Wednesday, February 1, 2023

 Well, we were spared the sleet/freezing rain/snow.  I would have loved to see some snow tho.  We have not been spared the rain or cold temperatures, however and it's slated to rain all day long and the high is slated to be 35 degrees.  It's not going to be a productive day in terms of work, I'm simply not working in the rain.  There is nothing out there that important that needs to be done that I'm going to risk getting sick over.  

I have plenty of paperwork to do and today seems to be the ideal day to try to get it done.  Quick books may be my business friend, but it's paperwork and I don't like it, lol.  

However, before I start doing that, I will be taking my daily trip over there, check everything out, see if the new guy has moved in yet - and then leave, lol.  

Anyway, the lady from the welding company paid the bill for the 2 lots - I added the alleged card processing fee, only to find the full amount in my business checking account.  They haven't actually taken any fees out of any of  the payments I have received thus far, neither have I received a bill for it?  My bank hit me with a service fee at $15 that I didn't know existed.  

I don't know, maybe there has to be a  minimum balance maintained all month long to keep from getting that fee.  I"ll be finding out.  What is nice to see is that all the bills have been paid for last month and there is a nice little chunk of change sitting in that account.  

My Facebook ad actually helped me get these people and I'm considering doing it again.  I really want to get at least 2 more long term in there.  In fact, if I got 3 more in there? I would be able to pay myself the same wages as when I was working at Ferguson.  I'm not saying that's anything great - but I could live off of it.  It's kind of an interesting situation.  Pre-tax of course.  Get the park full of long term?  If I just cut back on certain things I could actually keep myself out of trucking.  

I think for $20 it's worth trying that ad again.  I've got it up on my website some verbiage saying laundry room coming soon - I can't remember how the web designer worded it.  You have to scroll down a bit to see it, but it is prominently displayed.  Now that I've got oil field workers in there, it may be that they might give some word of mouth promotion for the park as well.  I dunno. I may rethink my action of raising the rates $50.  

We'll see.  I'm leave it there for a while and see if I can get anyone to take a lot at that rate.  Look, I'm encouraged that I have 5 full timers in there now and none of them indicate they are going anywhere anytime soon.  

I've figured out that I have to send in payments to the federal government quarterly.  I have not figured out how much of a percentage I need to pay them. Because I am a sole proprietor, what I'm required to pay is income tax and I think SS and medicare.  There is another park in town with an office manager that is willing to help me, I'm  trying to think of everything I want to discuss with her before I call her. She runs the nuts and bolts of the operations - the thing I despise the most: paperwork.  

I know, I need to see a CPA, there are plenty around and one 2 blocks away taking appointments.  It's just money I don't want to spend but money I must spend in order to keep myself out of IRS cross hairs.  First and foremost, 2022 taxes.  I had no income from the business but I sure as Hercules spent a ton of money on that project!  I haven't even looked at it, but I can guess how much I made from the previous job last year.  I was taxed at a much higher rate, I should stand to be due a healthy refund.  

As always, sitting here drinking coffee and writing isn't getting much of anything done, but it does help me focus. There is no way I"m going to go back there today and try to get that trailer out of there. Recipe for disaster, I'd have to wait all day long for James to get off of work to get him to come over with his 4x4 pickup to pull me out.  The water heater and enclosure? Can wait.  

But what I think I will do, now that I'm thinking about it, is go to Lowe's figure out what I need, write it all down and then go home, get on this computer and order everything for the electrical.  I wish one of the other credit card companies would have given me the nod because Amex doesn't like you carrying balances and right now, it wouldn't bother me to carry a balance linked to the business account.  Just perplexing why Amex said yes and others said no.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

 Ditched a rather lengthy post.  Just didn't feel the vibe with it. Vibing, btw, for my Christian friends, isn't some demonic force that I'm attempting to invoke.  The vibe is simply your gut instinct.  Now, I was called god the other day by a person.  That really sent chills to my bones.  Uhh, no, I'm definitely not god.  You're my god.  Why? What on earth? NO.  Why this person was saying this was totally unknown to me. I've been called a lot of things in this life, but god? That was the first time.  And hopefully the last time.  I humbly bow before the Creator God and fully understand that He IS God and there is none other likened unto Him!  

It was cold this morning and it was cold all day long. The high was 37 degrees.  Yes, I went to the property, I almost always go there.  I didn't stay long. Checked out the septic, looked at the tenants trailers, everything seemingly in order, I had to answer one question: Go a few miles away to get the pipe or drive over to Longview? I started heading to Longview before I realized that I am not wanting to have to deal with a water heater and enclosure in this cold, both putting it on the trailer and taking it off. 

I was still on my road, I just turned around and went and spent the money on the pipe.  

Dumped that off by the shed and then made the mistake of taking the trailer back to it's normal parking place. Yea, the mud.  Seriously? I could use about 14 truckloads of gravel.  Backing out of the spot, my SUV started sliding sideways. I stopped immediately - sliding sideways within inches of the trailer I just unhooked.  

I got out of there but regretted dropping it there. I need it to go get the water heater and the enclosure. It can wait, I'm not going back there again until it dries up some.  

After that, I drove to the park portion and sat there looking and musing about things. The other guy that wanted to move in - never called me back. I ended that thought, oh well.  I'm not going to get upset about people no showing - it's just the way it goes with renting out much of anything.  

I went home and started working on the Dunn and Bradstreet setup. It's basically Credit Karma for business. If you want a business credit score, D&B is the place to start. It already had my information, I just had to complete it for an account. It showed my business a very bad risk for credit purposes of any kind.  Very bad rating. I guess that's where they start every business? I don't know because it also showed no late pays or any bad info. For credit purposes, it didn't have any info, as it should be.

No biggies. I started applying for business credit cards.  Rejected by 2 - Capital One was a bit surprising, my bank wasn't.  Well, I take that back. My bank is "reviewing it" - they didn't actually say no.  I don't know what that means.  The one I found amazing that did give me a credit card is American Express.

Maybe they've lowered their standards but they typically don't give credit to no credit situations.  

It's a couple thousand worth of credit. I'm going to buy some stuff from Lowe's online with it tomorrow - namely electrical components for the shed - pick them up at Lowe's and then I will pay it down to zero with business checking account.  Actually I think you are supposed to leave it for 15 days and then pay it down.  Hey, I don't make this stuff up, I read it from various "authoritative" sources.  Lots of advice out there.  My experience in the past with AmEx is that they don't want you to carry balances.  They want you to buy and pay it off before or at the due date.  

It's a start - buy, pay, buy, pay.  I don't know how long it takes to get a decent score, but probably a while.  

I then called the lady that pays for this new tenant's existence at my park. Again, these oil field workers get lots of perks.  That guy isn't paying for his lot rent. But it probably is a per-diem thing and that's why he showed up at my place.  The more he saves on per diem, the more he gets back. That is my projection, I've had per-diem - tho it can work in a myriad of ways.  Just depends on the company.  

Anyway, we had a pleasant exchange - she's a really nice lady - and then I told her the other guy didn't call back so I'll just take the payment for the guy that showed up.  She offered that the other guy may have been called out - this happens constantly with these workers - and may not have had time to come.  I sort of thought of it, but the fact he didn't call me back kind of gave me the idea he wasn't interested.  But think about it - coworkers on the same crew. They can go to work together and come home together, saving a ton of fuel costs getting to and from work.  

The only thing I really know about these guys are that they are welders - that's what they do with steel pipe, they just weld it together - and they are making bank.  

She wanted to contact him and see what he wants to do? Sure, I can wait.  

30 minutes later, she calls back.  The man told her he had chosen lot 9 and that he was moving in tomorrow.  Lmao.  These people.  Ok!  I took the company credit card info and charged them 2 lot rent's worth and the credit card fee. Yup, I don't feel compelled to pay that at those rates.  I offered to her that she could pay by check if she so desired, to save the fee money? I don't really care as long as I get the money.  The agreement was pay by card this month and begin check payments next month.  

That's it. Right now, the only people I know of potentially coming are the ones held up by weather - and bad weather the DFW has had and IS having now.  The couple never showed up and haven't contacted me.  People are driving through the property frequently, apparently. Not just apparently, when I was there with the railroad dude the other day,  an economy car came driving slowly through. I thought they wanted to discuss moving in? or what they were doing there? 

Well, whatever the reason they were there, they just waved as they slowly drove past and left, lol.  Ok!

I'm up to 5 long term, I'd like 2 more. After that, I am totally undecided at this point and I will just have to make that decision when I get there. But - I think when I get to 7  I'm going to take "long term" off of everything and see what happens.  It dawned on me that my substantial reading on this subject has a "party" of interests, much like politics. One side wants guests/overnight travelers only. They have a disdain for long term tenants and they very vocally tell everyone about it. It's not a small sector of RV'ers, either.  The other side - long term, have a different view but it's not a view opposed to short term guests.  

I don't know, but it's just yet another thing I want to explore in terms of getting the over night people in there.  I'll get my 7 long term first.  How long will it take to get 2 more? I have no clue. They mostly show up out of nowhere. The railroad family was one of those, showed up on Sunday and they haven't been back since - their rig is there of course.  

Oh, I am going to try just once for a business loan.  See if I can get the 7 plus k to get the wired internet in there.  What choice do I have? I can't do this Verizon stuff - it's going to clean me out.  These people want their free internet, I have to give them something. Verizon will sit there until I can get something affordable in there.  Some of these things just give me headaches thinking about it.  

I just have to shut that off. It just revolves around in circular thinking that I can't resolve.  If there is something else, I haven't found it. 

Well anyway, that's today.  

Guess I should have done this a long time ago.  Dun & Bradstreet number and account.  It's basically a Credti Karma for your business. Credit Karma doesn't do business accounts, unfortunately . I have a horrible rating atm, of course.  It shows me well in the potential for being at risk to default on loan, have over 91 business days for late payments and high risk of bankruptcy.  I am assuming everyone starts there because it also shows the business has no delinquencies, late pays or bankruptcies.  

American Express has been sending me offers forever.  I really hate American Express, not my favorite credit card, but I will get one if they will give me one just to be able to start to get credit going.  I dunno, I'm going to put out applications and see what happens. One of them approved me a while back but I can't for the life of me remember which it was.  They wanted information I didn't have to be able to open the account.  

Today. Not sure yet, it's been raining this morning, finally stopped but who knows for how long.  There is nasty looking weather to the west of us that is heading northeast. It looks like a mix of sleet and hail.  However, watching the radar, it moves to a certain position and then stops, turns into rain.  I will hope we don't get any of that, it starts between Tyler and Dallas,  starting maybe 80-90 miles west of us. It's a no brainer that people do not want to drive RV's through that, especially bigger rigs. 

I need to go 2 towns over and pick up stuff for the shed. But I also need to go 3 miles and pick up the pipe.  I really want to go see this new RV park near the state line. I mean, railroad tracks, interstate and a garbage refuse service next door.  I know it's full because of oil field workers, I just wonder how any of them can stand all of that noise?  Or the view? Or the potential stench from the operation next door? 

I dunno, but I've got the 4 minimum I wanted in there before raising my rates back up. Not up too much, but where I had them before I lowered them to try and get people in there.  I'm going to set at the current level for a while and see what, if anything, happens.  I wasn't getting people in for overnight stuff at $25 per night, there isn't any good reason to leave it there in my mind. If I'm just getting a very rare overflow, then I don't see the profit in leaving those pull through sites open.  Once I get the back ins filled up and still nothing on the nightly spots?  Yup, I'll just try to fill them with long term.  Some money is better than none.  

The info I'm getting online is that the concrete starts curing quickly and perhaps I can just go ahead and put the top crossbeam on there now?  I'm going to have to lug that generator up there to do that.  

This couple said they were moving in today - I've heard nothing from them about that.  They may have changed their minds.  I am finding, however, that these people just think if they already talked to you, they can just show up, choose a site without asking and get on it.  It's happened 3 times now.  I'll be heading over there soon. It's cold out today, my version of it anyway. It's 37 degrees now and only going up on more degree for the high today.


I need to get one of the other done. Either get to Longview to Home Depot or go to the local supply house for the pipe.  I'm leaning towards Longview and getting that misery over with. 

Anyway, another cup of hot coffee and I'm out of here. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

 So.  The couple that said they were coming in on Thursday are stranded somewhere north of the DFW area.  Ice/sleet - crappy road conditions, accidents everywhere. I encouraged them to hole in somewhere and not even try to navigate through the disaster this storm is leaving behind.  That sleet passed maybe 80 miles west of us, I can't say I am saddened that it didn't hit us. Snow I would have liked, but sleet? No thank you. They said they would be coming in Friday, which is fine by me.  They said they had sought shelter on their brother's farm.  I dunno folks, I just report it as I hear it. I hate to get too inquisitive into people's personal details, as much as it fascinates me, some people or even many are not inclined to be giving out that info. If they are chatty and want to divulge personal info, great!  

The other guy? Coming from Oklahoma? Well there's kind of a story going here. 

I went over there this morning and got busy with cutting the railroad ties with the circular saw - I did all 4 sides of the 9 foot long tie and will have to finish it with a long sawzall blade.  I heard a high pitched, continuous - whining - noise.  It wouldn't stop. I looked around, what is making that noise?!! It got highly annoying after hearing it a while.  Well, anyway, freezing cold outside, I still decided to go up and dig out the post holes for the posts for the highway sign. 

I don't really know if I'm supposed to be asking some person or entity for permission to do that, I just know that there are 2 permanent signs and I'm sandwiching mine in between them. I've had my small sign up in between those 2 for a few months now, no one has said anything and no one tried to take it down. That was my sign to put up a permanent sign. Just a bit leery because that sign I'm putting up? $250. That's just the sign, doesn't include the lumber, paint, concrete, connectors, screws, gas, and use of generator (mine, but still, in the business world everything is a write-off), not to mention my time, to install it. 

I dunno, but if someone really wanted to get a hold of me, they could simply look it up on the internet, the phone number is right there. Or email.  

Whatever the case, getting the holes dug out, I decided to move forward.  Back to the property, hook up the trailer, load the boards, concrete, bucket of water and level back on there and back up there.  This dog. There was a dog - must live around there somewhere - it was barking at me. I mean, it was non-stop barking. I ignored it for a while, but the dog kept getting closer and closer.  Then, it did a sudden move towards me as if it were going to bite me. I threw my hands up in the air and yelled at the dog. GO AWAY!!  I had to do that several times before it disappeared.  

I did my thing with the boards, measuring, leveling, measuring again, pouring in the concrete, tamping it down, pouring water and then final check for level both ways, plus running a loose board across the bottom to make sure they were lined up. It's there, but it won't dry up for days. If not a week or longer.  It's raining again - as forecast. And again tomorrow. And the next day....and the next day... 90% chance of rain range.  

I do want to put the sign up after a couple of days regardless. It's just that I don't want anyone saying gee! Looky there! Boards! or even worse, put up a sign on it using my boards!

I get that done and Taylor is like, I'm going to see RJ. He works at Chili's. I went over there, needed some white out for paperwork anyway. Actually need a lot more than that, but that was Walmart.  So I'm sitting at Chili's and this guy that said he was coming calls.  "I'm over here at the park, I'm on lot 8". I mean...

You know...I specifically asked him to call me when he gets there - that was days ago - not pick and choose a lot and then hope I am ok with it. Crazy.  The trans couple were supposed to take that lot but I haven't heard from them so I just let it go. These is a permanent setup. I left Chili's later on and went over there.  He wasn't there, as he stated he wouldn't be, his travel trailer - a late model thing that looks nice anyway - was all set up. 

And that high pitched whining noise - I noticed that noise again. It's very high-pitched and after you hear it for a while, it starts to get annoying. On purpose, of course. It just sounded like it was coming from everywhere.  Luckily, I glanced over at the septic system and saw the red light on - meaning the system isn't working. 

WHAT?!!! I ran over there and sure enough it was also where that noise was coming from. I hadn't heard that noise before so I didn't know to correlate it with the septic system. I contacted the contractor, rather long, drawn out texting conversation. But he sent someone over there.  Turns out some wiring wasn't set up right. Apparently the unit was never working. There are 4 concrete vaults in that system. He sent a dude over, he fixed it, gave me some instructions and that was that.  I don't touch that system, I know nothing about septic systems beyond what I have read and it's under warranty. If something goes wrong, I'm just calling them. It's not like that system was free.....

Back to the new dude.  I called him after everything else and he said, yes, a company actually wants to pay for the lot rent for me.  Oil field workers get lots of perks - they are gone from home for lengthy periods of time. One of the perks is -usually - to have their living situation paid for.  He asked if it would be okay if the lady called me to use a credit card?  Sure. Well, but I have a co-worker that might want to move there as well? Okay! 

That guy calls me saying he wants to come take a look. Another call back from the lady to pay the bill, she knew nothing about this intended setup.  I haven't heard back from that guy, if he doesn't call back by tomorrow, I will get the credit card info from the lady, charge the one lot and be done with it. He can come if he likes, but I'm not waiting forever to get paid for the dude that already moved in.

That's 4 long term in there now, I had my ad changed.  $30, $175 and $450 - daily/weekly/monthly rates. Still below the average around these parts.  Remember, I just wanted 4 in at that rate to get my monthly bills taken care of to start with. After that, long term is going to pay more and short term a bit more as well.  

It was a long day.  I'm good with it, just the weather is dreary, gloomy, yuck. I have a full slate tomorrow.  If the trans couple shows up, I hope they aren't pissed, I didn't ask that person to take that spot - but I did ask them to keep me apprised of their intent to move over here. Regardless, I am heading 2 towns over for more stuff for the washer/dryer setup Water heater, water heater enclosure, breaker box, breakers, wiring, outlets - I'm going to be over there quite a while. 

Only if I get a call to get yet someone else in there will I change those plans. Even then, there is pipe to be bought over in my town. 

I don't think I will try to place that sign up tomorrow. It's just too wet out, that concrete is going to set that fast.  

The guy doing the 2 week stay paid for the next week today without having to ask him. 

My greatest conundrum right now? Isn't washer/dryer setup, it's internet. It's going to cost me far too much money with this Verizon setup.  I need starlink to give me access or I need to do something else. With  12 days left on the billing cycle,75% of the data has already been used up. I need unlimited wifi. I can't currently justify paying over 7 grand for fidelity to install the line. And I don't want to get into debt for that. Starlink is coming "sometime" this year.  I don't know what else I can do?  

I'm going to be doing even more research, I have to find a solution for this.  I'll eat whatever until I find that solution.  

And then there's trash. Do I get a dumpster?  So far?  No.  

This thing has gone far beyond anything I imagined in expenses.  

Whatever the case, no new short terms coming in.  I don't really expect that in horrid driving conditions.  But you never know, I'm ready to run over there any time if such things occur, just the same with these last minute people saying "I want to move in today".  There was yet another call from some people over in Tyler this afternoon saying they needed somewhere to stay long term today.  They said they would "get back to me", which indicated to me I would never hear from them again. 

Yup, never heard back. I'm ok waiting however long to get people in at higher rate.  I'm not trying to get rich off of these people, I want to pay the bills and make some money per lot. Not greed type of money. 

I can tell ya, after seeing the setup for the pedestals?  If I had the money I'd be planning on 5 more spots.  


 Are any of these people showing up today?

I have no idea.  

But, I intend on getting another box of fire starter logs and going over there and doing some light clean up work.  First a trip to Lowe's - for the logs lol I used the last box up - and possibly a breaker box.  Get that thing installed or at least see where I'm going to put it and what it's going to take to install it and get with the program.  Get that thing in, I can map out where I'm going to put the machines and then run indoor lines through the walls to the locations, install some outlets and be done with that part of it.  That will take some time.

Then the plumbing and drain for the washer.  I don't know if I"m going to buy a quarter vending machine right off the bat.  I suppose I could just carry rolls of quarters with me and sell them to tenants if they so desire.  I'm just not going to give out free laundry, not at the monthly rates I'm giving.  They'll have to pay extra for it.  $3.00 per load - that's wash and dry - sounds reasonable and not attempting to take advantage of anyone.  It will pay for the electricity and water usage and also to build up a fund to fix/replace said machines at whatever point it needs it.  Basically, they are paying for the machines to pay for themselves.  Not sure about any profit in that situation. 

I'll just go to a local coin op - there is a chain of them in this town that has like 5 locations around the city - and see what they're charging.  Whatever it is, that much or less.   

Why am I sitting here at home? Because I just got out of bed, 1, drinking my morning coffee, 2 and looking at the weather, 3.  Real feel of 29 degrees, yuck.  And the likelihood of more rain today! Gag. I knew they had 5 days in a row forecast for rain, but you know, around here?  They get it wrong so often, you just don't believe them, you wait until the day comes and see what happens.  

Oops, I need to cut up boards to take over there before I leave here. Forgot about that.  I used all the boards I cut up yesterday getting those new tenants in. 

It's mid morning, guess I best get moving! 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

 I'm thinking I need to take a quick trip to AZ. I have enough points on various credit cards to take as many trips as I want, so what's wrong with just going a couple of days and coming right back? See mom, see my son, a few friends, the house, leave. 

Yes, I have a lot to do at the park. I haven't seen my son or mom since before Covid started in 2019.  

That pretty much says it all.  $408 round trip leaving from a small airport 2 towns over (versus going to 
Dallas or Fort Worth, gag).  I'll end up in DFW anyway, just won't have to drive there to save a few dollars.  It seems what you save you lose in parking fees.  

Mid month February. Seems reasonable to me?  I'll be thinking about that tomorrow. 

 Church then to the property. It's been raining so hard for so long, I was kind of hoping the dirt layer on top of the driveway would just sort of wash away.  As I said in a previous entry, digging down just a little bit into the driveway, you hit SB2 gravel.  A thick, compressed layer of it.  I can say I was pleasantly surprised to see the entry way had the appearance of finely crushed gravel - the way it used to look before that giant grader came in and just made it all disappear. 

Does that fix the driveway? Of course not, but perhaps less of the driveway is going to be so bad. There is a literal stream of water - I mean a good sized stream - running down the side of the driveway and then over the top of it.  Driving over it didn't make it all muddy and screwing things up - of course if a tractor trailer rig showed up again? No thanks.  Unlikely they'll be back any time soon tho.  

A man called me a few minutes ago. Do you have any long term spots available? Yes. I don't know how the rain is affecting your facility, but would it be possible to come today?  Yes, I just drove over there. The parking pads for the RV's are elevated well above the ground, you really don't have to worry about water. 

He is - allegedly - coming today.  This is yet a different person than the others I have spoken with that are also - allegedly - coming tomorrow and Tuesday.  


Allegedly turned into a done deal.  Took a while to get them set up - they don't have leveling jacks on their trailer, it's a weird set up that is only designed to stabilize the trailer.  So I had to get my boards for him to back up on. 2on top of each other was fine - until the boards sank.  Uncompressed gravel. So we had to pull off and put another set of boards.  The thing is perfectly level now.  

I'm going to cut up more boards in case I need them tomorrow and try to get those railroad ties cut into blocks.  I'll make it as easy as possible now that I have a better idea what I'm doing for people to pull in, run the trailer up on the boards and level it.  If a trailer has leveling jacks, then they really just need them for the jacks, that's where the railroad ties come in handy. 

It turns out that park charging high rates? Is full - solid - every day.  They said as soon as one pulls out, another one pulls in.  This is the one that was advertising that I had my doubts about.  But, it's all oil field stuff. And that park is 20 miles closer to where they are doing that work than me.  Plus, it turns out, those oil field workers get a substantial per-diem to pay for a place to stay. However - some of them don't want to spend that per diem on living expenses and hence they are moving further away - my place is definitely further away.  

There are major drawbacks to that park, however. 1, it is 100 feet away from a set of railroad tracks and it blares it's horn going across the road right there. 2. The noisy Interstate is right there.  3. It is located right next to a garbage terminal for garbage trucks. But, they manage to stay busy and they are raking in the bucks.  I didn't and still don't want anything that close to the Interstate and certainly not near railroad tracks, gag.  However, it does work for overnighters who may not care that much as long as they can easy in- easy out.  Many of these RV'ers are loaded with money.  Oh, forgot the well water, they said it's brown and when you flush the toilet, the water that comes into replace it? Looks like you just took a piss in it, lol. 

Regardless, I want this place full of whatever I can get in here, for now. I'm raising my rates as of today.  If these other people show up tomorrow and Tuesday, I don't need the cut throat rates and I will be happy to take more money - mostly to cover utility expenses. 

But really, I do think I will be able to fill the place up, just taking a little longer than I would have liked. 

I've got to focus on getting the park built out larger.  I want the place at least doubled in size by the time they start construction on the new Interstate loop - 440 million dollar project that will take years to build out.  There will definitely by RV'ers in that crowd. No, I"m not starting construction today, lol, I'm barely making it as it is, But there is light at the end of the tunnel and I believe I'm getting closer to that light.  

Even 1 extra lot at a time will be great.  I'll need another septic system, but I can go with a smaller one to increase by maybe 5 lots.  It's goal making time - I  really get nothing done without goals.  As for this laundry setup? The dude looked at me and said, well don't expect to dig out a trench for at least 2 weeks!  High chance of rain the next 4 days, then low 4 days after that, then moderate 6 days after that.  There is no way to dig out dirt that is wet, you just don't do it.  But, if it's going to be that long, I think I will be looking at videos about how to dig out trenches in the rain.  

Wait. I wouldn't mind trying a small version of an automated RV park right off an Interstate Exit.  But, I really would rather find a plot of land for lease or rent and have truck parking. I haven't been able to find anything beyond 2 parcels of land in a great location - but they want $100k per acre.  Lol.  Truck parking only requires very little effort. Find someone to work 5 hours a day collecting fees, give them a level parking lot, that's it. I could make a ton of money off of it - maybe depending on demand - by simply charging a reasonable fee - I could eventually get a reputation, get on the Trucker Path app and have a full lot every night.  I've been looking - really if the ground is good even if dirt, I can use it.  

I dunno, but I have my work cut out for me.  

Water draining nicely all but the new pipe I put across the old driveway. Need to make some adjustments and that tractor-trailer that came through didn't help any. Kind of blocked the pipe in with a wall of mud. The only thing that will really fix it is fresh gravel.  If all these people do show up, some of that money is going to gravel instead of more credit card debt. 2 loads on the worst of it and see what happens.  No, no machinery. I can't wait weeks to put down gravel, if I have to get out there with a shovel and do it by hand, then that's what it is.  I'm not spending almost $500 on a machine just for that. If I can get a good driver, I can get the gravel spread pretty well just by him dumping while driving.  

Today was encouraging, to say the least.  These people will be there for a while - but - they won't be there all the time, which is great.  They go home on the weekends.  Weekends are when everyone is home and using up electricity and gobbling up data for wifi.  I think that's what they said, anyway, I was really focusing on getting their rig level for them and we got it perfect. It took 3 tries, actually.  Now I know what I need to do with boards for people to back or pull up their trailers on.  

Basically, a 4-1/2 foot long board, another one a couple inches shorter and then 2 8X6 pads on the top.  This will level it or come close enough that even stabilizers will be able to level it out.  

Enough. I need to relax, chill and get all of this out of my mind for a while.  It's kind of hard to do, but if enough people get in there, I won't feel so pressured.  And I will be able to push off further my return to trucking - there is too much to do.  Tomorrow I will be getting as much of the indoor stuff and hopefully the breaker box and can at least get started on that stuff.  Well, I dunno. If I can get the breaker box in without getting soaking wet - you have to start there first and run the lines from it to your electrical outlets. 


Yes, I chilled and just kicked back.  I was glad to get all of that junk out of my head. Unfortunately, I had all of these tabs up on my computer looking for washer/dryer sets and my mind clicked back on that stuff instantaneously. Yikes. 

Tomorrow? I dunno. Likely go get the pipe.  And I did look up digging out trenches in the rain/wet soil. Not impossible. Not sure it's a thing for a novice to be trying, I'll be looking at more videos. It looks any rain tomorrow is going to be late afternoon.  I could actually go out there and pull out more weeds.  All of this rain? Those things will slip out of the ground.  Why would I do this instead of work on the laundry stuff? Because the front looks like hell and is equally as important in priority.  Appearance is everything.  

All I can say? I've got my hands full.  I need to be there tomorrow anyway if these people are showing up as they said they were and the caller said he'd like to come in the morning. Wherever home is, it apparently isn't anywhere near here.  Well of course it isn't, if he has to have 2 separate places to live.

Would there be any difference between paying with a credit card and paying on account with a loan? The loan is 12 months. Not forever and low payments.  I didn't even know such a thing was available.  $207 per month, coin operated set, we're done with that.  It will be a while before they arrive, apparently.  Next? Water heater.  Water heater enclosure.  Pipe.  Electrical components for the shed. I just saved myself 2 grand worth of credit card debt that would have taken much longer to pay off at minimum payments. Will this be worth the cost? Yes.  I expect the machines to get used. 

Whatever. I'm getting mind fogged with all of this.  It's time to get off of here, watch some reruns of some old show, get drowsy and go to sleep.  

 It rained all night long.  For probably an hour or longer, it was pouring rain, like someone opened a fire hydrant all the way and just let'er rip.  I can't even imagine what that driveway must look like right now. I'll go over today to find out, rest assured, while there's still rain coming later on. It either stopped or it's a light rain, I can't hear it now. If the radar is correct, it will start raining in an hour and a half and then rain for the rest of the day. 

Well, not that I have the ball rolling on the shed, I'm not going to stop.  So, I'll just have to take a look at my credit cards and see if there's a couple that can "withstand" having another $1,500 or so put onto them for at least 3 loads of gravel.  Tomorrow I'll head over to either Home Depot 2 towns over or the local pipe supply place and get the pipe I need.  If I go to Home Depot I can get the water heater and the enclosure for it and possibly the breaker box. 

I haven't decided what kind of pipe to use yet for the interior.  I don't think they use schedule 40 for the interior of homes - but this isn't a home and a busted line wouldn't do much of anything to anything.  

And honestly? I'm not even going to put any flooring in there to start with.  People that need laundry will just have to deal with it.  I care - but only to the extent of making that particular amenity available.  If they don't like bare wood floors, shrugs shoulders.  Tomorrow will tell the tale of whether I have new tenants coming in or not.  If there were 3 of them I could just pay for the gravel with that money - cash instead of credit.  I've got enough money in there right now to cover the bills I have attached to that account. And the electric bill came up online, it's less than $100.  The water bill was also quite low.  It's the time of year you get away with lower utility bills.  

However.  IF 3 more people show up, I'll have to get garbage service started out there. It's inevitable.  So far, I only find a bag or 2 full of garbage here and there in the 55 gallon container.  It would have been a waste of money to start a garbage service.  I just take the giant plastic bag home and dump it into one of our containers. We have an extra one - it only costs $5 extra per month - that doesn't get used that much.  For now, it works. 

I dunno, but this coming week, rain or shine, I'm going to be working on that setup.  I just need to get a breaker box installed and the water heater and then I can get started on all the interior stuff.  I figure washer and dryer are 50 amp service, water heater the same, the outlets for them and a couple of regular outlets.  I'd like to be able to plug in while I'm over there as well.  Also an outlet for the window AC unit - maybe 30 amp.  Plus running the plumbing, this will take some time.  

One dude said the coin op is better, even tho it's $250 per machine more expensive.  Home Depot and Lowe's both sell them.  I think they have to be ordered.  I guess I'll have to make up my mind soon on that situation. It's either regular machines with a keyed entry or coin op.  Coin op admittedly sounds far better than fooling with giving people a code and then hoping that other people that aren't paying for it get in there somehow anyway. I'd really like the machines to pay for themselves and then some.  The quandary is the money to put them in there. Plus you - well you don't have to - but it's good to get a quarter vending machine.  But, people go out all the time, they can grab quarters while they are running around town?

The reason I say this is because those quarter vending machines aren't cheap.  

Oh well.  We're -- probably -- going to church today which means we leave in 20 minutes.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

 It is a bit unnerving to drive over there when it's raining - such as it is today - and see a muddy driveway.  It didn't help that a tanker tractor-trailer rig came through today.  They always seem to pick the worst days to go in there.  I need almost 3 grand worth of gravel.  Couple that with spending around $3,500 on getting laundry in and I've got serious debt going.  

Is it worth it? I dunno, but I have to say that the driveway is going to be a major turn off for anyone driving in and out of there.  And it's supposed to rain the next 4 or 5 days.....

I've got a cash problem and I just don't know what to do besides going back to work or taking out another loan.  Or using credit cards - the same as taking out loans but higher interest rate.  

It's a quandary.  A real pickle.  A backed-into-a-corner feeling. Almost futile - dump the money into it and the what?  I'll be real happy, tho, if all of these people show up Monday and Tuesday. It would be 4 long term renters - which would be a nice cash infusion that I seriously need right now. Pay for as much gravel as I can afford out of the business account while still being able to pay bills and then move on with the laundry setup on credit.  

Even 3 loads of gravel would help immensely.  Still $1,700 delivered.  I think they had some cheaper stuff but only by $50 per load cheaper.   Not really a big savings to take lessor quality product.  I was definitely going to have one load of the gravel brought over, but looking at that driveway today, it's pretty  much mandatory I get that situation fixed - somehow. 


A hazmat gig that keeps getting put up that is located in the town at the border just off the Interstate.  When it's time, I'm going to apply there and see if I can snag something decent. It's daywork and it's local. And I think they pay pretty well.  There's a couple of places that have caught my eye that are larger operations, are local and have ongoing driver needs. They don't post their wages so that is a mystery.  It isn't worth applying until I'm ready to get back to trucking.  


I'm a bit off today.  It's just going over there and seeing that driveway like that.  And it's still raining. The rain is supposed to stop at 1 am but then pick up again early morning and rain all day long, yet again. In fact, we have days and days worth of rain coming - if the forecasters are right.  So I'm sitting here wondering how I am going to pay for all of this. Put another 7 grand on credit cards? Yikes.  I mean, I'm really struggling with what to do here.  These oil workers probably don't care as much about a driveway - they are all driving duallys with 4 wheel drive in already dirty pickups, that's their lifestyle.  

But that doesn't excuse a miserable driveway. It's not complicated what happened. They brought in a grader that graded what was left of original top layer of gravel? Right out of existence. Ever since that monstrosity did that, the driveway has degraded immensely. I think they were actually going to put down a new layer of gravel with me paying half of it - before they sold the well and who knows what the new people want.  Nothing, I'm sure.  I don't know about this particular company, but they all have a reputation for not giving a damn about driveways. If equipment gets stuck, they'll send over earth-moving equipment to unstick it - which will cause immeasurably MORE damage.

I'm not a multi-million dollar company with it's own legal department as these gas companies are.  But I do think I will send them a professional letter, laying out what the previous company was going to do, promised to do.  The worst - I think anyway - if it's a non-confrontational message is they can say no thanks.  

I'm just going to go to bed. It's almost 11:00 pm.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

 So, just like that, a man calls saying he wants to bring his RV over for long term.  A bit of a discussion later, he says he's got a couple of others that he can bring with him. IF that actually happens, I"m cutting off monthly stays at intro rates. I really don't want any more monthly stays, I really want the transients.  But, if all I can really get is long term, anyone else coming  is going to pay $50 more per month. I'm going to be eating some serious electric bills with these current folks, I don't want anymore at that rate.  Profits go down.  

Once I figure out this pedestal stuff and wiring - well the wiring is pretty easy. But once I get it down, I can build my own lots. I can run to the other side of the doggy fence and the shed and install more lots.  Now, that doesn't mean it's free, it just will cost a lot less doing one at a time.  But - it will also mean another septic system.  I can get one big enough for 5 more lots at around $3,000. I think. The contractor charged me a lot more because he was also digging the trenches with a 5 man crew and installing everything.  

However. The contractor apparently raped me on the pedestal cost.  Well, probably not.  I don't know if it's still a thing, but at the time, supply chain nonsense was making things hard to get, some things next to impossible.  Pedestals were in the latter category.  I don't know, I'm sure he made money off the pedestals regardless. The cost is $250 online.  He charged me over $500 per pedestal.  Did I get ripped off on anything else? Well, I don't know if you call it getting ripped off. You are paying for expertise, experience and a lengthy guarantee.  Peace of mind, in other words.  Doing it myself was out of the question because I didn't know how to do it myself.  And some of it I would still stand there scratching my head, but could probably figure it out now that I have examples of it sitting there in front of me to examine.  

Am I looking to add more spots? No, not right now, but I'll be taking notes on everything, especially how those pedestals are installed.  I'll have to dig down to whatever access panels are on them to feed the line through to get to the lugs inside of the thing.  I do know I won't need to run the ground wire from the pedestal to the shed. You simply put in a grounding rod into the ground below the breaker box and attach a ground wire to it - we're talking 5 feet instead of 140 plus feet.  


That was last night.  Friday -  morning. My sleep is all over the place. One night I sleep quite well, the next I can't sleep at all. Last night was a mix.  I don't plan on using it as any kind of excuse to get nothing done today, much like yesterday when I felt like hell - but after using that pickaxe for a while, i started feeling better. 

Keto - My idea of results are not just the scale. It went back down to 11 pounds this morning, which is great! It's only been 11 days and I'm keeping that initial weight I dumped off, I can't really complain about that.  I hope the trend continues. But another measure of success I use is the belt.  When I can go back a notch, I  know it's working.  There's been a few rough spots where I really wanted something sweet to eat - or yesterday, I made a crockpot roast and used up the red potatoes we had that were going to go bad if I didn't use them.

Yeah, I can't eat potatoes on Keto.  I resisted, but it was hard.  Considering for quite a while, I haven't been doing Keto and eating whatever I wanted - which is why I gained back so much fat and weight.  Even if you never got into Ketosis, low carb simply means cutting out sugars, and that is going to cause you to lose weight regardless.  

Today. Well, I need to go to Lowe's for another stick of the schedule 40 1-1/2 inch pipe to finish the crossover on the driveway.  I have no idea whether this is going to work, there is still some digging to do on the fence line side. Namely, I want a pooling area right where the opening to the pipe is so the water will "naturally" collect there. There is another pool of water next to the one I'm working on that I need to dig a small channel from there to the pipe.  Nothing too serious, I'm just going to do a channel and see what happens. If it works, I'll do something permanent.  Otherwise, I'm going to have to take the contractor's suggestion and cut a deep channel along the fence line side of the driveway and just have a 500 foot area where the water can drain.  

The only other thing I can do is dig a trench with a machine from the fence line side of the driveway clear over to the other side of the new driveway and put in a much larger piece of pipe, with a channel on the fence line side that goes deeper until it pools where the larger - probably 6 inch - pipe is. That is a much larger project and something I want to try to avoid. I don't want to cut through the new driveway if I don't have to.

As I said, there's still a bit of work to do just for what I'm trying to accomplish right now.  Minimum money has been spent, a lot of energy, yes but money, just 3 sticks of small diameter pipe and a few couplers.  

So, while at Lowe's I will be pricing out the 4-4-4-(-02) electrical line.  Need to get with the program on that quickly.  These large chains used to be the go to for lower prices on stuff - not so much anymore.  I just go to Lowe's because it's the only thing in town that has what I need.  There are no hardware stores in our town, which is strange.  Apparently there used to be an Ace hardware, no more.  Otherwise, I would have to drive 30 miles west, 30 miles south or 40 miles east to get to anything that might be cheaper.  Umm, so you lose a few hours worth of time - at least - driving there and back to save a few pennies - and spend a lot of gas doing so as well. No thanks.

Anyway, I'm going to the property first and get the trailer.  I want to drive over to the other property and see if I can snag a couple of railroad ties off the old, collapsed house that is unusable and can never be fixed. The entire roof is caved in.  It's literally a house made out of railroad ties excepting the roof. The walls look like they just gave out - the walls are ties - fell sideways and the entire house came down.  I don't expect anyone was living in it when it happened.  I don't remember if there were any loose ties - a lot of the walls were still held together by whatever they used to connect them together.  I don't want to go to a lot of trouble and time for this, this is solely for the convenience of customers to have blocks available if they have none, which is the case with one particular couple that came in and had nothing but the little plastic pads for the levelers to press down on.

The latest oil field worker came in prepared - he has railroad ties and those look like the best option.  Cut them about 8 inches high and walaah.  

Ohh, don't forget the gloves while at Lowe's. I've used all of the last supply up - they don't last incredibly long when doing "hard labor" I'll call it.  

Anyway, nothing is getting done with me sitting here!


Thursday, January 26, 2023

 I got 3 hours of grueling work in, actually 3-1/2.  It was all trying to dig out by hand using a pick-axe the trench for the pipe.  I now understand that the driveway may not look that great on top, but it's solid SB2 underneath the dirt layer.  It was hard work, fighting against large, lodged gravel pieces trying to get them out.  It was also fun that there was a giant pool of water I was working in.  Yup, I got covered in watery mud.  

Another day of my legs feeling like lead weights by the time I was done with as far as I could go with it.  The trench is some 35 feet long, I had not choice but to dig it much longer than expected so I could end the pipe down lower than the level of the driveway. It means I need 2 more sticks of pipe - a thing I am not doing today.  I'll get them tomorrow and try to wrap that up.  Well, at least the portion I am doing.  There is another pool next to it which needs a trench dug on the fence line side to bring the water to the drainage pipe.  I'm going to fill in those caverns with dirt and then it can have a layer of gravel dumped on it.  So another day of work on that project, really, because I'm going to have to shovel dirt onto my trailer from the pile in the back, bring it up there and shovel it off. 

Oh what a fun thing that will be to do!

I haven't even gone to Lowe's yet. What with a sleepless night and getting up late, my focus was getting something done at the park versus pricing things. There are rain days coming, I can go to stores on those days when I can't do anything outside.  The driveway has to be dealt with first anyway, at least on my plan.  Fix the driveway, hand dig out behind lot 14 pedestal, rent the trackhoe and have the gravel brought same day to be able to spread it.  I don't want to spread it by hand, thanks.  1 truckload should deal with that entire area.  I really need about 6 or 7 truckloads in there, not in the coffers at the moment.  

I want to buy all the pipe and line for the trench before I do the trench work.  I also want the breaker box on the shed installed.  That and other projects? I have plenty to keep me busy.  My time is running out, I can say that.  I've been getting my mind into trucking mode even if it's still weeks before I attempt to get back into it.  I just want my laundry room to be finished before I start trucking again, if at all possible.  Once I get that done, I'm going to take a new approach to all of this.  I'll jack my prices up $5 per night for short stays.  I'll raise the price of monthly stays after I get 4 long term in there.  The weekly rate, I dunno.

And now, I'm going to change the wording to my website.  We are conveniently located- however far, I need to do an odometer run from the middle of the bridge over I-20 to the park, I'm thinking around 3 miles  - 3 miles from I-20 and X miles from Highway 59 off of Highway 43.  We intentionally built the park far enough away from the freeway to cut out highway noise, I-20 is a heavily used highway corridor and generates a lot of noise all day long.  I'm going to have to drive over to that new park near the state line.  They are claiming they are full all the time. 

The first long term tenants said some dually pickups have driven through looking at the park. That's unfortunate, I haven't received any phone calls.  Most people say when they see the park, they are in love with it.  It's definitely no the prices stopping people, so what is it? Well, you run down the entire list of things in your mind, but it's the lack of amenities that I believe is the problem.  I will find out in a couple of weeks or 3 or however long this project takes me - hopefully not too long if I stick with it - and am able to list laundry. And further down the line, a shower/bathroom. I think to start it's going to be a no frills bathroom with a shower stall. A nice shower stall, but a performed one. And something easy to put down for flooring. 

I've never installed plumbing for a toilet, but I'm going to find out how! lol

Enough. I got home, took a shower, finished laundry including folding everything, put the muddy clothes in the washer and now to go get the boys from the bus stop. 

 Ugh.  I couldn't sleep last night.  It was almost 1:00 am before I finally got to sleep and then woke up again 3 hours later.  I'm messed up today.  Even taking a hot shower didn't help.  It's already almost 10:00 am and I haven't done anything more than take a shower and drink a bit of coffee. And sit here feeling like ... well not so good. 

It doesn't mean I'm not going to get out there and get stuff done, but it does mean I'm taking my time about it.  I don't have eternity to get this stuff done....I don't really know what I'm going to do but the driveway is in bad shape where the pools of water are.  It's getting worse by each rainfall.  

I'm going to go to Lowe's and see what they have for wire pricing, but I doubt they're going to beat an actual wire company that I found online.  They're around $250 for the wire, I think Lowe's is more than double that.  I don't suspect it would take long for them to ship the wire and I will take extreme savings over convenience.  I'm still waiting on my business debit card as it stands.  I'd rather charge it to the business account than my personal account, I have sufficient funds in there to deal with monthly bills and at least buy that much. 

Yes, I want to get this stuff done, but it's gonna be a minute before I'm even to the point I need the wire.  Fix the driveway, dig the trench, install the sewer and water line first, the wiring will be put in there last.  The load of gravel will be brought out the same day I have the machine.  The shed will need the breaker box installed on it before I really have to have the wire as well. In fact, I probably should just get the breaker box and get it mounted up there before doing much of anything else. That way, I have an exact measurement of how much wire I need. The stuff is too expensive to "just buy more than I need".  Sure, you buy an extra foot on each end to work with it and have play room, but not any thing more than that.

I'll also have to go get the water line and sewer from - somewhere - I have another place in town I want to contact about pipe pricing before buying it from Lowe's.  I suspect this other place will have better prices.  They did when I was buying the pipe for the drainage culverts.  

As you can see, this isn't a one day job.  It will take weeks and you can drag that out even further because there is 5 days of rain forecast coming in  few days.  I may as well just see if the wiring company also sells breaker boxes, I do not work in the rain.

There is so much to do, last night's sleeplessness isn't helpful. I also need to go over to the other property and get some of those railroad ties.  Lowe's selling them for $28 a piece, I'll take them for free even if it's an ordeal getting them out of there - which it will be.  I can't drive the truck and trailer over the railroad tracks, there is no place to park it on the other side. It will mean dragging those ties probably 200 feet.  I don't know how much they weight, but I will be getting a workout on that one.  I have half a mind to drive over there today as well and see what I'm getting myself into, I haven't been to that property in at least a year.  The 25 acre property became the new place to go, much better than that place.

I have too much stuff swirling around in my mind, probably why I didn't get to sleep last night.  After making the decision to just go for it and start the process of finishing out that shed, it opened up a slew of thought processes that needed to be gone through in order to understand everything I need to do. I tend to try to think things through to the end.  Sometimes that's impossible, but most of the time, it is prudent because there are lots of times that when you don't do something at first that you initially thought can wait, you find you are adding headaches and problems to whatever it is you're trying to do.

The breaker box is an example. "I can just lay the line and get that after".  No, not really, if I want to keep precise measurements for wire, I need to know exactly where the breaker box is going to be located.  One thing is for certain, with a window unit ac, a vending machine, a washer, dryer, water heater?  It going to need a high capacity breaker box.  Ok, it just means I need numerous 220 volt outlets available.  Tho, I think a soda vending machine is just a regular outlet and so is a washing machine.  But you know an electric dryer is 220 and so is electric water heaters.  

Oh, and the water heater is going to need a special water heater shed. I'm not installing that thing inside, it will take up too much room. I'm hoping to put everything in there and  a desk with chair to basically have an all-in-one building to start with.  The only goal for now is to get laundry in there. Then a shower.  I may just go with a larger, pre-formed stall instead of having one custom made.  Seems like if I can get a nice one that has room in it, that's going to cost a lot less than a person coming out laying florentine style tile. I"ll get to that when I .. get to that. 

One shower, room for 4 laundry machines, a soda vending machine and a desk.  I think I can get all of that in a 12X16 structure.  It's not going to be the prettiest setup in the world, but it will have functionality.  Pretty can come later, the ability to advertise I have this stuff needs to come now.  

I'm just sitting here trying to wake up. I'll get stuff done if I can just get my head right this morning and get out there.  I can sit here and write endlessly now that I have a new plan. I should have just done this months ago - I just hate debt and it's a hurdle that I have to get over with great internal conflict.  

Speaking of money, there is a local job that looked great! Only8 hours a day, 5 days a week.  That would be wonderful! Until they contacted me back and said "$18 per hour".  In my little world, and having had spent the amount of time I have driving trucks - AND -knowing what the going rates are? That's like poverty wages.  I would have to be very desperate to take a job paying that low of wages.  I think I'd go OTR before doing that, honestly.  At least it's 100k per year.  I replied to them I wouldn't even consider a driving job under $25 (and that is going cheap as it stands).  These companies trying to undercut drivers in pay are probably having a hard time filling those positions. There are too many high paying jobs out there. I'm not seriously looking - I have all of this stuff to do first.  I'm starting to run out of time, yes, but it needs to get done.  Hence, regardless of how I feel this morning, I'm outta here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

 With everything that's weighing on me attempting to kick start this business, the idea of having to have laundry room available was reinforced today.

The owner of the 2 parks that are the largest competitors actually called me today.  He wanted to know if I had any extra spots available, his parks are full. Yes, I said and thought, I could use 12 more units in here.  Wait, that's 11 atm, the 2 weeker is in here.  

It was a long conversation.  He has filled his parks up mostly with oil field workers.  Yes, I have 2 of them here as well.  His advice: you have to have a laundry room and a bath house.  

I was working out front, pulling weeds, thinking about this all afternoon.  What can I do without taking out another loan?  I've already racked up credit card debt, what another 4 thousand more?  

My legs toast, I stopped the weed pulling operation and went to the park and opened up the power pedestal closest to the shed.  See, buying a small shed and locating it near the utilities is an interesting idea. But I'm spending $600 minimum on a small shed.  One that has the appearance I want is a grand.  

So what does it gain me to have another shed when for a grand, I can run the water, sewer and power lines to the shed from the closest lot?  I measured the distance, it's 136 feet.  That's not  that much - well it isn't until you start pricing the materials, lol.  It's going to be a grand for all of that, I've already done the pricing.  Another $250 for the size circuit breaker box I need and then I can start on running the wiring to the inside of the thing. I haven't priced any of that or the circuit breakers I'll need. I just know that I am going to put in a 200 amp breaker on the shed. 

If I'm doing it, I'm doing it right.  Because I will want 1 washer and 1 dryer to start. But it will go to 2 eventually.  I will eventually want a soda machine and I will need a large, electric water heater.  OH darn, I'll need the water heater right off the bat for laundry.  Once the laundry is done, I'll be looking into installing that shower room. I may not be able to do all of it, but I can do some of it and save some money.  I don't lay tile and I'm not going to try, especially for a bathroom and moreso for a shower stall.  

I don't know about that yet, I'm just focusing on the laundry aspect, it's keeping business away. Actually, I suspect lack of shower is also keeping business away, but the laundry I can do myself.  And a bathroom is going to cost a lot more money.  

Why did I wait so long to make this decision? Because I really do not want to get loaded up with debt. But think about it. You are living in an RV park, you want to be at home, not driving to a laundromat to spend 2 hours minimum there every week to do laundry. Instead, you take a load of clothes to the laundry room, run the washer, come back when the timer says it will be done, put it in the dryer and walaah.  You've spent a few minutes walking back and forth versus a few hours doing nothing but laundry.  I understand the need, I was just resisting.  Because I hate debt, yet I have a lot of it now.  

And the driveway. It's in pretty bad condition in a few spots.  I have no choice but to fix it and have at least a couple truckloads of gravel brought out.  So, the same day I rent a mini ex to dig the trench, I'm having gravel brought out. Which means I need to install that pipe on the driveway and get some dirt over there first.

See? It's endless. The things that need to be done and need to be done in order.  It keeps raining and the driveway gets worse and worse in those spots. Enough!  Right now, I can't dig that trench because there is a huge puddle of water. I can't see what I'm doing, the water just covers over it. 

I dunno, maybe I'll just take an extra set of clothes over there, get on my hands and knees in that muddy water, dug out a small trench without actually being able to see it and get it drained so I can get the rest of the trench dug out and get that damned pipe in there. Excuse my French, but this stuff is eating at me.  I would have already had it done had it not been for this knee injury.  

I have my work set out for me, that's a fact.  I'm going to come up with a plan for all of this, write it out and then get busy.  That plan will be done tonight, I intend on starting work on this stuff tomorrow.  It will take a while to do all of it, I just don't have the skills that a person working for a company that does nothing but this kind of work on a daily basis has.  I can do it right, it just takes me longer to get it that way.  

I'm going to mix it up between pulling weeds and getting that stuff done. The weeds are beyond ugly, it's disturbing seeing that stuff driving in there. I got a lot done on the front today and burned all of it while pulling it.  I had a decent sized fire going - took a while with everything being wet - but after it got burning, the coals got nice and hot and then it didn't matter how wet the weeds were.  

I don't even care about debt now.  Well, that's not exactly the correct way to word it, I definitely care about debt, but if I want to fill the park up, it needs the bare bones amenities.  It's gonna get done.  It might take a week or two - or who knows how long, I can't say, a pro could get the trench dug and wiring, sewer and water pipe done in a day.  I'm not a pro.  It could take days.  I don't know, I just know that I'm digging out around the pedestal by hand, I don't want to strike anything underground with a mini ex bucket.  

Then get the pipe and line - that will take time because I am not sure yet where I'm going to get it. Lowe's doesn't have the best prices and I am willing to drive however far to save significant money.  Or even have it shipped in if necessary.  The electrical line, that is, the sewer and water line will have to be sourced locally.  Oh and the breaker box for the shed, have to have that to connect the power line to.  

It is likely that I'll dig out the trench with the mini ex - and use it to spread some gravel - and then take it back.  I doubt I'll be able to dig the trench, install the line, turn off the power to the park - I don't want to die by electrocution, thanks - connect the line to the lugs, install the water and sewer line and then use the machine to fill in the trench on the same day. In fact, doing it alone? I peg that at impossible. I'll just have to push the dirt back in with a shovel. 

And there is my plan, lol. Not much more thought need be put into it.  I'm going to work at whatever pace my energy levels will give me until it is done.  I just can't afford to get sick again - or have some other injury - or have a relapse on knee pain.  

I haven't received - I take that back. A man called me today saying he wants to come take a look at the park.  He's needy tho. If he's telling the truth, he has a job at the Valero - gas station about 5 miles from the park - makes not that much per week and needs to be able to pay $100 per week instead of the entire month's rent up front.  I'm a bit hesitant.  I'll meet with him and see how it "feels".  I don't know how to put that into words quite right, but it's the sense you get whether this person is a good gamble or not.  It's all risky.  

But besides him? No online reservations, no other phone calls and no emails with inquiries.  I'm going to fill the amenity junk and get that out of the way and then I will know one way or the other whether that was holding back people from coming.  The lack of Google reviews is also a huge issue.  Besides one person giving me kudos on a facebook review, I have received nothing from anyone else.  

Wait, I have a Google review on there now.  4 stars.  I'll take it. I wouldn't give my park 5 stars either.  Just not enough there.  It's the couple living there.  I was wondering if they would ever give a review? They said they like it there - but apparently me telling them today I'm going to start working on installing laundry was the tipping point for them. Of course. They don't like going anywhere.  That is glaringly obvious. I'm guessing they are living off of social security income only.  I just can't imagine staying inside that RV all day long, only coming out to take the dogs out for potty breaks and occasional trips to town.  Probably to do laundry - I'll bet they were hoping I was going to do this. 

Well that just sets it in stone even further.  

Right now? I am very tired from all of that working today.  I kept going until my legs felt like lead weights and just couldn't walk anymore. I need a lot more days like this one. This is how you force yourself into shape, you push yourself. I was walking with dead weight legs for quite a while, just trying to get a pre-determined swath of the field done before I quite. I almost finished it.  I'd have to spend - another week working at it all day long. But...laundry takes precedence. I'll work on both of them.  

 Well, the forecasters got one right.  It rained all day long yesterday, moderate to heavy rain.  So, I went to walmart looking for a ledger, they didn't have one which was odd considering they have an entire "business" type of aisle with business good, then to the city water department.  While I have time, let's get all of this stuff done.  

The account has been transferred over to the business checking account.  

Then I decided to do something about auto insurance.  I ended up at a place that is 2 blocks from my house and stood there - it was kind of strange the receptionist didn't have me go sit down at the desk of a lady that has it set up for taking was a good deal of time standing there.  

Whatever the case, all of that time paid off: my insurance was reduced by $100 per month with almost the same coverages as I had with Allstate.  I got rid of the roadside assistance.  I have never used it on any of my policies and seems a waste of money.  I have about 6 months left of payments on that vehicle and I'll be done.  I will probably leave the coverage on it, it's tempting to take a much lower insurance rate with minimal coverage, but if something happens, you lose everything and have to start over.  I plan on keeping that vehicle for awhile, car and especially truck prices have skyrocketed and I don't feel like getting caught up in $700 a month payments.  

You would be surprised how how much Ford, Chevy and Dodge want for a new pickup. 

Anyway, over to the property while contemplating what to eat and then, Taylor texted asking if I wanted to go do lunch? 


Today/Wednesday. No rain in the forecast but everything is wet over there.  I would have to say it's a good time to go over and pull weeds.  It's cold outside, but I'm sure after a few minutes of physical exertion, I will warm up nicely regardless of outside air temperature.  The front field is so ugly when you pull in there and I would like to see how much I can get done in a few hours of pulling. If I can knock out a good chunk, I'll just keep going.  I'd rather have a plain, barren dirt field than a field full of 3 foot tall weeds.  Just not a very good look, at all.  This is a problem I can do something about without spending any money.  I'd rather pay for machinery to do it, tbh, but I'm going to try to see about getting the front portion done and find out how long it takes me.  There are several days worth of rain forecast next week, it would be nice to get that front portion de-weeded and get at least a little grass going out there.

That's my plan, whether I follow through with it or not? Well, the next entry will be the tell-tale on that one.

Keto.  I'm doing well sticking on the diet.  9 days into it, I'm stuck at 10 pounds lost.  I was down 11 pounds, but it went back up a pound and that's where it's staying for now.  However - there is noticeable fat loss, especially on my belly.  A person needs to see some results - it doesn't have to be a lot - in order to gain that momentum, confidence and motivation to keep going.  The scale helps, but seeing it is much better.  I'm still fat around the belly, lol.  Just saying, it's gone down.  I have no intentions of caving to internal desires for potatoes, pastas, rice and other things any time soon.  

As long as I can see results either on the scale or in the mirror, I will remain motivated to stay on it.

I'll go to drastic measures to get it going again, such as water-only fasting for several days if necessary. I'm not there yet, I'll let this go a couple more days before switching gears.  

My next financial challenge will be calling Dish Network and basically telling them they can either get the price back down or I'll be switching to Directv.  I think these satellite companies sometimes think you are bluffing . So they start talking about reducing your channel lineup instead of simply giving you a long term customer discount - or whatever they want to call it, the price of the service at the AZ house is beyond ridiculous, it's absurd. I get so tired of these companies jacking up the prices - the do it in increments - and then you have to call in to discuss seemingly endlessly to get it back down.  

If I didn't need the service over there, I would just cancel it altogether.  But, people want the satellite so I have provided it for quite a long time now.  I'm not really trying to "make" money off of that house, but it does need to pay for itself.  

Well that's enough.  I need to get ready to go over there.  I don't think I"ll take Addler, he's a big baby in the cold. He'll run around for a while and then he'll just stand there, shivering, looking at me. Yes, even your dog can give you looks, lmao.  He does it well, too.  He'd be happier laying on his bed in my bedroom, which is exactly what I'm going to do. He's outside probably standing at the door atm, I pretty much let him inside with occasional potty breaks when it gets cold like this.  

Starlink. I'm signing up for it.  IT isn't available here yet, but you can sign up in advance.  I can't afford Verizon.  I'm only 2 weeks into it and I've already received a notice that I've used half the data up already.  I can't be having $500 per month internet bills, I might as well take out a loan and have Fidelity installed for the 7 grand for that much money.  They provide unlimited access offers.  I only have 3 people in there using internet and it's half gone already?  And then, they charge you an exorbitant amount per "block", they are calling it and rest assured, those blocks aren't that much date.  

I've already signed up for it.  Apparently, whenever they are expanded into my area, they just ship out the equipment, which isn't cheap.  But, I've read up to 30 devices can be hooked up to it at a time.  Another RV park owner said he put up 2 separate systems and says it works well enough. Yes, I'm not trying to provide lightning speeds, I'm trying to give people access to the internet for looking up email, social media.  Not online games that use tons of data and broadband width.  I dunno, I'm a bit nervous about this Verizon account because it can go way up in monthly price. And there is only one full time rig there.

They sit in that trailer all day long. They said they had their own unlimited wifi, but it's obvious they are relying on my internet for their complete internet coverage. I can't do anything about it, this device doesn't appear to have any limits you can attach to individual users.  Some devices you can cut one particular user off completely while still allowing access to everyone else.  I dunno, but at the rates I'm charging, I'm not feeling all that generous with giving them even more perks for minimal money.

It's a perplexing situation that I"m going to have to figure out - and soon.  I expect a high power bill, a medium water bill but wifi? No thanks.  I can only  hope that Starlink becomes available soon.  They have a business account but it's $2,700 to set it up and $500 per month.  That's way too much money. I'm thinking more in the $200 range and that's it.  

And again, if worse comes to worse, I will pay the price for Fidelity.  Outrageous amount at first, yes, but in the long run it would definitely pay for itself.  I think they have a plan in the $250  range for unlimited access for multiple users.  I dunno, I'll wait another week and see where the Verizon usage is at, but it's obvious I can keep that up.  Think about having 14 units in there and at least some of them home all the time gobbling up data?  I didn't build a park to have so much monthly accounts payable accounts that I am making hardly any money.  I'd actually get rid of internet altogether and people can fend for themselves if that were the case.  

That's really a perplexing situation. 

People want it, but they don't really want to pay for it....this is why I'm limiting the low, intro monthly rate to 4 units. After that, I'm jacking up the monthly price by at least $50 and it is what it is.  

Meanwhile, I've been racking my brains trying to figure out how to afford to have a shower room built in the shed.  I don't know - yet.  Loans loans loans. No thanks, I've got enough.   

Enough. I need to get out of here and get something done. And get away from this computer.  I have a person in my Facebook inbox claiming he's a minister running a children's ministry in Pakistan, wanting money. Of course you want money!  He's sent probably 30 pics of the kids and him handing them bowls of food, apparently.  The problem? Anyone can lift pics off the internet and say it's them. He even sent a copy of his government issued ID.  I do help people out here and there, but strangers off of the internet? With so many scams?  Just not interested.  I asked him if could prove his ministry by telling me any pastors in the US he works with. Also, the name and address of his ministry?  


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

 ApparentlyI don't have to pay any taxes to the state. Now working on finding out what the feds want out of all of this. Again, I'm not going to fudge on this, I'll pay the taxes - somewhat begrudgingly.  I don't mind paying some taxes to pay for all we have around us, I do mind paying for people who don't work, that are perfectly healthy individuals that could work if they wanted to.  Or paying for exorbitant politician' pet projects. Such as a bathroom stall that costs a million dollars to build. 

Anyway,  it's a rain day so this is what I am doing currently, looking up tax stuff now that I am bring in a bit of revenues. Why haven't you done this already? Cause paperwork isn't my forte and I frankly despise it.  I'm trying to get that stigma out of my brain cells. I'm also going to run up to Walmart and get that paper ledger and start inputting these expenses and revenues into quickbooks.  

Maybe taxes won't eat me alive anyway.  Well, I see. Sort of.  A sole proprietor in a small business without any employees pays the federal taxes through the income tax.  I guess. I'll keep looking, preliminary results show this to be the case. I will pay no state taxes for 1, I made nothing last year on this business and 2, even if I did, I will not be making the kind of money that triggers a business tax.  There are no city sales taxes because I am outside of city limits, the only local taxes are property taxes.  

Directly from the IRS website: "an LLC with only one member is treated as an entity disregarded as separate from its owner". So, I don't pay a business tax for what I am doing, I pay income taxes.  This is, of course, only part of the equation. Then the questions go to - how much tax?  How often?  Where is it sent?  These may be things better left to a CPA, but I"m going to continue on with the research regardless. Inquiring minds want to know.  

Where I'm going to get lost is write offs for business construction expenses.  I don't know how I can get any deductions for a business that was built last year but didn't open last year, I'm wondering if deductions can be applied to the next fiscal year.  These are questions a tax expert will have to answer. I stand to lose a great deal of money - maybe/potentially - if I don't spend the money and at least have a consultation.  

I'm just trying to come to an understanding of how all of this works, but at least I am safe with Texas - I will pay zero taxes to Texas.  The Feds always get their fingers into any business enterprise, somehow, that is expected.  Texas has no income tax - yet. Let the lefties come take over this state and that will undoubtedly change.  A fortune being ignored! We must take your money and spend it on useless projects that benefit no one or line politician's pockets and their cronies with money! Meanwhile, Texas has a 27 billion in a "rainy day" fund. Well, it's a rainy day, can I have some please? Lmao

I suspect that I will have to pay income tax to the feds on a monthly basis.  I'm going to have to make an appointment at a local CPA.  I was going to go late last year, then got sick and just put it off.  

Anyway, I am encouraged that I can pay most of the monthly bills with revenues.  2 more long termers would be extremely helpful.  I'm working on it.  Or just a steady stream of short term - not that much so far.  This dude that came in yesterday helps, but I need a lot more of it.  

I was going to go over to the other property today to see about getting a few railroad ties, but it's raining and apparently going to do so all day long.  I don't think so.  I just want to take a chain saw over, cut some of the ties up into blocks and have them available for incoming guests/tenants.  And anyway, I'm guessing the boys would like to go over there, too. They haven't seen this property before. Addler loves it over there.

Enough.  I'm going to go check the property - daily run over there - up to walmart and then home, that's it for today lol.  Maybe tomorrow I can go pick weeds since the ground will be wet and those things will come out easily?  Maybe....

Monday, January 23, 2023

Alright, the new tenant and the 2 week stay are paid up.  I kind of got a little uptight about the guy showing up this morning and not even contacting me to inform me he was there -after I asked him to please text me when he arrives and he agreed.  But,, this dude has an 80k 5th wheel with multiple slide outs and all kinds of features.  It was doubtful he wasn't going to pay.  He ended up paying cashapp, I don't care how they pay but if it's cash or cashapp or paypal, I don't have to pay a user fee.  Credit cards incur 2.3% processing fee.  

So, with that thought, I probably should change my rates a little.  If you can pay cash, cashapp or paypal, X rate, if using credit card, X rate plus 2.3% fee.  All of this I have done so far excepting 1, 1 night stay, has bypassed the campground software system since they called me and didn't want to use that system.  It's another $2 fee per reservation, I'll gladly take that.  

Now, just before the first month of being open ends, I need to get info of how much percentage tax to pay to the state and where to send it and how often I'm supposed to send it.  I'm going to search the internet first, if no info there, contact the state, if they can't or won't help (sometimes you'll be told they can't give you advice, tho I'm not looking for advice, I'm looking for factual information) then I'll just have to bite the bullet and pay for a conference with a certified accountant.  

And frankly, I don't want to do the yearly taxes.  I want an accountant to do that and I need to know what they require.  Now, not a year from now.  I don't have to pay any taxes for last year, I received no payments from anyone for any spaces.  It wasn't until the 2cd of this year before I got my first guest.  

The walking trails seem to have no appeal to anyone so far. Well, one couple said they went partially back on it but it was getting dark.  I actually don't care, I'd love to keep it private and just have it to take the dog back there, sometimes the boys want to go back as well.  But whatever, it's listed as an amenity, it's open and available, it's marked with signage to find the trail.  

I'm going to take a fire ring from one of the lots and put it back for the tent camping spot.  I want to open that one up.  And I still want to do boondocking option which is nothing more than making a space for an RV to park for cheap.  No amenities whatsoever - tho I would probably let them get water.  Well away from the park, a generator running all night long wouldn't bother any long term tenants.  It's not a lot of money, but it IS money.  I bet at a decent rate I could fill up the boondocking sites.  

Whatever the case, the bills are paid for the month.  What with the overnighters, the 2 week man and the 2 long term, I have everything covered.  I take that back, the bills I have assigned to the business checking account are paid.  There's still power and water to assign to it.  The month isn't over yet.  Still 8 days to go.  I can dream that more overnighters will show up or even another long term.  I still have one long term allegedly coming at the beginning of February and others that have expressed interest and even intent, but until they actually show up? It's nothing to me.  

And finally, I can count myself lucky that it is cool weather.  AC units aren't being used.  Heaters are - and in RV's that means propane gas.  Of course, people can be using space heaters and I wouldn't have any way of knowing that.  I can also be thankful that the 2cd long term unit is an itty bitty thing. Even in summer, it's not going to use the same amounts of energy as these giant units.  This is how they average out monthly use to $125 - $135 per month on a yearly average.  Not everyone has giant RV's with dual AC units.  Anyone trying to come in with 3 of them will incur a higher charge.  

I am also thankful that so far, I have had no problems with the new electrical system and the septic system seems to be working.  I guess? I haven't seen any water coming out of the aerators. I guess I should open the fitting to the nearest outlet and see if there is anything visible.......

It just dawned on my that the property I own a partial portion of has a house that was made out of railroad ties that is collapsed, caved in and useless. The other owners are not going to do anything with that junk, I need some of those ties for blocks! Free! Yayy!

 Well, the solar lights were only $5.95 a piece, I bought enough to line the RV park driveway and some by the entrance.  I'll go over at night time and see how it looks. Might need a few more.  So far, the people coming and going haven't really been dumping that much trash in the 55 gallon can, so I am glad I didn't go for the dumpster yet.  That's another $165 per month that I don't need to spend until I have enough people in there to warrant one.

The man coming from out of town never contacted me. Instead, he showed up, chose a lot and set up his rig lol.  He wasn't home and so far he hasn't responded to my text. However, if he's already working, he probably can't text until a break. I'm not worried about it, tho I do want my money. That's $300 right there to add to the business coffers. 

My knee is feeling better today, not near as much pain, which I found odd because it was giving me trouble overnight.  I'll take it.  However, I forgot my boots and tho I go some other stuff done, I didn't get started on the driveway trench project. I'm not doing that in tennis shoes.  I'm undecided whether to go back or not.  I'm going to have to go back later to meet up with the other guy who already came in a few days ago - and hasn't paid yet.  

I hope to never have to use it, but Texas law gives me the right to immediately evict them out of the park.  Even to the point of calling a wrecker and the sheriff to have them physically removed.  Obviously, that is the final, last resort, but I have read about park owners that have been forced to go that route.  Some of those people are very strict about their rules and enforcement. I get why they are doing it, I sort of need time to get the right mind frame about all of this.

It's not like I've ever managed an RV park before...I wouldn't say I'm completely clueless having had rented out rooms in the house and having had to deal with people directly and throwing a few of them out after they got hostile. And court actions going both ways. I guess I probably need to learn Texas law about how to evict an rv long term - that's tenancy and falls under tenancy laws.  

Now, the dude staying for 2 weeks? He had his own railroad ties that he cut up and apparently had with him. I certainly didn't have any but it's a great idea.  I'm going to buy a couple and cut them into blocks. He has the wheels off the ground on one side, I"m going to ask him if he wants board to put under the tires as well - adds stability.  He has a giant 5th wheel, this thing is huge and has several slide outs.  I don't know what those things cost, but they look like a house on wheels, basically.  

I'm still feeling tired and sluggish. It's from not having slept all week and then finally, sleeping last night.  I may just take a nap instead of going back over there and then tomorrow morning, get with it.  Well, I mean, I do have to go back over there for money, that doesn't mean I have to work. And looking at the area around the sign on the street, it might not take too much to at least pull the weeds up out of that area and make it look nicer.  

I'm going to want a water line running over there, I eventually want to put in a garden type thing at the entrance.  Make everything look pretty and inviting.  It's all money and time.  Especially time, in having to dig down to the water line at the front of the park, cut it, install a T, put a piece of pipe in the T and then put a valve on it. Yup, means turning off the water as well.  If I have it all ready, the water only has to be off for maybe 30 minutes.  

I'd like to go ahead and get some flowers in by the sign if there is such a thing as winter flowering plants, otherwise, winter plants that look good sans the flowers. 

Yes, I'm good at loading myself down with projects. It will be endless.  It will probably take years to get the place to where I want it.  I'm not stressing it, one thing at a time.  

People asking me for business cards, so I'm having 100 of those made up.  I don't know why they want business cards, but I've been asked enough times for it that I'm going to get some. I just get online and find the person's business if I need their services.  

Yes, sitting down, fatigue hit me quite nicely.

 Friday - not so early/8:28 am I dunno, I just decided last night I wasn't going to get up early today and true to that thought, I did n...