Thursday, January 26, 2023

 I got 3 hours of grueling work in, actually 3-1/2.  It was all trying to dig out by hand using a pick-axe the trench for the pipe.  I now understand that the driveway may not look that great on top, but it's solid SB2 underneath the dirt layer.  It was hard work, fighting against large, lodged gravel pieces trying to get them out.  It was also fun that there was a giant pool of water I was working in.  Yup, I got covered in watery mud.  

Another day of my legs feeling like lead weights by the time I was done with as far as I could go with it.  The trench is some 35 feet long, I had not choice but to dig it much longer than expected so I could end the pipe down lower than the level of the driveway. It means I need 2 more sticks of pipe - a thing I am not doing today.  I'll get them tomorrow and try to wrap that up.  Well, at least the portion I am doing.  There is another pool next to it which needs a trench dug on the fence line side to bring the water to the drainage pipe.  I'm going to fill in those caverns with dirt and then it can have a layer of gravel dumped on it.  So another day of work on that project, really, because I'm going to have to shovel dirt onto my trailer from the pile in the back, bring it up there and shovel it off. 

Oh what a fun thing that will be to do!

I haven't even gone to Lowe's yet. What with a sleepless night and getting up late, my focus was getting something done at the park versus pricing things. There are rain days coming, I can go to stores on those days when I can't do anything outside.  The driveway has to be dealt with first anyway, at least on my plan.  Fix the driveway, hand dig out behind lot 14 pedestal, rent the trackhoe and have the gravel brought same day to be able to spread it.  I don't want to spread it by hand, thanks.  1 truckload should deal with that entire area.  I really need about 6 or 7 truckloads in there, not in the coffers at the moment.  

I want to buy all the pipe and line for the trench before I do the trench work.  I also want the breaker box on the shed installed.  That and other projects? I have plenty to keep me busy.  My time is running out, I can say that.  I've been getting my mind into trucking mode even if it's still weeks before I attempt to get back into it.  I just want my laundry room to be finished before I start trucking again, if at all possible.  Once I get that done, I'm going to take a new approach to all of this.  I'll jack my prices up $5 per night for short stays.  I'll raise the price of monthly stays after I get 4 long term in there.  The weekly rate, I dunno.

And now, I'm going to change the wording to my website.  We are conveniently located- however far, I need to do an odometer run from the middle of the bridge over I-20 to the park, I'm thinking around 3 miles  - 3 miles from I-20 and X miles from Highway 59 off of Highway 43.  We intentionally built the park far enough away from the freeway to cut out highway noise, I-20 is a heavily used highway corridor and generates a lot of noise all day long.  I'm going to have to drive over to that new park near the state line.  They are claiming they are full all the time. 

The first long term tenants said some dually pickups have driven through looking at the park. That's unfortunate, I haven't received any phone calls.  Most people say when they see the park, they are in love with it.  It's definitely no the prices stopping people, so what is it? Well, you run down the entire list of things in your mind, but it's the lack of amenities that I believe is the problem.  I will find out in a couple of weeks or 3 or however long this project takes me - hopefully not too long if I stick with it - and am able to list laundry. And further down the line, a shower/bathroom. I think to start it's going to be a no frills bathroom with a shower stall. A nice shower stall, but a performed one. And something easy to put down for flooring. 

I've never installed plumbing for a toilet, but I'm going to find out how! lol

Enough. I got home, took a shower, finished laundry including folding everything, put the muddy clothes in the washer and now to go get the boys from the bus stop. 

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