Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Sunday - late morning

Last night was a bit crazy.  We went to eat at a local mexican food restaurant.  All well and find, however, something in that food started making my stomach go all different ways out of whack.  We went home and after James got off of work, we then went to Applebee's.  It was very noisy in there, much like a dive bar.  They were doing karaoke and the volume was turned up very high.

There was one dude that was singing, he was octaves off pitch and just, well anyway, it wasn't pleasant on the ear drums.  Some other people came up to the mic and belted out songs I have never heard before.  I am not much into current day music, I consider much of it to be - off - to put it mildly.  I've never been into rap music, in my view it is just a person talking trash at a high rate of speed with very little music added to it and giving a message of how great the thug life is.

Anyway, by the time I got home from that, my stomach was talking to me.  Drank down some Pepto Bismal which eventually settled it down.

Anyway, it's Sunday morning, leaving for church in a few minutes. I haven't been in 3 weeks, this would be week 4.  2 weekends were working and another was going to 6 Flags.  I probably could have made it back in time from 6 Flags, I had decided against it for I was very tired after walking all day long.  

Anyway, the dude at the tractor dealer didn't bother to let me know they were reopened, I had to contact him. He got back to me a few hours later, but by then I was fully involved in other things.  I had second thoughts about doing business there. What kind of salesman just leaves a solid lead left on the table?  What happens when you need service or repairs?  I dunno. Maybe it was just an oversight, maybe it wasn't.  I haven't even looked at that business' reviews yet, now that I think of it, I will do that after I get back from church today. 

I don't think anyone else is going to church today and the kids are still in Arkansas and will be until Friday.  I'm not letting that deter me, I have sat in church alone for many, many Sundays. I usually get something out of the messages even tho it is really devoid of the "meat of the word".  The pastor doesn't believe, for the most part, in discussing the "deeper things" of God.  I'm simply referring to repentance and all the things Jesus told us to do with our lives. It would help to hear messages like that, that bring conviction from the blessed Holy Spirit.  

I have thought about going to a different church, the kids will have nothing to do with it and now that mom is going off and on, they can go with her if I did, indeed, decide to go somewhere else. There are plenty of churches in town. It's just that probably most of them have nothing like the setup they have for kids at this church.  

Well, time to go.


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