Well there's nothing like a salesman handing me a spiff for doing something for him that has been - irritating - him for quite some time.
It has been annoying me too, but I thought the parameters were different than they actually were.
The situation is all the mud up against the main building. It has been there since before I started working there. It is what meets customer's eyes when they want to go in and talk with a salesman, inside salesman or management. It's pretty ugly.
What I didn't know was that there is concrete underneath all of that mud. I had thought it was - for whatever unknown reason - that it was dirt there from the beginning. Well, the salesman in question had asked the other driver to clean it up and he would buy him lunch for a week. I got involved with it out of having not much of anything else to do and because when I found it was concrete underneath there, well. I would have cleaned that thing out of there a long time ago.
And also, because I KNOW what kind of job the other driver would do. And that preconceived notion was not off. He emphatically stated he was going to stop at a certain point and that would be that. Fine, I said, but I'm going as far as the concrete goes - which got deeper and deeper and deeper. At the end of the line, it was covered with a foot of mud. It hadn't been cleaned in 6 years, hence the situation at hand. Well, I got out the pressure washer and cleaned out the other side - which wasn't as bad bud still ugly and then helped him shovel. But, he refused to go any further with it than what he said - which didn't phase me at all.
I continued until it was all exposed and then found a pipe that had been installed to drain it out into the grassy area next to it. Well, that pipe was only 4 feet long and it was completely clogged. Dug that out, dug out a new ditch - 14 feet long, put in a new pipe and then dug out a channel beyond the end of the pipe. Down yonder, there is a large pipe going underneath the parking lot and the street and clear to the other side draining out into the woods. Got that installed and then did the litmus test Will it drain? Took the hose off the pressure washer, put it in the concrete and then turned it on full blast. It was awesome. I like when I do something and it - works. It drained that water out the other end of the pipe and then continued on down to the other pipe and out. Backfilled the ditch, stamped the grass back on top of the pipe and that was that.
But that wasn't the end of this project. Everybody parks right in front of all of this it is under a huge canopy - trashed, has been since I got there as well. And the other end of the concrete - which pours out into the driveway in front of the will call warehouse. Totally covered with dirt and mud as well. Looks like hell. This consumed almost the entire day. I can tell when they like something I'm doing in the yard because they will not give me any deliveries. Lol. Except one, which was a huge emergency. A contractor had broken pipe that delivers water to an elementary school - whoops! Got that out there quick, not that far away and back to the yard and back to the mud elimination project. Well, unfortunately, the water hose and the hose on the pressure washer combined wasn't enough to cover the entire parking lot in front of the will call. I got as much done as I could, plus dug out a ditch to drain the water. The will call manager told me there is a grate and pipe underneath the grass there - somewhere. Uh huh. This is how far they let it go. There is NO visible grate, it's all grass. Yeah.
Here's the kicker. The salesman didn't buy me lunch. He came out, handed me 4 20's and said thank you, to which I said thank you back! Lol. Not like I wasn't getting paid by the hour to do that stuff as it was! That was a nice bonus. But I didn't feel right taking all of it so I said I would give half to the other driver. He said no, he'll take care of him, too, but.....Ohhh, I think I'll give him half what I gave you. Okayyyyy. But don't tell him! Sure enough, the other driver comes up later saying he got $40. Did he give you the same? I didn't want to lie, so I said, yeah, he gave me enough to buy lunch for a week as well. That driver would have gotten all pissed off, raised a stink, yada yada yada. He didn't question it, got all happy and that was that.
Meanwhile, I finally and I do mean finally found a site to print out a reply to the divorce paperwork. You know, it makes a big difference what exact wording you put into a Google search. I knew that and I kept trying different things. I don't even know what I put in there, I just know I finally found a site run by - whoever - .org site - that had everything on there I was looking for. Yes! I can file - have to go to courthouse and I'm relatively sure it's going to cost to file, but whatever, too much to potentially lose here if I don't and get a default judgement against me, I am specifically referring to the massive amount of credit card debt that she had accumulated long before we were married. I am not paying for that. I want that in the divroce decree.
Gonna take a day off, I think to file that, even though I'm sure it will only take a few minutes. Well I'm not sure, I just want a day off. In fact, I think I will take time off Thanksgiving week whether I go home or not - no-one has claimed it but 2 people have it the week before and after. Well Thanksgiving week at work? Pretty boring. Same with Christmas. Booooorrrrrrring. Contractors take 2 WEEKS off during the Christmas season in these parts. I'm not kidding. Never heard of such a thing until I came out here. Actually I don't know what to do. I want Black Friday off - but maybe that's not really important this year. My son is still in Portland. I won't see him if I go home on Thanksgiving. Have to confirm that with him but pretty sure he's going to be gone for another month or so.
Winter's coming. Not fully prepared - yet. Will be after this weekend. Though my new rubber boots showed up today in the mail. I need new thermals, a couple sets. And a couple hats. Oops...just ordered the hats. I'm not going to freeze this winter as much as I did last winter. The wet feet were the worst. Rubber boots will eliminate that problem.
Allergies kicking my butt today. Just non-ending. To think I had overcome allergies almost completely until I moved out here. Gag.
Oh, the reason I keep posting pics of potential Great Dane pups and adult dogs on my Facebook wall? I'm friends with my landlady and I know she sees all of my posts. She hasn't said anything more about it, yet, I just know they want to get rid of a dog before I can have one over here. The pics serve as a reminder : )
I have other things to say, but this blog is not the appropriate place to say them. No biggies.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Interesting day. Got up early, got to work early, got to Pineville, LA - early enough. Contractor knew I was coming and would be calling for directions. The only thing I had was LA 28 in Pineville. Well, 7 phone calls and no answer, so I got off of Pinesville Expressway, got off at LA 28, found a supermarket parking lot and - made more phone calls, lol. This is one case where driving down the road and looking around? I would have never found it. It was 2 miles away, in the back of an already existent subdivsion that they decided to add to. It's always fun to see contractors trying to remove huge bundles of pipe with the wrong equipment. Drop and break, oops!
Back to the yard - 2 hour drive, but stopped at a Relay station, got 100 gallons of fuel and free lunch. Yup, they give free lunch for over 50 gallons. This is one of many gas stations/small truck stops that has a restaurant and they serve some fine food. It was, with free drink and sides, a $10 meal for free. I take advantage of that as often as possible.
Back to the yard, find a certain type of pipe I had moved around yesterday? Had been completely changed around. I asked the warehouse manager what was up with that? He saw the other driver moving it but didn't know what he was doing with it. I said well you know you have to rotate the stock. That pipe stacked in the rear of the rows has been sitting there for well over a year. If we don't get rid of it, the pipe is going to get brittle and the gaskets are going to dry out and start to fall apart. So, this driver decided to undo everything I had done. Retarded. I didn't bother to ask him why. I instead went over there and pulled ALL of that pipe out, put the new stuff in the back and the old stuff in the front and that takes care of that. That driver will not go to that much hassle to get at the new pipe. If he does, I will - not talk to the manager cause' he's down for the count. Whatever he has, it's kicking his butt and they are saying he's gone for at least 2 weeks.
New driver? Waste. Likes to sit on the forklift and talk on the phone. We have ENOUGH of those kinds of people, we don't need anymore! When the manager gets back I'm going to make a strong suggestion: GET RID OF HIM. They guy is still a temp driver working for a temp agency, it's ony a matter of calling up the agency and saying his services are no longer needed, thanks. He takes TWICE as long to make a delivery and has admitted that he is taking his sweet time on purpose.
Well, finally, an inside salesman told the other driver if he would get rid of the mud in front of the building, he would buy him lunch for a week. I have been wanting to clean that place up for a while, it looks like a dump, literally. It's filithy, dirty and yucky. Very unappealing for customers to come in and see a place looking like that. Well I GREATLY expanded that idea from the git go. Hey, let's deal with ALL of this. Not enough hours to do that today, but we got the front of that building looking spiffy - a condition it hasn't looked since I started working there. I then told them that I was going to do the entire cement surface when I have time. Take an entire day - at least - to do that but that places looks so ratty.
The idea actually got some traction. I am a clean type person. Let's clean! If there ain't nothing to do, I can think up lots of "other" things that really should be done. Lately, I haven't been asking to do things that need to be done that - I don't know, they don't want it done or just too lazy to do it? And since I started doing that stuff, 2 others have come in line with it.
News flash: We are interrupting this program to bring an urgent message: Sheriff just showed up at the door and had the divorce papers in hand. I do not believe in divorce and would have not filed for it. But she has and I am not going to contest it. Let's get this over with. I am more than done with this relationship, it is over and it is history.
Well whatever. I don't even know what day it is. Losing track of time. Seems meaningless. I've got my mind on too many things. Distracted. Disconnected. But, not confused or going crazy. Focused on some things, though. The Lord for one. Going to now go on the quest to find out what needs to happen next with a reply. I have 20 days and I'm going to get this done right. I know from first-hand experience and have seen it all too many times about people that go off the deep end during divorce proceedings and start making demands for money, property and everything else. I have no clue whether she will do that, but if enough people speak enough junk into her brain? Very well could happen. Texas law pretty specific though. Whatever you had that was yours before you entered the marriage is yours afterwards. She has masive amounts of credit card debt that I had absolutely NOTHING to do with and that's what I want to protect myself from.
I'm trying to remember everything I did over there. Fix fencing. Feeding cows in winter/freezing rain conditions. Fix tractor, riding mower, van. Replace a water heater including tearing out dryway and replacing wood that had rotted and covered with black mold. Installing flooring. Painting - at my expense, all over the place. Install refrigerator with new water line/connection. Fix plumbing in well house. Buying kids clothing and food. Lots of food. Splitting firewood.
I'll think of it all by the time any court date arrives. I don't even want to have to go there, but if she forces the issue, I will.
Winter's coming and besides freezing cold temps, the other bad part is darkness. I am not a fan. I like daylight and I like to be out in it. Well work definitely gets me out in it, but leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark - a bit much.
I guess what I have my thoughts on is the future, what's left of it anyway. I have some kind of fantasy of finding the perfect soul mate, get a property up in the mountains and have some acreage, and just - live life together. It's a pipe dream. I know this now. It's nothing that I can ever achieve in my lifetime. I would be very hard pressed to ever consider marrying a third time. That's just - too many for me. I was her third, third time's a charm right? Guess not. I wonder if she'll go off immediately and try to find another man, just as she did with previous ex. She'll have tales to tell of all 3 of her exes and the "mistakes" she made.
I, on the other hand, will mostly put her completely out of my mind and attempt to shelf all of this as part of history and just try to move on. I have my past, I bring it up occasionally, but I don't live in it daily.
Whatever. A reason I'm wanting another dog. No demands, no fault lists, no this that and the other thing. The numbers of Danes in this area that are advertised on various forums has exploded in the last 24 hours. Adults and pups. Really, if they can get rid of that dog they want to get rid of I would likely get another dog - quickly.
Back to the yard - 2 hour drive, but stopped at a Relay station, got 100 gallons of fuel and free lunch. Yup, they give free lunch for over 50 gallons. This is one of many gas stations/small truck stops that has a restaurant and they serve some fine food. It was, with free drink and sides, a $10 meal for free. I take advantage of that as often as possible.
Back to the yard, find a certain type of pipe I had moved around yesterday? Had been completely changed around. I asked the warehouse manager what was up with that? He saw the other driver moving it but didn't know what he was doing with it. I said well you know you have to rotate the stock. That pipe stacked in the rear of the rows has been sitting there for well over a year. If we don't get rid of it, the pipe is going to get brittle and the gaskets are going to dry out and start to fall apart. So, this driver decided to undo everything I had done. Retarded. I didn't bother to ask him why. I instead went over there and pulled ALL of that pipe out, put the new stuff in the back and the old stuff in the front and that takes care of that. That driver will not go to that much hassle to get at the new pipe. If he does, I will - not talk to the manager cause' he's down for the count. Whatever he has, it's kicking his butt and they are saying he's gone for at least 2 weeks.
New driver? Waste. Likes to sit on the forklift and talk on the phone. We have ENOUGH of those kinds of people, we don't need anymore! When the manager gets back I'm going to make a strong suggestion: GET RID OF HIM. They guy is still a temp driver working for a temp agency, it's ony a matter of calling up the agency and saying his services are no longer needed, thanks. He takes TWICE as long to make a delivery and has admitted that he is taking his sweet time on purpose.
Well, finally, an inside salesman told the other driver if he would get rid of the mud in front of the building, he would buy him lunch for a week. I have been wanting to clean that place up for a while, it looks like a dump, literally. It's filithy, dirty and yucky. Very unappealing for customers to come in and see a place looking like that. Well I GREATLY expanded that idea from the git go. Hey, let's deal with ALL of this. Not enough hours to do that today, but we got the front of that building looking spiffy - a condition it hasn't looked since I started working there. I then told them that I was going to do the entire cement surface when I have time. Take an entire day - at least - to do that but that places looks so ratty.
The idea actually got some traction. I am a clean type person. Let's clean! If there ain't nothing to do, I can think up lots of "other" things that really should be done. Lately, I haven't been asking to do things that need to be done that - I don't know, they don't want it done or just too lazy to do it? And since I started doing that stuff, 2 others have come in line with it.
News flash: We are interrupting this program to bring an urgent message: Sheriff just showed up at the door and had the divorce papers in hand. I do not believe in divorce and would have not filed for it. But she has and I am not going to contest it. Let's get this over with. I am more than done with this relationship, it is over and it is history.
Well whatever. I don't even know what day it is. Losing track of time. Seems meaningless. I've got my mind on too many things. Distracted. Disconnected. But, not confused or going crazy. Focused on some things, though. The Lord for one. Going to now go on the quest to find out what needs to happen next with a reply. I have 20 days and I'm going to get this done right. I know from first-hand experience and have seen it all too many times about people that go off the deep end during divorce proceedings and start making demands for money, property and everything else. I have no clue whether she will do that, but if enough people speak enough junk into her brain? Very well could happen. Texas law pretty specific though. Whatever you had that was yours before you entered the marriage is yours afterwards. She has masive amounts of credit card debt that I had absolutely NOTHING to do with and that's what I want to protect myself from.
I'm trying to remember everything I did over there. Fix fencing. Feeding cows in winter/freezing rain conditions. Fix tractor, riding mower, van. Replace a water heater including tearing out dryway and replacing wood that had rotted and covered with black mold. Installing flooring. Painting - at my expense, all over the place. Install refrigerator with new water line/connection. Fix plumbing in well house. Buying kids clothing and food. Lots of food. Splitting firewood.
I'll think of it all by the time any court date arrives. I don't even want to have to go there, but if she forces the issue, I will.
Winter's coming and besides freezing cold temps, the other bad part is darkness. I am not a fan. I like daylight and I like to be out in it. Well work definitely gets me out in it, but leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark - a bit much.
I guess what I have my thoughts on is the future, what's left of it anyway. I have some kind of fantasy of finding the perfect soul mate, get a property up in the mountains and have some acreage, and just - live life together. It's a pipe dream. I know this now. It's nothing that I can ever achieve in my lifetime. I would be very hard pressed to ever consider marrying a third time. That's just - too many for me. I was her third, third time's a charm right? Guess not. I wonder if she'll go off immediately and try to find another man, just as she did with previous ex. She'll have tales to tell of all 3 of her exes and the "mistakes" she made.
I, on the other hand, will mostly put her completely out of my mind and attempt to shelf all of this as part of history and just try to move on. I have my past, I bring it up occasionally, but I don't live in it daily.
Whatever. A reason I'm wanting another dog. No demands, no fault lists, no this that and the other thing. The numbers of Danes in this area that are advertised on various forums has exploded in the last 24 hours. Adults and pups. Really, if they can get rid of that dog they want to get rid of I would likely get another dog - quickly.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
I'm back on this blog. The other blog was "isolated", or seemed that way anyway. I have no further reason to stay over there - probably a few posts here and there but this will now be my main blogging account again.
The only thing now on the divorce front is that I called the sheriff's office today and they are going to arrange to have the divorce papers served to me tomorrow evening where I am living. Their hours and mine don't work as far as going and getting them. I'm at work before their office opens and quitting time is the same as theirs. Contemplating when to tell her I am getting my stuff back.
But, my manager is in the hospital, half his face is paralyzed. It was allegedly some contagious illness, but we are starting to have our doubts. It got worse today and he went to emergency room. I'm definitely not wishing this on him, but this happens to some people that have strokes as well. Who knows, hopefully the docs come up with a much - easier to fix - diagnosis than a stroke.
Of course, when the manager's away, the mice will play. Evidenced today. I had only one delivery and it was short-lived. I spent the day working around the yard, cleaning up other people's messes. Especially in the pipe yard. In fact, our alleged "yard man" makes more messes in there than anyone and doesn't clean up after himself. I fixed the yard this morning only to find he had moved a bunch of pipe to get at some other pipe - but then didn't put any of it back. He also unloaded a truck and just dumped it in the other yard instead of putting it away. It was the inside salesman, though, that were doing much of nothing. There is plenty for them to do and they are - not doing it. Our manager ... has trouble putting his foot down. I dunno, but we are going to lose customers if something doesn't change. I heard it yet again yesterday from a customer that named names and went off about them.
Slowly talking myself into another dog. Been looking at Danes - lots of pups. A few free adult Danes on there as well, but likely problem dogs that will need a lot of work. Not sure this place is a good fit for such an animal. And a rescue agency - but their Danes are older. 6, 7 years old. That 3/4's of their life done and gone. I understand life offering up problems to keep a large dog, but some of the things I have been reading? Lame excuses. All of the pups are costly. $300 to $1000. I will not spend a thousand dollars on a dog. No thanks. I might spend up to $200, I would possibly consider $300 if the dog just took my heart away, but a thousand dollars? Not. They haven't been able to get rid of their problem dog yet, can't get my own until they find a new home for it.
I have had numerous run-ins with that problem dog and it is now obeying me. I won't tolerate an out-of-control dog. I am no Milan but that thing was ridiculous. It still is. It's mainly because it's an outside only dog and it gets very little attention. So, I give it some. But, I am not going to train it, well just enough to obey me to sit down, shut up and chill. It now puts it's tail between it's legs, sit down with it's ears back and gives this pathetic look at me, lol. Proper training would take a lot of time and they are getting rid of it. Not my dog, not my problem. Unless they give up on trying to find a home for it.
Well, have to be at work early. New account. Contractor wants material there by 8 am at the latest. yes, well it's an hour and forty-five minute drive to get there. So, offa here!
The only thing now on the divorce front is that I called the sheriff's office today and they are going to arrange to have the divorce papers served to me tomorrow evening where I am living. Their hours and mine don't work as far as going and getting them. I'm at work before their office opens and quitting time is the same as theirs. Contemplating when to tell her I am getting my stuff back.
But, my manager is in the hospital, half his face is paralyzed. It was allegedly some contagious illness, but we are starting to have our doubts. It got worse today and he went to emergency room. I'm definitely not wishing this on him, but this happens to some people that have strokes as well. Who knows, hopefully the docs come up with a much - easier to fix - diagnosis than a stroke.
Of course, when the manager's away, the mice will play. Evidenced today. I had only one delivery and it was short-lived. I spent the day working around the yard, cleaning up other people's messes. Especially in the pipe yard. In fact, our alleged "yard man" makes more messes in there than anyone and doesn't clean up after himself. I fixed the yard this morning only to find he had moved a bunch of pipe to get at some other pipe - but then didn't put any of it back. He also unloaded a truck and just dumped it in the other yard instead of putting it away. It was the inside salesman, though, that were doing much of nothing. There is plenty for them to do and they are - not doing it. Our manager ... has trouble putting his foot down. I dunno, but we are going to lose customers if something doesn't change. I heard it yet again yesterday from a customer that named names and went off about them.
Slowly talking myself into another dog. Been looking at Danes - lots of pups. A few free adult Danes on there as well, but likely problem dogs that will need a lot of work. Not sure this place is a good fit for such an animal. And a rescue agency - but their Danes are older. 6, 7 years old. That 3/4's of their life done and gone. I understand life offering up problems to keep a large dog, but some of the things I have been reading? Lame excuses. All of the pups are costly. $300 to $1000. I will not spend a thousand dollars on a dog. No thanks. I might spend up to $200, I would possibly consider $300 if the dog just took my heart away, but a thousand dollars? Not. They haven't been able to get rid of their problem dog yet, can't get my own until they find a new home for it.
I have had numerous run-ins with that problem dog and it is now obeying me. I won't tolerate an out-of-control dog. I am no Milan but that thing was ridiculous. It still is. It's mainly because it's an outside only dog and it gets very little attention. So, I give it some. But, I am not going to train it, well just enough to obey me to sit down, shut up and chill. It now puts it's tail between it's legs, sit down with it's ears back and gives this pathetic look at me, lol. Proper training would take a lot of time and they are getting rid of it. Not my dog, not my problem. Unless they give up on trying to find a home for it.
Well, have to be at work early. New account. Contractor wants material there by 8 am at the latest. yes, well it's an hour and forty-five minute drive to get there. So, offa here!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
I've had people telling me that I couldn't possibly remember something like that 30 years later, or 35, or whatever or however long.
I remember things that had no great significant impact on anyone except me for a minor thing that occurred between 2 people that never left me.
Excuse me, who dictates to me how my memory shall work? Because yours doesn't, mine shouldn't either? Or short term memory. There are certain - things/relationships/events/ in life where I have taught myself to pay very close attention to every word a person is saying and store those words in my memory banks.
Why? Because what they say then will change later and the entire encounter will be completely changed by their - warped memory.
And I am not a person to "only" remember the negatives. Unlike several people I know, whose minds are huge filing cabinets - for the negative things. They can't remember any details or the good things that happen, those are forgotten. Yes, I mean forgotten. I don't mean skewed, I mean completely wiped clean of their memory drive, to put it in computer terms. There are individuals I know that if you ask them the good memories of - certain people - they can either remember nothing or the list is so short, it's almost non-existent. Ask the same person of the bad memories and there is a list. A HUGE list.
But even then, the recounting of it can be so skewed and wrangled that it represents nothing of what actually happened!
I have noticed in life - I got this a long time ago actually - that people tend to remember what they WANT to remember and the rest of the story? Changes to accommodate for it. Which is why I try to put so much stuff in my head about the things that happen on a daily basis - well, it sometimes gives me headaches. And hence the reason I like to write in blogs.
But whatever. Sometimes lack of memory in individuals - specific individuals and the constant relapse of it on a daily basis - confounds me and sometimes irritates. If you don't remember something, then don't come off saying that you do - you say, well as I remember it, though I could be wrong.....or something like that. Or I am not sure I recall this correctly, correct me if I'm wrong.
I've done that before - I'm not claiming to be a computer hard drive with unlimited memory - and I've been corrected. Rarely, but it's happened and I accepted it.
Ranting. Life.
I've had people telling me that I couldn't possibly remember something like that 30 years later, or 35, or whatever or however long.
I remember things that had no great significant impact on anyone except me for a minor thing that occurred between 2 people that never left me.
Excuse me, who dictates to me how my memory shall work? Because yours doesn't, mine shouldn't either? Or short term memory. There are certain - things/relationships/events/ in life where I have taught myself to pay very close attention to every word a person is saying and store those words in my memory banks.
Why? Because what they say then will change later and the entire encounter will be completely changed by their - warped memory.
And I am not a person to "only" remember the negatives. Unlike several people I know, whose minds are huge filing cabinets - for the negative things. They can't remember any details or the good things that happen, those are forgotten. Yes, I mean forgotten. I don't mean skewed, I mean completely wiped clean of their memory drive, to put it in computer terms. There are individuals I know that if you ask them the good memories of - certain people - they can either remember nothing or the list is so short, it's almost non-existent. Ask the same person of the bad memories and there is a list. A HUGE list.
But even then, the recounting of it can be so skewed and wrangled that it represents nothing of what actually happened!
I have noticed in life - I got this a long time ago actually - that people tend to remember what they WANT to remember and the rest of the story? Changes to accommodate for it. Which is why I try to put so much stuff in my head about the things that happen on a daily basis - well, it sometimes gives me headaches. And hence the reason I like to write in blogs.
But whatever. Sometimes lack of memory in individuals - specific individuals and the constant relapse of it on a daily basis - confounds me and sometimes irritates. If you don't remember something, then don't come off saying that you do - you say, well as I remember it, though I could be wrong.....or something like that. Or I am not sure I recall this correctly, correct me if I'm wrong.
I've done that before - I'm not claiming to be a computer hard drive with unlimited memory - and I've been corrected. Rarely, but it's happened and I accepted it.
Ranting. Life.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Applebee's Grill & Bar
There is nothing like poor service and yesterday? Applebee's delivered - on terrible service that is. Sat down, ordered a turkey sandwich and some vegetables. I received a BLT. I don't go to restaurants to eat BLT's, I can easily make a very good BLT at home without the extra added expense. The bartender didn't give me any utensils, either. After being served, she completely ignored me even though I was poking at the vegetables with a straw to try and get them on the straw and eat them without a fork.
The point was trying to get her attention from her busyness and understand that she hadn't completed the service and didn't bother to ask if I liked what she served, much less if the order was correct. I ate half the sandwich and my stomach started grumbling. After that, it started churning. The manager came out, I made eye contact with him several times but he wasn't budging. Instead, he went to the other side and started talking with customers at tables.
I continued to make eye contact with him but he either didn't get it or didn't care. The plate with the sandwich opened and not eating it should have given someone in that entire place a clue. A customer that had an extra set of utensils came walking by and handed me an unopened set. Fancy that, getting served by a customer who paid more attention than the employees of the restaurant! Never had that happen before.
After sitting there for quite some time waiting to see if this bartender would EVER pay ANY attention, I finally said something. "Uhhh, this is the strangest looking Turkey sandwich I have ever seen, there is not turkey on it":. Ohhh, she replies, goes to the register and realizes she entered a BLT instead of a turkey sandwich. I'll give her that she apologized. She went to the manager and had the sandwich removed off the tab. Great. The manager came over to the my side but stood off about 10 feet. Very uncomfortable having the manager of a restaurant standing behind you, staring at you.
I quickly paid my bill and left. The greeters at the door were as uninterested in the customers as the wait staff. They said nothing. One of them sitting there with her head in her hands, disinterested and obviously not wanting to be at work.
I've been going to Applebee's a long, long time now and I am simply not used to this low and poor level of customer service - location in Marshall, TX. I can't remember the last time a bartender simply ignored the customers and didn't bother to see if the customer was happy or not, at least not at an Applebee's. Chili's is right down the street and guess what? They have 100% better service than this Applebee's.
The point was trying to get her attention from her busyness and understand that she hadn't completed the service and didn't bother to ask if I liked what she served, much less if the order was correct. I ate half the sandwich and my stomach started grumbling. After that, it started churning. The manager came out, I made eye contact with him several times but he wasn't budging. Instead, he went to the other side and started talking with customers at tables.
I continued to make eye contact with him but he either didn't get it or didn't care. The plate with the sandwich opened and not eating it should have given someone in that entire place a clue. A customer that had an extra set of utensils came walking by and handed me an unopened set. Fancy that, getting served by a customer who paid more attention than the employees of the restaurant! Never had that happen before.
After sitting there for quite some time waiting to see if this bartender would EVER pay ANY attention, I finally said something. "Uhhh, this is the strangest looking Turkey sandwich I have ever seen, there is not turkey on it":. Ohhh, she replies, goes to the register and realizes she entered a BLT instead of a turkey sandwich. I'll give her that she apologized. She went to the manager and had the sandwich removed off the tab. Great. The manager came over to the my side but stood off about 10 feet. Very uncomfortable having the manager of a restaurant standing behind you, staring at you.
I quickly paid my bill and left. The greeters at the door were as uninterested in the customers as the wait staff. They said nothing. One of them sitting there with her head in her hands, disinterested and obviously not wanting to be at work.
I've been going to Applebee's a long, long time now and I am simply not used to this low and poor level of customer service - location in Marshall, TX. I can't remember the last time a bartender simply ignored the customers and didn't bother to see if the customer was happy or not, at least not at an Applebee's. Chili's is right down the street and guess what? They have 100% better service than this Applebee's.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Wanna be manager.
He was transferred to store I am currently working at from California - he was a store manager over there. He wanted to be the manager of the store I am working at. However, another man that had been working there since his teens and whose father is a salesman with numerous accounts that rake in the dough got the position instead (thankfully, even though I wasn't there when that happened I am reaping the benefits of a decent manager compared to some as*****)
This wanna be tries to call me on my company cell today. It's not a cellphone, it is a tracking and delivery device that has a cellphone built into it. Regardless, they gave us new ones that look something like Iphones but do much more. I hadn't received a call on it yet. The screen came up with a green accept or a red decline. I hit accept numerous times until the call was lost.
He called again. I tried again to no avail. He called my personal cellphone. I didn't have the ringer on, didn't notice it until the call was already about to drop. I tried to answer, it was gone. I was a mile from the store, I didn't bother to call back, figured I would find out whatever whoever wanted (I didn't know at the time who was trying to call, to clarify, it was the main number from the store showing up on the phones).
I get back, go to the office, get a cup of coffee and heating it up. Coffee coming off a coffeemaker is almost never hot enough for me, I have to put it into a microwave for 60 seconds. This guy comes walking up. I tried to call you twice. Yeah, well the phone wouldn't answer. I tried to call you on your personal phone. Well I was trying to answer on company phone and this green accept call button was on there but it wouldn't answer. Oh and I suppose you couldn't answer your own cellphone, either? spoken in confrontational, denigrating tones.
That's when I got pissed but remained calm outwardly. Yeah, Mike, I picked up the phone too late, the call dropped. I started to try and explain to him what had happened with company phone and he repeatedly stated: I don't want to hear it, I don't care. 4 times he said that and I finally blew a fuse. What the hell is your problem? Mr Mouth. He then threw in out of the blue: you have a problem with everyone here. I have a problem with 2 people there and after this bs today, 3. The place is a circus - from hell circus - it is the most anger filled place I have ever seen for employment. People getting angry at each other and blowing up all the time.
Fortunately for me, the ex manager of the place - he became a salesman - heard the s*** from his office and came up later and asked about it. I heard everything that was said. Good, I thought, I have a backup if it comes to that. In fact, every time something happens with someone saying something stupid to me or saying something and forgetting later or WHATEVER I have had witnesses around. I never did get to speak to the manager about this. The ex manager asked if I had done so? Nope, haven't had time and he's been gone when I have had the time.
He was transferred to store I am currently working at from California - he was a store manager over there. He wanted to be the manager of the store I am working at. However, another man that had been working there since his teens and whose father is a salesman with numerous accounts that rake in the dough got the position instead (thankfully, even though I wasn't there when that happened I am reaping the benefits of a decent manager compared to some as*****)
This wanna be tries to call me on my company cell today. It's not a cellphone, it is a tracking and delivery device that has a cellphone built into it. Regardless, they gave us new ones that look something like Iphones but do much more. I hadn't received a call on it yet. The screen came up with a green accept or a red decline. I hit accept numerous times until the call was lost.
He called again. I tried again to no avail. He called my personal cellphone. I didn't have the ringer on, didn't notice it until the call was already about to drop. I tried to answer, it was gone. I was a mile from the store, I didn't bother to call back, figured I would find out whatever whoever wanted (I didn't know at the time who was trying to call, to clarify, it was the main number from the store showing up on the phones).
I get back, go to the office, get a cup of coffee and heating it up. Coffee coming off a coffeemaker is almost never hot enough for me, I have to put it into a microwave for 60 seconds. This guy comes walking up. I tried to call you twice. Yeah, well the phone wouldn't answer. I tried to call you on your personal phone. Well I was trying to answer on company phone and this green accept call button was on there but it wouldn't answer. Oh and I suppose you couldn't answer your own cellphone, either? spoken in confrontational, denigrating tones.
That's when I got pissed but remained calm outwardly. Yeah, Mike, I picked up the phone too late, the call dropped. I started to try and explain to him what had happened with company phone and he repeatedly stated: I don't want to hear it, I don't care. 4 times he said that and I finally blew a fuse. What the hell is your problem? Mr Mouth. He then threw in out of the blue: you have a problem with everyone here. I have a problem with 2 people there and after this bs today, 3. The place is a circus - from hell circus - it is the most anger filled place I have ever seen for employment. People getting angry at each other and blowing up all the time.
Fortunately for me, the ex manager of the place - he became a salesman - heard the s*** from his office and came up later and asked about it. I heard everything that was said. Good, I thought, I have a backup if it comes to that. In fact, every time something happens with someone saying something stupid to me or saying something and forgetting later or WHATEVER I have had witnesses around. I never did get to speak to the manager about this. The ex manager asked if I had done so? Nope, haven't had time and he's been gone when I have had the time.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
I don't necessarily feel inclined that if I do one thing for one person, I therefore should have to do the exact same thing for someone else. What I do with my money and how I spend is my decision, no someone else's. At least not anyone earthly.
Moved to closer town to work. Trip is 35 miles and 30 minutes of driving. Probably a little less time today for I tend to put the hammer down once I hit the freeway, which is now only a few minutes away compared to quite a distance before. Although I like the 2 lane country road that leads to former residence, I didn't much care for it driving in the dark weekday mornings going to work.
Work itself is still a circus. More like The Devil's Rejects - old clown movie from hell basically. Anyway, I'm dealing with it best as anyone can. I'm biding my time to see if, in several months time, I will be able to land a position at my company's location in Longview. There is also one in Tyler but it's a small operation and they don't currently need anyone. After this year is over and I see what is going to happen I may entertain moving on to higher paying job in the area. There are several of them listed but there are a lot of people applying for them. I have a stable work history - one that does not include jumping around from place to place - which is what employers like to see in terms of the trucking industry.
But I am growing to hate the truck industry and it's ridiculous amounts of regulations and am seriously considering a late life shift to something else, even if college is necessary. I am intrigued by her ex's job as a plant operator. His particular job requires a 2 year degree but there are jobs out there that only require a 90 day training program. Excellent pay and benefits, driving not necessary. Great vacation benefits and good health care coverage.
Whatever the case, I am losing interest in an industry that is over regulated and no long has public respect. Hasn't had public respect in ages. Then again, there are a lot of drivers out there - trucks that is - that have no business being on the road and take zero pride in their work. They dress like street people and throw urine bottles out the windows. Their trucks are filthy and they are unkempt and many are extremely over weight, eating truck stop food instead of taking due diligence to watch their weight and health. But the federal government isn't helping things, either and lots of veteran drivers are leaving the driving work force. Eventually this situation will play itself out, but it may be years down the road.
Well, time to be off to work.
Moved to closer town to work. Trip is 35 miles and 30 minutes of driving. Probably a little less time today for I tend to put the hammer down once I hit the freeway, which is now only a few minutes away compared to quite a distance before. Although I like the 2 lane country road that leads to former residence, I didn't much care for it driving in the dark weekday mornings going to work.
Work itself is still a circus. More like The Devil's Rejects - old clown movie from hell basically. Anyway, I'm dealing with it best as anyone can. I'm biding my time to see if, in several months time, I will be able to land a position at my company's location in Longview. There is also one in Tyler but it's a small operation and they don't currently need anyone. After this year is over and I see what is going to happen I may entertain moving on to higher paying job in the area. There are several of them listed but there are a lot of people applying for them. I have a stable work history - one that does not include jumping around from place to place - which is what employers like to see in terms of the trucking industry.
But I am growing to hate the truck industry and it's ridiculous amounts of regulations and am seriously considering a late life shift to something else, even if college is necessary. I am intrigued by her ex's job as a plant operator. His particular job requires a 2 year degree but there are jobs out there that only require a 90 day training program. Excellent pay and benefits, driving not necessary. Great vacation benefits and good health care coverage.
Whatever the case, I am losing interest in an industry that is over regulated and no long has public respect. Hasn't had public respect in ages. Then again, there are a lot of drivers out there - trucks that is - that have no business being on the road and take zero pride in their work. They dress like street people and throw urine bottles out the windows. Their trucks are filthy and they are unkempt and many are extremely over weight, eating truck stop food instead of taking due diligence to watch their weight and health. But the federal government isn't helping things, either and lots of veteran drivers are leaving the driving work force. Eventually this situation will play itself out, but it may be years down the road.
Well, time to be off to work.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
I got a call today from soon to be ex-landlord. New property
owners said I could stay til' Sunday to get my stuff out of here.
Were they being nice or did they contact the Realtor to find out
their rights? I hope the former and that they are being nice to let
me have the time I need to get everything accomplished. I was
over at my potential new place today - the bedroom is awesome.
It's huge with a HUGE private bathroom and a very large walk-in
closet. I find out Saturday about whether these people will actually
rent to me.
I have a bad feeling about it, to be honest. Yes, Val got this going,
but I didn't realize that this is a much younger couple with a newborn
baby. The baby doesn't scare me, the younger couple part does.
Simply because that age realm usually likes to hang out with - the
same age realm, not a much older person. I had my hopes up about
this place, now I don't know. I guess I better start looking again
in case this falls through.
Early to work today, normal time getting off, busted @$$ all day
long. Felt good. Same thing tomorrow, at least about starting
early, I was informed as delivery to be made at a place that is
1-1/2 hour drive and delivery needs to be there by 8. Well, I'm
going to show up at 6:30 and if it gets there by 8, wonderful, if
not, oh well.
I got a call today from soon to be ex-landlord. New property
owners said I could stay til' Sunday to get my stuff out of here.
Were they being nice or did they contact the Realtor to find out
their rights? I hope the former and that they are being nice to let
me have the time I need to get everything accomplished. I was
over at my potential new place today - the bedroom is awesome.
It's huge with a HUGE private bathroom and a very large walk-in
closet. I find out Saturday about whether these people will actually
rent to me.
I have a bad feeling about it, to be honest. Yes, Val got this going,
but I didn't realize that this is a much younger couple with a newborn
baby. The baby doesn't scare me, the younger couple part does.
Simply because that age realm usually likes to hang out with - the
same age realm, not a much older person. I had my hopes up about
this place, now I don't know. I guess I better start looking again
in case this falls through.
Early to work today, normal time getting off, busted @$$ all day
long. Felt good. Same thing tomorrow, at least about starting
early, I was informed as delivery to be made at a place that is
1-1/2 hour drive and delivery needs to be there by 8. Well, I'm
going to show up at 6:30 and if it gets there by 8, wonderful, if
not, oh well.
Roller coasters go up and down.
And around.
Some of them go upside down - several times and then around and up and down.
Imagine being on one all the time and never getting off of it.
Regardless, intended move date is Friday. Actually, I can't move into new
place until I meet the husband of the lady that offered the room. He has
been out of town and won't be returning until late Friday night. Which means
I don't get to meet him til' Saturday - but - I have to be out of this place no
later than Friday.
Actually, they tried to change the move-out date to Thursday/tomorrow to
which I refused. They didn't even give me 30 days notice to move, which is
required by law if I wanted to be a stickler about it and then they gave me
Friday as a "no-later-than" move out date and then at the last minute attempting
to tell me I have to be out Thursday? No thank you. The current owner said
okay then, I'll just let them know.
I then found out she didn't even ask them if I could stay as a renter or not.
She had told me on a couple of occasions that she would. Perhaps I will meet
the new owners on Friday since it will close and usually new owners want to
move in right away - I know Val is planning on the same thing as soon as she
can get on her new property. But it isn't her property until her house closes,
the money is transferred to all the intended recipients and her house is officially
owned by someone else and her new house is officially owned by - her. Back
to the subject, if, by some remote chance, the new owners would let me stay,
moving becomes a moot point. I would love to stay right where I am at.
Regardless, I have a new place to live - potentially anyway it's not set in
stone yet - and it's 15 miles closer to work. It's 15 miles further away from
church but the loss of miles to work far outweighs many other factors. At
least for the time being anyway. There are other factors that may present
themselves in the not-so-distant future but I refrain from going into that right
now since nothing is definitive yet.
Now - is just a waiting game. Packing is almost complete, I am in a small
place and I don't have a lot over here. In fact, the furniture belong entirely
to Val as she set this place up before I came to town. It is all going back to
her place as intended new living arrangements is fully furnished and no need
for anything at all from what I know. I need to call that lady today and make
sure we are still on that course. It's "all but guaranteed" that I can move in,
the husband thinks he should meet me first even if there are no reservations at
all about it.
I don't blame him. They didn't advertise their room for rent, the former renter
moved to another town. They "didn't want just anyone" moving into their
home. I've been doing that for years with my house in Phoenix, but it is a
totally different story over there. It's a come what may situation and if whoever
comes doesn't work, they are summarily removed - legally of course - but
they are given the boot. It takes a truly rotten person for it not to work over
there. And yes, I have had some truly rotten people in there.
German Wing Airplane that crashed into the French Alps. I have a love affair
with flying, even though I will never be a pilot though in the last 2 years I have
been able to get on some commercial jets and get some passenger time in -
crammed to the gills situations which I was not accustomed to but whatever.
I have watched probably every episode of Air Crash Disaster and Mayhem
and I think there's another one. Which doesn't make me afraid of flying,
much to the contrary, the shows give glimpses of different aspects of how
commercial jets work as they delve into the specifics of why any particular
airplane crashed. This latest one has been described as a debris field of no
more than 2 football fields wide - which means to me the thing came straight
down and explains why one official said everything is "pulverized".
I feel for the families/loved ones of the deceased as no-one survived, but still
it is a fascinating subject. The reasons for these crashes vary greatly. The
last episode I watched was of a plane that got into the draft of a jumbo jet
ahead of it. The pilot punched the aileron pedal to the left, then the right,
then the left, then the right and then the left again. Or the other way around,
I don't remember, but there were 5 hard inputs that the aircraft was not designed
to be able to hand, which led to parts of the aircraft breaking off and the aircraft
plummeting into the ground. Turns out the carrier had trained the pilots that this
was an acceptable method of attempting to correct an aircraft and bring it back
to level flight. Not until after that crash and investigators eventually found out
what caused the crash that it became known that that is NOT an acceptable
means to correct the aircraft.
Simply saying that there are so many things that could go wrong after watching
so many of these investigations that speculation usually doesn't do much of anything
but feed the news medias headlines to keep it of interest to the general public. And
attempt to allay fears that there is something inherently wrong with that aircraft - or
conversely - attempt to show that the aircraft is a dangerous piece of junk flying
through the air as was the case with the DC-10 and it's numerous crashes back
in the - 80"s? 70's? don't remember.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
I was going to meet up with two people today to look at rooms they had for rent. One texted me and said a person that had viewed the room previously had decided to take the room and was going to pay her tonight. The other - I drove clear out there at previously agreed time and find out the dude is still at work and won't be home until 8:00 pm - we were to meet at 6:00. Kinda pissed me off he didn't bother to contact me about that.
I've been spending more time than I care to admit to try and find a new place to live and am not coming up with anything good. There was a duplex that sounded good - until I got there and saw this trashed out looking dump that I would never even think of living in. I've looked at apartments, duplexes, rooms, whatever. One place has an RV for rent but it's $475 per month. That's pretty pricey for an old RV, even if it is in good condition. There are not a lot of options out here, not like Phoenix.
Got on the 4 wheeler today and took a ride around the property. No-one was there, I beat them home from wherever they were at. It's really a beautiful piece of land. I drove to an area of thick trees and sat there. Quiet, beautiful, serene. That is until a yellow 4 wheeler came zooming up with Nathan on it. Hadn't seen the kids since Sunday. We talked for a while until a very loud voice yelled out: Nathanael!!!!! from up above. Ummm, Nathan, did you ask if you could go for a ride? No. Ohhhh, I think you're in trouble. But, he's always in trouble so he doesn't really care that much.
I have too much going on and taking a ride to get some peace was good. More of that is necessary for me. Alone, away from people and all the noise and chaos.
Work pretty much blowing up. Young driver went into our manager today and "informed" him that another driver is lazy and doesn't do anything. The manager looked at him and said, "well isn't that kinda like the pot calling the kettle black?". The kid driver goes around bashing everyone behind their back, yes he's the worse employee there. These new devices they dumped on us show everything. I mean everything. Where you are at. The entire route you have taken. If you stopped somewhere, it shows where you stopped and how long you were there. They were looking at a route he took last week. He was going 100 MILES out of the way to get to a job site. Why? Because he wants to drag out his runs and make sure he doesn't get back too quick.
He has made enemies out of the rest of the drivers. On another front, the receptionist was cussed out by purchasing agent. She - the receptionist - is not a person you want to mess with and this "man" is going to find that out. She stopped him in mid sentence - on the phone that is - and told him ... I don't know who the f*** you think you are talking to, but this ain't going to fly with me. It's the most poorly run operation in terms of tolerance for unbelievable verbal abuse that I have ever seen. And even more going on over there that I won't bother going into because I don't feel like it and it's getting late.
I mean, I drove over to that area to meet that guy and see the room and he was held up. I went to the property and rode my 4 wheeler waiting for Val/kids to get home. Then we did my taxes. That took an hour and a half. $1,600 coming back, so I ain't going to complain but I am extremely tired and it's time to go to bed.
I've been spending more time than I care to admit to try and find a new place to live and am not coming up with anything good. There was a duplex that sounded good - until I got there and saw this trashed out looking dump that I would never even think of living in. I've looked at apartments, duplexes, rooms, whatever. One place has an RV for rent but it's $475 per month. That's pretty pricey for an old RV, even if it is in good condition. There are not a lot of options out here, not like Phoenix.
Got on the 4 wheeler today and took a ride around the property. No-one was there, I beat them home from wherever they were at. It's really a beautiful piece of land. I drove to an area of thick trees and sat there. Quiet, beautiful, serene. That is until a yellow 4 wheeler came zooming up with Nathan on it. Hadn't seen the kids since Sunday. We talked for a while until a very loud voice yelled out: Nathanael!!!!! from up above. Ummm, Nathan, did you ask if you could go for a ride? No. Ohhhh, I think you're in trouble. But, he's always in trouble so he doesn't really care that much.
I have too much going on and taking a ride to get some peace was good. More of that is necessary for me. Alone, away from people and all the noise and chaos.
Work pretty much blowing up. Young driver went into our manager today and "informed" him that another driver is lazy and doesn't do anything. The manager looked at him and said, "well isn't that kinda like the pot calling the kettle black?". The kid driver goes around bashing everyone behind their back, yes he's the worse employee there. These new devices they dumped on us show everything. I mean everything. Where you are at. The entire route you have taken. If you stopped somewhere, it shows where you stopped and how long you were there. They were looking at a route he took last week. He was going 100 MILES out of the way to get to a job site. Why? Because he wants to drag out his runs and make sure he doesn't get back too quick.
He has made enemies out of the rest of the drivers. On another front, the receptionist was cussed out by purchasing agent. She - the receptionist - is not a person you want to mess with and this "man" is going to find that out. She stopped him in mid sentence - on the phone that is - and told him ... I don't know who the f*** you think you are talking to, but this ain't going to fly with me. It's the most poorly run operation in terms of tolerance for unbelievable verbal abuse that I have ever seen. And even more going on over there that I won't bother going into because I don't feel like it and it's getting late.
I mean, I drove over to that area to meet that guy and see the room and he was held up. I went to the property and rode my 4 wheeler waiting for Val/kids to get home. Then we did my taxes. That took an hour and a half. $1,600 coming back, so I ain't going to complain but I am extremely tired and it's time to go to bed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
So, I'm at work today. It's pouring rain starting early this morning. I mean, there are 4 drivers standing around doing nothing. The rain has been going on for quite a long time now, it has hit our business hard. Hours cut back for drivers - from 50 per week to 45. Gonna hit hard the first paycheck that sees that kind of hour cut. I came out here expecting 50 hours of work per week because that is what I was promised.
Anyway, I'm standing in the shed - they call it a shed it's a very large metal building used for material storage. Pretty much when there's nothing to do we go out there and hang out. Eddie - another driver - comes walking out from the building across the way yelling my name. Ben!!! Ben!!! He gets close enough to respond without yelling and I'm like - what? Why the hell didn't you tell us? Why didn't I tell you WHAT?!!
What the bleep are you talking about?
These new phones! You knew what they could do and you didn't tell any of us about it! He starts telling me he had a friend technician take a look at it. Well that's heavier than a phone and that ain't no phone. Nope, I said, it isn't a phone. It has phone capabilities but it's far from a phone. It is Big Brother. These things are the newest generation of delivery tracking devices such as you see FedEx or UPS using - but it's smaller than an Iphone and is all touch screen. The first time I looked at it I told them - management - what I thought about such technology being used "against" it's own personnel.
They can listen to your phone conversations, see every text message, see where you are at anywhere at anytime. But this thing can be used to remotely listen to your private conversations. Both the microphone and the camera can be turned on remotely. It can be turned on remotely AND you, the driver, won't know it's watching and listening to you. I spoke my extreme resistance to the thing and told management I would be bundling the thing in a towel so it can see or hear NOTHING of my private life inside a truck. They don't NEED to know that. Humanity has survived - forever - without such s*** and can go on without it.
How did I know the thing could do that? I didn't know, I just knew. Technology is going too far. It is intruding into our personal lives and taking over society. Some of it was good in the beginning, but it is going to far. Scientists are attempting to devise a system that literally reads your mind. Do you really want that? Because if they persist, I believe they will eventually get it. How far do we let this stuff go before we say gee, this isn't such a great idea after all? I grew up without all of this stuff and life was grand.
How Eddie knew I knew I have no idea. I didn't ask him as the conversation went directly into what this thing's capabilities are. You don't spend the kind of money the company spent on it for something that doesn't give them the information they are looking for. Data and research be damned, this world is going to hell and technology is making it happen much faster. But then again, the Bible speaks of such.
It is no secret the advancement of technology. Police cars can be equipped with readers. The car is parked facing traffic with this reader reading license plates. Traffic tickets are mailed and all kinds of information is acquired. It's outrageous. I don't care what "good" they affix to it, it's total bulls***. Just like when police want to search your car or home. What do you have to hide? When you tell them no, which I have done. I have nothing to hide, I have everything to resist. You have no right to search anything unless you have probable cause and nowadays, that is a slippery slope. A lot of "probable cause" issues that have come before courts have been tossed when the facts come out and it's established there WAS no probable cause.
The conversation in the shed ended with gee, yes, if you don't want them to hear your personal conversations or be able to video record what you are doing, take that freaking thing and wrap it up to the point it can see or hear nothing.
Anyway, I'm standing in the shed - they call it a shed it's a very large metal building used for material storage. Pretty much when there's nothing to do we go out there and hang out. Eddie - another driver - comes walking out from the building across the way yelling my name. Ben!!! Ben!!! He gets close enough to respond without yelling and I'm like - what? Why the hell didn't you tell us? Why didn't I tell you WHAT?!!
What the bleep are you talking about?
These new phones! You knew what they could do and you didn't tell any of us about it! He starts telling me he had a friend technician take a look at it. Well that's heavier than a phone and that ain't no phone. Nope, I said, it isn't a phone. It has phone capabilities but it's far from a phone. It is Big Brother. These things are the newest generation of delivery tracking devices such as you see FedEx or UPS using - but it's smaller than an Iphone and is all touch screen. The first time I looked at it I told them - management - what I thought about such technology being used "against" it's own personnel.
They can listen to your phone conversations, see every text message, see where you are at anywhere at anytime. But this thing can be used to remotely listen to your private conversations. Both the microphone and the camera can be turned on remotely. It can be turned on remotely AND you, the driver, won't know it's watching and listening to you. I spoke my extreme resistance to the thing and told management I would be bundling the thing in a towel so it can see or hear NOTHING of my private life inside a truck. They don't NEED to know that. Humanity has survived - forever - without such s*** and can go on without it.
How did I know the thing could do that? I didn't know, I just knew. Technology is going too far. It is intruding into our personal lives and taking over society. Some of it was good in the beginning, but it is going to far. Scientists are attempting to devise a system that literally reads your mind. Do you really want that? Because if they persist, I believe they will eventually get it. How far do we let this stuff go before we say gee, this isn't such a great idea after all? I grew up without all of this stuff and life was grand.
How Eddie knew I knew I have no idea. I didn't ask him as the conversation went directly into what this thing's capabilities are. You don't spend the kind of money the company spent on it for something that doesn't give them the information they are looking for. Data and research be damned, this world is going to hell and technology is making it happen much faster. But then again, the Bible speaks of such.
It is no secret the advancement of technology. Police cars can be equipped with readers. The car is parked facing traffic with this reader reading license plates. Traffic tickets are mailed and all kinds of information is acquired. It's outrageous. I don't care what "good" they affix to it, it's total bulls***. Just like when police want to search your car or home. What do you have to hide? When you tell them no, which I have done. I have nothing to hide, I have everything to resist. You have no right to search anything unless you have probable cause and nowadays, that is a slippery slope. A lot of "probable cause" issues that have come before courts have been tossed when the facts come out and it's established there WAS no probable cause.
The conversation in the shed ended with gee, yes, if you don't want them to hear your personal conversations or be able to video record what you are doing, take that freaking thing and wrap it up to the point it can see or hear nothing.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Driver's license renewal.
I was first told that I had to make an appointment in both Texas and Arizona to do any CDL transactions.
In other words, to show up at a drivers license office, I had to make an appointment in either state.
The lady I finally spoke with, however, contradicted that. No honey, you just show up here with proper
credentials and we will get it done.
Arizona? Found on their website two locations that don't need an appointment, one of them a place I have been going to for a long, long time anyway.
The dilemma is simply that my commercial driver's license is about to expire. To renew it in Texas I need a birth certificate, which I don't have since I never replaced it after my house burned down some years ago and almost everything in the house burned up with it.
To get a Texas CDL, I need proof of residency. To get proof of residency, I have to register my vehicle. To register my vehicle, I have to have an inspection done on the car. Etc etc etc. Yes, I am going to try doing all of that, register the car, already have a new birth certificate ordered, have the rest of the documentation but in the end? I may have to end up flying back to Arizona to get this done.
The worst part of all of this is this is a complete oversight on my part. I should have seen this coming and started this process LONG ago. But I didn't even realize my license was going to expire until last week when my company sent my manager a notification that it is about to expire and it needs to be renewed and sent into corporate. I'll give my company credit for catching this in time for me to have enough time - hopefully - to get this resolved.
It's fairly stressful since my livelihood depends on that license.
Oh well.
I was first told that I had to make an appointment in both Texas and Arizona to do any CDL transactions.
In other words, to show up at a drivers license office, I had to make an appointment in either state.
The lady I finally spoke with, however, contradicted that. No honey, you just show up here with proper
credentials and we will get it done.
Arizona? Found on their website two locations that don't need an appointment, one of them a place I have been going to for a long, long time anyway.
The dilemma is simply that my commercial driver's license is about to expire. To renew it in Texas I need a birth certificate, which I don't have since I never replaced it after my house burned down some years ago and almost everything in the house burned up with it.
To get a Texas CDL, I need proof of residency. To get proof of residency, I have to register my vehicle. To register my vehicle, I have to have an inspection done on the car. Etc etc etc. Yes, I am going to try doing all of that, register the car, already have a new birth certificate ordered, have the rest of the documentation but in the end? I may have to end up flying back to Arizona to get this done.
The worst part of all of this is this is a complete oversight on my part. I should have seen this coming and started this process LONG ago. But I didn't even realize my license was going to expire until last week when my company sent my manager a notification that it is about to expire and it needs to be renewed and sent into corporate. I'll give my company credit for catching this in time for me to have enough time - hopefully - to get this resolved.
It's fairly stressful since my livelihood depends on that license.
Oh well.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Haven't been here in a while - which is okay. I have another place I am writing.
But I can update here once in a while.
I have had one of my 4 wheelers over at this backyard mechanic's house for almost 2 months now.
Not that it matters, it was not in running condition when I got it. I figured some engine work, I didn't
figure the amount of engine work it needs. I would have taken the thing apart myself and slowly rebuilt it - with whatever tutoring I would need online to get it done.
I have rebuilt plenty of car engines, I doubt ATV engines are too terribly different. Piston, rings, crankshaft, head, valves. Don't forget the bearings. And boring the block if necessary.
I was informed by someone yesterday that replacing CV boots on the Polaris would be too difficult for me. Uh huh. CV boots. Yes, you have to take apart a lot of stuff. You have to remember how to put it all back together. I did truck and car mechanics for a lot of years. It was a while back now, but I figure I can figure it out with the help of the internet if necessary. And for as much time as it has taken for this dude to get anything done, a 4 wheeler sitting up on jacks for a few weeks or less isn't going to be a big issue.
At least, not for me it won't. Other parties I dunno.
But, the dude has the other one torn apart and sent the engine somewhere so I just have to wait. But the Polaris? I'm starting to get irritated. It should have been done 2 weeks ago. The cooling fan wasn't coming on, I figured either a bad motor or more likely a bad sensor. Turns out the things has 2 sensors and they are attached or built into 2 separate thermostats? What kind of nonsense is that?
I'm just going to have to start learning ATV mechanics so I won't have to pay someone to do the work. Or have to wait forever for someone I don't mind paying to do the work for. I was surprised to find out that ATV parts cost more than car parts. Same kinds of parts - far higher prices.
Turmoil at the house with a non paying tenant and another who is attempting to dictate to the house what he can and cannot do. Including turning up or down the thermostat according to the season/time of year it is. The man is in danger of eviction, for I will not tolerate such shit in my house, even if it is 1,200 miles away. He has been living there for over 3 years. My tolerance does not include tenants dictating to the house what they will or will not do.
Work - crappy. Pay reduction, a person working there that is constantly in a very sour mood, long drive, just getting tired of it.
Church - still looking. Passing by a retreat every day that I just found out is internationally renowned prophet. Dunno if they have weekly church services or what, going to look into it.
Life in general not bad, just a lot of stuff going on.
But I can update here once in a while.
I have had one of my 4 wheelers over at this backyard mechanic's house for almost 2 months now.
Not that it matters, it was not in running condition when I got it. I figured some engine work, I didn't
figure the amount of engine work it needs. I would have taken the thing apart myself and slowly rebuilt it - with whatever tutoring I would need online to get it done.
I have rebuilt plenty of car engines, I doubt ATV engines are too terribly different. Piston, rings, crankshaft, head, valves. Don't forget the bearings. And boring the block if necessary.
I was informed by someone yesterday that replacing CV boots on the Polaris would be too difficult for me. Uh huh. CV boots. Yes, you have to take apart a lot of stuff. You have to remember how to put it all back together. I did truck and car mechanics for a lot of years. It was a while back now, but I figure I can figure it out with the help of the internet if necessary. And for as much time as it has taken for this dude to get anything done, a 4 wheeler sitting up on jacks for a few weeks or less isn't going to be a big issue.
At least, not for me it won't. Other parties I dunno.
But, the dude has the other one torn apart and sent the engine somewhere so I just have to wait. But the Polaris? I'm starting to get irritated. It should have been done 2 weeks ago. The cooling fan wasn't coming on, I figured either a bad motor or more likely a bad sensor. Turns out the things has 2 sensors and they are attached or built into 2 separate thermostats? What kind of nonsense is that?
I'm just going to have to start learning ATV mechanics so I won't have to pay someone to do the work. Or have to wait forever for someone I don't mind paying to do the work for. I was surprised to find out that ATV parts cost more than car parts. Same kinds of parts - far higher prices.
Turmoil at the house with a non paying tenant and another who is attempting to dictate to the house what he can and cannot do. Including turning up or down the thermostat according to the season/time of year it is. The man is in danger of eviction, for I will not tolerate such shit in my house, even if it is 1,200 miles away. He has been living there for over 3 years. My tolerance does not include tenants dictating to the house what they will or will not do.
Work - crappy. Pay reduction, a person working there that is constantly in a very sour mood, long drive, just getting tired of it.
Church - still looking. Passing by a retreat every day that I just found out is internationally renowned prophet. Dunno if they have weekly church services or what, going to look into it.
Life in general not bad, just a lot of stuff going on.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
FedEx Driver Runs Me Off The Road At 75 MPH!!!
Driving to Val's house after work today. 75mph speed limit so yes, I was going 75mph. I'm passing a FedEx semi - it's tractor with 2 28 foot pup trailers being pulled behind it. I'm right next to the tractor when - this truck starts coming over into my lane! It didn't stop either, in a flash it was almost entire over and where was I? In the median, flying through the grass at 75mph! I'm honking my horn the dude finally moves back over, and no he wasn't passing anyone, there was no-one on the right shoulder, he was just plain spacing out.
This guy could care less, either, doesn't pull over to see if anything's wrong, just keeps on cruising right down the interstate. I get behind him and call his company. We're sorry, yada yada yada, we are going to contact his manager. And then what? The front end of my car is shaking now and I want compensation for any damages. Well we send it to the manager and then they - do whatever. Extremely unconvinced that this was going to end with any kind of reconciliation, I called 911. I was just run off the road into the center median by a FedEx truck and the front end of my car is shaking, he forced me into the grass at 75 mph (scared the pee out of me to be honest!), is there some way I can get you to have him be pulled over so I can get a report on this (providing this guy tells the truth, of course, who knows but I was going to try)?
Lady says she will send it to appropriate department, what's my number? This doesn't sound good either, but I gave my number and the next thing I know, a dispatcher is calling me and telling me there are 2 units at mile marker 610 - where are you? 607! 3 miles! Gag. But the truck was going 63 mph and they caught up in about - 15 miles, lol. Pulled us over, dealt with the driver, got a form to fill out, etc etc etc sent me on my merry way, dunno if they issued him a ticket, warning or what.
I'll tell you what pissed me off about this. I've been driving trucks almost 30 years, if I were to do something like that, I would immediately pull over and make sure everything is okay, not just drive on down the road and act like nothing happened. If he would have done that, the police wouldn't have had to have gotten involved. Whatever. I'll give FedEx some kudos, though, some level of management called me like an hour later and asked what had happened and profusely apologized for their driver's actions. Whether they pay up after I get it fixed and present them the bill? We'll find out!
This guy could care less, either, doesn't pull over to see if anything's wrong, just keeps on cruising right down the interstate. I get behind him and call his company. We're sorry, yada yada yada, we are going to contact his manager. And then what? The front end of my car is shaking now and I want compensation for any damages. Well we send it to the manager and then they - do whatever. Extremely unconvinced that this was going to end with any kind of reconciliation, I called 911. I was just run off the road into the center median by a FedEx truck and the front end of my car is shaking, he forced me into the grass at 75 mph (scared the pee out of me to be honest!), is there some way I can get you to have him be pulled over so I can get a report on this (providing this guy tells the truth, of course, who knows but I was going to try)?
Lady says she will send it to appropriate department, what's my number? This doesn't sound good either, but I gave my number and the next thing I know, a dispatcher is calling me and telling me there are 2 units at mile marker 610 - where are you? 607! 3 miles! Gag. But the truck was going 63 mph and they caught up in about - 15 miles, lol. Pulled us over, dealt with the driver, got a form to fill out, etc etc etc sent me on my merry way, dunno if they issued him a ticket, warning or what.
I'll tell you what pissed me off about this. I've been driving trucks almost 30 years, if I were to do something like that, I would immediately pull over and make sure everything is okay, not just drive on down the road and act like nothing happened. If he would have done that, the police wouldn't have had to have gotten involved. Whatever. I'll give FedEx some kudos, though, some level of management called me like an hour later and asked what had happened and profusely apologized for their driver's actions. Whether they pay up after I get it fixed and present them the bill? We'll find out!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Today. I get a text message from the 15 year old. Can I work for some money? Umm, well sure. How much will you pay me? How much do you want? $100.
Lol. This kid's version of working is to walk around in circles for 2 hours claiming he doesn't have this or that and can't do anything and then go up and watch tv or play the guitar and then come back down saying he's working - which he is not - and he wants a hundred bucks from me.
He steals money from his mom's purse to boot. Like the 20 he took 2 days ago. Whatever the case, I replied no. 90? No. Later - 10. Okay. I'll give you 20 if you do everything - large amount of work actually. But he's done much of nothing around there for quite a while, if he actually wants me to give him money, he's going to have to work for it, not just screw off.
"I'll have it all done by the time you get here". Ummm, that's a lot of work! He hadn't even STARTED working by the time I got there, he was walking around acting like it but doing nothing. I found him upstairs watching tv in mom's room after he claimed he had started.
No, he didn't get any money.
16 year old. Has done very little around there for going on 2 months now. It's to the point that I am starting to do his work because it needs to be done. Gaping hole in fence. I asked him to go look at it yesterday. We were in the woods pickup up stick and such to make a pile for winter. Strike that: I was picking up sticks, he was sitting on one of the four wheelers texting his gf. He rides off, comes back and says yup, it needs to be fixed. Just blankly staring at me stating it, knowing full well it's his responsibility. I said nothing to him.
I came over today and set about doing it myself. He "intervened". Well nobody told me to do it! Stupid answer. Just pure BS and he knew it. No, I'm going to do it I replied, you don't want to do anything around here, I'm going to do your stuff. And, I didn't tell him, I'm going to suggest to her that she take his phone and truck privilege away from him and oh well.
Next I am going to do the bush hogging. He claims no one can drive that tractor. BS again. I have operated cranes, forklifts, backhoes, trackhoes and graders, I can certainly operate a simple tractor. But that wasn't his point I found out. He is the "only" one that can use it. Who cares, too bad, so sad. You'll destroy the brush hogger. I hope not, I reply, but I am going to do it anyway. Two children - 15 and 16 - totally abusing their mom. Verbal abuse of a kind that is beyond any scope of sanity. Especially Josiah.
House a disaster today. After Josiah just got the stuff and walking down there - who knows what kind of job he did, half assed I'm sure because he allegedly fixed that same fence a few months ago - I went in and worked with Nathan to clean the kitchen. He wasn't mouthing off but he wasn't happy either. But then again, who can be happy in a house where a 15 and a 16 year old are unloading shit?
Andrew - the 11 year old - the only one that really kept his attitude good. After he had done a lot of stuff, I gave him 4 bucks and said this is for keeping a good attitude.
Whatever. A day in the life and times of.
Lol. This kid's version of working is to walk around in circles for 2 hours claiming he doesn't have this or that and can't do anything and then go up and watch tv or play the guitar and then come back down saying he's working - which he is not - and he wants a hundred bucks from me.
He steals money from his mom's purse to boot. Like the 20 he took 2 days ago. Whatever the case, I replied no. 90? No. Later - 10. Okay. I'll give you 20 if you do everything - large amount of work actually. But he's done much of nothing around there for quite a while, if he actually wants me to give him money, he's going to have to work for it, not just screw off.
"I'll have it all done by the time you get here". Ummm, that's a lot of work! He hadn't even STARTED working by the time I got there, he was walking around acting like it but doing nothing. I found him upstairs watching tv in mom's room after he claimed he had started.
No, he didn't get any money.
16 year old. Has done very little around there for going on 2 months now. It's to the point that I am starting to do his work because it needs to be done. Gaping hole in fence. I asked him to go look at it yesterday. We were in the woods pickup up stick and such to make a pile for winter. Strike that: I was picking up sticks, he was sitting on one of the four wheelers texting his gf. He rides off, comes back and says yup, it needs to be fixed. Just blankly staring at me stating it, knowing full well it's his responsibility. I said nothing to him.
I came over today and set about doing it myself. He "intervened". Well nobody told me to do it! Stupid answer. Just pure BS and he knew it. No, I'm going to do it I replied, you don't want to do anything around here, I'm going to do your stuff. And, I didn't tell him, I'm going to suggest to her that she take his phone and truck privilege away from him and oh well.
Next I am going to do the bush hogging. He claims no one can drive that tractor. BS again. I have operated cranes, forklifts, backhoes, trackhoes and graders, I can certainly operate a simple tractor. But that wasn't his point I found out. He is the "only" one that can use it. Who cares, too bad, so sad. You'll destroy the brush hogger. I hope not, I reply, but I am going to do it anyway. Two children - 15 and 16 - totally abusing their mom. Verbal abuse of a kind that is beyond any scope of sanity. Especially Josiah.
House a disaster today. After Josiah just got the stuff and walking down there - who knows what kind of job he did, half assed I'm sure because he allegedly fixed that same fence a few months ago - I went in and worked with Nathan to clean the kitchen. He wasn't mouthing off but he wasn't happy either. But then again, who can be happy in a house where a 15 and a 16 year old are unloading shit?
Andrew - the 11 year old - the only one that really kept his attitude good. After he had done a lot of stuff, I gave him 4 bucks and said this is for keeping a good attitude.
Whatever. A day in the life and times of.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Today's musings.
Went to a job site. Drove the semi onto the site as I have done before. The top of the ground was dry, everything underneath it? Mud. Realized it too late and was stuck in clay. I get the construction company to bring a dozer over and hook a strap up to it - no chains in the truck (retarded, what construction truck doesn't have chains?) and the strap broke. Another man drove up in a pickup truck, got out, started cussing heavily. Came up and started cussing at me. I told you not to drive in here! Blah blah blah lots of foul language. I'm just looking at him biting my tongue. I admit I have ulterior motives in not telling him to go shove it up his @$$, he has the equipment to get me out of there, otherwise we are going to have to call a wrecker to come and drag it out of there at big bucks.
The man says he doesn't have a chain, but then says he does have one - at the other end of the jobsite but refused to go get it - not that I asked, i was ready to knock his teeth out for the way he was addressing me and took everything in me not to do that. I usually do not take such s*** from people at jobsites. I will get in the truck and drive off - which I couldn't do! lol. Told me I would have to get someone to come out and bring a chain. I just looked at him. Probably was glaring, actually. He took off, I made the phone call. Send someone out with a chain, this guy has one but won't bring it. Set off a firestorm I found out later, I am not the first person he has cussed out, in fact, he cussed out the manager last week. Salesman said screw the idiot, he can go to our competitor.
Regardless, I got out of the truck after that and started digging out in front of the tires. Not the first time I got a truck stuck and undoubtedly not the last, not with the places we go to. I saw that I could get the thing unstuck and went at it post haste. Digging like crazy, get all the mud out of the front of all of the tires on the tractor and the trailer and I should be able to get the thing moving again. That guy can go - jump in a lake putting it very mildly.
Next thing I know, I hear a truck pull up and a voice saying something. That dude, undoubtedly, on the other side of my truck, I completely ignored him. Just kept digging. He came around to my side of the truck but I had already moved to the other side, I am NOT going to tolerate his SHIT, if he was to mouth off to me again, I would have let him have it, nose to nose, right in his face. Instead, he had brought a chain and was going to pull it out! What the freak. Seriously, if you had heard the way he was cussing at me and yelling, you would have had the same reaction. I NEVER spoke an ill word to the man.
He pulled it out, I drove to another place where they wanted to unload, got that done, the guy came back and profusely apologized to me. Okay! Thank you for pulling the truck out!
Moving on. Over at m'lady's house today. I have a new weapon, lol. The kids and the 4 wheelers. Yup. Clean your rooms, keep them clean, get up in time for school, don't give lip service no attitude, etc etc etc. Okay, it's not a weapon, just a useful tool. It's working at least for now. Until they get bored with them. If they ever do, who knows.
And now? Too late for me. Time for bed.
Went to a job site. Drove the semi onto the site as I have done before. The top of the ground was dry, everything underneath it? Mud. Realized it too late and was stuck in clay. I get the construction company to bring a dozer over and hook a strap up to it - no chains in the truck (retarded, what construction truck doesn't have chains?) and the strap broke. Another man drove up in a pickup truck, got out, started cussing heavily. Came up and started cussing at me. I told you not to drive in here! Blah blah blah lots of foul language. I'm just looking at him biting my tongue. I admit I have ulterior motives in not telling him to go shove it up his @$$, he has the equipment to get me out of there, otherwise we are going to have to call a wrecker to come and drag it out of there at big bucks.
The man says he doesn't have a chain, but then says he does have one - at the other end of the jobsite but refused to go get it - not that I asked, i was ready to knock his teeth out for the way he was addressing me and took everything in me not to do that. I usually do not take such s*** from people at jobsites. I will get in the truck and drive off - which I couldn't do! lol. Told me I would have to get someone to come out and bring a chain. I just looked at him. Probably was glaring, actually. He took off, I made the phone call. Send someone out with a chain, this guy has one but won't bring it. Set off a firestorm I found out later, I am not the first person he has cussed out, in fact, he cussed out the manager last week. Salesman said screw the idiot, he can go to our competitor.
Regardless, I got out of the truck after that and started digging out in front of the tires. Not the first time I got a truck stuck and undoubtedly not the last, not with the places we go to. I saw that I could get the thing unstuck and went at it post haste. Digging like crazy, get all the mud out of the front of all of the tires on the tractor and the trailer and I should be able to get the thing moving again. That guy can go - jump in a lake putting it very mildly.
Next thing I know, I hear a truck pull up and a voice saying something. That dude, undoubtedly, on the other side of my truck, I completely ignored him. Just kept digging. He came around to my side of the truck but I had already moved to the other side, I am NOT going to tolerate his SHIT, if he was to mouth off to me again, I would have let him have it, nose to nose, right in his face. Instead, he had brought a chain and was going to pull it out! What the freak. Seriously, if you had heard the way he was cussing at me and yelling, you would have had the same reaction. I NEVER spoke an ill word to the man.
He pulled it out, I drove to another place where they wanted to unload, got that done, the guy came back and profusely apologized to me. Okay! Thank you for pulling the truck out!
Moving on. Over at m'lady's house today. I have a new weapon, lol. The kids and the 4 wheelers. Yup. Clean your rooms, keep them clean, get up in time for school, don't give lip service no attitude, etc etc etc. Okay, it's not a weapon, just a useful tool. It's working at least for now. Until they get bored with them. If they ever do, who knows.
And now? Too late for me. Time for bed.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Something that I have literally always wanted since I was a kid were dirt machines - bikes and back then 3 wheelers - to play around with and have some fun with. My parents were totally against such things as well as guns. So, we didn't learn how to hunt or use guns when growing up and any kind of motorized off road vehicle was strictly prohibited.
One thing I insisted on before I even came out here was that i was going to buy some 4 wheelers and we are going to have some fun with them! Coming out here, for me, this was mandatory. And in the last 2 weeks, I have scored twice on 2 of them that were priced well below what they are worth and today? Aye yay yaiiiii!
I saw this thing on Craigslist and immediately sent an email to the poster.
Polaris 500, 4WD, in excellent condition, $1,500. Are you serious? When he finally contacted me back, I was already headed to m'lady's house - with fully 4 conversations going on. I got to her place and discussing a plethora of issues going on with kids and the house and then the dude contacts me. We're headed that way! We (just her and I) headed over there. Upon arrival I took one look at that thing and thought: if this thing is in the excellent running condition that they say it is, I am buying it!
Sure enough. Took that thing for a ride down a nice long trail and wow! I had already gotten a final price well below the $1,500 asking price. This thing has high and low 4 wheel drive. The handle for front brakes actually operates ALL the brakes, there is a pedal for the rear brakes but not necessary unless under extreme mudding conditions, lol. The selling point for me is that it has been WELL taken care of and yes, this thing will haul @$$!
I am done with all of the 3 wheel purchases. 2 running - in great condition and one a project but confident I can get it up and going soon enough.
That was my "day" after work today.
Time for bed.
One thing I insisted on before I even came out here was that i was going to buy some 4 wheelers and we are going to have some fun with them! Coming out here, for me, this was mandatory. And in the last 2 weeks, I have scored twice on 2 of them that were priced well below what they are worth and today? Aye yay yaiiiii!
I saw this thing on Craigslist and immediately sent an email to the poster.
Polaris 500, 4WD, in excellent condition, $1,500. Are you serious? When he finally contacted me back, I was already headed to m'lady's house - with fully 4 conversations going on. I got to her place and discussing a plethora of issues going on with kids and the house and then the dude contacts me. We're headed that way! We (just her and I) headed over there. Upon arrival I took one look at that thing and thought: if this thing is in the excellent running condition that they say it is, I am buying it!
Sure enough. Took that thing for a ride down a nice long trail and wow! I had already gotten a final price well below the $1,500 asking price. This thing has high and low 4 wheel drive. The handle for front brakes actually operates ALL the brakes, there is a pedal for the rear brakes but not necessary unless under extreme mudding conditions, lol. The selling point for me is that it has been WELL taken care of and yes, this thing will haul @$$!
I am done with all of the 3 wheel purchases. 2 running - in great condition and one a project but confident I can get it up and going soon enough.
That was my "day" after work today.
Time for bed.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Microphone entry. Meaning there will be errors and not going to fix them. Three day weekend coming up. Tomorrow will be workday, Sunday a trip to hurricane Harbor and Arlington, Monday probably barbecue and four wheeling.
I figured to get close to a full days work out of the kids tomorrow considering the opportunities that lie ahead and having fun and not having to do anything. At least that's my take on it if you can get them to work a whole day give them a day of fun afterwords. Very much want to start on the master bedroom bathroom. The tile won't have to be torn out of it as well as the bathtub and at least one wall.
The countertop in that bathroom was destroyed by older teenage kids that were going to turn that room and another one into some sort of party place for kids to come to. Somewhat this main considering that particular countertop is pretty much a high dollar set up as was the rest of the house when I was originally built. Replacing such things with other high-quality material is not exactly a cheap expenditure.
The cabinetry and there is also high quality craftsmanship, but those are not trashed and all that needs is a good paint job. It will undoubtedly take quite some time to renovate that bathroom but it will be well worth it. It is currently yellow including the bathtub and the tile has a crack running through in about 8 to 9 feet long. Personally I cannot envision coming into an ugly yellow bathroom every morning to take a shower to get ready for work.
Hurricane Harbor was a good night D at first, but then a serious issue arose that made it seem to be not such a great idea after all. However, the damage was done the kids knew about it and it would've been very disappointing for them for us not to go. I was, in fact, opting to go to the lake for reasons and I simply cannot go into here. Weather hurricane Harbor is going to be a fun trip for a total disaster remains to be seen. Again, for reasons and I simply cannot going to be here it's personal business.
I am guessing the kids will have fun regardless of what happened so I suppose it won't be a total loss anyway. As for tomorrow's work I demand that they do some work at least for five hours of it to get some stuff done around the house and show that they really do appreciate the amount of money and the time and the effort and the energy it's going to take to take them all over there.
Frankly I would've demanded the work regardless. Mud we have some toys now which is also helping to motivate them greatly. In fact the motivation from these toys is far more than I expected that it would have been terms of motivating them to get stuff done. These kids are extremely bored because there is is not that much to do at this place. TV is restricted to the point that there is no sense in even having satellite television in the house. A straight authoritarian dictatorship is obviously not having the intended effect that those that are in acting it intended it to have. Much to the opposite, it feels feelings of presentment and I anger.
But who am I to say anything?
It's Friday another five hours of work and the three-day weekend does begin. It is always unfortunate that it seems like three-day weekends go by so quickly. Like they never existed. Be that has it maybe it is definitely welcome to Monday Tuesday morning will get here quick enough but definitely would not be on my mind during that time.
I wish I can say that I'm settling into some kind of groove in living my life over here but so far that isn't happening. Long work days followed by visits have me up early and I have me home late. The problem is that there is not enough time to get everything done that needs to be done, much less time to get things done that I want to get done.
A nice compromise at work would be at least a couple of days where I can get off early, but then the bills wouldn't be mad because I rely relay on the overtime to make up for the lack. The only real alternative to getting my life back to some hours that would give me more free time would be to find a new job somewhere. Though I am considering and it isn't necessarily something that I really want to have to do.
Meanwhile, the place that I am running apparently the woman that owns the land has put the sale of it on hold. I guess she was informed that if she did a number of upgrade she would get exponentially more money for the land and property and housing etc. which is good for me because I don't really feel like moving.
Just an update on things and I haven't done on the on here in a while, I am doing much of my journaling on a different site at this point.
Good day
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Been sick - or down - or whatever - since Saturday night. Extreme fatigue, as in, no energy to do much of anything. Just laying around sleeping.
Went into an emergency care place yesterday and had a barrage of blood tests done. The results today were negative on everything that had come back so far, still the thyroid and testosterone ones yet to come back.
I have been off work yesterday and today. Spent Sunday night at her place at her insistence, she was worried and I didn't really have the energy to be staying by myself without any help if needed so I caved in on that one. Just came back tonight. I intend on going to work tomorrow - unless I simply cannot drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning. I have plenty of sick hours available and if that weren't true, I am back up to 91 hours of vacation time available. But yeah, I had 49 hours of sick leave available as of Sunday night, subtract 18 from that and I still have plenty left. I just don't like taking too much time off of work for sick leave. Vacation another story.
Spent the entire day today with 4 of the kids - mom went to work and told the nanny to stay home today she can come back tomorrow. In other words, save her some money. I felt fine this morning, actually and took them out to Denny's cause' they kept asking and I was hungry and didn't want to cook. But after I got back from that, look out. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I laid around the rest of today.
And that's it for this update cause' energy levels aren't particularly high and I don't want to stay up late, going to go to bed early tonight.
Went into an emergency care place yesterday and had a barrage of blood tests done. The results today were negative on everything that had come back so far, still the thyroid and testosterone ones yet to come back.
I have been off work yesterday and today. Spent Sunday night at her place at her insistence, she was worried and I didn't really have the energy to be staying by myself without any help if needed so I caved in on that one. Just came back tonight. I intend on going to work tomorrow - unless I simply cannot drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning. I have plenty of sick hours available and if that weren't true, I am back up to 91 hours of vacation time available. But yeah, I had 49 hours of sick leave available as of Sunday night, subtract 18 from that and I still have plenty left. I just don't like taking too much time off of work for sick leave. Vacation another story.
Spent the entire day today with 4 of the kids - mom went to work and told the nanny to stay home today she can come back tomorrow. In other words, save her some money. I felt fine this morning, actually and took them out to Denny's cause' they kept asking and I was hungry and didn't want to cook. But after I got back from that, look out. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I laid around the rest of today.
And that's it for this update cause' energy levels aren't particularly high and I don't want to stay up late, going to go to bed early tonight.
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