much respect, btw, for the LightChan site because they are avid backers of cheat engine hacks and other such cheats that come along on the internet. If you can't play Cafe World legitimately, don't play it at all!!

Fijufic said...

I'm not tracking you very well....Is this some kind of game?


Anonymous said...

Hi bobby:
Yes, it's a Facebook game, it's very popular but it is FULL of software glitches. The game has so many glitches that it 1: loses players regularly because of it, 2: causes other players not to be able to proceed on certain parts of the game and 3: causes many people to get heated, fuming mad about it. Basically, the game is "cooking" food on ovens; "serving" it to your customers and reaping the rewards of gold coins and Cafe Points. Cafe Points allow you to level up. There are many facets to the game. I hate most of these Facebook games and got started on this one quite by accident, sort of a bit addicted to it and have been playing it since shortly after it came into existence late last year.

 Sunday - afternoon No church for me, but Taylor went again with one of the family friends.  I don't know what is causing her to want to...